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Are there any common foods that you can not stand the smell of?


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Anything seafood. I will not cook it, eat it or touch it. This includes tuna. When we were first married my DH cooked some fish and I had to throw out the pan. The thought of cooking food in a pan that had fish in it made me sick.

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Funny -- I love the smell of coffee, but I can't drink it straight. I do have a cup of French Vanilla Cappuccino every morning, but that's more like sweet milk with a little coffee flavoring added.


I love the smell of coffee, but I won't drink it or make it. I also won't touch the grinds and I will not clean out the coffee maker if my DH makes it. He has gotten to where he just stops and gets coffee on his way to work. I have been known to throw out an entire coffee maker because he left the grinds sitting in there.

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miracle whip. or when dh add's mayo to scrambled eggs to make a sandwich. I have to leave the room.



My father puts mayo and butter on every sandwich he eats. uggh, makes me want to throw up just thinking about it.

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oh yes, beets DO smell like dirt. And taste like it too. yuck. I wanted to like beets so much...all the cool people seem to like beets. But even roasted, with butter and brown sugar, it still tasted like dirt.




I adore beets. I could eat them everyday. I like them on a green salad with goat cheese and balsamic vinaigrette. That is one of my favorite things to eat in the world. I have never had beets with brown sugar, that sounds gross.



In fairness I did used to eat dirt as a kid so apparently that is not a deterrent for me.

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The only food smell mentioned in this thread that I dislike is liver. Food smells don't usually bother me so much..unless it is liver. My husband likes liver but I have never cooked it for him. I dislike cooked tuna but it isn't so much the smell that bothers me. My mom used to make this tuna casserole with rice and cheese..I gag a little just thinking about it. I do like tuna sashimi and seared tuna, I just don't like canned.


I also dislike fake vanilla smell, I like real vanilla.

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Anything using Alfredo sauce. Smells like puke. Ick! I substitute cook for a place that does free meals for the community and was stuck with chicken alfredo last week. It took all I had not to breathe in while I poured the sauce into the pans.

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Popcorn makes me feel like I can't breathe. Not a gag thing, but I literally feel like I just can't breathe. :001_huh:

Sardines. Ugh. I can't even THINK about it.

Raviolios (sort of like spaghettios) with parmesan cheese - DH liked them for a little while and would eat them at lunch here and there... can't stand the smell. I'm assuming the same would be true for any of that sort of thing...

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Ketchup! I can't stand the smell of it, but I like tomatoes in most other things. My girls learned a long time ago to thoroughly rinse any dishes that had ketchup on them before putting them in the sink otherwise they would be called back to the sink by a gagging mother to do it again. When they were little the girls would try to tempt me to "just try it" but I finally convinced them that I had tried it as a child and that I thought it tasted as bad as it smelled. They couldn't believe it.

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Powdered milk smell, including most protein powders, will sending me running out of the room.


Soaking beans


Cooking broccoli


hot dogs in any form.


Dh can't stand most cheese smells, not just all things parmesan but cheese flavored crackers like Annie's Cheddar Bunnies. He says it all smells like feet.


Amber in SJ

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Any fish, anywhere- restaurant, grocery store, ocean, lake, zoo - the smell makes me gag!


I agree with OP's son- wet popcorn is a terrible smell. It almost has a sulfur smell to it and several times I've been fooled into looking for a gas leak. (While gagging!)

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