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Totally frivolous post: I want to try something new to drink...

Rose in BC

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My dh and I often have a glass of red wine with dinner. Sometimes beer. I think I've been watching too much Mad Men on netflix because I'm kind of wanting to try scotch or something like that.


Anyone have a suggestion for a drink that's not too sweet, for sipping before or after dinners?


Other than a bottle of Appletons rum at Christmas, we're not seasoned hard liquor drinkers. (Okay I feel kind of funny posting that last line...I'm not trying to become a a seasoned hard liquor drinker.)

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I assume you mean NOT too sweet? What about Kahlua or Baileys on ice? Or if you like red wine, how about a small glass of port? As for scotch, glenfiddich is reasonably priced for a single malt and most people like it.



Yes "not" too sweet :).

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Gin&tonic is nice and refreshing, and tends to pair well with most dinner meals (I think, I don't think I would have it with pasta though). It's darn easy too, so that helps. Making a margarita annoys me.

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How about a 7 and 7. Seagrams seven and 7 up.


You know what I don't suggest? Pouring half of a 2L bottle of 7-up out and then adding a fifth ofSeagrams...then drinking the whole thing.


When you are 15.


And weigh about 90 lbs.


Yeah. Doan do dat.


Cuz just reading the words 7 and 7 make you puke a little in your mouth...

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You know what I don't suggest? Pouring half of a 2L bottle of 7-up out and then adding a fifth ofSeagrams...then drinking the whole thing.


When you are 15.


And weigh about 90 lbs.


Yeah. Doan do dat.


Cuz just reading the words 7 and 7 make you puke a little in your mouth...



Would crown and 7 be better?

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And on that note, I will drink a hard apple cider for part of your research ;) I'm a beer or cider kind of gal. Only wines I will drink are the sweeter ones such as moscato, etc. Not a red wine fan but I don't like syrupy sweet like margaritas and daiquiris either.

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And on that note, I will drink a hard apple cider for part of your research ;) I'm a beer or cider kind of gal. Only wines I will drink are the sweeter ones such as moscato, etc. Not a red wine fan but I don't like syrupy sweet like margaritas and daiquiris either.


If your margaritas are syrupy sweet, you're makin' em wrong. :D I make mine completely homemade and limit the sugar pretty severely.


I am all ears. I almost posted the same thread last week, looking for something cool and refreshing for poolside this summer. The Cosmo sounds good but I want bubbles... Something with club soda? Maybe I will experiment with a "Cosmo soda."

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You know what I don't suggest? Pouring half of a 2L bottle of 7-up out and then adding a fifth ofSeagrams...then drinking the whole thing.


When you are 15.


And weigh about 90 lbs.


Yeah. Doan do dat.


Cuz just reading the words 7 and 7 make you puke a little in your mouth...


That brings back memories (only I was 19, not 15).


My "non-recommendation" is Everclear. Straight from the bottle. Oh yeah, and Screwdrivers (vodka and OJ). I haven't had a Screwdriver since I overindulged in them one fateful night in 1991. We were drinking them from 32oz. Big Gulp cups. :001_rolleyes: I will never have one again. :ack2:

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You know what I don't suggest? Pouring half of a 2L bottle of 7-up out and then adding a fifth ofSeagrams...then drinking the whole thing.


When you are 15.


And weigh about 90 lbs.


Yeah. Doan do dat.


Cuz just reading the words 7 and 7 make you puke a little in your mouth...


Haha! Lucky I'm older than 15, and weigh more than 90 lbs. :)

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That brings back memories (only I was 19, not 15).


My "non-recommendation" is Everclear. Straight from the bottle. Oh yeah, and Screwdrivers (vodka and OJ). I haven't had a Screwdriver since I overindulged in them one fateful night in 1991. We were drinking them from 32oz. Big Gulp cups. :001_rolleyes: I will never have one again. :ack2:



Wow, in my neck of the woods Everclear is a drink people drive five hours to drink in the closest Alaskan town...they go to get Hyderized :).


I definitely am too old to get Hyderized! :)

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Gin&tonic is nice and refreshing, and tends to pair well with most dinner meals (I think, I don't think I would have it with pasta though). It's darn easy too, so that helps. Making a margarita annoys me.



Gin and tonics are good...it's been a long time since I've had one of those.

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Well, I like a Manhattan or an Old Fashioned. They are both all about the bourbon. If I want something sweet I adore a Godmother. That is vodka and amaretto. A godfather is amaretto and scotch. The Godmother is so sweet that it is a guilty pleasure. I love it, but would never order it in a bar.


It is summer so a gin and tonic is always appropriate. It's always nice to know how to mix up a nice sangria on a hot day.


You might enjoy the book, "How's Your Drink". I read it a couple years ago for fun. It is a history of cocktails and has lots of recipes to try. That is how we learned to make a French 75. That'll knock you on your butt, BTW, lol.


I find that I am meeting friends often in nice bars for a drink. It it nice to know how to order a classic cocktail.


Oh, I had a drink with friends at it was called a Stormy Morning. It was DIVINE. I found a couple recipes calling for champagne, but we made ours with white wine and a dash of seltzer. That elderflower liqueur is expensive, though. Too bad because I am pretty sure I could drink a whole bottle.

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You know what I don't suggest? Pouring half of a 2L bottle of 7-up out and then adding a fifth ofSeagrams...then drinking the whole thing.


When you are 15.


And weigh about 90 lbs.


Yeah. Doan do dat.


Cuz just reading the words 7 and 7 make you puke a little in your mouth...



Oh, no. 7 and 7 is OK. The shuddering and gagging happens when you even think about the words 'Southern Comfort'.


:ack2: :ack2: :ack2:


I was sick for 2 days and then my dad thought he'd teach me a lesson by getting a bottle, slamming it on the coffee table, in front of the couch where I was DYING, and saying, "I heard you like to do shots!"

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Here's a funny from Wikipedia:


In Canada, Everclear is sold in the province of Alberta but not in most other provinces. In British Columbia, it is available for purchase only with a permit for medical, research, or industrial use. In Quebec, a 94% ABV neutral spirit is sold at the SAQ under the SAQ's own label.


I guess that's why we had to drive to Alaska...non of my friends had a medical or research permit for the stuff :).

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Here's a funny from Wikipedia:


In Canada, Everclear is sold in the province of Alberta but not in most other provinces. In British Columbia, it is available for purchase only with a permit for medical, research, or industrial use. In Quebec, a 94% ABV neutral spirit is sold at the SAQ under the SAQ's own label.


I guess that's why we had to drive to Alaska...non of my friends had a medical or research permit for the stuff :).


Wow, didn't realize it was regulated to that extent! Unfortunately, it was readily available in my neck of the woods at the time. :tongue_smilie:

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That brings back memories (only I was 19, not 15).

My "non-recommendation" is Everclear. Straight from the bottle. Oh yeah, and Screwdrivers (vodka and OJ). I haven't had a Screwdriver since I overindulged in them one fateful night in 1991. We were drinking them from 32oz. Big Gulp cups. :001_rolleyes: I will never have one again. :ack2:


My non-recommended drinkis peppermint schnapps. I couldn't even do Scope for a year after that one. Curse you Ri er Street Savannah and your awesome summer nights!


Rose, have you and your DH tried saki? Regular saki isn't sweet at all and you can justify buying the cute, tiny cups if you like it. DH likes plain saki, but I like the fruit-flavored ones. For a tad of fruitiness that's not too sweet, try Fuki brand's plum or cherry saki. It has to be Fuki brand because other brands of plum rice wine are too sweet.


My other recreational drinks are Mai Tai's or rum and coke, but they're sweeter than the plum saki. DH, who doesn't care for the sweet stuff gravitates towards port or bourbon.

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If your margaritas are syrupy sweet, you're makin' em wrong. :D I make mine completely homemade and limit the sugar pretty severely.



A Big Yes to this. This is how my DH makes them, and I've become a margarita snob. Tequila, fresh-squeezed lime, and triple sec. That's it. So yummy. But they can put you under, too.

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Oh I just had a great margarita today. They put a dash of blue curacao and it is BLUE. I order it whenever we go to the particular restaurant. It's the sort of place that has tequila tastings and upscale Mexican food etc.


I know it is silly to have a blue drink, but it makes my kids laugh. I know you don't know me, but I am really not a blue drink sort of person, and they find it hilarious. So, it's all for them, lol.

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Oh, no. 7 and 7 is OK. The shuddering and gagging happens when you even think about the words 'Southern Comfort'.


:ack2: :ack2: :ack2:


I was sick for 2 days and then my dad thought he'd teach me a lesson by getting a bottle, slamming it on the coffee table, in front of the couch where I was DYING, and saying, "I heard you like to do shots!"


I can't remember how many times I said "Soco and lime" or "Amaretto sour" when I was in college. Blech. Just looking at cheap bottles of vodka gives me the same reaction. (Have you ever heard of drunk gummy worms?) Rumpleminze and goldschlager do too. Considering I was bartending, in a bar district, before I turned 21...well, yeah. Youthful indiscretions and all that.


I love dry red wines, but it sounds like that's what you want to branch out from. I was fond of the Moscato we bought recently, but that ran out ( :leaving: ), and I haven't seen it at the same price since then.


I drink whiskey or bourbon with coke or cherry coke sometimes. It depends on the particular liquor. The problem with that is the caffeine will keep me up half the night if I have more than one. That's one advantage of 7 and 7s, although in general a couple glasses of hard liquor make it harder for me to sleep than a couple glasses of wine. I LOVE tequila with cranberry juice, but it has to be very similar to the cranberry juice that comes out of a soda gun. Ocean spray is too tart and most store brands are too apple-flavored. I like good margaritas too. The only sports bar within half an hour is hit or miss on their margaritas, and I don't have an icemaker for rocks at home.


My husband will have a glass of port on occasion. He's been on a cider/ale kick lately.

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Oh I just had a great margarita today. They put a dash of blue curacao and it is BLUE. I order it whenever we go to the particular restaurant. It's the sort of place that has tequila tastings and upscale Mexican food etc.


I know it is silly to have a blue drink, but it makes my kids laugh. I know you don't know me, but I am really not a blue drink sort of person, and they find it hilarious. So, it's all for them, lol.


Oh. my. word.


When I was in college, we had the brilliant idea to do shots of blue curacao because it was the only thing left at the end of the semester. That was a bad idea.


And when I worked in Memphis, people would drink ANYTHING if it was blue. We never served a plain Corona. Everyone wanted it blue or red from grenadine.


My kids think it is hilarious to point loudly and exclaim, "That's the wine section. That's for Mama," every time we go grocery shopping.

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I was thinking of summer drinks, and I don't know where you live, but when I was in Spain I loved 'gin and lemon' it was a dry lemon soda made by Schweppes. I live in the US and it is impossible to find in my neck of the woods. It wasn't a citrus soda, it was distinctly lemon. Like...lemonade made with seltzer instead of plain water. I keep thinking that I should get some good premade lemonade, like Newmans, and mix it with gin and a shot of soda to give it some bubbles.

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I can't remember how many times I said "Soco and lime" or "Amaretto sour" when I was in college. Blech. Just looking at cheap bottles of vodka gives me the same reaction. (Have you ever heard of drunk gummy worms?) Rumpleminze and goldschlager do too. Considering I was bartending, in a bar district, before I turned 21...well, yeah. Youthful indiscretions and all that.




Just reading the words "Rumpleminze" and "Goldschlager" make my my mouth water in a barfing kind of way. After one particularly wild Goldschlager night, I gagged every time they cleaned the elevators in my dorm...with cinnamon scented cleaner. It was like God was paying me back for my foolishness for the rest of the year.

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