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Israel conducts airstrike in Syria


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I think it's weird that this isn't getting more news coverage. MSNBC was live with it early on last night, but none of the other networks or Internet news sites seem to be giving it much attention.



I heard about it on Fox News last night ( breaking news!) and it their front page headline this morning on their website.


I know there are people who hate Fox but they are covering this.

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Can you blame them?


No, I don't blame them. Hizbullah has used rockets on Israel in the past and is threatening to do so in the future. Hizbullah is also threatening to attack US and allied targets if we use our military forces against Assad's military in Syria. Hizbullah will be the big loser in the region (along with Iran) when Assad falls, as the new government will no doubt be Sunni dominated and will not be natural allies with the Shite Hizbullah the way Assad's Alawite dominated regime was.



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Guest submarines

I always find it fascinating that the news consistently reports when Israel does something to defend itself and ignores or glosses over the attacks towards Israel.



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While i don't really find it a big deal that they struck the warehouse, i think the assertion that the news glosses over attacks on Israel and only shows their actions to be frankly ridiculous. I assure you, as someone with family in the region, that Israel does plenty of stuff you almost never see on the news here and I personally have not seen much of a lack of reporting of attacks on them.


This thread can only go downhill, to be honest.

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No, I don't blame them. Hizbullah has used rockets on Israel in the past and is threatening to do so in the future. Hizbullah is also threatening to attack US and allied targets if we use our military forces against Assad's military in Syria. Hizbullah will be the big loser in the region (along with Iran) when Assad falls, as the new government will no doubt be Sunni dominated and will not be natural allies with the Shite Hizbullah the way Assad's Alawite dominated regime was.


The biggest loser is the Syrian people. My heart just hurts. Removing any element of politics, it is so incredibly sad that so often when people are in misery their misery seems to multiply. I understand that different groups will use a destabilized situation to their own advantage -- but the suffering, the loss of life and hope and history, it just makes my heart hurt.

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I always find it fascinating that the news consistently reports when Israel does something to defend itself and ignores or glosses over the attacks towards Israel.


I find it fascinating that the news feels free to condemn other countries' defense policies but glosses over US drone strikes.

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I always find it fascinating that the news consistently reports when Israel does something to defend itself and ignores or glosses over the attacks towards Israel.

I find it fascinating that the news feels free to condemn other countries' defense policies but glosses over US drone strikes.


Truly no offense meant here at all, but I think we often see/hear in the news whatever fits our own prejudice or point of view. At least I know *I* have to make a conscious effort to step outside myself and attempt to be unbiased when I'm partaking of various news sources to make sure I'm not being too defensive IF what I'm watching/reading doesn't fit my own opinion.


(I'm not sure I worded that well, but I hope the meaning came across.)

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Truly no offense meant here at all, but I think we often see/hear in the news whatever fits our own prejudice or point of view. At least I know *I* have to make a conscious effort to step outside myself and attempt to be unbiased when I'm partaking of various news sources to make sure I'm not being too defensive IF what I'm watching/reading doesn't fit my own opinion.


(I'm not sure I worded that well, but I hope the meaning came across.)


I get news from many diferent sources and different political leanings. We all have biases, and I agree that our subjective opinions influence how we perceive news reporting. But there are still objective means of drawing conclusions. If I notice overall trends and patterns in the news, it isn't necessarily because I'm just seeing what I want or expect to see.

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While i don't really find it a big deal that they struck the warehouse, i think the assertion that the news glosses over attacks on Israel and only shows their actions to be frankly ridiculous. I assure you, as someone with family in the region, that Israel does plenty of stuff you almost never see on the news here and I personally have not seen much of a lack of reporting of attacks on them.


This thread can only go downhill, to be honest.


I agree.

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The biggest loser is the Syrian people. My heart just hurts. Removing any element of politics, it is so incredibly sad that so often when people are in misery their misery seems to multiply. I understand that different groups will use a destabilized situation to their own advantage -- but the suffering, the loss of life and hope and history, it just makes my heart hurt.



I agree. Syria is an effing mess. It's horrible. It's miserable. And people are taking advantage of the destabilized situation.

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I was seeing an interview with an Orthodox priest who was talking about all the Orthodox and Catholic priests in Syria who have been taken hostage- he wasn't sure by who but the thinking is that it is an Al Queda related group who is holding them. Syria apparently has 5% Christians and the thinking is that this conflict will lead to a mass exodus. I hadn't realized that 100,000 Christians have left Iraq so far- because they are being murdered if they stay like one Archbishop apparently was recently.

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Everyone is being murdered in Syria, including the other 95%. Does it make it somehow worse depending on which faith the people being slaughtered are? Just curious because I kind of read your post as 'Christians are dying in Syria! Not just the others!' but I realize I may have misinterpreted with you met (and hope I did).


Likewise in Iraq, again, all different faiths of people are being killed there with the fighting and sectarian violence.

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The biggest loser is the Syrian people. My heart just hurts. Removing any element of politics, it is so incredibly sad that so often when people are in misery their misery seems to multiply. I understand that different groups will use a destabilized situation to their own advantage -- but the suffering, the loss of life and hope and history, it just makes my heart hurt.



Yes, of course the Syrian people are the biggest losers in the violence taking place in Syria. I was referring to the non-Syrian regional geo-political actors. Hizbullah has a great deal to lose when its patron Assad falls.





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No, shaharazad. I did not mean, who cares that people are dying if they are not Christians. I meant it as a furtherance of the discussion that the situation there is awful and muddled. Also, I hadn't heard about these kidnappings nor about the exodus of so many Christians in Iraq. These were stories that haven't been in the news. I do read a lot of news- much more than the average American and watch/listen to more too. I know someone here posted a video of children being brought to a hospital injured in Syria and that was awful too. I don't know if those were Muslims, Christians or whoever. The only thing i know is if they are Christian, they aren't Al Queda. But as we saw in the Reagan years and earlier, they could be Christians who do attrocities like happened in Lebanon at one point in some refugee camp. I am against anyone doing attrocities.

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While i don't really find it a big deal that they struck the warehouse, i think the assertion that the news glosses over attacks on Israel and only shows their actions to be frankly ridiculous. I assure you, as someone with family in the region, that Israel does plenty of stuff you almost never see on the news here and I personally have not seen much of a lack of reporting of attacks on them.


This thread can only go downhill, to be honest.



As someone who also has family in the area I am well aware of what goes on. I was referring to US media not world.

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