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Vent about selling a house


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We are selling our house. It is small but it has 4 bedrooms. It only has one bathroom. The price is under 80k. The feedback keeps mentioning the one bathroom. When did we get so spoiled that someone buying an under 80k house thinks it needs 2 bathrooms?!? We lived there for 10 years. The bathroom thing is annoying but not horrible. News flash (and I can say this because I've been there)--you are looking at houses under 100k. You can't afford a palace!


Done venting.

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Eh, I can deal with one bathroom and my family is larger than most. The house we absolutely love right now only has one bathroom. People are sometimes too picky. Also, if they would read the description beforehand, they would realize it only has one bathroom. Then they could pass it over since they know it isn't what they want. :p 

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Feel free to vent.


I am interested in genealogy. Looking at old records I see that some large families lived in small houses that are still standing today. The family members had normal lifespans.


And I'll add another vent -- oversized spa bathrooms. I want to say, 'Get a life!'

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I think it just they way the market is today; people do expect a palace. That said, we need more than one bathroom here. We've done with one, but if I was buying...it would be on my must have list.


I agree...make sure the listing and the selling agent mention the one bathroom.


I hope you sell soon for top dollar.

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Eh, I can deal with one bathroom and my family is larger than most. The house we absolutely love right now only has one bathroom. People are sometimes too picky. Also, if they would read the description beforehand, they would realize it only has one bathroom. Then they could pass it over since they know it isn't what they want. :p


Seriously. I get that sometimes agents show houses that people don't know about or like, but c'mon. Another bathroom is not going to fall from the sky!

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We are selling our house. It is small but it has 4 bedrooms. It only has one bathroom. The price is under 80k. The feedback keeps mentioning the one bathroom. When did we get so spoiled that someone buying an under 80k house thinks it needs 2 bathrooms?!? We lived there for 10 years. The bathroom thing is annoying but not horrible. News flash (and I can say this because I've been there)--you are looking at houses under 100k. You can't afford a palace!


Done venting.


I am wondering why people even go to see it if they know that one bathroom is a deal breaker.


I was just thinking recently about how the number of bathrooms families think they "need" has risen in the past decades. My mother was from a very well to do family that had one full bathroom in their rather nice home. I, on the other hand, have three full bathrooms in a similarly sized home, and one of them is quite large with a garden tub, separate shower, two sinks, etc. I do actually REALLY like my bathroom, and I would give up a lot of things in a house in order to not have to share a bathroom with my kids. So to a certain extent, I understand why people like this change in housing styles, but I am sorry it is making it hard for you to see your home.

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I hear you. People seem to want a turn-key home (granite counters, palacial bathrooms, new wood floors, etc.) for nearly nothing in a 40yr old house. It's sad really that realtor's don't try to educate them.


But, that said, having spent nearly a year looking for a house.. .the realtor HAS to give some feedback to the sellers whenever someone comes to look at the house. It may just have been that the house just wasn't right for them... nothing they could really put their finger on, but the realtor had to say something to the selling realtor - so that's what they chose. Don't feel too pressured if you've described the home well online it should be fine.

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It might not be so glaring if you had 3 bedrooms. It seems that 1 bath is acceptable with 2 possibly 3 bedrooms, but with 4 people do expect 2.


How big is it? Maybe people are trying to withhold judgment until they see it. Since that seems to be a hang up point, I would make sure the bath showed as one of the better rooms in the house. I would look on Pinterest for ideas if necessary. Make them feel like yeah, one bath, but this one bath is great.


I agree that people have vastly different expectations. We live in a 1920s bungalow which I love it and its one bathroom.

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I too am amazed at what some new/first time home owners expect in a house. I know that House Hunters isn't real life but why does a newly married couple HAVE to have 4 bedrooms and 3 baths or MUST have granite counter tops and stainless steel appliances, etc. and on and on.


Dh and I were just so happy to find a place in decent condition we could afford as our first house. It had 3 bedrooms and 1 bath.......and one of the bedrooms was 7x9....seriously smaller than most closets today.

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Their is a house for sale on my block with 3 bedrooms and 1 bath for $539,000.


I'll be shocked if it sells anywhere close to that price with just 1 bathroom. They put in new kitchen/ bath but I think they should have added a second bath (there is room).



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I almost think it doesn't matter how great a house is, people will always find something to complain about. I had my house listed a couple of years ago (it didn't sell). It's a huge house with five bedrooms, every one with a full, attached bathroom and walk-in closet, another powder room on the main floor, a partially finished basement on over an acre. Want to know what the buyers had to say? "Well, gee, it doesn't have a second kitchen in the basement." Really?? A SECOND kitchen in the BASEMENT? Sheesh!

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I hear you. People seem to want a turn-key home (granite counters, palacial bathrooms, new wood floors, etc.) for nearly nothing in a 40yr old house. It's sad really that realtor's don't try to educate them.


I tend to feel more badly for the realtors.


The ones I know will explain it until they're blue in the face ... and still their clients just don't/won't get it LOL. The HGTV brainwashing is just too deep!

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Well at that price people are probably looking figuring they can afford to add a second bath. But they have to look to see if there is room in the house. They get there, see there is not enough room. But instead of saying "not enough room to add second bath" on the feedback, they just say "only one bath."

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We bought a one bath knowing we could add a bath in the existing space. Maybe people are looking with that idea in mind. Or, maybe more likely, they are asked why they weren't interested and they say baths just to say something. I was annoyed our realtor never gave us the feedback she got. I think it was poor on her part. But, given we did sell, I'm sort of glad I don't know what people had to say. My best friend was often upset by the feedback she got on her really nice home. I think people feel they have to say something negative.

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I am with those that say people should not look at it if one bath is an issue. We need more than one bathroom IMO, even just 1.5 baths, two potties are a must! Is there anything that could be turned into a bathroom in your home? Maybe play tht angle. The house has one bath, but the large laundry room could be split and turned into a bathroom, or the 4th bedroom could be turned into a bathroom for the master. Our first house had 1.5 bathrooms and 3 bedrooms, and it was only $75000, so I would expect at least another 1/2 bath for $80000.

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Our first house had 1.5 bathrooms and 3 bedrooms, and it was only $75000, so I would expect at least another 1/2 bath for $80000.


Wow. We are in a low cost housing area and I would not expect 2 baths for 80,000 (all else equal). 1.5/2 bath, 3 bed puts you in the 90's range and up here.

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We sold a 3BR (actually we paid people to buy our 3BR...) and the feedback annoyed me too. It has three bedrooms? I had no idea! If you want a 4 bedroom house, don't come look at a 3 bedroom, geniuses! I hate selling houses. It is so stressful. Good luck!

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We bought a house in 2011. We looked at 11 houses and this one was the last one we saw. Only one other was even in the running. We had some non negotiables and all of the houses had them- two car or more garage, two baths, four bedrooms or more, and a basement or storm shelter. I have no idea what the realtor put on comments list. In two houses, the problem was that the house was not in move in shape- needed redecorating immediately- like they hadn't been changed since the 60's. Well that would have been an okay comment. In one case, the house was owned by the local hospital and was being sold as a fixer upper. Well I didn't know that and we couldn't do that.


By the way, I have two of the things people complained about- a second kitchen (not that we cared one way or the other about it) and a huge spa bathroom complex- that we use the main room with the whirlpool bath and shower stall as also an exercise room (we have a threadmill and weights in there) plus our storm shelter (since it is the area with no windows )> We ran a cable in there and have a tv mounted on the wall so when there is a storm warning, we can still watch the tv and see the satelite. It also is good for entertainment while exercising.

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