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Tell me what your 4th grader is doing or will be doing

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4th grade now...


MCT Town- grammar

Caesar’s English for vocabulary- one of my favorites for the year

We don’t do spelling anymore, I make him look up and correct any misspelled words in any writing assignments.

Various assigned books (off the top of my head he read Peter Pan, Alice in Wonderland, Wind in the Willows, Call of the Wild, Homer Figg, Bud, Not Buddy, Number the Stars and a few others as assigned reading). He then writes some kind of short assignment for each assigned book.

Singapore- finishing up 5B. He’s also doing LOF Decimals and Percents and did Beast Academy during the year. BA is 3rd grade level math but he loved it and it was a good review.

Lively Latin BB 2


US Geography- we’ve used the Trail Guide this year and he’s learning the state capitals.

For science we did physics but no curriculum. Units on electricity, magnetism, forces, Newton, gravity, flight, energy, etc. He did a science fair experiment about light refraction.

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4th grade plan for fall (at least this week):


Math: Saxon 65 / Singapore 4

Science: Scott Foresman Grade 4

Grammar: finish MCT Practice Island / Galore Park Jr. English 3

Spelling: finish Sequential Spelling 1

Literature: Kolbe Elementary Literature

Handwriting: Pentime 4

Writing: IEW Geography

Geography: Beautiful Feet Geography & memorizing states and capitals

US History: Pearson (Core Knowledge) Grade 3

Classical History: Memoria Press Intro to Classical Studies

French: Skoldo French 2

Latin: Memoria Press Latina Christiana 1 / Lingua Angelica

Greek: Memoria Press Greek Alphabet







Spanish club

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I'm trying to figure this out myself. So far this is the plan.


Math - Finish MM3 move on to MM4, Beast Academy 3A

Science - Elemental Science Physics, Intellego Physics Unit and Brainpop

Language Arts - CW Finish Aesop A and move on to B, Maybe some stuff from MCT Grammar Town Like Caesar's English

Spelling: Finish AAS 3 (but I am debating just using the spelling analysis built in to CW because we are trying to simplify)

Handwriting: HWT 4 Cursive

Geography: Intellego unit studies maybe, still deciding

History: History Odyssey Modern Times

French: So You Really Want to Learn French Book 1, Duolingo, and Assimil with me

Latin: LFC A

Art/Music Study: Weekly art class, MTM, and Intellego has some nice looking Unit Studies

As you can see I am liking the look of Intellego, it depends on my budget though ;)

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My current 4th grader is doing:

HOD Preparing(everything)

R&S Grammar and Spelling

SM 4a/4b

Getting Started With Spanish

Composer and Artist study(With living books and CD)


Apologia Swimming Creatures(finished this) and Botany(starting this week with dh)

DITHR 2/3 workbook with 4/5 books

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For 4th grade this fall:


Math: Singapore Math 4A & 4B

Lang.Arts: MCT Island & additional writing across the curriculum

History/Literature: Sonlight Core E/Core 4

Science: WTM-style study of physical science (with How Things Work & RS4K Chemistry & Physics for spines)

French: L'art de Lire 5 & 6

Art: Artistic Pursuits K-3, Level 3

Music: Piano & harp lessons

Extra: Ballet & gymnastics

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My youngest son will be 9 in August and starting 4th grade in September (second year of homeschooling). He'll be doing...


Bible: daily devotions and discussion with Long Story Short, then moving on to Old Story New

History: Mystery of History Vol 2

(We'll also use A Child's Story of America as a read aloud only and spend a few weeks on TX history using the lapbook

from www.knowledgeboxcentral.com.)

Science: Apologia Botany

(and a few weeks using the My Body book)

Math: Horizons 4

(and Mad Minutes for speed drill work)

Language Arts: Rod and Staff English 4

Zaner Bloser Spelling Connections 4

Reading--30 min a day from book list; narrate/discuss with me; one book report about his favorite book each month

--30 min a day read aloud (I read to him.)

Spanish: The Learnables (most likely, but haven't purchased it yet)

Art: Mark Kistler's online lessons

Music: Piano lessons

PE: Tae Kwon Do; playing outside; etc.

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Here's what we've done this year:


Math: Life of Fred, just recently added in Saxion 5/4


Grammar: Simply Grammar (CM style)


Geography: 50 states unit study using stuff from the library, the secondhand bookstore,a few games, and some Target dollar workbooks


Latin: Lively Latin


Writing: Started with CW: Aesop, but DD hated it so we wound up just doing copywork and dictation and random writing projects that interested DD


Spelling: Spelling Workout B (remedial)


Literature: Romeo and Juliet, using a literature worktext and Romeo and Juliet for Kids


Reading: Just recently started using Read Theory (free online)

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We only after- and summer school.

He will be starting SM 4B, with some beast academy and ixl website practice mixed in, WWE, private piano and tennis lessons.

This summer he is also doing a 2 week movie camp, some woodworking projects with his grandfather and gardening, etc. but I do not count that as "school" :)

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My young, late summer bday 4th grader will be doing:


Rod and Staff 4: Math, English, Penmanship, possibly reading through the music text. It is on my shelf.


Story of the World 2 w/A.G. for maps and occasional activities and assigned reading from the A.G. I may consider adding CHOLL grammar because I have trouble getting her to read too many history/lit classic novels. She likes Ramona the Pest and things like that, and she likes me to read the classics to her. But I might need some outside accountability (your book says you have to read 1 chp. every day this week of this book...) to keep us both on track with that.


Latina Christiana I and addtl Roman culture study for the ELE, using Famous Men of Rome and other things to keep the ancients fresh


Science: Earth/Astronomy year using among other things: Memoria Press's Astronomy, NASA materials, Arty Facts Space and Art Projects, and the Usborne Encyclopedia of Science and Eyewitness books


Spectrum Test Prep book, she likes these and it doesn't hurt to practice


Memoria Press Christian Studies II


Spelling??? Up in the air, I have R&S 4, but am considering something new. It isn't her best subject and R&S did not improve it much this year. I don't know if I want to invest $100 for IEW or another pricey one, but if it made a difference it is a small price to pay...


Artist study using Memoria Press new art cards and What Your 4th Grader Needs to Know, projects as they come up. Music? hopefully piano

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DD's fourth grade work:


CLE Math 400

MCT Island

Apples & Pears

Connect the Thoughts Creative Writing

home-designed literature list using resources from various CM-inspired lists.

Story of the World w/AG

WP Equine Science

Getting Started with Latin

Meet the Masters

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For 4th grade:


LA--CLE LA 300 (spelling, grammar, writing, cursive/handwriting)

Math--Singapore Math 4B/5A

Literature, History, Art & Hands-On Projects: Tapestry of Grace Year 2

Science: Insect studies from Memoria Press

Foreign Language: TellMeMore Spanish

Drum Lessons

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There are planning threads on the K-8 board, but I don't know that I would start by showing her lists and lists of what other people are using. It might be overwhelming.


Does your friend know that there are options out there that don't look anything like a classroom? If not, I would discuss some of those options with her and ask how tactile or project-based she wants a program to be, if she is interested in online classes/ tutorials, how much she she wants in the way of a schedule or teacher's guide, how she envisions herself teaching, if she is interested in literature-based learning, and so on. Based on her answers, I would offer several different suggestion and explain how each of the suggestions stack up compared to what she thinks she wants to start schooling.


I would encourage her to look at the product preferably in person but at least in online samples. We all know that chances are she will probably tweak and modify and flat out ditch some if not all of it before the end of the first year and I would gives her a heads up on that. There is a learning curve for the home school parent when it comes to figuring out how you dream your homeschool will look and then actually working with the student and figuring out what will work best for you to teach and the child to learn. She may end up needing to tweak or modify or flat out ditch that initial vision. So, let her know not to stress too much about what she initially picks or to become too stressed if the first spelling curriculum she purchases is a total flop. :)




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Here's what we've done this year:


Math: Life of Fred, just recently added in Saxion 5/4


Grammar: Simply Grammar (CM style)


Geography: 50 states unit study using stuff from the library, the secondhand bookstore,a few games, and some Target dollar workbooks


Latin: Lively Latin


Writing: Started with CW: Aesop, but DD hated it so we wound up just doing copywork and dictation and random writing projects that interested DD


Spelling: Spelling Workout B (remedial)


Literature: Romeo and Juliet, using a literature worktext and Romeo and Juliet for Kids


Reading: Just recently started using Read Theory (free online)

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Next year my 4th grader will be doing:


Bible: Bible Study Guide for All Ages

Math: CLE

Spelling: R&S

Grammar: McGraw Hill free worksheets

Handwriting: HWOT

Vocabulary: Wordly Wise

Writing: Writing Tales

Lain: Lively Latin

History: SOTW 3 & 4, chapters covering late 18th century and all of 19th century with lots of suplements

Science: Apologia Zoology 3 and Anatomy

Geography: States study with Maps, Charts & Graphs E and some dvds

Art: miscellaneous

Music: DK Children's Book of Music and piano lessons

Other: Building Thinking Skills, Reading Detective, Mind Benders

PE: swimming lessons, tennis lessons

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dd 10 was technically a 4th grader- this is what she did/is doing


Saxon 5/6

Grid Perplexors B,C,D

1/4 mile math drill



Latina Christian I

memorize Horaitus at the Bridge (about 1/3 of the way through)

Rosetta Stone German


Famous Men of series (I'm reading aloud Ancient through Modern Men this year)

Listen to SOTW I-IV on her own

MP States and Captials

MP Geography I

misc unit studies along the way


Adventus Piano

Biology by tiner

art- co-op, TC and Clay class


Amer Hx unit study at co-op

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This fall, my fourth grader will be using:


Learning Language Arts Through Literature Orange

Mystery of History volume I plus the enrichment CD with crafts

Teaching Textbooks 4

BJU Science 4

Vocabulary Cartoons

Wordsmith Apprentice

Draw to Learn the Life of Jesus (by Notgrass)

All About Spelling

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Rebecca has done:



CLE math 400, Hands on Equations, and Singapore CWP 3

R&S grammar 4

Spelling Power

Writing With Ease 4

Latin For Children B

Various logic books

A Reason For Handwriting E

Sadlier-Oxford Vocabulary Orange (started partway through the year)


I've had her reading good books as well as some gymnastics bios. And plenty of high quality RA's as well.

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Here is what ds is doing right now for 4th.


R&S English 4

R&S Spelling 4 (great at teaching the rules)

IEW SWI-A Writing

Book club and some of BJU 4 for reading

BJU 5th Math

Biblioplan Year 2 with SOTW vol. 2 and AG

Science Detective (computer program from Critical Thinking Co.)

Science readers on animals and habitat study

Trail Guide to World Geography

Logic workbooks


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