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What time?


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What time do you generally get up in the morning?


How long after that do you eat breakfast?


Then what time is lunch?


I'm having a hard time lasting from 7a until noon without a second breakfast. Generally I'll have a protein, a grain and a dairy. And between those times I'll have 5-6 cups (20oz) of tea.


Then lunch time comes and I'm okay with a sandwich and chips until dinner at 6p or later. I might have another 5-6 cups of tea between lunch and bed time.


I'm trying to figure out why I'm so hungry in the mornings.

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I get up at 6:30, have breakfast around 8, lunch between 11 and 12, a snack in the afternoon with the kids between 3 and 4, and then dinner around 6. I couldn't go from 7 until noon without something to eat. Apparently, I eat about every 3 hours.


Your tea isn't sweetened, is it?

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I'm not a good breakfast eater. If I do eat breakfast in the mornings it seems to make me hungrier all day. When I do eat breakfast, it is usally around 7:30am. I usually have something small around 10am, and then lunch around noon. Then, a snack with dds around 3pm and dinner around 6pm.


The days I don't eat breakfast I can go until 2pm without even feeling hungry. I know it's not healthy but I hate eating in the mornings.

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I get up around 8. I don't eat anything until around 9, because I take my thyroid meds first thing and I try to wait an hour before eating. Not sure that waiting actually helps, but that's what "they" say, lol.


Anyway, I don't usually go longer than about three hours between some sort of meal. So if I eat breakfast at 9, I'll have lunch around noon, then a light snack around 2-3, then dinner between 4 and 5, then light snacks at 7:30ish and 9:30ish...when I'm home. Sometimes I have a cup of tea in the morning, maybe a cup in the evening.


*I* would have to eat something between 7 a.m. and noon. People who claim to be authorities about stuff like this will say that five smaller meals is better than three big ones.


You drink *how much tea*???? :ohmy:

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When I eat at 6:30ish, I need to add some almonds and milk to an average sized breakfast, which gets me to about 10:00ish, and we have a fruit/grain snack at that time whenever possible, and go to 12:30ish for lunch. If there's no snack, I move lunch time to 11:30.


We either snack at 3:30/4:00 (usually fruit and cheese, sometimes a grain) and have supper at 6:00, or skip snack and have supper at 5:00.


On Sundays we have a mini-meal snack in the mid morning because lunch is not until 1:30.


My kids are also allowed many (healthy) anytime foods, but not usually within 30 min of a meal. Often one child choosing an anytime food ends up being a trigger for all of us to have a snack.

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I wake up about 7am and eat breakfast immediately. I'm not usually all that hungry right when I wake up, but I have green smoothies for b-fast and they wake me up (no coffee here). Snack time (or second breakfast) is when everybody get hungry again--around 10, but I try to hold them off until 10:30. Even with a snack, we're all ready to have lunch by 11:30. It's noon now, I didn't get much of a morning snack, and I'm starving. Off to hunt down some leftovers...

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I'm never very hungry in the morning, but I always force myself to eat a protein bar or something, with a cup of coffee. :) That's around 7am. Then around 10:00 I start getting more hungry, and I'll fix myself some crackers and cheese or peanut butter toast, with a glass of juice. Lunch around 1:00, usually a cup of coffee and a cookie mid-afternoon, and dinner around 6:30. Now and then I'll suddenly have a spurt of hunger around 10:30, so I might have a bowl of cereal or something right before bed.

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I get up around 8. Breakfast depends on the day. On my days I have karate before lunch, I eat a piece of toast with peanut butter around 830 with my cup of coffee and then a handful of almonds on the way to karate. The other days of the week, I just have a handful of almonds with my coffee between 9-930ish unless Aunt Flo is visiting. My blood sugar goes all sorts of wonky when she is visiting and I have to eat my breakfast right away or else I get nauseous.

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I get up just before 7, and don't eat breakfast. I'm like Horton, if I eat breakfast, I'm hungry all day. Lunch is anywhere from 12-3... whenever I remember to eat-lol. Supper is somewhere between 7-9, depending on schedules. Sometimes I have a snack before bed, sometimes not. I just don't eat much. I do have 2 cups of coffee in the morning, but mine is more of a homemade frappacino- so heavy on the milk. If I don't have that, then I do get hungry earlier.


Can you increase your protein and fats in the am? That might help.

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I get up around 7(ish), exercise, get Han Solo up, shower and then eat breakfast around 9am. I cannot workout with food on my stomach. Blech. The kids eat lunch around noon and I have some cottage cheese and fruit. Around 3:30, when HS goes down for a nap and Indy either goes outside or plays in his room, I have "mommy time" and have a snack, then dinner around 6pm. I occasionally have a snack in the evening (I know I shouldn't), but I do.

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It usually takes me an hour or two to be ready to eat. So I get up around 7:30 with the baby to feed him and play for a bit, then wake ds9 and have him watch the baby while I make coffee, between 8:30 and 9. Then it's time for the baby's solid breakfast, so I nibble a bit of whatever he's having, or make myself something when he goes down for a nap at 10:30. Then we all eat lunch around 1:30, and a snack mid afternoon, then dinner around 6 and a bedtime snack around 9 - unless we have evening activities (which is most nights), in which case we have another snack around 6 and dinner at 9.


Hmm. Seems like we eat a lot!

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I get up between 5 - 5:30 with my husband, drink coffee until around 7ish. Lately breakfast has been around 9ish - an egg with some bacon (trying to lower carb). I'm just now eating lunch today (12:15) kind of late for us, usually 11:30 or so is lunch. We have a bowl of whirlypop popcorn around 3 usually (so much for lower carb). Dinner is usually about 5:30ish. I drink cups of herbal tea with sweetener several times a day - 5 or 6 probably. I usually drink close to a liter of water when I work out in the mornings.

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I LOVE eating in the morning. I'm hungry all morning.


I get up around 6am or earlier. I have some guacamole and chips while I'm making dh's lunch. Then some cocoa with coconut oil and gelatine thrown in. Then yoga, tai chi, shower, and later on actual breakfast of something like scrambled eggs with peppers, mushrooms, onions and cheese on tortilla. I like lunch early, then.


Insofar as the amount of tea in the afternoon, most people who are concerned enough about their health to drink more liquids are over-hydrating.

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I usually wake up around 7-7:30 and eat breakfast between 8-8:30. I don't eat lunch until 2-2:30, though, because I have to put my little one down for a nap at 1:30, and I don't have time to eat before that. I am get quite hungry between 11:30-12, so I usually snack on pretzels to tide me over till lunch. Dinner is also not ready until at least 8pm, so I snack a bit in the afternoon and skip dinner. Strange, but that's the way it is.

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I wake up about 7am and eat breakfast immediately. I'm not usually all that hungry right when I wake up, but I have green smoothies for b-fast and they wake me up (no coffee here). Snack time (or second breakfast) is when everybody get hungry again--around 10, but I try to hold them off until 10:30. Even with a snack, we're all ready to have lunch by 11:30. It's noon now, I didn't get much of a morning snack, and I'm starving. Off to hunt down some leftovers...


At least I'm not alone.

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I usually get up between 4:30 and 5:00. Fuel up with coffee. Breakfast is around 7:30 and usually consists of a bagel and a slice of cheese. Lunch is generally right around noon. I very rarely get really hungry before lunch, but if I do I'll have some yogurt.

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I have two kids that love to quote LotR. breakfast, second breakfast, elevensies, lunch, tea, dinner, supper . . . . If you're hungry - have a mid-morning snack. peanut butter and soda crackers, cheese and fruit. don't feel bad that you're body is wanting fuel in the morning.

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I'm generally up around 0730. I don't set an alarm clock, so occasionally I go longer and just get up when the ol' body feels it ... is able. I have a mug of tea within 15 minutes of feet hitting the floor.


We go to daily Mass twice a week, so on those days I don't get tea OR breakfast until 0930. It's usually a heartier meal, which pushes lunch to about 1300-1400.


On non-Mass days breakfast is generally around 0830, and it's always fend for yourself. On those days lunch is typically around 1100 because our go-to breakfasts are lower in fat than the ones that are planned and prepared to eat as a family meal. We simply get hungrier, sooner.


Lunch is the main meal of our day.


Maybe you need a heartier breakfast, especially after having fasted through the night? Is your tea or breakfast choices somehow revving up your metabolism, making you feel hungrier? I find it easier to fast until 0930 on Mass days than I do it to go without a snack between 0830-1100 on non-Mass days. Something about breaking the nighttime fast kicks my body into gear; so as long as I keep the nighttime fast I don't feel hungry.

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I'm not much help to you. I hate breakfast, and it usually takes me a good three to four hours after waking to feel hungry. I wake up at 6:30 and usually don't eat until noon when we break for lunch. Sometimes I'll have a little something around ten, but not much. I do make up for the mornings by eating my way from dinner until bedtime, though. ;-)

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I'm up whenever ds decides to wake up.. usually between 630-730 or on a glorious day 8. I have coffee first thing. Coffee. Coffee. COFFEE. Coffee trumps food in the AM. (My ds still wakes up a gazillion times a night) I have an Atkins bar and I'm good until lunch.. 12 or 1. I eat sporadically throughout the day. I'm on Atkins though, which is a high protein diet.. and my meals are always pretty filling.


I may get hungry between breakfast and lunch but honestly, everything is so busy I don't bother trying to eat even if I am.

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