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Do you live near where you grew up?

Do you live where you grew up?  

  1. 1. Do you live where you grew up?

    • Yes
    • No, but I'm within driving distance
    • Not even close ('splain, please)

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Some people never move far from "home"; others live in entirely different countries. I always thought, growing up, that there was so much more to life than this ("this" being Northeast Philly). I couldn't wait to broaden my horizons - I moved out of the house 2 days after high school graduation. But now I'm back in the same area, within driving distance of "this."


Just curious about the rest of you.


Born in Europe, moved back to U.S and live now 3 hours from dh's family.

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From birth to high school graduation, life was in a 1 square mile area... hospital, church, elementary, junior high, both sets of grandparents. But my folks took us all over the US and gave us dreams.


I have lived on three different continents, 2 major world cities, traveled a lot, and now... I am back in my hometown (though not in that 1 square mile!) I am so pleased to be in a place where we are known - where dd is recognized as her grandfather's granddaughter by his high school classmates, where her choir teacher's son and stepson were my elementary school classmates, where we can give our own children roots so that one day they, too, might live in the farthest reaches.

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Grew up in a small town in rural NJ (yes, there was such a thing!)... and was always jealous of kids whose families moved because it seemed so cool to be able to start anew and discover someplace different.


Well, I married a Marine!:thumbup: We've lived in NC, VA (3 times!), Japan, MD, SoCal and now Hawaii! We'd love to get orders to Europe, but those are hard to come by, so after this it'll probably back to the east coast which would put us within driving distance of our families.

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I live a whole ocean away from where I grew up, roughly 3000 miles. I'm English, born in London, raised in a town about 80 miles west of London.

My dh is American. He grew up in the house right next door to where we live now. His extended family all live locally (his parents still live next door), and we're always meeting folk who remember him from school or old jobs. When our teenage children bring new friends home, Dh asks about their parents and often finds some connection via an old school or friend of a friend... I never do. :(

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I grew up in metro-Atlanta. After we finished school (DH and I met in Arkansas), we moved to Georgia. I now live in the area where I spent the summers of my childhood - about 5 minutes from where my mom grew up and about 20 minutes from where my dad grew up. We're about 1 1/2 hours from Atlanta now.


DH, on the other hand, is from Louisiana. (His grandmother was upset that he came to Georgia. She passed away 4 years ago, so she never knew that 2 more of her grandchildren and their families have since relocated here!)

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My grandfather built the first house on this block in 1920. While growing up we either lived here year round or in the summers and during the school year where ever my dad was teaching at. I have live in several places in the world and always thought I would get as far as I could from here...... but I married the man next door :001_wub: Which cured my wanderlust and it looks like I am here for good.

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Not even close. I grew up in a family that moved due to dad's job in lots of places in the US and outside. Hawaii, Germany, Colorado, Oklahoma, Georgia, Guam and so on. My parents retired to Arizona and I pretty much think of that as home;) except for here with my dh of course.

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I grew up in a big family, and we never went anywhere. I read adventure and travel books when I was a kid, and I have spent my adult life living out my adventure dreams. Dh just got back from Tblisi, and it looks like our next job will be in Georgia. He said it is beautiful. A lot of Greek myths are set there, and culturally it is very interesting.


Dh and I are thinking of buying my old family home, but we'll probably rent it out until we get tired of travelling. I don't want to move back there, then die of boredom.

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I was born in Atlanta, grew up in a suburb there, and now live in a suburb close by. I have since found out, through working on geneaology, that we live in the exact area where my ancestors lived 150 years ago. In fact, my great (x3) grandparents are buried just about 10 miles away.


Sometimes I'd like to go elsewhere for a new start. My parents, who still live where I grew up, would hate it, though. Besides that, my dh works for Delta which keeps us right here.


Fun thread.

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Grew up in a farming community west of Chicago. Have lived in England, several states, and now reside in Texas.

I disliked growing up in a small town (20,000 ppl) and wanted more excitement--and warmer weather! Our 'bedroom community' is approx 100,000 ppl. That is the perfect size town (for me) adjacent to a major metropolitan area (DFW).

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....over 2000 miles a way as a matter of fact. I grew up in Kentucky, lived for awhile in TX, and now live in the Pacific NW. I love it here, and intend to stay, God-willing.


I think it is neat that there are so many people on this board that live in the same house they grew up in. My ILs have lived in the same home since 1950. Whenever we stay with them, I often think of my dh running around that house as a little boy.



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I grew up in California (Silicon Valley). After dh and I got married and had our first baby we realised that we really couldn't afford to stay. So we decided to move somewhere where the cost of living was lower, he could get a job, and we new at least one person...so we ended up in Dallas, Texas. That was 19 years ago and we are still here.


All of my family is still in California. I have five older brothers. They and my parents are all within driving distance of each other. I'm 1700 miles away.

My MIL moved to TX from CA several years ago to be near her grandchildren.


The funny thing is I was born in TX. My parents lived in San Antonio for 18 months during which they had me. But they moved back to CA when I was 9 months old so I'm really a California girl.


Susan in TX

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I live just 30 miles north of the home in which I grew up.

My dad's family moved regularly when he was growing up and he hated it. He decided he would never ask his children to go to new schools or make new friends, those things that were so difficult for him as a kid.

They are still in the same house they bought 37 years ago, and my sisters and I all live within 40 miles.

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