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DD could really use some Prayers Please!


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Poor DD! She's got this extreme fatigue getting progressively worse over the last few weeks makingbher feel poorly. Then her monthly is here bringing her severe pain (I had some similar incidences when i was her age like writhing pain!) and shes throwing up, but no fever . She just can't find relief.

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:grouphug: I'm so sorry. Has she taken anything for the cramping? What does the doctor say about the fatigue or have a missed something? Praying she feels better soon!



She did and then the vomiting started. Her bloodwork wont be in until tomorrow for tests related to fatigue causes. I'm sleeping in her room on the floor tonight. She was begging for anesthetic or a hammer earlier, so that someone could knock her out :( . She has never been like this.


She was resting a bit ago somewhat calmly, but now she is back to tossing and turning a bunch trying to get comfortable. She has a heating pad too that she wants off and on.

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Poor baby :(


Praying she finds relief soon. It's hard as a parent to not be able to fix their owies, isn't it? You're a great mom to be there to support her, even when the lights go out.


Hope the bloodwork results pinpoint the problem(s), and she can start healing whatever it is that's going on.

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Could it be hormone triggered migranes? Mine made me want to beat myself with a hammer. So did my nieces. She went on birth control pills at the tender age of 12, which I worried about, but it's been an absolute god send and I wish my mum had done it for me when I was young! She also had extreme fatigue (sleeping every afternoon for 4 plus hours) and vomiting- I had the vomiting from the I flux of hormones but never the fatigue. It's just rough on a girl sometimes, but there are things to help.

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She has had an IV drip with Zofran, blood/urine tests done. Tests show she is Negative for Mono, but her white blood count and blood sugar are very elevated. She had an xray of her pelvis and they wanted a CT scan. She valiantly drank one large cup of contrast and within 2 minutes it all came back up. Now its off to do an IV contrast for the CT scan...

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She has had an IV drip with Zofran, blood/urine tests done. Tests show she is Negative for Mono, but her white blood count and blood sugar are very elevated. She had an xray of her pelvis and they wanted a CT scan. She valiantly drank one large cup of contrast and within 2 minutes it all came back up. Now its off to do an IV contrast for the CT scan...



Praying - and hoping you have answers (treatable answers) this morning. Take care. :grouphug:

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My dd used to have debilitating ovarian cysts. They were discovered when she was rushed into emergency surgery for acute appendicitis which turned out to be an ovarian cyst the size of a grapefruit. We tried everything under the sun to try to help her symptoms and/or stop the cysts from forming but nothing was working. Our last resort was the pill. It made a huge difference. She was only on them for about a year and now she no longer has to take them.


I wonder if your dd is also anemic? I'm assuming they checked for that.


Hope she feels better soon!




Elise in NC

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Feeling so bad for you and your dd. I'm glad you went to the ER. :grouphug:


Maybe the antibiotics will help and your ped may have some ideas about the white blood cell count. Maybe she's had some kind of viral infection. Have you ever heard of post-viral fatigue syndrome? I don't know if it would explain such extreme fatigue.


When my dd had her blood tests back in the winter when she had lingering fatigue, one type of white blood cells was elevated. I think they were ones that can be elevated when there's an allergy or inflammation. Eos, I think.


There can be weird reactions to allergies, like extreme fatigue. I've heard that people who have this can be helped by allergy meds like claritin or zyrtec. I don't know if that's something you'd want to try, but maybe you should see what your pediatrician's ideas are first.


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


Oops. Almost forgot. I had an older dd with an ovarian cyst that was large. It was found by accident during a test, when she was having numerous medical issues. One of her doctors told me that ovarian cysts can give off a lot of hormones, so you can have similar symptoms to being pregnant.

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High blood sugar? Is that new? Praying you find answers soon.


Yes. This is new and the er docs werent too sure as to why...she only had a protein shake (with banana, raw oatmeal, peanut butter and protein powder, and almond milk). For a "second breakfast", about 4 1/2 hours later, she had a donut and a kolache (a croissant wrapped smoked sausage). She needed a little sugar the doc said after the blood draw to help perk her back up; she was all over that :) . For dinner she had a fish sandwich. She slept through lunch.

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The high blood sugar could have been caused by her being ill and stressed. From the Mayo Clinic:


Illness or stress can trigger high blood sugars because hormones produced to combat illness or stress can also cause your blood sugar to rise.


So hopefully that's just a side-effect of the ovarian cyst or whatever else is going on.


:grouphug: :grouphug:

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Yeah, the high blood sugar was explained to me later as probably a byproduct of the illness that was going on at the time.


All results from the Peds was negative. No anemia, mono, thyroid issues, etc.


The Lord was mindful of us today though. The nurse called to the pediatric neurology clinic for an appointment thinking it was going to be a bear to get in. It can normally take up to 3 months to get seen...DD has an appointment on Thursday this week! So just 1 1/2 more days to go for that.


She's been up only an hour today. She hasn't wanted anything to eat or really drink. I'm about to walk in there and offer her some broth. She likes that when she is sick.

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So she was awake a grand total of 3 hours today thus far...she did eat some chicken broth and she asked for something more substantial later. On her request, I made her some sweetened french toast (we add sugar to the batter in lieu of syrup). She ate three pieces and so far has kept that down (it was four hours ago)!

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She's in my prayers!



Thanks Diane...I'm calling the temple tomorrow to get her name put on the list.


unfortunately Google is giving me a ton of info to read and I really need some sleep :/


Ideopathic Hypersomnia...it fits in many ways and unfortunately it is a fairly new sleep disorder they have found so not much is known about ways to treat it.

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Thanks Diane...I'm calling the temple tomorrow to get her name put on the list.


unfortunately Google is giving me a ton of info to read and I really need some sleep :/


Ideopathic Hypersomnia...it fits in many ways and unfortunately it is a fairly new sleep disorder they have found so not much is known about ways to treat it.

If you'd like I'll be happy to call the temples here in Utah and put her name in tomorrow. Just PM me.

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Shes been having serious sleep issues. As in trying to sleep all the time. We're not sure if the sickness is related, most likely not. The sleep stuff was started before she got sick.



Ugh. I'm really sorry.


I'm glad you are getting in so quickly and I pray you get some answers and your DD gets better.


I'm glad the thyroid panel was OK. I got so many cysts and it turned out to be my thyroid.

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