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PSA about wrapping kids up in towels


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The daughter of a friend of mine had a bad accident where she tripped while her arms were trapped in a hula hoop. She had severe injuries to her front teeth because her arms weren't free to break her fall. Anyway, the dentist told her that he has seen several similar injuries involving kids who were wrapped up in towels after swimming or bathing. The parents bundle them up and the child trips on something and they hit their face on the ground.


Passing this along, because it never occurred to me that a towel could be such a hazard! Free your kids' arms before they walk around :)

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Makes my teeth hurt just thinking about it. Good reminder.


It also makes me recall some German figure skaters from many years ago. The man was holding the woman's arms behind her when she fell face-first onto the ice. She wasn't horribly injured, but I still remember how awful that was.

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Anyway, isn't that what bath robes were invented for?


Probably! I was mainly thinking about how many little kids I've seen wrapped up in big, trailing beach towels at the pool (on the concrete--yikes)! My kids actually have swim robes (like shorter bath robes) that we take to the pool/beach. I didn't buy them for this reason, but I was glad I'd bought them after I heard this story :)

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I needed one more thing to worry about. ;)


I vividly remember a girl scout meeting in first grade where one of my best friends fell and chipped her tooth on the concrete floor in the church basement after we spun around to get dizzy and follow an obstacle course. I've always wondered what the dentist thought about that one.

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Similar accident here, many years ago when my middle ds was about 5-he put a round kite (yes!) around himself as we were walking to the big field where we fly kites. He tripped and fell, badly scraping his chin, cheek, but thank goodness his teeth were OK. I've been warning my youngest about stuff like this ever since...

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Moose has a scar on his chin from stitches. He was running on pavement with his hands in his pockets, so his chin broke his fall. :svengo: He's actually blessed that all that happened was losing a chunk of skin and getting two stitches. He could've broken a bone. lost a tooth, etc. No boys run without use of their arms around here anymore.

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But, in my household - just walking is dangerous, apparently. Completely unencumbered, and without a fall a young chlld can damage their front teeth to the point of requiring future orthodontia.


Yes my DS walked into a freaking wall, and knocked his baby tooth backward, which pushed his permanent tooth forward so it came through the front of his gum instead of following the correct path. :glare: He'll need braces...


This is the same child that I had to sign an "accident report form" for when I picked him up from pre-school one day because he was *sitting down on the floor* at circle time, listening to a story, fell over sideways and smacked his head against the wall. :laugh: His poor teacher was just baffled. I then introduced her to "Professor Clunkyhead", the child who has banged, bumped, or bruised his head at least once per day (seemed like) from the day he started crawling. Not usually a hard bump, but often enough to be noticeable and earn himself a nickname.

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