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All together now: Don't feed the...

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Here's a side of Phred we need to see more often. I hope Phred keeps posting here, I'd like to see him contrbute more and if he can be this helpful and respectful in all his posts, wouldn't he be welcome here??!!


I just wanted people to see that he's not all swords and flames.





oh gosh yes!! I agree :)


i was pleased to note that he is not listed as banned- yay!


and i do hope he doesn't get too warm and fuzzy ;)

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oh gosh yes!! I agree :)


i was pleased to note that he is not listed as banned- yay!


and i do hope he doesn't get too warm and fuzzy ;)


Yes, I share that hope! Something will be very wrong in the world if he starts singing Kumbayah and passing out love beads. We likes our strong personalities!

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Here's a side of Phred we need to see more often. I hope Phred keeps posting here, I'd like to see him contrbute more and if he can be this helpful and respectful in all his posts, wouldn't he be welcome here??!!


I just wanted people to see that he's not all swords and flames.




and there have been a few occasions when I've agreed with him. For example, recently there was a discussion about the movie "Batman", and Phred posted that finding a figurine of The Joker in a cereal box was too creepy and got rid of it. I would have done the same thing.


Also, I thought I read quite a while ago that Phred did not like the idea of abolishing the electoral college. I would have to agree with that, too!

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There's a banned list?! And it's public?! :001_huh: Who knew?



well, i don't...THINK.. there's an actual list...yet... lol.


But if you take a look at this thread, it includes one poster who was banned --

GothiGyrl. It says "banned" under her name.

So that's one way to tell ;)



as long as i don't see that under Phred's name, we'll know he's not banned yet :D

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Folks, I am just returning from a short stint away and have missed the majority of the "fanfare" here. Nevertheless, the gist of it is clear, and I feel inclined to contribute this small message, a parable of sorts.


This world is made up of a huge array of people whose personalitites are as different as grains of sand on the shore. On occasion, a grain will end up in a sensitive spot where it can rub a person the wrong way. But, we don't condemn the sand. We simply accept it as part of the whole experience and brush it off at the first opportunity. Interestingly, most of us continue to be drawn to the edge of the ocean, where we will, undoubtedly, run up against more grains of sand (I swear I've had them end up in the most unmentionable places! ;)). We can avoid the sand if we avoid the beach, but in my opinion, we'll miss a rather vital experience in the process.


I stand in defense the individual who is strong enough to put forth a thought provoking idea in spite of the fact that he knows it will be controversial. In fact, I find, time and again, that it is these people who have shaped our world more than any others.

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I stand in defense the individual who is strong enough to put forth a thought provoking idea in spite of the fact that he knows it will be controversial. In fact, I find, time and again, that it is these people who have shaped our world more than any others.


Very nicely put. As usual, coming from you! :D

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I stand in defense the individual who is strong enough to put forth a thought provoking idea in spite of the fact that he knows it will be controversial. In fact, I find, time and again, that it is these people who have shaped our world more than any others.


And I have no problem interacting with such individuals, even Phred when his posts actually fit this description. But his most recent thread did not. It wasn't about provoking ideas or conversation, it was about mockery and disdain. And those are not the qualities of world-shaping people.


No offense to you, Doran. I just don't think most of us need to be told that it's good to have different and challenging ideas on this board. We're, mostly, classical educators hopefully eager to learn and develop our own thoughts better. But that certainly doesn't mean that we have to give a pass to those who choose to be inflammatory out of sheer dislike for another's worldview. That's not being strong, it's being unkind.

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Every time there is a deleted Phred thread. There is another pro/con Phred thread.


He is controversial, I , dont agree with his A/C beliefs, but he has some views, I agree with quite frequently.


I think its nice to add a little spice to life. That is what makes the board fun. If you dont want to hear his POV, put on ignore list, and you will never know he is there.


Phred, I think you are just trying to find *truth*, keep searching and questioning, there are alot of intelligent people here to help you.



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I stand in defense the individual who is strong enough to put forth a thought provoking idea in spite of the fact that he knows it will be controversial. In fact, I find, time and again, that it is these people who have shaped our world more than any others.


You've been away, so you likely missed Phred's original thread and his post here. As I said above, I don't consider him a troll; I've appreciated a good many of his posts and we see eye-to-eye on a number of issues. Having said that, I'm compelled to point out that your comments here don't resonate with me in regard to the situation at hand. Individuals such as those you've described are generally capable of putting forth their opinions, contrary as they may be, without behaving like bombastic asses in the process. That can't be said of Phred in this particular instance.

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You've been away, so you likely missed Phred's original thread and his post here. As I said above, I don't consider him a troll; I've appreciated a good many of his posts and we see eye-to-eye on a number of issues. Having said that, I'm compelled to point out that your comments here don't resonate with me in regard to the situation at hand. Individuals such as those you've described are generally capable of putting forth their opinions, contrary as they may be, without behaving like bombastic asses in the process. That can't be said of Phred in this particular instance.


Exactly! I love a healthy discussion on matters of controversy but when you set out saying that those who are praising God are wasting energy and then define a church as a group of nuts (ETA: sorry, misquoted just a bit, he said, "One person thinking something weird... that's a nut. A whole bunch of people thinking something weird, that's a church...")...well, that's not healthy or productive.:glare:

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You've been away, so you likely missed Phred's original thread and his post here. As I said above, I don't consider him a troll; I've appreciated a good many of his posts and we see eye-to-eye on a number of issues. Having said that, I'm compelled to point out that your comments here don't resonate with me in regard to the situation at hand. Individuals such as those you've described are generally capable of putting forth their opinions, contrary as they may be, without behaving like bombastic asses in the process. That can't be said of Phred in this particular instance.


Various comments now lead me to believe that I missed the specific thread in contest. It must have been pretty interesting to evoke a comment like this.

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Various comments now lead me to believe that I missed the specific thread in contest. It must have been pretty interesting to evoke a comment like this.


Darn it. I was looking for it too! Can someone link it, please?

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Yes, I walked right into that! I feel mercy for a lot of people, but mercy without wisdom is foolishness! I do believe there is a better way to voice beliefs than how that thread was originally posted. It was very rude and offensive, and really was set up (I believe) to purposefully draw people into it. Anyway, it was a lesson learned for me!

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Various comments now lead me to believe that I missed the specific thread in contest. It must have been pretty interesting to evoke a comment like this.


I think you did. I usually agree with you! But I don't consider name calling and general nastiness to be a path to educated, informative discussion. And I don't think you would, either. :)

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Yes, I walked right into that! I feel mercy for a lot of people, but mercy without wisdom is foolishness! I do believe there is a better way to voice beliefs than how that thread was originally posted. It was very rude and offensive, and really was set up (I believe) to purposefully draw people into it. Anyway, it was a lesson learned for me!


Me too! Lesson learned for sure.

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I'm reminded of driving into Missouri. Every coupla miles another billboard pops up suggesting "Jesus Saves" or "Abortion Kills a Beating Heart" ... you can't get past them and you can't avoid them. Also, you're expected to respect them. It's someone's religious belief. Recently billboards have started appearing around the country, "Imagine no religion". These, wherever they appear, start an uproar. "What do you mean, imagine no religion? Do you mean a country without religion? No charities to feed the poor?" And on, and on...


This board is very much like driving into Missouri. I'm surrounded by people with very strong beliefs who see no reason at all that they shouldn't be able to post about them with complete impunity from dissenting comment. Thing is, there are, on occasion, people (me) who just have to point out that no... your interpretation of that event is not the only possible interpretation.


Granted, I tend to be like rough sandpaper at times. (at times?) It's only too easy for me to slip into attack mode. For this I do apologize because I enjoy the minds I've encountered here. I don't want to turn you off, I want to engage you.


So... until I hit Kansas (Dear god...my IQ is gonna drop 20 points:D) I'm gonna keep driving through Missouri. And we're all gonna keep having some spirited discussions. I'll do my best to keep the sandpaper to a minimum. I hope you'll understand where my comments are coming from when they appear.

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Granted, I tend to be like rough sandpaper at times. (at times?) It's only too easy for me to slip into attack mode. For this I do apologize because I enjoy the minds I've encountered here. I don't want to turn you off, I want to engage you.



Maybe you'll grow into becoming a finer grit. ;)


Drive on, Phred!




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So... until I hit Kansas (Dear god...my IQ is gonna drop 20 points:D) I'm gonna keep driving through Missouri. And we're all gonna keep having some spirited discussions. I'll do my best to keep the sandpaper to a minimum. I hope you'll understand where my comments are coming from when they appear.


Hey, prosetlyze all you want to....as long as you realize that some people will respond to your posts the same way you respond to the "Jesus saves" signs.

(BTW, implying that people of other religions cause your IQ to drop is usally viewed as a negative thing.)


I feel like you've been jumped on and that sets off my Batman sense of justice. I think that people need to be a lot be a lot less "offended." That would solve a lot of problems.

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Granted, I tend to be like rough sandpaper at times. (at times?) It's only too easy for me to slip into attack mode. For this I do apologize because I enjoy the minds I've encountered here. I don't want to turn you off, I want to engage you.



Phred, I'm very pleased to be sharing the highway with you. It would be a far less interesting journey without you. And I appreciate the spirit of this post. It is not alway easy to admit to ones faults.


I'm looking forward to more discussion in the world of ideas, and engaging with you and the other interesting minds here on the WTM forums.


I ask that we all try to treat each other respectfully. Let's motor :auto:



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Thing is, there are, on occasion, people (me) who just have to point out that no... your interpretation of that event is not the only possible interpretation.



A simple comment pointing out that 'your interpretation of that event is not the only possible one' is useful and thought provoking.


But being inflammatory and verbally abusive is different from that.


A person can disagree without being disagreeable.

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Your analogy misses the mark, Phred. Here's why. You insist on defacing the billboards with which you disagree while planting your own. You're smart enough not to do that, but you choose to do so anyway. The signs can co-exist. The sign-owners can question one another's signs. But understand (and you do ~ I know you do!) that when you put up a billboard peppered with questions, people across the spectrum will respond ~ and have every right to do so.

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