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My Mom needs prayers ... update post #1


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Mom got out of the cath lab around 7 pm. Within 10 minutes she was eating a meal (chicken spaghetti) and talking on the phone with my sister and me.


She sounds chipper and awake (much different from the other times she's had angioplasties). She did not need a stent. The doc went in through an artery in her arm so she doesn't have to lie flat and still for 24 hours. The doc checked her other stents and they are fine, so are her arteries! She is going home tonight.


Thank you so much for your prayers!





My mom is having surgery for endometrial cancer on 4/29. She went to her cardiologist last week and found out she has to have an angioplasty + stents put in first or she won't survive the surgery. This was no big surprise because she has been refusing to have this done for a year, for a lot of reasons that essentially boil down to fear.


She is having this done this afternoon.


She's really worried and scared about it. I know this because I received several emails and phone calls yesterday in which she told me what to do with her diaries, where the key to her safe deposit box is, who has a key to her house, how to arrange her burial in Germany, and so forth. The lease on my Oma's gravesite runs out in 2015, and I'd have to renew it since there is room there for my mother's ashes. (I had no idea that gravesites could be rented.)


Anyway, I'd appreciate prayers for her.


Thank you,


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I'm sorry. I posted an update at 7:20 pm last night, and didn't think about posting it separately so the thread would float back to the top. Thank you all again for your prayers.



Mom got out of the cath lab around 7 pm. Within 10 minutes she was eating a meal (chicken spaghetti) and talking on the phone with my sister and me.


She sounds chipper and awake (much different from the other times she's had angioplasties). She did not need a stent. The doc went in through an artery in her arm so she doesn't have to lie flat and still for 24 hours. The doc checked her other stents and they are fine, so are her arteries! She is going home tonight.


Thank you so much for your prayers!



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