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I'm not sure how we're going to make it to the end of the year...


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Between changes to our medical plan, increased taxes, my husband being furloughed and having to schedule surgeries and take children to the ER...we're about tapped out.


The reduction of our FSA from $5,000 to $2500 means that years like this one (two trips to the ER, 3 sinus infections, and one elective surgery in the first 4 months), we're essentially done. However, we haven't had eye exams yet (4 people), and that's easily another $4there00 if new glasses are needed, oldest dd *must* start braces in May (she's having the non-elective surgery to remove 6 teeth...it's either take those out or lose her bottom front teeth as they are being pushed out of her jaw...they are about half-way out of the bone as it is, the braces are needed to bring the teeth back into the jaw...so this isn't exactly something that can be delayed).


I've been applying for jobs. I've interviewed for three. I'm to the point I've been begging my older brother for work at the new company he just started working for (that was humiliating, especially since he is *strongly* opposed to women in the workforce).


And forget about school...there is no money. Thankfully, I think we can get by (for the most part) with stuff I have accumulated over the years. It won't be pretty, but we'll have most of the bases covered. All I really have to find is Algebra 2.


Okay...whine over. I'll suck it up and deal. We still have a lot to be thankful for.(and no, I'm not looking for any cost-cutting advice...we've pretty much done all we can do, eliminated all we can, etc...we aren't eliminating the internet, because it's absolutely necessary for dh's job...)


Thanks for letting me just vent.

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I feel your pain! I'm a single mom to 4 and it is so hard. All I can offer is hugs and prayers. Just take it day by day and do what you can. Try not to let the stress of money ruin your days.


Thanks for that...I can't imagine doing this alone, though. We're keeping up with our volunteer commitments -- mainly because I know that even though this is hard, we still have much for which we can be grateful.

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Wow...CK12 has expanded a LOT. Thanks. I just haven't checked there for awhile. Do you know anything about teacher resources? Keys? I am not a gifted mathy person...nor do I have an extra 1-2 hours a day to spend hand-checking my oldest's work. I sent them a message awhile back (because they used to have teacher resources more readily available).



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I hear you on the FSA. Bleah. I would push most eye appointments to next January (not my dh's though because his eyes are the worst). And anything else I could push off until January (dental visits, routine exams). Talk to the ortho about payment options. Good luck to you on the job front--hope you can find something to bring in a little more money.

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So sorry! Sounds like a perfect storm. (((hugs)))


Where are you in NoVA? I grew up in NoVA, and my family is still there. In the Reston/Herndon area, there seem to be a lot of jobs available even now. I know that's not the case everywhere. If you can commute (especially off-hours commuting for nights/weekends), maybe widening your geographic search might help. My aunt's company in Herndon has always had some people who came from 60+ miles away for work. (It is blue collar.) If you do widen your geographic search, you might look for work in a chain of some sort that also has locations closer to home. That way, there might be a good chance of getting hours closer to home in later months/years once you have a job with the company.

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Yes, welcome to my world. Thankfully I enjoy my work, but it became a necessity some years ago. People really have no idea how chronic health problems can drag you under, even with good insurance. They'll complain about refilling a prescription, but try having a family member who sees multiple specialists every month and has 6-8 in-hospital procedures a year. Sigh.


And we have friends and family who don't approve of me working. They also don't offer to help with the bills. :glare:

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For glasses, I would check out 39dollarglasses.com or Zenni Optical. Much cheaper!


my dh uses zenni optical. he pays somewhere between 10 and 20 dollars a pair of glasses.


one of our dds has new lenses put in old frames, and that helps, too.

another uses walmart so she can get stylish frames at a reasonable cost, but only does it as her eyes change.


have you all noticed a change in vision? could the adults wait until january?

i hate that we have to make choices like this!!!!



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So sorry! Sounds like a perfect storm. (((hugs)))

Where are you in NoVA? I grew up in NoVA, and my family is still there. In the Reston/Herndon area, there seem to be a lot of jobs available even now. I know that's not the case everywhere. If you can commute (especially off-hours commuting for nights/weekends), maybe widening your geographic search might help. My aunt's company in Herndon has always had some people who came from 60+ miles away for work. (It is blue collar.) If you do widen your geographic search, you might look for work in a chain of some sort that also has locations closer to home. That way, there might be a good chance of getting hours closer to home in later months/years once you have a job with the company.



I have really been looking close to home (we live in south Stafford county), mainly because someone would need to be home with the kids most of the day (so applying for either telecommuting jobs, or AC Moore, things like that), and because it can take me 45 minutes just to go 20 miles (depending upon traffic). Commuting is a way of life for most of us here in No.Va., so I get it. Part of the problem is that I've now been out of paid work for 3 years, so my resume' is getting stale...and even though I've been doing consulting work (un-paid), I really don't have a lot to show for it...because they haven't started using my ideas (they just keep asking for them and twiddling their thumbs). God has provided so much for our family in times of stress -- amazing things, really. It's just every once in awhile, you're staring at a $1200 surgery bill, a $6,000 braces bill (thankfully, insurance covers half of that), 2 ER trips, facing the reality of not doing the things you had planned for the summer, the disappointment on your kids' faces when you have to say "can't afford that right now." It just gets to you. I'm willing to work weekends, even evenings (I put down on my most recent application that I could start work at 1pm, and even do some mornings...I just have to be careful how much time the kids are home alone, and make sure they can get their school done). Thanks to everyone here, I'm feeling much more optimistic about our options (especially with more advanced Math).


my dh uses zenni optical. he pays somewhere between 10 and 20 dollars a pair of glasses.

one of our dds has new lenses put in old frames, and that helps, too.

another uses walmart so she can get stylish frames at a reasonable cost, but only does it as her eyes change.

have you all noticed a change in vision? could the adults wait until january?

i hate that we have to make choices like this!!!!





Thanks, you're the second person to mention zenni to me...most of the cost involved has been in the eye exam. And yes, we'll probably wait. I'm "known" for going 2 years between optical visits anyhow...although, I'm at that age where my vision is changing quite a bit :p My children seem to be doing fine (no complaining at the moment)...so it will all be pushed to January (most likely).


And let me also say just a big THANK YOU for the virtual hugs. Sometimes, even when your rational brain tells you that things will be okay, it's still emotionally difficult sometimes. I appreciate you all here so much (and double thanks for the private-emails of help). I have so much to be thankful for (first-world problems...and all that). I spent a lot of time reading through some family history yesterday -- the stories of God's providence...his hand of protection and guidance always inspire me when I'm down (oh, and it turns out...I'm descended from some of the First Families of Virginia...some of whom actually settled in the area we moved back to, kind of wild! Just found all of that yesterday). Well, I need to hop off and get some work done. I'm working with my girls at a yard sale/car wash tomorrow to raise money for camperships (if you can't pay, you have to work extra hard to earn the money!)


Thank you again.

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maybe something here might help....




or here




or here




at the bottom of the page in the center of the last one there appear to be several links to possible alternatives.


i had no idea how much was out there; the question will be whether you can find one where your numbers match their criteria.




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We've used the optometrist at the Costco in Fredericksburg in the past. I think they charge around $70. We used the rx we got there to order from Zenni. I don't think you need to be a member to use them. They have a separate entrance at the Spotsylvania Mall location.


I understand what you mean about the NoVA commute. My dh used to work 17 miles north of here (Woodbridge) and it would take him an hour to get home on some nights.




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