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Curly Girl method for curly hair


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Naturally curly is a really interesting site. This is what the quiz told me: http://hairtype.natu.../2c-wavy-whirly Who knew that there were so many sites and stylists and books and such all dedicated to curly/wavy hair. :)


I feel the same way! Saw this thread last night. Was fascinated, since I have wavy hair that goes flat in the dry desert air. I spent a ton of time researching this today. And I can't wait for the book to come in at the library!!


Yay for happy curly hair!!


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I am still trying to figure out my curls. I got curlier as I got older. I learned from this thread the trick of using a t-shirt instead of a towel for drying wet hair. It really makes a difference although my son thought I looked odd with my husband's undershirt on my head. This picture shows my curls today. I used Moroccan Oil Curl Defining Cream (http://www.moroccano...ining-cream-114) and then a diffuser to dry.

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  • 3 months later...

I have wavy-ish hair, but Pink's is curly curly!! I use the Curly Girl method (pretty much) on hers and it's AMAZING how much it has grown and how much better it looks!

Bath: I use the actual DevaCurl no-poo on her scalp/roots and rinse completely. It seems really pricey, BUT this same bottle is the one we've been using since...December? I think? So it lasts and lasts, especially if you don't wash it every day. Then I use a cheap (Tresemme Naturals) conditioner on it (and detangle it all with it) and don't rinse other than splashing a couple of handfuls of water on it.

When she gets out, I dry it with a t-shirt and put alcohol free gel on it (I found a John Frieda one that isn't too pricey and doesn't leave her with crunchy curls) and she actually usually goes to bed on it before it's dry. She still wakes up the next morning with it looking fantastic.

On subsequent days, I spray water mixed with leave in conditioner on it and run my fingers through it a bit.

She's a kid, so it doesn't necessarily look perfect all the time - it gets a little frizzy (she still takes a nap and all).


I would attach pictures, but they are always too big and it takes a ton of effort for me to get them smaller (put them on photobucket and all... blah) :glare:

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Interesting. I have mixed texture hair. The crown and thin top layer of my hair is straight but underneath is curly. As in ringlet curly. Every single stylist I've been to has been confused about my hair. One even accused me of lying about having had a perm. I wish I could just cut off the entire top layer of my hair.

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You're so pretty and you have gorgeous hair!

Your natural curls make you look a lot younger than the straightened hair, but straightened is probably more 'professional' looking. I'd go for curls for everyday, curling iron for a bit of glamour and straight if you need to go for an interview :).


Mine is similar to yours, except that I don't have layers as they tend to dry into a 'tent' shape around my head.


Haven't gotten a chance to read all the replies but wanted to add some pics, of my poor straightened hair and another of my poor siliconed hair. Then one last one of the inbetween hair, which is done with a curling iron. I am really ready to go mostly natural with my hair. The other styles take too much time and straightening is just terrible for hair - so harsh. I love seeing other people's pictures. Please keep posting. :) 44855_1561849003614_4296441_n.jpg269935_2196286104145_8228937_n.jpg299807_2325799901909_6451567_n.jpg



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Interesting. I have mixed texture hair. The crown and thin top layer of my hair is straight but underneath is curly. As in ringlet curly. Every single stylist I've been to has been confused about my hair. One even accused me of lying about having had a perm. I wish I could just cut off the entire top layer of my hair.



That's how mine is, and I've heard it's fairly common. Many if not most curly girls have a mix of curl types and textures, not just one. I don't have as much of an issue with straighter or wavier hair on top since I got a Deva cut and started using a modified curly girl routine (I do use shampoo but no sulfates or -cones). You can also use clips on top of your head while it dries to help keep wet curls from getting weighed down. Here's a video that shows the clips: http://www.ouidad.com/Duckbill-Clips . This is similar to how the Curly Girl book explains using clips to lift hair at the roots for more volume on top.

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Thanks.I looked last night on the Curly Girl site and I would say that my top layer is S'Wavy and the rest is a mix of Wavy and Botticelli.


I looked up Deva stylists. The closest is 37 miles from me. Is it worth the drive?


I wonder if my current stylist (as I really like her) would be interested in Deva training. How would I approach that with her?

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Also, I have 2 boys with wavy/curly hair. The oldest gets dandruff pretty badly if he doesn't use Head and Shoulders. Would he have a problem using the Deva No-Poo or something else? He has very greasy hair and he also sweats a lot. He has to wash or his head smells like sweaty boy.


I haven't a product yet that I like for him. Either his hair is all poofed or it's flat on his scalp and greasy.

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You're so pretty and you have gorgeous hair!

Your natural curls make you look a lot younger than the straightened hair, but straightened is probably more 'professional' looking. I'd go for curls for everyday, curling iron for a bit of glamour and straight if you need to go for an interview :).


Mine is similar to yours, except that I don't have layers as they tend to dry into a 'tent' shape around my head.

Thank you! I agree that my curly style makes me look younger. I am 46 so I appreciate that. :)


This thread got bumped by a spammer, but I will give an update. I have not used my Chi straightener since starting this thread. I did use my curling iron to touch up my hair for my dd's high school graduation. But otherwise, I have just let it do what it wants to do. I use no sulfates shampoo about twice a month. I have settled on some styling cream and a mousse with no silicones that seems to work well.


My biggest beef is that even if I do the exact same thing with the same products, I might get different results. This crazy hair is very unpredictable. I am letting it be, though, and it is much easier and better for it.


Kleine, I think your ds with dandruff probably does need the dandruff shampoo. I have a ds with oily and dandruffy hair (stick straight, though), and if he doesn't use the dandruff shampoo, it is not a good sight.

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My Deva stylist is 2 hours away! It's also expensive, but we go to that town every few months anyway. I had a cut last fall and need to get another one scheduled soon, but she told me it isn't necessary to get a Deva cut more often than every 6 to 12 months with the cut I have now. I've had so many bad haircuts with other stylists that for me it's worth it to go to someone who uses the CG method herself, knows what she's doing when she cuts my hair, and has a lot of good tips for curly girls.


I think there are some recipes out there for CG-friendly dandruff control using tea tree or other oils, but I don't know how effective they are. He might still need to use a dandruff shampoo.

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Thank you! I agree that my curly style makes me look younger. I am 46 so I appreciate that. :)


This thread got bumped by a spammer, but I will give an update. I have not used my Chi straightener since starting this thread. I did use my curling iron to touch up my hair for my dd's high school graduation. But otherwise, I have just let it do what it wants to do. I use no sulfates shampoo about twice a month. I have settled on some styling cream and a mousse with no silicones that seems to work well.


My biggest beef is that even if I do the exact same thing with the same products, I might get different results. This crazy hair is very unpredictable. I am letting it be, though, and it is much easier and better for it.


Kleine, I think your ds with dandruff probably does need the dandruff shampoo. I have a ds with oily and dandruffy hair (stick straight, though), and if he doesn't use the dandruff shampoo, it is not a good sight.



So I know how to find sulfate free shampoo but what do I look for to avoid silicone ingredient? I put the Curly Girl book on hold at the library, but what can I get in the mean time? Is any chemical word ending in -cone to be avoided? I looked at my "curl" products and they all have dimethicone. Is that a silicone ingredient?


My ds has crazy allergies and I think the dandruff is from skin conditions due to allergies. Maybe if he just used dandruff shampoo like once a week and sulfate free stuff on other days that would work.

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So I know how to find sulfate free shampoo but what do I look for to avoid silicone ingredient? I put the Curly Girl book on hold at the library, but what can I get in the mean time? Is any chemical word ending in -cone to be avoided? I looked at my "curl" products and they all have dimethicone. Is that a silicone ingredient?


My ds has crazy allergies and I think the dandruff is from skin conditions due to allergies. Maybe if he just used dandruff shampoo like once a week and sulfate free stuff on other days that would work.

I find it confusing to figure out myself what to use by reading ingredients so I have just stuck to the products I found on a curly girl website. I use the Tresemme Naturals conditioner to wash/condition with, as it is inexpensive and I know it is "safe". It is like going gluten free and trying to memorize the things that might or do contain gluten. I'm great at it now, but at first it was a laborious process. I don't feel the need to get to that expert level with my hair so I just stick to the more inexpensive offerings on the site.
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I wish I had seen this thread back in March BEFORE I chemically straightened my hair. I have curly hair that just doesn't look good no matter what I do. It looks like I have a perm that is growing out. It doesn't curl in a nice direction. It looks good wet, but once it starts to dry it looks awful. I used a chemical straightener for black kids and it straightens my hair, but it really damages it. I live in the South and the humidity does a number on my hair. I'm going to try the no poo and see if that helps.

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I've been doing the curly girl method for...gosh, 4 years now! I tried a lot of different products at first, but now I just stick to Giovanni Shampoo (Triple Treat) which is low-poo. I leave in the Smooth as silk conditioner. For gel (I loooove gel!) I use LA Looks, it's a 40 oz tub that costs, like $2. Occasionally I use a hairspray that does have cones.


For avoiding silicones, just look through the ingredients. Anything that ends in '-cone' is out. That being said, there are some silicones that are water soluble. Others can be washed out with a low poo. Personally, I like -cones, but I will never use sulfates again. This is a good article.

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I wish I had seen this thread back in March BEFORE I chemically straightened my hair. I have curly hair that just doesn't look good no matter what I do. It looks like I have a perm that is growing out. It doesn't curl in a nice direction. It looks good wet, but once it starts to dry it looks awful. I used a chemical straightener for black kids and it straightens my hair, but it really damages it. I live in the South and the humidity does a number on my hair. I'm going to try the no poo and see if that helps.



I've totally been there! I've found the best way to keep my hair looking like it does when it's wet is to...well, here's my routine.

I leave use my rinse out conditioner as a leave in. My hair is desperate for moisture.

Then I wrap it up in a t-shirt (not plop...just like a turban).

I do my make up...so, my hair is up for about 4 minutes

I let my hair down & finger comb it. It's still pretty wet, but not dripping.

Then I put my gel in. I use quite a bit.

Then I take the same t shirt & scrunch my product in.

After that, I diffuse for 3-5 minutes, til my hair is about 80% dry...I let it air dry the rest of the way.

Sometimes I add a little hairspray and I'm good to go.


Then I DO NOT TOUCH IT. I avoid going outside if I can until it's dry LOLI get dressed right out of the shower, while my tshirt is on my hair. Even just putting a shirt on over my hair when it's semi wet will ruin it. Once it's completely dry, I 'scrunch out the crunch' so my hair isn't so crispy but still holds the curls.

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I find it confusing to figure out myself what to use by reading ingredients so I have just stuck to the products I found on a curly girl website. I use the Tresemme Naturals conditioner to wash/condition with, as it is inexpensive and I know it is "safe". It is like going gluten free and trying to memorize the things that might or do contain gluten. I'm great at it now, but at first it was a laborious process. I don't feel the need to get to that expert level with my hair so I just stick to the more inexpensive offerings on the site.



I look up product names to check the reviews on Naturally Curly before trying new products. Sometimes that's confusing too, though, as one person will rave about how much slip a product has and someone else will claim it has no slip at all. YMMV, it seems, no matter what the product is. I love the Tresemme Naturals conditioner and wish I could find a shampoo I like as well (the matching shampoo has sulfates IIRC). I've been using Shea Naturals curl shampoo and it works OK for me.

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This thread popped up at a good time for me. I'm trying to learn to deal with curly hair. I've always had very straight hair even when it was short. Now at middle age, it has suddenly decided that it is curly. After it is washed it looks like that poodle perm I had back in the 80s! I never understood what you ladies have to deal with. The frizz is crazy. You can just about watch my hair grow from manageable to afro on a humid day (which is not acceptable since it is longer than shoulder length.)


I can't imagine not washing my hair, but with this humid summer I guess I should give it a try before I shave it all off!

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For avoiding silicones, just look through the ingredients. Anything that ends in '-cone' is out. That being said, there are some silicones that are water soluble. Others can be washed out with a low poo. Personally, I like -cones, but I will never use sulfates again. Thisis a good article.


So my products with dimethicone can be used?

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I've updated my ritual since this thread. I now use:


Trader Joe's Tea Tree Conditioner

Moroccan oil




And AnGel from DevaCurl (or whatever they call it now. There was a name change last time I bought it.)


The Moroccan oil has been fun. The tiniest but seems to keep my curls from drying out and looking fuzzy. Since Ulta and Trader Joes are in the same shopping center, this make my life easier.

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I just booked an appt. with a Curly Girl stylist! It's not until August but I'm excited. I can't wait to hear what she has to say about my "weird" mixed texture hair. I'm trying not to feel guilty regarding my current stylist because she's the best I've had yet. However, she doesn't seem to have the training to know what to do with my mixed textured hair.


Dh goes to the same stylist so I'm sure she's going to ask him at some point where I am.

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My hair was straight before I had babies, but apparently pregnancy hormones made it very wavy. I've tried numerous styles, products, and routines. Currently, my hair is so dry that even conditioner makes it worse. So I wet it down in the shower using no products at all. I lightly towel dry it and add a squirt of water soluble gel, then let it air dry. I have absolutely no oil on my scalp or product build up on my hair in spite of using no shampoo or conditioner.


The best deep conditioner I've found is from Ouidad. The DevaCurl shampoo and conditioner dried my hair out horribly.

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So my products with dimethicone can be used?


Yep! Its even better if it has the PEG modification, from what I understand.


Lizzy Bee, try ditching the towel. Bath towels tend to 'ruffle' the hair follicle which causes frizz. Try either a microfiber towl or just a regular ol' t shirt. It's made a huge difference in my hair :)


I really liked Kinky Curly Hair Custard for a while, but it got to be too expensive.

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I tried no-poo for a while, and my hair was fantastic but my scalp got gunk built up. I've been using the Tresemme naturals and I like that. I switched to an Aveeno sulfate-free shampoo when I recently colored my hair, but I couldn't go 2 days in between shampooing anymore. Just gets greasy. Yuck! So in spite of my color, I went back to the low-sulfate Tresemme natural shampoo. I'd love to do no-poo again, but even at 37 I just seem to have to much oil! Blech!!

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So my products with dimethicone can be used?


It's my understanding that only the types of dimethicone listed at the end of that article are OK if you want to avoid sulfates. Dimethicone is *not* water soluble and will build up if you don't use a sulfate shampoo, which is why it's on the Curly Girl "no-cones" list.

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I've totally been there! I've found the best way to keep my hair looking like it does when it's wet is to...well, here's my routine.

I leave use my rinse out conditioner as a leave in. My hair is desperate for moisture.

Then I wrap it up in a t-shirt (not plop...just like a turban).

I do my make up...so, my hair is up for about 4 minutes

I let my hair down & finger comb it. It's still pretty wet, but not dripping.

Then I put my gel in. I use quite a bit.

Then I take the same t shirt & scrunch my product in.

After that, I diffuse for 3-5 minutes, til my hair is about 80% dry...I let it air dry the rest of the way.

Sometimes I add a little hairspray and I'm good to go.


Then I DO NOT TOUCH IT. I avoid going outside if I can until it's dry LOLI get dressed right out of the shower, while my tshirt is on my hair. Even just putting a shirt on over my hair when it's semi wet will ruin it. Once it's completely dry, I 'scrunch out the crunch' so my hair isn't so crispy but still holds the curls.




I've spent the last 3 hours researching this stuff lol... I ordered the Deva Curl no poo, one condition, light defining gel and mister-right spray. I'm going to give it a try.

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I've got the book and have tried the CG method on and off several times. I do like the waves/curls I get but my problem has always been what to do on off days. My hair does not like to be wet, so spritzing or wetting is out; and it definitely needs *something* between washings (which I do about twice a week). I have fine, waist-length hair that is about 2b when I do the CG method. I'd love to hear any suggestions!

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I've spent the last 3 hours researching this stuff lol... I ordered the Deva Curl no poo, one condition, light defining gel and mister-right spray. I'm going to give it a try.



The Curly Girl "method" is as important (if not more so) than the actual products, so make sure that's part of what you implement too. :)

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This picture was taken last summer when I was on vacation. It's wild and I have no control over it. I have grown out my bangs because when they curl they look like horns sticking out of my forehead.




I used to have very thick hair but after being on blood thinners for almost a year (about 8 yrs ago) my hair got really thin. It's been a while but it is still thin.

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Lizzy Bee, try ditching the towel. Bath towels tend to 'ruffle' the hair follicle which causes frizz. Try either a microfiber towl or just a regular ol' t shirt. It's made a huge difference in my hair :)



I use dh's t-shirts sometimes, but I don't notice a huge difference. If I use a regular towel, I am careful to pat and not rub, so maybe that's why the t-shirt doesn't make much difference.


I happened to find a microfiber towel at CVS today, so I have it hanging on my towel rack to try tomorrow.

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I use dh's t-shirts sometimes, but I don't notice a huge difference. If I use a regular towel, I am careful to pat and not rub, so maybe that's why the t-shirt doesn't make much difference.


I lean over and scrunch, scrunch, scrunch. No rubbing or patting. Scrunching helps the curls form. And then I put a triangle piece of T-shirt material on the closed toilet lid, lean down and bunch my curls up in it on top of my head and tie it bandana style behind my neck, making sure everything is tucked in. I wear that for as long as I can before taking it down. Sometimes I sleep with it that way.

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I lean over and scrunch, scrunch, scrunch. No rubbing or patting. Scrunching helps the curls form. And then I put a triangle piece of T-shirt material on the closed toilet lid, lean down and bunch my curls up in it on top of my head and tie it bandana style behind my neck, making sure everything is tucked in. I wear that for as long as I can before taking it down. Sometimes I sleep with it that way.



My hair is pretty short - I can't put the curls on top of my head, and I don't really like how it turns out when I "wear" the t-shirt on my hread. Really, what I'm doing now with no products except a squirt of gel is working great. I also scrunch a lot to shape the curl. I used the new microfiber towel today, and so far, I really like it.

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I lean over and scrunch, scrunch, scrunch. No rubbing or patting. Scrunching helps the curls form. And then I put a triangle piece of T-shirt material on the closed toilet lid, lean down and bunch my curls up in it on top of my head and tie it bandana style behind my neck, making sure everything is tucked in. I wear that for as long as I can before taking it down. Sometimes I sleep with it that way.


Are there any pictures you can find online (or you) to show me what you mean? I'm trying to figure out how you tie it.


I'm also trying to figure out what I'm going to do with my hair while exercising. I workout 6x a week on average. Right now I put it in a ponytail or clip and it wrecks havoc on my curls. Think wrapping my hair in a t-shirt would work? Either with my hair up or down. The t-shirt would keep it out of my face and keep my hair off my neck.

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It's called plopping.




I bought all the stuff I will need to get started no poo. Yesterday I did a last-time wash with shampoo to remove all the -cone products. Today I just used the conditioner wash, rinsed then added more of the conditioner. I left it in, plopped my hair and I am SHOCKED at how much of my curl is back. I had relaxed it and haven't seen a curl in 6 weeks. It's still not the curls like what it was before relaxing (3a type curls) but I have a feeling I'm going to LOVE going no-poo in a few months when it grows out and my curls come back.







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Are there any pictures you can find online (or you) to show me what you mean? I'm trying to figure out how you tie it.


I'm also trying to figure out what I'm going to do with my hair while exercising. I workout 6x a week on average. Right now I put it in a ponytail or clip and it wrecks havoc on my curls. Think wrapping my hair in a t-shirt would work? Either with my hair up or down. The t-shirt would keep it out of my face and keep my hair off my neck.


There are videos on youtube for the plopping method although I do mine a little bit different. When I stand up and finish tying, it looks just like a bandana placed over my hair and tied behind my neck. I just make sure all my hair is inside; the idea is for the hair to be bunched on top of my head. When I'm leaning over and all my hair is on the triangular piece, I pull the middle triangle point over top the back of my head and hold it there. Then I take each side point and pull it toward the back, scooping any loose hair as I go. I stand up and tie the two side points behind my neck, making sure the other point (the one that came over the back of my head) is tucked inside of them.


I looked for a picture of a woman online, but didn't find one. Here's what I'm meaning though (looks the same from the outside; intent is different, LOL). http://www.buzzle.co...-a-bandana.html -- with the back point tucked into the side points.

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My plopping method is a little different. I take my dh's old clean t-shirt and drap it over the edge of the bathtub. I lean over and let my hair kind of bunch up on the edge of the tub in the middle of the t-shirt, then I pull the top part of the shirt up and over the back of my hair and tie the arms around by the top of my forehead. I then take the bottom of the shirt and wrap the corners and, with all the hair piled in the middle, sort of tie the corners toward the back of my head. At this point all my hair is piled up on the top of my head under the t-shirt. (My hair is very thick and really long, so this is the only way that works for me to get it all put up under the t-shirt.)


Some times I just tie the t-shirt from under my hair at my neck to the top of my forehead . That allows my hair to hang down my back without soaking me or my shirt. :)

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Some times I just tie the t-shirt from under my hair at my neck to the top of my forehead . That allows my hair to hang down my back without soaking me or my shirt. :)



I'm actually thinking of doing this for when I exercise. I figure it'll keep my hair from directly touching my sweaty neck, and I won't ruin curls by putting my hair in a ponytail or clip.

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I can't stand the feel of satin, no way will I use one for my head. I'm on day 4 of the curly girl method and it definitely is a learning process. I'm sticking with it though, and once I get my hair to grow out a bit I'm making an appt with a DevaCurl stylist to get my hair cut and shaped. I just had it cut not long ago because I damaged my hair really bad with a relaxer. 

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