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Root canal

Chris in VA

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Uggh. I went to the dentist Thurs and had what I thought was a root canal--turns out it was so infected, the dentist couldn't even DO the root canal.


So, just PSA, if you ever feel a slight give in your upper gum above your tooth (or below if it's lower), GO TO THE DENTIST. Don't wait. You could have a really grody infection and not even know it.


Say hello to my little friend, Vicodine. He's helping me survive.


Aaaand I have to go back in two weeks and get the actual root canal done.

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I have had a couple of root canals and no problems. They weren't painful, either, because they gave me plenty of pain medication to numb me. I hope yours go well and you get some relief soon!


Same here -- and it was such a relief when it was over, because I'd heard all sorts of horror stories, and my root canal turned out to be no big deal at all.


What a nuisance that you have to wait 2 whole weeks, though!!! I'm surprised the dentist doesn't just do the root canal, clean out all the gunk, and put antibiotics right into the hole under the temporary filling. You could still be taking the oral antibiotics, as well. If you're in a lot of pain, you may want to check and see if he'll do that for you. (That's what my dentist did -- I was in a lot of pain, too!)

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I hope you are able to manage the pain until you can get it done.


Urgh. I had a funny feeling in my tooth a year and a half ago, and I expected a root canal, but I needed something much worse -- to have the tooth extracted and then get an implant. Not having that kind of spare cash, I still have a gaping hole in my lower left gum. Although I think this year I'll finally be able to get it done.

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As unfortunate as it is, it will make the procedure much easier for you if there is not an acute infection. It is so difficult to get a patient numb enough when there is active infection. Most people who have horror stories about root canals were people who had awful infections.

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Same here -- and it was such a relief when it was over, because I'd heard all sorts of horror stories, and my root canal turned out to be no big deal at all.


What a nuisance that you have to wait 2 whole weeks, though!!! I'm surprised the dentist doesn't just do the root canal, clean out all the gunk, and put antibiotics right into the hole under the temporary filling. You could still be taking the oral antibiotics, as well. If you're in a lot of pain, you may want to check and see if he'll do that for you. (That's what my dentist did -- I was in a lot of pain, too!)


This is what happened to me two weeks ago. I saw the dentist for a tooth that felt funny. It had an infection at the base of the tooth in the gum. He told me I needed a root canal right away. He gave me an antibiotic to keep it from spreading. The endodontist wasn't sure he could find the canal andm, if he couldn't, I would have had to go to an oral surgeon to get the gum cut to get the infection out. Thankfully, the endodontist found the canal and packed it with antibiotics. I just had the permanent filling put in.


I had already lost one tooth after a root canal and had to have it extracted last summer. The root canal worked for two weeks and then starting hurting under the tooth and the tooth had to come out.

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Very similar to your case--I had to have a root canal a year or so ago--turns out the tooth was so infected that they could only do about 3/4 of the root canal. I was on antibiotics for a week before it could be finished. We had to be charged for 2 root canals. Fun. I didn't have warning signs for mine--just very severe pain, and then a tooth that was very sensitive to pressure.

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Thankfully, I will not be charged extra for the additional visit required. I am second guessing myself now if I should've taken her to a dentist who specializes in root canals.


I think part of the reason I was charged for 2 full root canals is that I went to 2 different endodontists in 2 different states. The first was while we were on vacation--3 hours after arriving, as I was unwilling to put off my vacation to stay home for a root canal (and we were meeting friends there, who were also coming in from out of state, so I didn't want this to affect their vacation plans either); and the other was a week, no 2 weeks later, back home. (I did get to enjoy my vacation--the work the first guy did, plus the antibiotics helped immensely).

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Yes! A good endodontist is worth his weight in gold fillings!


My 2nd endodontist was very pleased with the job the first guy did. He said that usually when he has to finish a root canal that someone else started that he often has issues with how well the first one was done. He said mine was perfect. So if anyone wants a recommendation to an endodontist in Newport News, WV.... :thumbup1:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am having my first one done real soon. I am having discomfort but wasn't given anything for it. Unfortatally I will have the work done in state A and have it finished up in state B. Yippee skippee for the military spouse who just happens to traveling all over the US this wonderful issue on hand. Happy you have the meds to help make you feel better until it's taken care of.

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Are you going to a general dentist for a root canal? Usually that is considered a specialty - an Endodontist is a dentist specializing in root canals and related matters. I had one about 20 years ago. This one and only was virtually pain free, but I've heard from others who have a more difficult time.

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