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Do you pop your kids' acne?


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I have been tempted to ask if I could pop a big one near the hair line.

One child will let me pop back pimples.

Fortunately, it is not a big issue for either of my kids. When I start to see a breakout I will remind them to change their sheets. Along with the reminder to wash their face 2x per day.

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Comforted to learn I'm not the only one who is so desperate to pop her child's zits that she will pay up to $5...on the rare occasion that she lets me, which is getting less and less :001_rolleyes: I just told her that if she will wash her face every night (like she's supposed to be doing), I will keep my pimple popping tool and fingers away from her face. It's the blackheads and whiteheads (someone used the word "ripe") that really get to me.

Why would you choose to respond to this topic from over a year ago?


How did you even find it after such a long time?

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Comforted to learn I'm not the only one who is so desperate to pop her child's zits that she will pay up to $5...on the rare occasion that she lets me, which is getting less and less :001_rolleyes: I just told her that if she will wash her face every night (like she's supposed to be doing), I will keep my pimple popping tool and fingers away from her face. It's the blackheads and whiteheads (someone used the word "ripe") that really get to me.

Of all the threads, WHY ressurect THIS one??? Groooooooooosssssssss!

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Good thing not everyone is this squeamish or we wouldn't have any doctors...or scientists, for that matter!  I didn't intentionally...well, okay at least not maliciously...resurrect this thread (and because I was away all week at a fabulous homeschool science camp, I'm doing it again). Like so many other random bizarre topics, I googled it (doesn't everyone do that for validation?), and voila, back in my favorite stomping grounds!  Surprising, yet not surprising. Look away, bounce your eyes...thou doth protest, methinks...and earlier in the thread, someone talked about paying their kid to pop their zits, so I am not the only weirdo out there...though perhaps among the few who admit it...I suspect that each and every naysayer in this thread has an idiosyncrasy they inflict upon their loved ones that would baffle, repulse, etc. others.  C'mon...share your quirky compulsion...now's your chance to change the subject!  :lol:

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Well, I don't tackle them to do it, I get their permission.  LOL  I actually like popping pimples.  Sorry, I'm gross, but I'm just not squeamish about that sort of thing. Haha, got that sucker!!  :p


When I was a teen I used to get horrible back acne that hurt.  I would lay down across my mom's lap so that she could very gently get some of them for me.  I had very good hygiene, these were just so hard to deal with!  So, I do the same for my kids if they ask or, when they're younger and too grossed out or lazy to do it themselves.  I'm very persuasive...muahahahahaaaaaaa!!  All of my kids have a skin regimen that I wish I'd done when I was their age and they still get occasional icky zits.  *shrug*


edited to add:  Oh no, I got suckered into a resurrected thread!!  LOL

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My kids are still too little for acne so I haven't had to deal with this yet.  But Dh had horrible skin as a teen so I anticipate being quite close to our dermatologist.  I used to get black heads in my ears and logistically my Mom HAD to do it, I could neither see nor reach them.  So yeah, I might have to do this someday.  She used to go after them quite gleefully, it was unsettling! 

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