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Just a rant.


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One of our kids tried to rescue a hurt stray dog and ended up in the ER for the beginning of the rabies series. Whole nother story about me telling them all. the. time. to leave strays alone because of this very reason. (don't get me wrong, I understand wanting to help but she was not equipped to handle this)


Anyhow, now I'm going to have to fight with the insurance people to get this taken care of. All the children have policies and on top of that we have accident insurance.


I don't understand any of it. It's just my blind spot. This is what I hear when they try to explain. "Wah wah wah wah" Just drives me nuts. I think the insurance company is trying to get out of paying anything.


Anyhow. Just a rant. Besides wanting to beat my head against a wall because apparently nothing I've ever said to the kids has penetrated their brains and now I have to fight with insurance people.

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Stray took off. I doubt they'll find it. I really feel bad for the dog, but like I said, she was not equipped to handle the situation.


This child frustrates me so. I'll never be able to think up all the situations I need to tell her to stay out of. And of course I'm an idiot for talking to her about the ones I do think of.

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Stray took off. I doubt they'll find it. I really feel bad for the dog, but like I said, she was not equipped to handle the situation.


This child frustrates me so. I'll never be able to think up all the situations I need to tell her to stay out of. And of course I'm an idiot for talking to her about the ones I do think of.


So sorry for you. I know how much this stuff drives a mom crazy.


Hopefully they'll find the dog and the owner. Then you can get your money back from the owner.

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I have a cousin who is a missionary in Africa. Her little girl was bitten by a rabid monkey in the Congo, and since she has no insurance she had to pay for the shots herself, only, in the Congo the whole series was less than fifty dollars, although it was a lot of money to an African missionary, lol.

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I'm so sorry! It is so hard not to stop to help those strays. We get dumped dogs out here all the time. I cannot count how many I've spayed and neutered and for whom I've found new homes. Your daughter has a good heart, maybe just poor judgment this time. I hope the dog can be found. Hopefully insurance will be reasonable.

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Insurance companies make me see red. And green cause I am a lawyer. :laugh: Your daughter will be fine and hopefully she will realize that Mother does know a few things...mine is the same way and she drives me batty with her fierce independent streak. We need to create a WTM cocktail recipe for things like this. Rabies shots for heaven's sake!! That is definitely deserving of a medicinal libation. For mother who tried to warn and now is in a ****storm. Here in Iowa we are in for a snowstorm and there ought to be a cookie recipe using chocolate for those occasions as well. I am sorry for the PITA insurance company because they do not know with whom they are messing. My prediction Remuda Mom=100% covered, Insurance company=Emptying their pockets to ante up...

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