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Pretty $$$$$ for what amounts to be curiosity...but my DH is an info geek like, and he was the one who wanted me to start tracking in the first place. :)


Thanks! I am an infogeek, myself, so I might take the plunge....next payday.




Question: does anyone else eat when not hungry simply to meet macros or minimum calorie goals?


Nope. But I eat when I'm not hungry just because I want to. LOL! Man....if only I can eat the right THINGS when I'm not hungry.

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Yes, low appetite is a problem for me at times. It is why I increased my carbs a bit. I'm holding pretty good to MDA's carb curve, although I had a few days this week I'd estimate to be about 30-40g, and then around 60g day and probably about 80g yesterday. I'm trying to not count anything right now but stay away from grains and only 1/2-1 serving of berries a day- if I eat them. I'm not being super militant on sauces and such being perfect but Im being sparing w/ my servings if they are higher carb. Of course that is subject to change.


I went ahead and did measurements and weigh in since today is my official day. I guess I was still a bit bloated the other day as I was down again.

From Feb 1- March 1- 4lbs

chest + 1.5 (milk variation I'm sure)

ribs- same

mid belly -1

lower belly -1.5

hips -1.5

thighs -.25 or so (have a hard time measuring this one)


March 30 Goals:

Weight Loss: 4.6 pounds (that puts me at 5 lbs to loss- perhaps optimistic but I gotta have a goal!)

Mid Belly- lose 1 in- 29 in!

Low Belly- lose 1 in-30.5 inches

Hips- lose 1 in- 38.5 in


Size- Fit into my *real* size 6 (I have some size 6's I'm wearing now but they seem to be more like my other size 8's) pants comfortably. I can now zip them up but I have a muffin top and they are too tight in my hips and thighs.


I was super psyched this morning to see my numbers down again. The scale has not been my friend. I need to stay focused on the long haul. I was really hoping to have the weight gone by April 15th, at 5 months pp, but it is looking like 6 months pp is more realistic. I guess we'll see.

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Yes, low appetite is a problem for me at times. It is why I increased my carbs a bit.



So is our appetite supposed to decrease with LCHF? I don't remember mine significantly decreasing the last time I did this two years ago, and it hasn't really decreased this time (of course, it's only been less than two weeks.)


ETA: Congratulations on your numbers going down!

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thanks georgiana-


Yes, lc does definitely lower your appetite especially when you get towards ketosis levels.


meals today so far:


salad w/ boiled eggs, olives, sunflowers or almonds


Supper will be perhaps fish. Maybe some homemade fish sticks w/ tilipia and almond flour coating. I have lots of broccoli and cauliflower so we'll have some of that. I think I promised the kids some icecream so I'll make some w/ coconut milk and strawberries. I'll probably have a bit of that. I do use some honey but not much. Otherwise my carbs will be pretty low today.

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I have a ton of avocados to use so this morning breakfast was Bulletproof coffee and 1/2 an avocado.


Lunch: TJ salmon patty and veggies

Dinner: taco bowls - grassfed ground beef, cheese, salsa, avocado, etc. DS will get black beans in his too.

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Thanks for the feedback RE low appetite....


Soror- Great tip on increasing carbs just a bit...I'd bet that would trigger more of an appetite and it makes sense. The question is can I stay in ketosis at the same time? :)


Georgianna- I've found that I have to be really low (under 45g carb) to have the reduced appetite syndrome. If I hover above that, I feel normal w/ occasional mild cravings, but I don't think I'm actually in ketosis. We'll see :) And yeah- I love having information and assimilating it! :) Its been neat to track my ketone levels as it relates to what I ate/exercise the previous day.


Food Today- nothing exciting...again.

B: Bulletproof Coffee

L: Chicken/Bacon/Blue Cheese Cobb Salad

D: Taco salad (we're eating a friend's house and she is LCHF sensitive)- hamburger, guac, cheese, sour cream, olives, tomatoes, lettuce etc. :)


I'm taking dessert: No Sugar/Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Balls & Red Wine :)

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Larla - I'm the same way. If I stay under 40 carbs I'm not hungry at all and a lot of time I have to force myself to eat to get to 1200 calories a day. Today I woke up and was not hungry (even after cheating and having some cookie dough with DH last night ;) ) I finally ate breakfast around 10:30 which was a few roasted chicken thighs and some fresh veggies. It's now almost 2 and I will force myself to eat some lunch here soon because otherwise I won't want anything for dinner.


This whole week has been rough for me. Lots of cheating because of Dh's birthday cake and then him snacking on sweets that I can't get past the cravings and have a few bites. Need to get my motivation back to be strict next week. My weight lose stalled all week with the cheats... but at least I didn't gain :)

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Well, I got lazy for lunch. I made 4 deviled eggs w/ homemade mayo. Then some baby carrots and homemade almond butter.


Larla- I don't think I'm still in ketosis so it is a trade off in that sense. HOwever, my energy and mood level was suffering. I'm feeling much better now. I don't always eat higher levels though as I said some days I'm still towards ketosis levels and others pushing about 80g net. I'm trying to pay attention to what works for my body. Certain lc info promotes food that don't necessarily work for me and although it is nice to have the *permission* to indulge in certain things it doesn't do me any favors.


jen- Some days and weeks you can just be happy to maintain!

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I blew it yesterday :( For the first part I was OK, even watching my hubby and kids eat ice cream. Then I wore down sometime after lunch and had a little since it's my favorite (strawberry cheesecake). Thought I would get back on track but had taquitos for dinner (not altogether awful) and had almost two full slices of caramel chocolate cheesecake that hubby brought home. Feeling awful today. Up 2 lbs from yesterday.


I KNOW today is a new day, but why does it have to be so hard? I'll be fine today--hubby working--but tomorrow he is off again. I fail every single time we are together.

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I blew it yesterday :( For the first part I was OK, even watching my hubby and kids eat ice cream. Then I wore down sometime after lunch and had a little since it's my favorite (strawberry cheesecake). Thought I would get back on track but had taquitos for dinner (not altogether awful) and had almost two full slices of caramel chocolate cheesecake that hubby brought home. Feeling awful today. Up 2 lbs from yesterday.


I KNOW today is a new day, but why does it have to be so hard? I'll be fine today--hubby working--but tomorrow he is off again. I fail every single time we are together.




Sounds like you need to keep some "treats" in the house for you. I forget if you are ultra low carb, or paleo, or what, but find some treats that fit your way of eating and have those. In the above situations I might have an Atkins endulge bar, or some cream cheese with dark chocolate, or berries in cream.

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Can someone take a guess at what in Gluten free bread might have cause my stomach to revolt?? Wheat gives me migraines and gluten free bread bothers my stomach. Suggestions??


Does it have a lot of flax in it? Flax meal upsets my stomach sometimes.

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Does it have a lot of flax in it? Flax meal upsets my stomach sometimes.

Flax is an ingredient. I guess I need to play around with it and see. I don't normally eat bread anyway but it is nice to have toast once in a while!

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Sounds like you need to keep some "treats" in the house for you. I forget if you are ultra low carb, or paleo, or what, but find some treats that fit your way of eating and have those. In the above situations I might have an Atkins endulge bar, or some cream cheese with dark chocolate, or berries in cream.



That's a good idea. Any of those would have been better than what I had.


So far so good today. REALLY want to make this work.

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Can someone take a guess at what in Gluten free bread might have cause my stomach to revolt?? Wheat gives me migraines and gluten free bread bothers my stomach. Suggestions??


I have the same problems with GF bread. When I've looked at the Ing, there is normally potato starch flour, rice flour or some kind of 'GF' flour mix that we'd normally stay away from.King Arthur Flour GF mixes are notorious for this.I just bought one as a treat for the fam a few weeks ago, thinking hey! I can share! NOOOOO...man, my stomach sounded like the lava pots out west.


If you want a decent bread recipe, try Against All Grain. Here's the baking search. Here's her bread. Everything is made with coconut flour and almond flour/nuts.

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Can someone take a guess at what in Gluten free bread might have cause my stomach to revolt?? Wheat gives me migraines and gluten free bread bothers my stomach. Suggestions??



I would bank on it being rice flour or even bean flour. :(

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Okay I am going to try to avoid potato starch first. I am hoping that flax or that will be the answer since I just bought packs of namaste muffin mix on amazon. I hate to bring cashew butter into the house since I have 2 that are deathly allergic to cashews. Do you think I could sub almond butter for that????

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Sounds like you need to keep some "treats" in the house for you. I forget if you are ultra low carb, or paleo, or what, but find some treats that fit your way of eating and have those. In the above situations I might have an Atkins endulge bar, or some cream cheese with dark chocolate, or berries in cream.



I have been making these Cheesecake Muffins and they are really good:


1 egg

1/2 cup sour cream

1 tsp vanilla

Stevia (I think I used 1/2 tsp) or just 1 packet of sweetener

8 oz Philadelphia cream cheese - softened

1 tsp butter - melted


Mix egg, sour cream, vanilla, and stevia. Add in cream cheese and butter. Pour into lined muffin pan. Bake at 350 for 20 minutes. Makes 8 muffins.

According to SparkPeople:


147 calories

1.7 carbs


Stevia is supposed to be 0 carbs, but if you use other sweetener your carb count may go up a bit.


These are so good!

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Okay I am going to try to avoid potato starch first. I am hoping that flax or that will be the answer since I just bought packs of namaste muffin mix on amazon. I hate to bring cashew butter into the house since I have 2 that are deathly allergic to cashews. Do you think I could sub almond butter for that????



Personally, with a tree-nut allergic kiddo as an intended recipient, I would not use a different tree nut flour or butter or milk, absolutely no way. My only possible exception would be coconut flour - while it is technically a tree nut, my understanding is that many tree-nut-allergic people do not react to coconut (like peanut is technically a legume but most peanut allergy people do not react to peas). I'm keeping my fingers crossed, because I have a kiddo allergic to tree nuts but not coconut, and we are about to do a dairy-free trial if I succeed in getting him to drink a protein shake with rice protein and coconut milk when I get home this afternoon...


If there is no way the allergic kid would be eating the recipe result, then I might consider, depending on specifics.

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so, after realizing that half and half has only 1 carb or so per 2 tablespoon serving I bought some, rather than heavy cream. I figured it was a few less calories, and it was significantly less expensive, and I could get a bigger container of it (pastured, organic). But...gotta say, it is NO WHERE NEAR as good as cream in my coffee. I'm disappointed. Back to heavy cream for me.

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Okay I am going to try to avoid potato starch first. I am hoping that flax or that will be the answer since I just bought packs of namaste muffin mix on amazon. I hate to bring cashew butter into the house since I have 2 that are deathly allergic to cashews. Do you think I could sub almond butter for that????


Try? That's what I've been doing. I'm allergic to dairy, and gluten intolerant. You've got nothing to lose by trying it what he can eat...if he likes it, success...you know?

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I have been making these Cheesecake Muffins and they are really good:


1 egg

1/2 cup sour cream

1 tsp vanilla

Stevia (I think I used 1/2 tsp) or just 1 packet of sweetener

8 oz Philadelphia cream cheese - softened

1 tsp butter - melted


Mix egg, sour cream, vanilla, and stevia. Add in cream cheese and butter. Pour into lined muffin pan. Bake at 350 for 20 minutes. Makes 8 muffins.

According to SparkPeople:


147 calories

1.7 carbs


Stevia is supposed to be 0 carbs, but if you use other sweetener your carb count may go up a bit.


These are so good!



Wow! This sounds delicious. Need to get Stevia and vanilla today!

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Personally, with a tree-nut allergic kiddo as an intended recipient, I would not use a different tree nut flour or butter or milk, absolutely no way. My only possible exception would be coconut flour - while it is technically a tree nut, my understanding is that many tree-nut-allergic people do not react to coconut (like peanut is technically a legume but most peanut allergy people do not react to peas). I'm keeping my fingers crossed, because I have a kiddo allergic to tree nuts but not coconut, and we are about to do a dairy-free trial if I succeed in getting him to drink a protein shake with rice protein and coconut milk when I get home this afternoon...


If there is no way the allergic kid would be eating the recipe result, then I might consider, depending on specifics.


Oh no one in the house but me would be eating it. My tree nut allergies can eat almond so I am not worried about the flour. I did get sunbutter to try in the bread instead and if it flops I will try almond butter.

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So... on day three... is is normal to have crazy symptoms? I was nauseous, sweating but cold, shaky, and feeling like I could pass out at any second. I woke up that way. Had a big dinner the night before (roast, mushroom gravy, green beans, and mock mashed potatoes with cauliflower). I was on plan 100% and trying to get plenty of fats in. I ate breakfast (just chicken that was already cooked, it was all I could do, I couldn't stand really)... and I still felt bad. A couple of hours later, I couldn't take it anymore and gave in and drank a few sips of a vitamin water and within 10 minutes of that I felt SOO much better. Now... is this normal? Or do I have issues? I had some other carbs today because of how "off" I felt, so I am sure I ruined any hope at ketosis and need to start over. But first, I am wondering if this is normal or I need to go get bloodwork or something done before starting again?


When I started, until my body got used to lower blood sugar, or was able to regulate it better, I guess, I had headaches that just wouldn't go away unless I had a little something sweet--dried apricots, in my case. So I can see where the sugar in the vitamin water would help. I used the dried apricots like medicine--ate one half at a time, and only until my headache went away. I haven't had them in several months.

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1430 calories; 33g carb; 111g fat; 82g protein; 11g fiber - I see that I need to eat more actually.....w/ the hard workout this AM, its not enough. But I am just NOT hungry. But, I will be tomorrow!!! LOL


Question: does anyone else eat when not hungry simply to meet macros or minimum calorie goals?

I don't see a problem with 1430 calories, especially if you're trying to lose weight.

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I don't see a problem with 1430 calories, especially if you're trying to lose weight.


Oh, I agree...for some 1430 is a sweet spot for losing. However, IMHO, not for someone who is exercising. I mentioned I worked out that day as well (hard, so over 600cal/90minutes), so that takes my net calories below 1000- which for me, is NOT good. :)

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Back on track today. Have 4 days until hubby is off for 3 days. SOMEHOW I need to figure out how to eat when he's home, and ignore the ice cream and pie and cheesy tots, etc that he has out all day.



Learning how to co-exist with my DH & kids and our 'fun' ways of eating was a huge challenge for me, but eventually I made it....it took a while to convince myself that I was ok w/ all the typical foods, and then much, much longer to reassure him that I didn't feel 'left out' or 'deprived'. To this day- people seem much more bothered by how I eat/what I don't eat, than I am : )


You need to find some 'treats' that you CAN eat...cream cheese bites, jalapeno poppers, cheese chips, smoked almonds, fat bombs, low-carb fudge, spinach artichoke dip etc...Come up w/ a plan of things YOU can eat instead of not eating and watching him/them eat. ;) It will help- I promise :)

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Learning how to co-exist with my DH & kids and our 'fun' ways of eating was a huge challenge for me, but eventually I made it....it took a while to convince myself that I was ok w/ all the typical foods, and then much, much longer to reassure him that I didn't feel 'left out' or 'deprived'. To this day- people seem much more bothered by how I eat/what I don't eat, than I am : )


You need to find some 'treats' that you CAN eat...cream cheese bites, jalapeno poppers, cheese chips, smoked almonds, fat bombs, low-carb fudge, spinach artichoke dip etc...Come up w/ a plan of things YOU can eat instead of not eating and watching him/them eat. ;) It will help- I promise :)


I struggle with this as well. My dh works out of town for 15 days and then he's home for 6 days. During the 15 days that he is gone, my life is easy (food-wise, that is - the other areas of my life are completely crazy!). When he is home though...boy do I want to eat off plan All. The. Time!


I would love some of the recipes for the foods you listed above. Care to share???

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Sure- happy to share...I found most of them by googling :) there's a LOT out there- also, http://www.genaw.com/lowcarb/dessert_recipes.html...her entire website (which has likely been shared many times before) has fantastic recipes!!!!


Jalapeno Poppers: (Simpler version of stuffed jalapenos wrapped in bacon)

8oz cream cheese

1 large egg

1/2 tsp granulated garlic

1/2 tsp smoked paprika

1/4 cup finely crumbled bacon

1/4 cup shredded pepper jack cheese

3 fresh jalapenos finely diced


whip softened CC, add in egg and seasonings and beat until well combined. stir in remaining ingredients. Spoon into 6 well sprayed muffin cups and cook in 350 degree oven for 18-20 minutes.



Spinach Artichoke Dip: (pretty standard)http://allrecipes.com/recipe/hot-artichoke-and-spinach-dip-ii/


Fat Bombs: (google or try this thread)http://www.lowcarbfriends.com/bbs/lowcarb-recipe-help-suggestions/783398-fat-bombs-da-bomb.html


Fudge: http://www.genaw.com/lowcarb/peanut_butter_fudge.html


Cheese Chips: Take any kind of cheese (parmesan or cheddar) and spread it into a thin layer in nonstick pan...cook until crisp & flip; cut into triangles & serve w/ salsa or guacamole


Cream Cheese Bites: upthread...I make a very similar recipe...you can vary- adding lemon extract, mint extract, peanut butter or cocoa powder

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Sure- happy to share...I found most of them by googling :) there's a LOT out there- also, http://www.genaw.com/lowcarb/dessert_recipes.html...her entire website (which has likely been shared many times before) has fantastic recipes!!!!


Jalapeno Poppers: (Simpler version of stuffed jalapenos wrapped in bacon)

8oz cream cheese

1 large egg

1/2 tsp granulated garlic

1/2 tsp smoked paprika

1/4 cup finely crumbled bacon

1/4 cup shredded pepper jack cheese

3 fresh jalapenos finely diced


whip softened CC, add in egg and seasonings and beat until well combined. stir in remaining ingredients. Spoon into 6 well sprayed muffin cups and cook in 350 degree oven for 18-20 minutes.



Spinach Artichoke Dip: (pretty standard)http://allrecipes.com/recipe/hot-artichoke-and-spinach-dip-ii/


Fat Bombs: (google or try this thread)http://www.lowcarbfriends.com/bbs/lowcarb-recipe-help-suggestions/783398-fat-bombs-da-bomb.html


Fudge: http://www.genaw.com/lowcarb/peanut_butter_fudge.html


Cheese Chips: Take any kind of cheese (parmesan or cheddar) and spread it into a thin layer in nonstick pan...cook until crisp & flip; cut into triangles & serve w/ salsa or guacamole


Cream Cheese Bites: upthread...I make a very similar recipe...you can vary- adding lemon extract, mint extract, peanut butter or cocoa powder



Thanks so much! The jalapeĂƒÂ±o poppers sound fantastic!

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I'm going no grain again today. I went back on grains for Sunday and Monday because I was sick and ran out of easy options that didn't require a lot of cooking. I actually felt just fine on the grains but my blood sugar levels weren't fine when I tested. Today I'm feeling a bit better, so going to the store to pick some more produce etc. is a priority.

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So frustrated!


Last weekend I gained a few pounds, then this week I started back lchf and have been very strict with myself......but haven't lost even an ounce this week!




Simply put, in the past every time I have followed the program I lose at least a few ounces a day. Why is it not working this time?

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So that's fairly normal, then? That sure stinks.


Trying to think of the difference from before, and the only thing I can come up with is that I used to do low carb/low fat (egg beaters instead of eggs, no cream, etc.) This is turning out to be hard :(


Hoping to stay motivated today.



This is wild speculation on my part, but when I've been bad (had more carbs than I should have), I try to eat more fat (a couple spoonfuls of coconut oil), to "trick" the liver into ketosis. I don't know if it works. I was really bad last night, and I did a Ketostix that didn't even detect anything (for the first time since I've been using the sticks occasionally), and yet this morning I was down another half pound. It doesn't make sense (though I did go running yesterday for the first time in a few weeks). Basically, whenever I'm in doubt, I eat more fat :tongue_smilie:


Good luck today! You are going to have a good day, I just know it!

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This is wild speculation on my part, but when I've been bad (had more carbs than I should have), I try to eat more fat (a couple spoonfuls of coconut oil), to "trick" the liver into ketosis. I don't know if it works. I was really bad last night, and I did a Ketostix that didn't even detect anything (for the first time since I've been using the sticks occasionally), and yet this morning I was down another half pound. It doesn't make sense (though I did go running yesterday for the first time in a few weeks). Basically, whenever I'm in doubt, I eat more fat :tongue_smilie:


Good luck today! You are going to have a good day, I just know it!



Thanks for the encouragement! I really hope so.


When in doubt, eat more fat--words to live by!

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So frustrated!


Last weekend I gained a few pounds, then this week I started back lchf and have been very strict with myself......but haven't lost even an ounce this week!




Simply put, in the past every time I have followed the program I lose at least a few ounces a day. Why is it not working this time?



IMHO, when you toggle back and forth between LCHF and cheat days, you have to be very patient for the 'weight gain' to leave. You didn't ACTUALLY gain 2-3lbs of fat in 2 days, rather remember when carbs are stored in the muscles/body they also keep water w/ them so that is what you're seeing on the scale. Give it 5-7 days back on LCHF to expect to see that go back away. You have to understand the dynamics in play- higher carbs=water weight. So if you're focused on the scale and continue to do on/off plan eating, just know it will be a bumpy ride. It doesn't snap back nearly as quickly as we would like, but over 7ish days it absolutely will (assuming you didn't eat a million more calories etc).


Remember, I just went thru this....after MONTHS of very LCHF eating, I had a 'weekend off'- where I certainly didn't go hog wild as carbs were around 100-150g, but that was enough for my body to (1)kick out of ketosis and (2) retain all sorts of fluid w/ the increased carb load. It took me 5-7 days of strict LCHF eating to 'lose' the water weight and squash the cravings that cropped up and then weight wise, I was back where I started before 'the cheat'. I didn't gain actual fat/weight from the cheat, but it did create bloating & water weight gain, and I had to be patient for it to go away. So that's why, for me, I generally say very few cheats are worth it if you are in serious weight loss mode- it like a mini restart and slows down the weight loss process.


I have been tracking blood ketone levels and can definitively say that too many carbs= too many carbs. LOL You can't trick or fool the body otherwise- you can fool your brain into thinking you didn't eat what you just ate or eat some bites/licks/tastes and forget, but actual Ketosis is an unyielding master and sees it ALL! LOL :) One higher day of carbs DOES interrupt the process...for most people they go right back in, but for some, it may open up a Pandoras box of cravings, discouragement, water retention or what not. I just did this the other day- had 145g of fat, 60g carb and normal/adequate protein.. and had a .2 ketone level (NOT ketosis) the next morning, I was hoping to squeak by but I didn't- numbers don't lie. :)

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IMHO, when you toggle back and forth between LCHF and cheat days, you have to be very patient for the 'weight gain' to leave. You didn't ACTUALLY gain 2-3lbs of fat in 2 days, rather remember when carbs are stored in the muscles/body they also keep water w/ them so that is what you're seeing on the scale. Give it 5-7 days back on LCHF to expect to see that go back away. You have to understand the dynamics in play- higher carbs=water weight. So if you're focused on the scale and continue to do on/off plan eating, just know it will be a bumpy ride. It doesn't snap back nearly as quickly as we would like, but over 7ish days it absolutely will (assuming you didn't eat a million more calories etc).


Remember, I just went thru this....after MONTHS of very LCHF eating, I had a 'weekend off'- where I certainly didn't go hog wild as carbs were around 100-150g, but that was enough for my body to (1)kick out of ketosis and (2) retain all sorts of fluid w/ the increased carb load. It took me 5-7 days of strict LCHF eating to 'lose' the water weight and squash the cravings that cropped up and then weight wise, I was back where I started before 'the cheat'. I didn't gain actual fat/weight from the cheat, but it did create bloating & water weight gain, and I had to be patient for it to go away. So that's why, for me, I generally say very few cheats are worth it if you are in serious weight loss mode- it like a mini restart and slows down the weight loss process.


I have been tracking blood ketone levels and can definitively say that too many carbs= too many carbs. LOL You can't trick or fool the body otherwise- you can fool your brain into thinking you didn't eat what you just ate or eat some bites/licks/tastes and forget, but actual Ketosis is an unyielding master and sees it ALL! LOL :) One higher day of carbs DOES interrupt the process...for most people they go right back in, but for some, it may open up a Pandoras box of cravings, discouragement, water retention or what not. I just did this the other day- had 145g of fat, 60g carb and normal/adequate protein.. and had a .2 ketone level (NOT ketosis) the next morning, I was hoping to squeak by but I didn't- numbers don't lie. :)


This is a great explanation. THANK YOU! I'm hoping this helps me power through tomorrow and this weekend--my husband will be home for THREE DAYS. He's not just a normal eater, the man EATS (and doesn't gain.) He eats ice cream and pie for breakfast, then he'll make a huge lunch--or take us out. It's such a losing/defeating battle when he's home and I don't have enough mental toughness to do my own thing. (Also--he's a Schwans man, so there's NO shortage of delicious food, readily available.)


Visiting the forum is the only support I have for weight loss and eating low carb.

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This is a great explanation. THANK YOU! I'm hoping this helps me power through tomorrow and this weekend--my husband will be home for THREE DAYS. He's not just a normal eater, the man EATS (and doesn't gain.) He eats ice cream and pie for breakfast, then he'll make a huge lunch--or take us out. It's such a losing/defeating battle when he's home and I don't have enough mental toughness to do my own thing. (Also--he's a Schwans man, so there's NO shortage of delicious food, readily available.)


Visiting the forum is the only support I have for weight loss and eating low carb.


Have you tried to talk to him about how you're weak right now? Maybe he could not take anyone out to eat, or just cut down on his 'stuff' until you're stronger?

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Have you tried to talk to him about how you're. eak right now? Maybe he could not take anyone out to eat, or just cut down on his 'stuff' until you're stronger?



I have tried and he just says that he loves me just like I am. It looks like I need to try again, but we spent so many years having fun eating together I think he doesn't want to give that up.

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Ugh! We had ice cream in the house the other night, as well as Doritos and oatmeal cream pies. Guess what I ate? Two days later my stomach is still quite upset. I'm typically pretty good with staying on plan but obviously, I still have my weak moments. I want to remember how nasty I feel the next time I'm tempted. :(

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