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Exercise Thread ~ 1/27-2/2


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Hey all I think I'll try joining in. I'm really craving and enjoying exercising since I had baby #4 and have gotten strict again w/ the diet. I'm doing yoga and walking. My goal is yoga 6day a wk for at least 20 min(last week I was doing 30 min and I'm hoping to work up to about 1 hr) and walking at least 1x a week if weather permits and more if it is nicer. I like to bike as well but I cannot really do that unless dh is with us as the baby is too young for the trailer, with the sun setting as early as it does and the weather that doesn't happen much this time of year. Today it will likely just be yoga as it is raining here and dh and ds are sick. I started a Yoga Zone dvd last night and plan to finish it today- that's about 45 min total.

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I'm in starting this week. I'm so excited. I really need it! I'm about 75 lbs overweight. I like to bike, but taking the boys makes it a non-exercise excursion as I have to stop every few yards as there's a problem or I have to wait for someone to catch up. A 30-minute walk with the boys barely takes us to the end of the driveway as they get distracted and want to look at everything. DH's schedule is awkward, so he rarely has a chance to keep them so that I can do my thing.


We bought an elliptical yesterday morning from Costco for $600. It's got all kinds of settings, automatic incline, MP3 imput, cup holder, and a built-in fan. It's much better than I would have expected for the price! Here's someone's blog post I found about it if you want to see it. Yesterday afternoon, I dug out my collection of workout DVDs (Denise Austin fat-blasting yoga, Crunch Pilates, and Amira's bellydance 101) and hand weights. Last night, I downloaded the Daily Workout app to rotate through two sections a day.


My plan is to do 10-15 minutes on the elliptical each day (I've not spent any time on a machine in about a year and a half, so I'm starting slow), followed by:

Mon - arms/core app, short stretching session

Tues - buns/legs app, short stretching session

Wed - DVD

Thurs - arms/core, short stretching session

Fri - buns/legs, short stretching session

Sat - DVD

Sun - a long, luxurious 30-min. whole body stretching routine (DW app). I love stretching!


That's my plan. Sorry It's so long, but I had to write it out for you all for some accountability.

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I just started Tracy Anderson on Friday. So far I have done Friday and Sat and I will do today pretty soon. I really need to lose the ab weight I have put on through careless eating in the last year. I am going to follow her eating plan somewhat, but I will take days off sometimes and have coffee with milk at least at first. I do intend to wean myself off coffee though, and drink green tea only.

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New folks welcome!


Ran 6 miles today and bullied the DH into walking two more with me. The boys did 6 miles on their bikes with me trotting along behind. Nice weather today for running--cool, cloudy, very light wind and damp-ish.

Now we see. How will the foot be tomorrow? If good, half-marathon training is a go!

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I'm in starting this week. I'm so excited. I really need it! I'm about 75 lbs overweight. I like to bike, but taking the boys makes it a non-exercise excursion as I have to stop every few yards as there's a problem or I have to wait for someone to catch up. A 30-minute walk with the boys barely takes us to the end of the driveway as they get distracted and want to look at everything. DH's schedule is awkward, so he rarely has a chance to keep them so that I can do my thing.


We bought an elliptical yesterday morning from Costco for $600. It's got all kinds of settings, automatic incline, MP3 imput, cup holder, and a built-in fan. It's much better than I would have expected for the price! Here's someone's blog post I found about it if you want to see it. Yesterday afternoon, I dug out my collection of workout DVDs (Denise Austin fat-blasting yoga, Crunch Pilates, and Amira's bellydance 101) and hand weights. Last night, I downloaded the Daily Workout app to rotate through two sections a day.


My plan is to do 10-15 minutes on the elliptical each day (I've not spent any time on a machine in about a year and a half, so I'm starting slow), followed by:

Mon - arms/core app, short stretching session

Tues - buns/legs app, short stretching session

Wed - DVD

Thurs - arms/core, short stretching session

Fri - buns/legs, short stretching session

Sat - DVD

Sun - a long, luxurious 30-min. whole body stretching routine (DW app). I love stretching!


That's my plan. Sorry It's so long, but I had to write it out for you all for some accountability.



It sounds like you have some great plans! I am not familiar with the app, do they have chest and back workouts? If so, maybe add that in with your arms. A lot of chest/back exercises work your arms too, more bang for your buck. :)

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Only 17 min yesterday, starting to feel rather ick. I was hoping for 45 but it seems I'm fighting the flu that dh and ds have. We will see how it all goes. Last night the baby nursed a ton so I didn't get much sleep so we will see what I can do. I might try a little walk if it clears and maybe do an easy yoga routine.


I'm getting really tired of winter. This is the 3rd time dh has brought home some nasty illness and every time I start to get an exercise routine established then I get sick. I haven't got it as bad as dh though.

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Hello newcomers. Glad to see some new people joining us. Don't worry about life getting in the way at times. Even 10 minutes of movement makes a difference.


I've done some JM 30 day shred with dh.

I did Bob Harper Rev Cardio....that one gets you

Yesterday I ran

This morning ran for about 25 minutes and then did 30 min yoga. I did a new DVD and it was fun to do something different.

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Ran 5.2 miles Sunday. It was difficult, almost too difficult. I am not sure about doing a half in 8 weeks.

Monday, rest

Tuesday, Turbo Fire 45.

Wednesday, Turbo Fire Core

Thursday, Strength oR HIIT 25

Friday run 3 miles

Saturday Rest

Sunday We'll see. If I can run 6 miles reasonably happily, then good. But if I feel exhausted at mile 4, I don't know.


That's the plan, anyhow!

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In spite of sore quads from yesterday's ten minutes, I made it to twelve minutes on the elliptical today. I also used the Daily Workout app and did five minutes of abs and 5 minutes of arms. Baby steps, right?


BTW, what's a good quad stretch that DOESN'T involve my using non-existent muscles to lift my foot up to my butt?

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Monday- 30 min yoga


No walk, probably not going to happen this week as now I have 2 more sick and don't want to leave a 3 and 5 yo alone while I walk! Still feeling a bit ick myself but hoping I continue to fight things off. Aiming for another 30 min today.

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Ran 5.2 miles Sunday. It was difficult, almost too difficult. I am not sure about doing a half in 8 weeks.


To me it is all in the recovery after a difficult run. I had a really hard run last Sunday, a lot of hills, and I breezed about two and a half miles of it pretty fast for me. Monday was bad. I was sore, my foot hurt and I was wiped out. Even my shins hurt, and my shins almost never hurt after running, lucky me! Today I really, really didn't want to get out there again, but I did, and even managed my distance, although I didn't have the energy or will to try for any interval stuff today. But I actually think it did me good to get out there. Sometimes I think that if I follow up a hard run with a gentle recovery run in the 24 to 48 I actually feel pretty good on the next run. I also find that drinking copious amounts of fluids after a hard run helps with recovery, and eating bananas and yogurt seems to help too. Probably something to do with electrolytes and magnesium. Also I ice after hard runs. I'm not gutsy enough to plunge myself into an ice bath, but I've heard that if you can stand it, an ice bath on the lower body with a warm electrolyte rich fluid to drink while your teeth are chattering is supposed to be good to help with muscle soreness post-run.


Bottom line--while I wouldn't be comfortable with training for a half-marathon in eight weeks without a running base of 12-15 miles per week, if you plan to do it just be sure to treat your body with care during the training--lots of ice when needed, lots and lots of stretching, and I'd try to stick a massage or two in there if you could. And of course plenty of hydration and electrolytes and good food. You are asking a good deal of your body, and it seems, at least IMO, that the better you treat it, the better it tends to perform for you.

I also believe in rewarding yourself--I buy myself flowers for those hard runs, spend extra time reading, get a nice movie for myself...That helps.



Did my trail 1/2 marathon. Yep, it was just as hard as last time. Wow. Taking the week off.

Three cheers! What do you find to be the best thing about trail runs? They intrigue me, but I worry a little bit about stability when running. Still, the idea of a gallop through the woods just sounds---nice. I've even got a perfect place to train a little north of here, and south I've got a perfect rim trail on top of a small mountain that would do, although there are plenty of places to kill yourself if you slip up there.

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I'll jump in.


I'm still recovering from some damaged ribs, but I can now do some yoga. So I've been doing my own take (meaning I can it a bit) of the first part of Primary series. I avoid any twists. I tried to do a simple reclining twist and my ribs hurt for 2 days. If i avoid that I'm ok. It feels good to to do sun salutes and open up my hips and hamstrings. I'm trying to do yoga everyday.


I'm going to attempt a walk/run today. I may even go outside. My plan is to run for 2 mins at a time, with 3 mins of walking. If I am not in horrible pain tomorrow (my ribs) I plan on doing the same thing for Wed and Thurs. I'll see how it goes.

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30 min power yoga this am, actually feeling pretty good this evening.


No walk, was going to take one when dh got home but by the time he made it in the storm had started.


Planning to try my more challenging dvd tomorrow, assuming I'm still feeling better and I actually get some sleep (please baby sleep!).


It is inspiring to read about everyone here. Sorry to hear about so many other sick people though, this year has been terrible around here.

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Yay! Maybe this will give me some accountability!


Yesterday I did 40 minutes on the treadmill, walking at 3.3 mph, random hill climb function.


Today I swam 40 laps, a little over a half mile. Half swimming, half leg kicks with kickboard.


Tomorrow I have to clean (someone else's) house- so no gym


Thursday maybe treadmill and some weights?


Friday- cleaning again- no gym


Hoping to go to gym on Sat or Sunday sometime

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I've been lurking WTM for a long time and finally decided to participate! I have been running for a year and half now, at four miles a pop....up hills! Going down-hill I am 20 yrs old but going up-hill I'm 80! Truth be told, I'm 49.


East Tennessee doesn't have any flat roads...cause I'm too close to the Smokey Mtns!


Starting the running to relieve homeschooling stress and it works.

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In spite of sore quads from yesterday's ten minutes, I made it to twelve minutes on the elliptical today. I also used the Daily Workout app and did five minutes of abs and 5 minutes of arms. Baby steps, right?


BTW, what's a good quad stretch that DOESN'T involve my using non-existent muscles to lift my foot up to my butt?



Hmmm, you could try it lying on your side and pulling your ankle to your butt that way.

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Three cheers! What do you find to be the best thing about trail runs? They intrigue me, but I worry a little bit about stability when running. Still, the idea of a gallop through the woods just sounds---nice. I've even got a perfect place to train a little north of here, and south I've got a perfect rim trail on top of a small mountain that would do, although there are plenty of places to kill yourself if you slip up there.



I don't know. I could run 13 miles around my neighborhood comfortably (okay, some discomfort) but 13 on a trail is so hard. Stability is a problem but that is the challenge. Sunday's marathon, while not normally a technically difficult course, was technically difficult due to the mud. I hurt in places that I don't normally but that is all part of adventure.

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Ran this morning.


LG or anyone else, do you have a protein (whey) powder you like/recommend? I know to look for whey protein isolate. The one I have is okay but I don't like that it has soy in it. I also don't want one with sugar or artificial sweetner. I've heard about Jay Robb. Any others? My ds's doctor wants him taking 18g of protein powder daily so I need something good yet hopefully won't break the bank too much.

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Ran this morning.


LG or anyone else, do you have a protein (whey) powder you like/recommend? I know to look for whey protein isolate. The one I have is okay but I don't like that it has soy in it. I also don't want one with sugar or artificial sweetner. I've heard about Jay Robb. Any others? My ds's doctor wants him taking 18g of protein powder daily so I need something good yet hopefully won't break the bank too much.




I take Shakeology which has no soy. They have two main options - Vegan and Whey. I use the Vegan though I am not vegan. They are sweetened with coconut flower nectar. Shakeology isn't just protein though and the price reflects that.


I used to use Option Nutrition but they have artificial flavors and sweeteners. That really doesn't bother me because ON has some neat flavors. I like neat flavors.


Would it be possible just to fry up your son some eggs for breakfast?

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I am supposed to do this today and I am stalling. Hate YogaX.

LOL, it was always one of my favorites of the p90x videos. It is challenging though and I don't have the strength to do the chaturangas all just right. I made it to the balance postures today, which is far as I've gotten since doing it post partum.

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Would it be possible just to fry up your son some eggs for breakfast?


I do. His doctor wants him to dramatically increase his calories/carbs/protein for the next 5 weeks at least. Along with the protein powder he is also supposed to take Duocal to boost calories. So he needs eggs for breakfast along with extras I can throw in. :)

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I'm supposed to run five miles today. Right now the wind is whipping, it's very cold, my creek is to high to cross after the rain last night, my nose is running and my foot hurts. I'm opting for three miles on the treadmill tonight instead and will do my five miler tomorrow.

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LOL, it was always one of my favorites of the p90x videos. It is challenging though and I don't have the strength to do the chaturangas all just right. I made it to the balance postures today, which is far as I've gotten since doing it post partum.



I did the whole thing. I really needed it. I moved like Frankenstein. I've lost a lot of mobility from not stretching and not moving slow.

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Yesterday afternoon I did a workout my cousin had posted on Pinterest. You run fast (like at speed 7) on the treadmill for 1 min, then walk for 3 mins putting the incline up to 15%. You are supposed to do it 8 times. I only had 35 minutes and I needed to do a warm up first, so I did a 5 min jog, then started the workout and did 6 reps, then a cool down for 4 mins It was tough. My glutes feel it today.


This morning I got up and did yoga. I am trying to do a month of yoga, then I would like to take it down to 3 times a week and add back some kettle bell.

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Wednesday: 11 minutes on treadmill and 20 minutes doing two sections from the "Pick Your Spot Pilates" DVD (butt and thighs). I don't hurt this morning. That's a first since I started on Sunday! Woo-hoo! Maybe soon I'll be able to breathe enough to get past 11 minutes on the elliptical.

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