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So, how do you sort your laundry?


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regular clothes, colored -- warm, perma press cycle

white shirts -- warm, perm press cycle, bleach

white underwear & socks -- hot, bleach, oxyclean, prewash, then regular cycle

fleece, basketball ball short material (don't know what the fabric is called) -- cold, perma press cycle

white sheets -- hot, bleach, oxyclean, bluing, lavender Mistolin, prewash, then regular cycle, then extra rinse

towels -- regular cycle, hot, bleach for white towels


I usually wash the white socks/underwear on hot, but don't spin dry; then I rewash with the white shirts on warm -- neither load is that large.


And I have to add that I love, love, love my new Speed Queens.

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:lol: :lol: :lol:


sort? really?


for the first twenty years of doing laundry, i sorted. i had a perpetual mount washmore.

for the last 13, i have only semi-sorted, and now almost everything is clean, almost all the time.


a) i wash everything on cold

B) jeans, and sheets+towels, get their own loads

c) if there is enough for two loads, i do a cursory sort at the moment into "darker" and "lighter", but rarely.

d) we have a handwash cycle, so handwash things get done on their own.... and just about everything gets to share the dishtowels load the first time its washed, just to see what happens.





ps. i reckon its like anything else; it depends what your goals are what your approach is, kwim? i need things to be clean. i don't need things to last forever. hth.

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Ideally, by color, if I have enough for more than one load (and time to get through them).


Often, I just throw everything in together.


I got a little more picky once my kids started having to wear white/pastel collared shirts to school. I want the shirts to look decent until they grow out of them, at least.

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Whites- warm



Diapers-very hot

Hand Washables-cold

Swim Clothing/Swim Towels-warm

Seat Covers (The high chair has removable seat covers. I have 4, when 3 are dirty, they get washed.)-warm

Kitchen towels/dishclothes- sanitary cycle


I have a laundry chute for the upstairs bedrooms that drops into my laundry room. The clothes are sorted into a 3 compartment laundry hamper from there. The nursery and my room have a laundry basket that I bring down and add to the sorting on laundry day.

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I don't sort. Each bedroom (boys share a room, girls share a room) has a laundry basket. Kitchen has a laundry basket for napkins, dish rags & dish towels. Bath towels usually just go in whatever laundry basket is closest, occasionally I'll do an entire load of towels. Diapers in the diaper pail.

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First by family member. Then each member by sub-groups of fabric type and colour range. (This dictates the wash water temperature by definition.)


DH prefers your last method of "chuck it all in an let it rip." He favors this method for using the dryer, too. After he shrank two of my favorite all-wool sweaters such that they would fit a small mouse afterward, I forbad him to touch my clothing ever again!



  • by family member?
  • by type of material?
  • by color?
  • by wash water temperature?
  • or just chuck it all in and let it rip? :leaving:



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This caught my interest. Don't the gacky elements get rinsed/drained away? I always have turned socks right-side-out for that reason. Nothing like finding squeaky-clean dried grass inside a sock when donning it in a hurry! . . . or a couple of sticker burrs.


Socks are turned inside out and done separately. That's my big one. ;)


Foot flakes floating about and all that.


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I sort by "be prepared for..."


This pile is dark stuff, like jeans. If you put other stuff in this pile be prepared for it to come back dingy.


This pile is for bright and colorful things. If you put other stuff in this pile be prepared for it to come back pink.


This pile is for whites. If you put other stuff in this pile, especially colorful stuff, be prepared for the wrath of mom.


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I do all of our whites together, but I wash my laundry and Han Solo's (separately), Indy does his laundry and James Bond does his laundry. We have color coded towels (one color for each person), so they get washed with whatever color load they fit in for that person. For my personal clothes, I do a load of darks, lights, and pinks/reds. If anyone else has something red, I will toss it in with my pinks/red so they don't have to do a separate load for those. When Han Solo is around 6ish, I'll teach him how to do his laundry, and then it will be his responsibility.

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  • by family member?
  • by type of material?
  • by color?
  • by wash water temperature?
  • or just chuck it all in and let it rip? :leaving:


Ok. See I've been thinking about laundry a lot lately. But anyway, here's how I currently do it.

-by family member

-by color

And that's pretty much it. I do the boys' laundry, Pink's laundry, and our (DH/I) laundry. Aside from that I don't do a heck of a lot - I don't necessarily sort the kids' clothes by color, but I do ours.

I do the towels separately.


I feel like there has to be a better way to do this, but I can't do all of our laundry at once without having an UNBELIEVABLE amount per load - as it is, each 'group' takes 2 loads (except Pink), plus a load of towels and a load of delicates. Not to mention if I want to wash sheets and whatnot.


Does anyone else NOT sort by color?


Oh, and how does everyone dry everything?? I dry our clothes on the LOWEST heat setting, and still it will shrink stuff (that SAYS ON THE LABEL to dry on low. So I'm like, REALLY?!?!) - it'll shrink jeans, shirts, whatever. I've gotten to where I hang all of our shirts (except t-shirts/shirts we don't care much about) to dry, but I have no idea what to do with the pants. It's frustrating.

I still dry all the kids clothes.

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Clothes that get dried in the dryer

Clothes that get hung out of the washer


Sorting clothes this way makes it easy for us - I can send oldest (8) down to switch laundry if it's all "dryer" clothes.


Then, once washed, we sort clean clothes into each person's pile and they put their own away.

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I hang-dry all of my garments except for jeans. Same for DD's clothing. Shift gears now: Easier to say what I do put in a dryer: sheets, towels, jeans, men's dress pants, bedsheets, men's shirts, men's socks/underwear. . . . This is for a family now reduced-in-size to six people.



Oh, and how does everyone dry everything?? I dry our clothes on the LOWEST heat setting, and still it will shrink stuff (that SAYS ON THE LABEL to dry on low. So I'm like, REALLY?!?!) - it'll shrink jeans, shirts, whatever. I've gotten to where I hang all of our shirts (except t-shirts/shirts we don't care much about) to dry, but I have no idea what to do with the pants. It's frustrating.

I still dry all the kids clothes.

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  • by family member?
  • by type of material?
  • by color?
  • by wash water temperature?
  • or just chuck it all in and let it rip? :leaving:


Each individual has a basket in the closet. All are washed when the baskets get full enough. Kids have mainly dark stuff anyway. I have a dark and a light basket. I then separate lightweight whites and heavy towels in the laundry room and wash those separately.


I wash a load pretty much daily. Kids' clothes (one is away at school, but when she comes home, I wash it for her because I want to), our darks, our lights, towels. Sheets once a week (all together). Blankets and mats regularly.

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straight whites that get bleached (mostly my bath towels, but also any dingy-looking white clothing/socks)


dark colors (jeans, dark shirts, sweats, etc.)


light colors (will mix with whites when I don't need to bleach)


delicates (anything that I don't want dried - wash on delicate then hang)


sheets and blankets get washed separately due to volume of course


Right now I can't wash a thing because my washer broke yesterday. I don't know if I should be sad, or jump for joy!! ;-p



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