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SOCIAL GROUP: Atheists, agnostics, free-thinkers, non-believers

Guest inoubliable

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Omg you people. It is so hard to keep up with this thread! I read something, think I'll respond when I get to a computer in 5 minutes, and by then the topic has moved on. Lightning quick chatters, us nonbelievers.


Anyway, Bravewriter ftw here. Bonus- I understand she's been banned from some homeschooling resource/convention thingamajiggers because she's not Christian enough. She doesn't talk about her faith or lack thereof in any of the BW materials, but somewhere I ran across some of her personal writings, and she went through some kind of deconversion while homeschooling her kids, with the stuff that comes with that. So, she's probably some stripe of freethinker and I like to give our kind my money when I have a choice. :)

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There are like 10 dozen men eligible to become pope. You don't become a cardinal without total agreement with the church's stance on BC, abortion, homosexuality. So there will be no social issue reforming pope. The church seems to have a better track record of punishing the odd liberal leaning archbishop that gets appointed than they do punishing the archbishops who are guilty of criminal conspiracy to protect abusers from arrest and conviction.

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Guest inoubliable

I've been glancing at this thread on and off, but haven't had the time (or will) to do much more than that.


So Hi! and I'll pop in occasionally. :D




I care because we have communities in the States that only have access to health services through Catholic institutions. We used to be covered under Providence Health Plan (now we're BCBS), and my kids were born in a Catholic hospital. We're in a big city, so competitive pressures to keep doctors cause them to look the other way when doctors perform unsanctioned procedures like tubals during a c-section for the benefit of the mother, but couched in convoluted Catholic speak. Women in smaller communities aren't so fortunate.


I care because of the lobbying done by the Catholic Church in this country in the area of health care an against women's rights.


I care because the thought of a Pope who threatened excommunication for anyone going to secular authorities in cases of priests or other church officials raping children makes my head want to explode, and want to scream with respect to sin - "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."


I care because IMHO the best thing about the Catholic Church in the US -- those who do the most good (which in my definition is worldly, as opposed to spiritual) -- are its nuns, and their main group is under sanction and threat by Rome by this Pope because they place greater importance on some worldly issues than on being vehemently anti-choice.


You can argue that none of this will change under a new Pope. Maybe not. I do hope that detente is declared with the nuns at the very least though. But policy shifts and emphases can be subtle... so we shall see.


It doesn't matter to me who the Archbishop of Canterbury is. Rowan Williams stepping down doesn't affect my life in any way, shape or form. Unfortunately, I cannot say the same about the Pope.


ETA: Perhaps I'm being too hard on Williams. I can see a net societal benefit for women's rights and GLBT rights, even in the US.



Peeper! :laugh:


I think maybe that the impact of where a Pope stands (and how firmly) on these issues is going to be different in the U.S. versus more secular countries (in general) like Canada, Australia, anywhere in Europe... The U.S. is unique in that it is exactly as Christian as it needs to be to justify intolerance when it suits. Hot buttons in our country are often draw along the lines of religion and secular rather than political party as some would like to believe.

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Guest inoubliable

Omg you people. It is so hard to keep up with this thread! I read something, think I'll respond when I get to a computer in 5 minutes, and by then the topic has moved on. Lightning quick chatters, us nonbelievers.


Anyway, Bravewriter ftw here. Bonus- I understand she's been banned from some homeschooling resource/convention thingamajiggers because she's not Christian enough. She doesn't talk about her faith or lack thereof in any of the BW materials, but somewhere I ran across some of her personal writings, and she went through some kind of deconversion while homeschooling her kids, with the stuff that comes with that. So, she's probably some stripe of freethinker and I like to give our kind my money when I have a choice. :)



Seriously? Banned from some conventions? Wowzers.


I'll check out Bravewriter this weekend. It's time to get cracking on curricula choices for next year.

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Peeper! :laugh:


I think maybe that the impact of where a Pope stands (and how firmly) on these issues is going to be different in the U.S. versus more secular countries (in general) like Canada, Australia, anywhere in Europe... The U.S. is unique in that it is exactly as Christian as it needs to be to justify intolerance when it suits. Hot buttons in our country are often draw along the lines of religion and secular rather than political party as some would like to believe.



To a point.


The city I grew up in in Ontario, Canada has two hospitals, one secular and one Catholic. Guess which one got maternity under a rationalization system undertaken a number of years ago? :(


Have you read Sheri S. Tepper's Gibbon's Decline and Fall? While I don't agree with her ultimate conclusion (she gives humanity something of a pass), it's certainly something I see happening in this country in the current political climate.

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Guest inoubliable

Have you read Sheri S. Tepper's Gibbon's Decline and Fall? While I don't agree with her ultimate conclusion (she gives humanity something of a pass), it's certainly something I see happening in this country in the current political climate.



Selections. It's always on my list of to-be-read. I'll bump it up to the top.


Confession: As hokey as I thought her The Fresco sounded, I always wanted to read that, too. *whew* I feel better now.

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This is why I'm so baffled about Catholics who are annoyed or angry about the Pope's stance on issues. Why were they surprised when he said no birth control, no women priests, no gays, and so forth? I mean, really.


Although, I guess the Vatican *has* changed its stance in the past. It used to be completely anti evolution and now no longer is. It also used to be anti the sun being the center instead of the earth and now isn't. So I guess change can happen.


On the other hand evolution and the earth revolving around the sun simply couldn't be ignored or denied after a while. The science was too overwhelming correct. I don't see that happening with issues such as birth control or gays as those are not quite science related. You think?



There was also that whole flat earth commotion.


The problem with the gay issue is gays are still called to celibacy even though it's scientifically proven to not be a choice.

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I am totally over religious people getting their knickers in a twist when they hear non-religious people giving their (uncensored) thoughts.




This. We are supposed to tiptoe around them while being told we'll go to hell. It doesn't bother me to be told I'm going to some imaginary place, but why does it bother religious people to hear that I don't care? I don't buy the idea that they care about my soul.


I think most are cafeteria Catholics anyway or culturally Catholic.


I was a cafeteria Catholic, and think it was JPII on a visit to the U.S. who said you can't be a cafeteria Catholic. I said, 'K, bye.


Anyway, Bravewriter ftw here. Bonus- I understand she's been banned from some homeschooling resource/convention thingamajiggers because she's not Christian enough. She doesn't talk about her faith or lack thereof in any of the BW materials, but somewhere I ran across some of her personal writings, and she went through some kind of deconversion while homeschooling her kids, with the stuff that comes with that. So, she's probably some stripe of freethinker and I like to give our kind my money when I have a choice. :)


I knew she was liberal Christian and for some reason thought she was Catholic. I also knew she had been banned from some conventions. She wrote a blog post about it when it happened. What I hadn't heard about was her deconversion. That's good to hear. :)

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Guest inoubliable

just noticed (after the sensitive lurker kerfluffle) that this thread has 1,300 posts and 21,000 views BEE-Zar


Morbid curiosity, I suppose. Also, we talk a lot.

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just noticed (after the sensitive lurker kerfluffle) that this thread has 1,300 posts and 21,000 views BEE-Zar


21,000 views! My phone doesn't let me see all of the cool features like views and likes. We are a fascinating bunch, aren't we?

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Guest inoubliable

After I made the Bazinga! I realized I check twice a day to read the newsest page, without posting... point a finger and there's 3 more pointing back at you. :)



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After I made the Bazinga! I realized I check twice a day to read the newsest page, without posting... point a finger and there's 3 more pointing back at you. :)


I just literally LOLed. My mom used to say that all of the time.

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After I made the Bazinga! I realized I check twice a day to read the newsest page, without posting... point a finger and there's 3 more pointing back at you. :)


I do that too. Since I'm subscribed to the thread, anytime there's a notification of new posts, I come and read them. Often I don't respond, or I only have a few minutes so I come back later to respond.

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I posted this on the Gen Ed board, but thought I'd ask here too. We are doing Elemental Science Logic Biology and love it. DS needs a non boring crash course in American History and Civics....any thoughts on their History program but beefed up with original source readings and documentaries?


Is there anything set up like their programs, but more age appropriate for beginning logic stage? He is a fluent but somewhat slow reader, has a high level of comprehension and synthesis of information, but written output is still lagging behind.

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I do that too. Since I'm subscribed to the thread, anytime there's a notification of new posts, I come and read them. Often I don't respond, or I only have a few minutes so I come back later to respond.


Dang, I guess we are not as fascinating as I thought. It's just us reading our own thread. I don't always have time to post either.

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I posted this on the Gen Ed board, but thought I'd ask here too. We are doing Elemental Science Logic Biology and love it. DS needs a non boring crash course in American History and Civics....any thoughts on their History program but beefed up with original source readings and documentaries?


Is there anything set up like their programs, but more age appropriate for beginning logic stage? He is a fluent but somewhat slow reader, has a high level of comprehension and synthesis of information, but written output is still lagging behind.

Perhaps grab a good text from Amazon and pull out what you need? I know my HS son has one that he used that had original sources quoted in it. Actually I have a book about using original sources I could dig up for you.

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I've definitely slipped into frequent lurker territory. I stop by and read posts from my phone all the time, but it's a pain to post from, especially if you want to quote. Now I've just been miserable sick with the flu (on top of being 8 mos pregnant), and I'm doped up on benadryl and incapable of intelligent conversation. So some of those views are me enjoying the conversation while holed up in bed! :)

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Perhaps grab a good text from Amazon and pull out what you need? I know my HS son has one that he used that had original sources quoted in it. Actually I have a book about using original sources I could dig up for you.

I'd love to know the name of it! I have a couple of college level texts that are written in a somewhat narrative style, those plus the Elemental history might be just the ticket. I love the way the science is laid out, and it is easy for me to make notes on both his printouts and mine with additional reading, web links or documentaries.

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Guest inoubliable

I've definitely slipped into frequent lurker territory. I stop by and read posts from my phone all the time, but it's a pain to post from, especially if you want to quote. Now I've just been miserable sick with the flu (on top of being 8 mos pregnant), and I'm doped up on benadryl and incapable of intelligent conversation. So some of those views are me enjoying the conversation while holed up in bed! :)


Aww - I hope you feel better soon!!


Psst! Sometimes the BEST posts are made when you're on Benadryl. I know.

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I'd love to know the name of it! I have a couple of college level texts that are written in a somewhat narrative style, those plus the Elemental history might be just the ticket. I love the way the science is laid out, and it is easy for me to make notes on both his printouts and mine with additional reading, web links or documentaries.

I'm thinking it was a Glencoe text.....

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Guest inoubliable

I posted this on the Gen Ed board, but thought I'd ask here too. We are doing Elemental Science Logic Biology and love it. DS needs a non boring crash course in American History and Civics....any thoughts on their History program but beefed up with original source readings and documentaries?


Is there anything set up like their programs, but more age appropriate for beginning logic stage? He is a fluent but somewhat slow reader, has a high level of comprehension and synthesis of information, but written output is still lagging behind.


I really need to look into Elemental Science. I see it mentioned quite a bit. Hope someone has some good advice on the American History. I thought we had a bit discussion on it a while back...

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I really need to look into Elemental Science. I see it mentioned quite a bit. Hope someone has some good advice on the American History. I thought we had a bit discussion on it a while back...


I was really trying to stick with the 4 year history rotation, but we have been total slackers about history. I need to decide if I want to just be realistic and go with a full American history program, or do something more simple in conjunction with world history.


There isn't anything super profound about Elemental science for us, except for the way it is laid out. The ease of use is what means it gets done. Some of the experiments are a little lacking, but I have several of Janice Van Cleaves books, so on a week where it is lacking or we just feel like it, I pull those out and pick one that matches up at least vaguely with what we are working on. I also sometimes make up a study guide type sheet with questions instead of having him do a writing assignment or outline.


A couple of weeks ago he was supposed to make a shoebox diorama for an ecosystem, I came up with a poster assignment instead that helped teach research and writing skills.

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Guest inoubliable


Not right now, but I'll keep looking, you know, for the good of others.... ;)


Yes, yes. Quite right. For the good of the others... yes....

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I've definitely slipped into frequent lurker territory. I stop by and read posts from my phone all the time, but it's a pain to post from, especially if you want to quote. Now I've just been miserable sick with the flu (on top of being 8 mos pregnant), and I'm doped up on benadryl and incapable of intelligent conversation. So some of those views are me enjoying the conversation while holed up in bed! :)


Yuck. Flu. Hope you are feeling better soon. :)

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Guesthollow has free American history you can pull from. I know it is religious, but mine are using Veritas self-paced this year for modern and it is not time consuming and easy to do. You could sign up for that and then supplement with other stuff. It is not a deep study of American history but it gets the general points across.

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Guesthollow has free American history you can pull from. I know it is religious, but mine are using Veritas self-paced this year for modern and it is not time consuming and easy to do. You could sign up for that and then supplement with other stuff. It is not a deep study of American history but it gets the general points across.



I've thought about the VP history for world too, all my plans do no good if we don't actually do them! It is just expensive!!

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I would like to thank Audrey with all my pagan heart. She has been so helpful in answering questions and getting me on a path I feel comfort and acceptance in. It is truly a blessing to have her in my spiritual life.





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Guesthollow has free American history you can pull from. I know it is religious, but mine are using Veritas self-paced this year for modern and it is not time consuming and easy to do. You could sign up for that and then supplement with other stuff. It is not a deep study of American history but it gets the general points across.



Is Veritas self-paced religious? Is that part easy to overlook? I haven't looked closely, because I thought it was going to be too religious. Now I'm interested!

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"Kerfluffle" might be an exageration. It was annonymous complaint.


A reminder that until social groups are restored (we're ALMOST there!), this thread is readable by the entire board. Please try to keep the criticism of religious practices from edging over into bashing.


Thank you.



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