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When do you exercise and....


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how do you solve the shower problem? I keep thinking I should exercise in the morning so I can take a shower and be nice and clean for the day. Problem for me is that I like to have devotional time in the morning too. Exercise and devotional plus a shower can easily take up 2 hrs of my morning. Then there are morning straightening/chores I like to have done before I start on subjects that require my attention. And even if Dc are completing schoolwork, I feel scattered and upset by not really knowing what they are working on. So, for the most part I've been pushing exercise into the late afternoon/early evening hours. Then I need a shower b/c I hate dirtying my sheets with my sweat. I do not like evening showers b/c my hair is long and takes forever to dry (I don't use a hairdryer). This post is starting to sound like "if you give a moose a muffin.."


Anyway, how do you incorporate exercise into your day? I'm thinking I just need to get up earlier, or establish some sort of check in for Dc when I am going through my morning.


I'm interested to read how others manage their exercising. :bigear:

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I try to exercise first thing in the morning. I get up around 5:30 with dh and try to be out the door or starting a workout by 6:15. However, I find that unless I need to be out in the morning exercising around 1P gives me time to get school and morning chores done, and still have time to shower and start dinner. A bonus with the afternoon exercise is that I don't snack all afternoon.

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I usually exercise after dinner. My husband and boys do the dinner cleanup, so I head out for my walk and then finish up on my exercise bike in the house. I aim for an hour each day. I don't shower afterwards -- but I don't really need to.


Sometimes it's quite late by the time I get my hour in. If we have evening activities and my husband can't drive, it messes with my exercising. That's why I love my exercise bike -- I can do it any time. And, no, the late exercise doesn't interfere with my sleep.

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As soon as school is done at 2, I'm out the door to exercise. In the fall, I would go for a one hour walk. Sometimes ds came with me, sometimes he went to his own activities, sometimes he stayed home. Now for the winter, we got a membership at the gym, so we go there together 3-4 times a week. It's exercise for both of us, plus some social time for him, as lots of other kids hang out there after school.


I swim, so I shower at the gym afterward. I often take a shower in the morning also.

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I exercise every morning by walking the dog for an hour. I have recently downloaded some apps on my phone that help make that a more spiritual time (rosary app, daily readings, etc.) It is not perfect, but it helps start the day well. I also rock climb two nights a week and I do get pretty dirty/sweaty. I take a short shower on both of those nights but I wear a shower cap so I don't get my hair wet. I usually only get my hair wet after my morning shower. Yes, that means I do take two showers in one day sometimes, but the 2nd one is really a very quick one - just enough to clean my body. I try to add devotional time at other times of the day because, to tell you the truth, I am not fully concious until I have been up and moving for about an hour.

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Mmmm....muffins. :laugh:


I don't believe in exercise. I believe in being active, but not in *exercise.* So take my reply with a grain of salt. :-)


I shower in the evening right before bed, and I wash my hair in the morning in the kitchen sink. AFAIK, no one has died in the last 38 years because I wash my hair in the kitchen, even though my grandmother would be horrified. :laugh:


FTR. I have done fencing (en garde!!) and several kinds of dance (clogging, Scottish country dance, hula) over the years. I have been *active.* Any kind of *exercise* that is unrelated to anything that also stimulates my brain (i.e., jazzercize, water aerobics) is always an epic fail.

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Evening exerciser here - it's the only time I can make it work. I shower afterward, but my hair is short so going to bed afterward isn't a problem. I still prefer a shower in the morning,to get moving, but that doesn't always happen these days, so at least I get the evening!

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I'm up at 5 am and exercising by 5:30.


If you prefer evenings can you handle 2 showers a day. After your evening exercise put your hair up so it doesn't get wet in the shower. You probably already have it up for exercise any way. You can do a quick shower to get rid of the sweat and keep your "real" morning shower.

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I generally do my exercising in the morning and then take my shower when the kids are having their quiet time. I'm in my exercise clothes anyways so it's not like I am dirtying an extra outfit. I generally have my quiet time / devotional as well while the kids are down (we aim for 2 hours of quiet time). By then my mind is alert, if I tried to do it first thing I don't know how much I would get out of it.

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I exercise at night because that is when the classes are scheduled. :laugh:


I shower when I get home from class, but I stay up late most of the time and have short hair, so that isn't an issue for me. If it were I might wash my hair the next morning, but still wash my body at night.

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On days I exercise the shower comes afterwards (before bedtime) even if I already took a shower in the a.m. :)) So that'd be two showers. Shower isn't immediately afterwards because life has a way of speeding up the minute I'm perceived to get an ounce of extra energy. :coolgleamA:


So the answer is 1 in a.m. and perhaps another in the p.m.

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I exercise first thing in the morning, and then shower before school. I shower again before bed because I don't want to get my sheets dirty either. I wash my hair in the morning so I can avoid having to do that before bed. That said, I am lucky that most mornings my husband can feed the kids. We still get off to a late start, but for me exercising only gets done if it's done first thing. I am hoping to be more organized and have some sort of work or activity ready for the kids while I shower in hopes that we can get the day started a bit earlier.

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I have found that the best time for me to exercise is while the kids finish lunch. It allows us to get the majority of our schoolwork done in the morning (I leave some independent work for them to do while I'm on the treadmill.) The kids finish lunch, work on a few chores, and then usually listen to their history chapter. That gives me enough time to exercise (30-45 mins on the treadmill), plus cool off and take a quick shower. I either eat a small early lunch (before exercising) or a light late lunch (after showering).

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I have found that the best time for me to exercise is while the kids finish lunch. It allows us to get the majority of our schoolwork done in the morning (I leave some independent work for them to do while I'm on the treadmill.) The kids finish lunch, work on a few chores, and then usually listen to their history chapter. That gives me enough time to exercise (30-45 mins on the treadmill), plus cool off and take a quick shower. I either eat a small early lunch (before exercising) or a light late lunch (after showering).


This sounds like an option, but here is my stumbling block....do I get ready for the day in the morning and just put on exercise clothes and make up (in case I have to go out) or do I wait until after I've exercised which leaves me feeling sort of scummy all morning (and usually means I will end up needing to go out in public AND of course I am seen by someone I know)?


I'm not really expecting an answer b/c obviously I have to find what is workable and realistic for me, but I haven't been able to find it yet so I just fit it in here and there and end up feeling very scattered.

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I exercise in the afternoon after school,but before dinner. Sometimes I'm able to run while I'm waiting for my kids at an activity (I have olders that can babysit). I wash my hair every other day, even every 3rd day in winter. I take a *spit bath* in between. I take baths after running so I don't have to re-wash my hair.



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I know I am less effective if I am not dressed for the occasion. For me, wearing exercise clothes during the day means I am not dresssed and ready for what I should be doing. It is like wearing PJs during the day for me. It may work for others, but it doesn't work for me. I put on my mom uniform (jeans and a sweater or something) for daytime. (as I sit here still in my exercise clothes because I got sidetracked when I got home from walking the dog.

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I know I am less effective if I am not dressed for the occasion. For me, wearing exercise clothes during the day means I am not dresssed and ready for what I should be doing. It is like wearing PJs during the day for me. It may work for others, but it doesn't work for me. I put on my mom uniform (jeans and a sweater or something) for daytime. (as I sit here still in my exercise clothes because I got sidetracked when I got home from walking the dog.


Yes, this is what I'm saying exactly (and I'm still in exercise clothes too, which I'm fine with today b/c we are on break).

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It's dark in the morning when I'm up, and I've got chores. So I exercise around 10 or 11 am. The boys complete a math worksheet and handwriting during that time, then they are free to come out and ride their bikes around me or play in the creek, whatever they like. So right after math lesson I start to stretch and warm up. This gives me an opportunity to be available for questions for about 15-20 minutes. About 10:30 on average I'm out running. My general run is anywhere from 3-6 miles at this point, with the longest run on Saturday or Sunday (and usually they go with me on those-riding in front of me.)

The shower problem? Not a problem. I shower right after lunch. This is the boys free-reading time, so they are sprawled out reading while I get cleaned up. I have long hair and don't like to dry it, so I get the night-shower problem. I hate soggy pillows!

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I totally could have written your post!!! My exercise plan varies day by day but I typically like to go sometimes after school and before dinner. The sooner the better so I can get done with that dang shower ;-) and my hair can dry. Sometimes I exercise after dinner but I've found if I wait that long then I most likely won't even bother with it.

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No idea what the answer is but I commiserate LOL. I don't want to have to get up at the crack of dawn. Even if I do, the baby will probably wake when I do anyways (we co-sleep). Plus, whenever I get up that early to exercise, DH thinks that I am up and can just do whatever, so he usually asks me to make his lunch. I don't like wearing exercise clothese or pajamas all day because I usually feel crummy and like I never really got moving that day. Afternoons we usually have places to go or activities to do. Plus, we never really finish school at a decent time. Then evenings bring cooking dinner. church, American Heritage Girl meetings, or some other type of issue. I have no idea how to work this whole exerise deal out.

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This sounds like an option, but here is my stumbling block....do I get ready for the day in the morning and just put on exercise clothes and make up (in case I have to go out) or do I wait until after I've exercised which leaves me feeling sort of scummy all morning (and usually means I will end up needing to go out in public AND of course I am seen by someone I know)?


I'm not really expecting an answer b/c obviously I have to find what is workable and realistic for me, but I haven't been able to find it yet so I just fit it in here and there and end up feeling very scattered.


LOL! I understand the dilemma! I have found that since I shower in the late afternoon after exercising, I don't feel too scummy in the morning. If I know I'm going out in public, I will put on regular clothes (jeans, t-shirt, etc) and just change into workout clothes when I'm ready to exercise. After I shower, I can put those same clothes back on (or put on different clean clothes if you don't mind the extra laundry). If I know I'm going to be home, I'll usually just put on my workout clothes.


A lot of it just depends on how important it is for you to work out. If you really want to do it, you'll find a workable solution for all the issues that can usually prevent us from actually exercising!

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No idea what the answer is but I commiserate LOL. I don't want to have to get up at the crack of dawn. Even if I do, the baby will probably wake when I do anyways (we co-sleep). Plus, whenever I get up that early to exercise, DH thinks that I am up and can just do whatever, so he usually asks me to make his lunch. I don't like wearing exercise clothese or pajamas all day because I usually feel crummy and like I never really got moving that day. Afternoons we usually have places to go or activities to do. Plus, we never really finish school at a decent time. Then evenings bring cooking dinner. church, American Heritage Girl meetings, or some other type of issue. I have no idea how to work this whole exerise deal out.


Oh boy! I forgot about the afternoon/evening activities that interfere (my mind seems to be taking this whole school break a little too far). And yes, I really hate when I'm scrambling to fit in exercising and making dinner. I'm thinking I'm going to experiment with options and then stick with each one for a week to see which works best. Now I just have to list my options and decide which one to try first.

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I am hitting the gym after dinner and then showering. I have long hair and I have to blow dry it. Every night. Then I get up and straighten or curl it in the morning and I'm good to go until after the gym again.


I just bought a can of dry shampoo.I havent used it yet but I follow a blog where the lady is a runner and she showers and then uses the dry shampoo most days, maybe that will work for ya so your hair is clean but not wet? The you could just wash your hair in the sink the mornings that you need to?

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This sounds like an option, but here is my stumbling block....do I get ready for the day in the morning and just put on exercise clothes and make up (in case I have to go out) or do I wait until after I've exercised which leaves me feeling sort of scummy all morning (and usually means I will end up needing to go out in public AND of course I am seen by someone I know)?


I'm not really expecting an answer b/c obviously I have to find what is workable and realistic for me, but I haven't been able to find it yet so I just fit it in here and there and end up feeling very scattered.


Do you have a long routine to "get ready for the day"? I have found it beneficial to just keep this part of my life very simple. I can shower and dress in under ten minutes. I don't dry my hair and I don't use make-up. Sure, I'm not Miss America, but I never have to worry about when to fit it in. If I want to shower, I just do it. Because I exercise in the afternoon, I may very well end up showering twice in a day. It's no biggie when it's such a small amount of time.

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This is my plan. We'll see if it happens.


Get up, get cup of tea, have devotions. Shower, wash and dry hair, make-up ONLY IF I AM GOING OUT (which is really only once a week in the morning). Jeans and sweater.


Exercise after lunch. Quick shower, don't wash hair, do make-up, jeans and sweater back on. If we do go out, it's usually after my little one's nap, so then I'm ready for that.


I can't imagine exercising before the day because I walk/run and it's pitch black and freezing then!

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