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Grandbaby news x TWO!!!


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Dd had precious little dgd on 12/21 at 12/21 a.m. She weighed 6 lbs 3 oz and was 19 inches. She had a beautiful water birth in the hospital with a CNM less than 4 hours after arriving! It does appear that dgd had been a little growth restricted, but she's been nursing like a champ since ten minutes after birth, so I think she will catch up just fine!


On Christmas morning, my oldest dd (who got married in October) got a positive test! They are thrilled, as am I of course!


Just wanted to share. I'll post some bragging pics when I can get to my computer; it's been a busy couple weeks!

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Wow, that is great news!! You must have been flying high this holiday season! :) Congratulations.


It really was one of the best Christmases we have had. It was just nice to have ALL my kids, the new son-in-law, and my military son-in-law who was here on leave for the baby's birth, the new baby safe and healthy, and dgs of course. My ex's mom (my kids' other grandma) came and spent 5 nights with us to see her new great grandbaby, and spend Christmas Day with us so she could be with all her grandchildren (my ex is an only so our kids are her only grandchildren). My mom was here of course (she lives on our property), so my kids had both of their grandmothers here as well (the grandfathers have both passed) for the first time ever on Christmas Day.


Topping that off was dd texting me a pic of her positive pg test before they headed over. It made for a really special Christmas all around.

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