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DD with severe cramps - WWYD? (Girl talk)


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The Pill works best with endo when you skip the "breaks" and only have a period a few times a year.


YES, there can be side effects, but they are less common with a younger girl, and she's suffering enough that she deserves to give it a chance.


The Pill now could conceivably be protective against adhesion-induced infertility in the future, too.


I had moderate endo symptoms in high school and college and painful periods. Got a bit better with kiddo #1. Got way worse after, to the point where I dreaded having a BM because of the adhesions tearing. Got tons better after #2 and stayed that way. Currently PG with #3 (praise God!).

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Hey everyone. This is "DD" speaking. Thanks so much for the consideration and the friendly advice. I can probably describe in better detail than my mom what my issues are, seeing as she's pretty confused by the whole idea of having period cramps.


I tend to be pretty badly irregular, and I've seen doctors before about it, who seemed to be pretty uptight about the fact that the duration between periods is over 30 days - sometimes up to 2 months. I also have TONS of PMS. You could ask my boyfriend, I am like a nightmare for about 2 weeks before the dreaded time. Everything irritates me and I am usually pretty unexplainably mad at the world, even if I don't want to be. I also am super nauseated every day for most of these two weeks, I get mild cramping, and lots of headaches, including light & sound sensitivity. Sometimes I also get backaches and sore breasts, and I am always, insatiably tired. No amount of sleep can satisfy me at this time.


And of course, the first three days of my period are absolute hell. The first day is almost always the worst, but sometimes it's the 2nd day that is the worst, for some reason. I am not really sure how much blood is considered a lot, but it seems to be a whole lot - so much that I need to get up at 3 AM just to go to the bathroom, and usually I wake to cramps and have to suffer through it until I get back to sleep. If you want an idea of the cramps, it's kind of like trying to walk around with knives in your stomach, and when I can walk my mobility is limited, and I kind of shuffle around like an awkward penguin. The cramps usually continue for most of the duration of my period, but die away after about day 5. The bleeding does continue though, in limited amounts, and I'm usually not totally in the clear until, like, day 10.


As for things I've tried - I take advil, like mom said, like my life depends on it. I have a memorized schedule, even. One schedule for school days, and another for non school days. I take 2 every 6 hours, which is kind of stretching it as much as I can, to try and get it so I only have to take 3 doses at the most a day. It makes me kind of antsy to take any more than that, idk why. Makes me feel like I'm ODing majorly. Lots of people have recommended birth control to me, which although it does kind of sound like heaven in a bottle, I feel more reluctant to try it unless it's my last and/or only alternative. The commercials for birth control kind of freak me out, considering it takes them about a full two minutes to list all the potential side affects. What I'm really hoping for is some other alternatives I can try - I know someone recommended raspberry tea and another recommended fish oil. I've only ever heard of the raspberry tea thing, but I'd be willing to test out the fish oil theory.


Please keep up the thoughtful replies - I'm really desperate for a solution here :(


-Love DD


DD - I've been there - almost exactly. I didn't have the problems with light sensitivity that you have, but the rest - yep (including the penguin waddle). I went on the pill as a freshman in college and that was a miracle worker for me. I know you're reluctant, I was too, but it really did help me in ways I cannot express.


As a 20-something I had a bunch of tests done, including a laparascopy (I've probably misspelled that). I was diagnosed with varicose veins on the ligaments that support my uterus as well as endometriosis. Having DD has helped, but that wasn't until I was 39! As far as the varicose veins were concerned, I don't know if that was bunk or not but I was told there was nothing to be done and that I just had to find ways to cope. Not a pleasant place to be.


Please get to an OB-Gyn and get evaluated. Consider BC pills. The other thing to consider is a mild anti-depressant for the 2 weeks prior to your period when you're PMS-ing. I tried that too and it helped so much.


I do understand the pain - truly. For me it's like someone has thrust one or more knives into my gut and they are being slowly twisted. My knees feel like they can't support me and my legs are numb and don't work. The ibuprofen helps the pain but also makes my leg numbness worse, so watch that. It also makes the bleeding heavier as it's a blood thinner. Just FYI. I also have extremely heavy periods; the 2nd or 3rd day is the worst for me. I can't leave the house, sit and sleep on a towel, and change my pad every hour or so. I have to get up once or twice at night to change pads too.


You can try other remedies, but honestly, for me, only the BCP worked. It helped the cramps, reduced the flow, regulated my cycle, and with the anti-depressant evened out my mood. Just think about it.



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I do not nor have I ever had PMS or cramps, but I have a dear friend who has them horribly and has PMS like DD described. She uses a product called Vitex that really helps balance hormones. Might be worth a try because it was the only thing that worked for her and she was completely debilitated for days on end. It is a natural formulation of herbs and can be taken mixed into liquid or as a pill.


Hope you find some relief. When I was growing up my best friend also had PMS and cramps and she had to take prescription meds to just get through a few days.

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It might also be worth getting checked for iron deficiency as that makes periods much heavier and you will feel absolutely exhausted. I hope you can find a good helpful doctor. I know my iron deficiency show up in my iron stores but my other figures look ok. I had bad symptoms.


Also there is a series over here called Food Hospital, one episode is about PMS and they talk about diet. and natural ways to help It is here but you may need to use Tunnelbear or something to watch it.

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Definitely find something to relieve the pain and hormonal issues but I wouldn't just treat the symptoms and leave it like that. If it is something like endometriosis, you need to know. It could have long term affects on your health and fertility. As previous posters have said, it can be hard to get a diagnosis, as often doctors won't take you seriously. Back in 1993 when I was diagnosed after pushing for a year, I read a statistic that said it took on average 12 years for a woman to get a diagnosis. She'd wait several years to say something to her doctor, the doctor would brush off her concerns for another couple of years, she'd leave it for a while and then go for a second and possibly more opinions.


Endometriosis can only be diagnosed surgically.


There is NO reason to diagnose endometriosis in a 13-year-old. NONE. It cannot be cured, surgically or otherwise. And surgical interventions do NOT prevent it from coming back and do NOT restore fertility.


There is no treatment except for symptomatic treatment. Even surgery is purely symptomatic.

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I tend to be pretty badly irregular, and I've seen doctors before about it, who seemed to be pretty uptight about the fact that the duration between periods is over 30 days - sometimes up to 2 months. I also have TONS of PMS. You could ask my boyfriend, I am like a nightmare for about 2 weeks before the dreaded time. Everything irritates me and I am usually pretty unexplainably mad at the world, even if I don't want to be. I also am super nauseated every day for most of these two weeks, I get mild cramping, and lots of headaches, including light & sound sensitivity. Sometimes I also get backaches and sore breasts, and I am always, insatiably tired. No amount of sleep can satisfy me at this time.


First, you can take more ibuprofen than that. A prescription dose is 3-4 ibuprofen. 2 is a joke. If you are on it for only a few days a month, it isn't so bad.


Second, half a Percocet is a girl's best friend. If the ibuprofen isn't enough, a very small amount of an opiate can take most of the rest away. 2 pills a month won't make you an addict.


Third, you just aren't that old yet. Under 16, irregular periods are NORMAL. Now, if you start getting weight gain and excessive hair, you may be developing PCOS, which is about 1000 times easier to treat when it's caught early. Without the weight gain, if it continues as you get older, it's some other hormonal imbalance, and yes, it may mean that you are subfertile. And speaking as someone who's gone 6 months without a period....there is no cure and no treatment for the imbalance. Sorry. There is treatment for the infertility, and anovulatory infertility without endometriosis is VERY responsive to Clomid.


Fourth, try exercise. I know you want to saw your body in half when you are in that much pain, but doping up and forcing yourself to go on a run while cramping will lessen the pain within about half an hour and will shorten your total flow time.


Fifth, try the pill. Seriously. The serious side effects are incredibly rare and occur almost exclusively in women over 35 and in women with genetic clotting disorders. Have you taken Tylenol? That's more dangerous. If you do have endometriosis, and with 2 weeks of early cramping, it's pretty likely, it is associated with infertility. The mechanism isn't clear, but it may be caused by hormonal imbalance that also causes infertility, or there could be scarring from endometriosis that causes infertility. Whatever the cause, surgery to clear out endometriosis does NOT restore fertility, period. So if you are at risk from scarring causing infertility, the pill can keep the endo from building up and messing up your Fallopian tubes, uterus, and ovaries and could preserve your fertility that way.


You're being told over and over by women who have gone through this that the pill is the closest thing there is to a solution for a reason: It is!

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This has been a problem for a long while, over a year and probably close to two years. The girl has the worst cramps and other hormonal effects from her period I have ever witnessed in my life. I did call the doctor about this before, about 9 months ago, but she has done everything they recommended and does not get adequate relief. She is in a B&M school and has missed days or partial days almost every month because of it. She takes Advil like it's going out of style, wears a Thermacare heat pad to school, keeps an electric heating pad on at home, but she is still severely hampered from doing anything for at least one day, sometimes 2 or 3 days. You know those childbirth facial expression charts that measure pain? Her face looks like maybe a 6 or so from time to time and that is WITH the Advil and the heat pad.


Have you dealt with this problem? What was your solution? Should I ask the pediatrician again (not much rapport there) or take the problem to my OB/GYN?



I have the exact same issues. I find that if I cut out salty foods a good week before my period that it helps tremendously. I didn't find that out until I was an adult though and I don't know if it's true for everyone. ?? I saw a family doc at 16 and after trying several methods, he suggested the pill and it did actually fix the problem.

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We saw the doctor for this with my daughter just a few weeks ago.


She suggested taking TWO Alieve twice a day starting 2-3 days BEFORE your period and through the first 2-3 days. She said this really helps with inflamation and keeps the cramps at bay. I know that is harder though if the cycles are more irregular. I will say though that it really helped my daughter. She had just very mild complaints and for the past few months she has been miserable on the couch.

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My cramps can be unbearable as well. Some of the suggestions you've gotten already have helped me tremendously.


With the Advil- you need to take 4 of them to get any sort of relief. Take them just BEFORE your period begins. When you know it's coming. And take them every 4-6 hours with food.


I get very tender breasts the week before and have found that Evening Primrose Oil capsules taken at the start of the soreness, decreases the swelling and tenderness. I take it everyday until that symptom wears off (about 7 days).


Drinking Red Rasberry and Chasteberry teas, helps to tone the uterus and ease the cramping. There are some other great blend teas that are made specifically for period days that use a combination of these plus have cinnamon bark , ginger (great for the nausea), and other herbs to aid in supporting your body.


Stay away from caffeine! No caffeine during your period and try to avoid it during PMS times too. It always makes my PMS symptoms worse and my cramps intensified.


Switch to cloth pads. HUGE difference.


Avoid soy. Soy always makes my cramps worse. I don't eat it at all ever.


All of this together has helped so much. My next suggestion that helped probably the most in conjunction with all the above would be an entire lifestyle change for you so I would try the other things first. I have found that when I cut out soy altogether and greatly decreased the amount of gluten I eat (practically none) and also decreased my sugar intake that my cramps went almost away entirely. The only sugar I eat is my daily dose of chocolate. :) I don't drink juice, soda, eat pies or cakes, etc. I still get PMS with the breast tenderness, but I've been able to have a period without popping a single Advil. I still have some minor cramps, but it is so little in comparison to what I had that I can tolerate it well.


I hope that this resolves for you DD, perhaps as you get older your hormones will balance out. In the meantime, I hope you are able to find some relief from all the suggestions you've gotten here. :grouphug:

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Please try the fish oil.


Really, it is life changing. I started years ago, and went back into the healthfood store to get more (this was the days before the fish oil craze) and told the owner how it helped me. She had found out the same. We were like two newly converted talking to each other about it and she was telling me that MANY women were coming in, sharing the same story.





As soon as I read this post I was thinking fish oil. This product is excellent and the company is very reputable. Their products are often sold at Whole Food, other health food stores or online. It needs to be kept in the fridge after being opened.


Fish oil on its own with its anti-inflammatory effects own is effective but when combined with Black Currant Oil the result is excellent at balancing out hormones. It's available at WFs and online. Refrigerate after opening.

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Drinking Red Rasberry and Chasteberry teas, helps to tone the uterus and ease the cramping. There are some other great blend teas that are made specifically for period days that use a combination of these plus have cinnamon bark , ginger (great for the nausea), and other herbs to aid in supporting your body.


Stay away from caffeine! No caffeine during your period and try to avoid it during PMS times too. It always makes my PMS symptoms worse and my cramps intensified.


Switch to cloth pads. HUGE difference.







Don't mix milk into your raspberry tea - it will curdle. Blech.

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I was just like your dd. turns out it was a fibroid. It quickly go to the size of a grapefruit, but it took them almost a year of tests and explorative surgeries to figure it out.


My best friend in high school had endometriosis. Se had four surgeries to stave it off before she even graduated. The pill really helped her. Definitely get it checked out before she ends up infertile or in horrid pain!!


Cutting out coffee, any type of pop, and taking vitex (herbal) could help. The pill works great *if it is endometriosis*. If its something else, it could make it worse. She needs a check up!

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Hey everyone. This is "DD" speaking. Thanks so much for the consideration and the friendly advice. I can probably describe in better detail than my mom what my issues are, seeing as she's pretty confused by the whole idea of having period cramps.


I tend to be pretty badly irregular, and I've seen doctors before about it, who seemed to be pretty uptight about the fact that the duration between periods is over 30 days - sometimes up to 2 months. I also have TONS of PMS. You could ask my boyfriend, I am like a nightmare for about 2 weeks before the dreaded time. Everything irritates me and I am usually pretty unexplainably mad at the world, even if I don't want to be. I also am super nauseated every day for most of these two weeks, I get mild cramping, and lots of headaches, including light & sound sensitivity. Sometimes I also get backaches and sore breasts, and I am always, insatiably tired. No amount of sleep can satisfy me at this time.


And of course, the first three days of my period are absolute hell. The first day is almost always the worst, but sometimes it's the 2nd day that is the worst, for some reason. I am not really sure how much blood is considered a lot, but it seems to be a whole lot - so much that I need to get up at 3 AM just to go to the bathroom, and usually I wake to cramps and have to suffer through it until I get back to sleep. If you want an idea of the cramps, it's kind of like trying to walk around with knives in your stomach, and when I can walk my mobility is limited, and I kind of shuffle around like an awkward penguin. The cramps usually continue for most of the duration of my period, but die away after about day 5. The bleeding does continue though, in limited amounts, and I'm usually not totally in the clear until, like, day 10.


As for things I've tried - I take advil, like mom said, like my life depends on it. I have a memorized schedule, even. One schedule for school days, and another for non school days. I take 2 every 6 hours, which is kind of stretching it as much as I can, to try and get it so I only have to take 3 doses at the most a day. It makes me kind of antsy to take any more than that, idk why. Makes me feel like I'm ODing majorly. Lots of people have recommended birth control to me, which although it does kind of sound like heaven in a bottle, I feel more reluctant to try it unless it's my last and/or only alternative. The commercials for birth control kind of freak me out, considering it takes them about a full two minutes to list all the potential side affects. What I'm really hoping for is some other alternatives I can try - I know someone recommended raspberry tea and another recommended fish oil. I've only ever heard of the raspberry tea thing, but I'd be willing to test out the fish oil theory.


Please keep up the thoughtful replies - I'm really desperate for a solution here :(


-Love DD


:grouphug: to you, Sweetie! I had this in my younger years, and one of my DDs is nearly the same.


Try Alleve/Naproxen Sodium/Anaprox. After maxing out on the dosage of ibuprofen, we tried prescription strength Alleve... within 15 minutes, DD went from literally crying in pain WITH ibuprofen and a heating pad to dancing around the house, looking for food. What we do now is take a double dose of over-the-counter Alleve at the very first sign- it takes less medicine to prevent cramps than to get rid of them once they start. If there is any more pain, ibuprofen can be combined with it- they act differently. A second dose of Alleve (regular, rarely double) is all that is needed now. Sometimes she'll need another does of ibuprofen... but it has truly changed her life. Alleve can upset her stomach- so take a full glass of water and have something to eat with it.


You are wise to be cautious of BC pills. They *did* help me, but they also strangely affected my emotions.


Also, look into calcium/magnesium supplements- they help relax the muscles.


Consider visiting a midwife or OB/GYN. Female issues are their specialty and they may have better answers for you. Take good care!


Editing to add:

Red Raspberry LEAF tea- not raspberry flavor tea. This stuff works so well- it is truly like magic. It can taste a little bitter- if you truly can't drink it, buy it in bulk and brew a super-strong batch and use it as a foot soak- your skin will absorb it and you'll get the benefits.


read bout it here: http://www.bulkherbstore.com/Red-Raspberry-Leaf-Organic-Cut


sources to purchase:



find in many grocery stores or large pharmacies: http://www.imedmart.com/Traditional-Medicinals-Teas/Women-s-Teas/RED-RASPBERRY-LEAF-TEA-16-BAG.html?cmx=8X0D21&refx=FR00GX


capsules: http://www.amazon.com/Natures-Way-Raspberry-Leaves-Capsules/dp/B000AR8PXW

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I didn't read all the of the responses after DD posted, but it sounds like you are dealing with 2 different things, both related to your cycle.

Everything irritates me and I am usually pretty unexplainably mad at the world, even if I don't want to be. I also am super nauseated every day for most of these two weeks, I get mild cramping, and lots of headaches, including light & sound sensitivity.


This sounds like migraine. There are meds out there specifically for migraines, or you can try some of the OTC migraine things. Basically they are the painkiller (ibup. naproxyn or aspirin) and caffeine.


The cramping though....oh my goodness honey, I feel for you. I have been like that all my life until about 6 years ago when I went on the pill with no break. I have 2 periods a year and even then, they are better than they were. I can tell you from experience that the pills today are much lower dosages than they were even 20 years ago. When I first got married I went on the pill and if I skipped one it was no big deal. Now if I miss one, I start having symptoms within 12-24 hours. And by symptoms I mean tired, crampy and mean.


When I was in high school I took prescription strength alleve (sodium naproxyn). I can't remember, but I think 550 mg was the number. It worked great if I took it at the FIRST SIGN of cramps. It is a large dose, but I only took it for 3 days a month, so I wasn't too bothered by long term effects. While I understand you not wanting to go on the pill, my OBGYN said most of the side effects are rare, unless you smoke. And one time my PCP told me that if someone in a study gets sick while taking the medication (whatever it is) they have to mention it in the paperwork. I'm not trying to minimalize your fears, but just put them in perspective.


I too, try to stay away from medications and do the organic thing. Unfortunately for me, it hasn't worked for several things. And this is one of them. I am 47, and I am dreading the day when my OB takes away The Pill. He said I can take it safely until I'm 50. It has made SUCH a change in my life.


Also, if you do have endometriosis, it will inhibit the growth and might even cause the growths to shrink. Sometimes being a girl sucks! I have friends who go through life 'embracing' their periods as a symbol of their femininity. Yeah. I can embrace my femininity in many other ways, thank you very much. That is not feminine to me. It's torture. Nothing short of it.



ETA: I would definitely make sure to see an OBGYN. One without a condescending attitude towards women. And I would push for, at the very least, an ultrasound or scan of some sort to check for fibroids & endometriosis.

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Well, at least when you get pregnant, labor will be a breeze, because you are suffering about the same level right now! (OK, that was completely pointless, but I was trying to find something positive.)




I know you were joking, but I am convinced this is true. After suffering from horrible cramps, labor was actually pretty OK. I have had cramps that were more painful than the worst of my labor pain. About 15 minutes after dd was born, I told the midwife "I could do that again, no prob...."

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I know you were joking, but I am convinced this is true. After suffering from horrible cramps, labor was actually pretty OK. I have had cramps that were more painful than the worst of my labor pain. About 15 minutes after dd was born, I told the midwife "I could do that again, no prob...."



DD, I wish I could go back with my dd and have her to on the pill younger. It has been such a life changer for her. She actually did stay in bed, mostly sleeping, for 2 weeks out of a month. She was in horrible pain and so very tired. She didn't want to start on hormonal therapy type of treatment so young either. I think she was also afraid of going to a gyn. Her fears there were unfounded; there is no internal exam at such a young age if you are not sexually active. Because she didn't do well with the first bcpills that were tried, they did want to do a v@ginal ultrasound. That was quickly ended when it was really obvious that there had not been any activity in that area. Instead, she had to go to the hospital for an abdominal ultrasound. Bottom line is that you are at a point in your life where you need to be able to function everyday for school. Try the fish oil. Then, consider trying bc. With the severity of your symptoms, the truth is that not treating them is probably doing more damage than the potential side effects of the pill. Endometriosis causes more and more damage as time goes by. The pill can stop the damage.

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Sorry I don't have time right this minute to come up to speed on the posts since last night, but thank you, all of you, for caring and offering your tips. I really appreciate it loads. I made an apt. today for DD; she will go to the gyn on Dec 20th. Meanwhile, I picked up fish oil and raspberry tea for her. She also took Vitex last night and today. (I actually already had that around.) From what I discussed on the phone with the nurse, I think it is very probable she will go on BCP. If that helps her, I am fine with it.

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That's highly debatable but I'm not going to get into it here.


You're recommending exploratory surgery. Okay. What will they do if they find endo?


1) Clean it out. It will come back. Cleaning it out doesn't always help the pain (maybe because some is grown INTO the surrounding organs, maybe because it's hard to get it all--we don't know.) And how many time should she have the surgery? Once ever 2 years for the rest of her life?




2) Put her on the Pill.


She could do #2 anyway, without #1.

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I was just like your dd. turns out it was a fibroid. It quickly go to the size of a grapefruit, but it took them almost a year of tests and explorative surgeries to figure it out.


They should be able to see it on an ultrasound today!


Endo can't be seen on ultrasound still, though. :(

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If you want to find a diet that is least likely to aggravate hormonal imbalances, I know this is a fertility book, but it's worth a look. Remember that the writers found CORRELATION, not CAUSATION.


That means that other things cause infertility--say, being overweight is associated with higher levels of infertility (because weight and PCOS are so strongly associated). So, if you're overweight, you're more likely to drink diet soda, trying to lose weight. So diet soda drinkers are, on average, less fertile than regular soda drinkers. That doesn't mean that diet soda causes infertility! So, take this with a HUGE grain of salt, but these are things that MIGHT help.



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If she knows when her period is coming, take an aleve twice a day for the 3 or 4 days PRIOR to the period. I got cramps so badly, I vomited before I could keep any aleve down.


BCPs worked for me, too. I was on a budget and not using them for birth control, and I found I could take two pills out of three days (two on, one off) and stop at day 21, restart at day 28 with great relief. That way 3 pill packs would last for 4 cycles, but I knew I wasn't going to getting preggers, and was mature enough to be 100% sure (short of rape, I suppose).


After I read up on the Aleve trick, I went off between semesters and it worked. It finally lessened in my 30s, and was gone by 36.

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It might also be worth getting checked for iron deficiency as that makes periods much heavier and you will feel absolutely exhausted. I hope you can find a good helpful doctor. I know my iron deficiency show up in my iron stores but my other figures look ok. I had bad symptoms.


Also there is a series over here called Food Hospital, one episode is about PMS and they talk about diet. and natural ways to help It is here but you may need to use Tunnelbear or something to watch it.


I would definitely look at dietary change possibilities and micronutrient deficiency possibilities....


Eating calves liver once a month and changing my diet - eg decreasing milk consumption, helped my cramps.


But as many others have said, there could be other physiological problems that you are having....Still, it is definitely worth a check so that you don't have to go on medication which always has side effects of one kind or another....



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