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So who's done with holiday gifts?


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For all intents and purposes, I am done. Other than the grocery store I don't have to go out in the holiday madness again for the rest of the month! I even wrapped all the gifts today so I won't have to do it at the last minute. The only exceptions are one gift for DS7 that hasn't yet arrived (ordered online). I'm usually done shopping early but still have a bunch of handmade goodies to complete right up until the last minute. I'm loving being done this early, I already feel more relaxed about the holidays this year!


Anyone else looking forward to kicking back these last couple weeks until the big day?

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Almost! This is the earliest I've never been this close.


I have to admit to something scandalous though: I'm hiring a teenage girl to come to my house the week

before Christmas to wrap presents for me. <eeek!> LOL I just don't love doing it and this teenager will

be thrilled to have some extra spending money. :)

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I'm pretty much done, but I'll keep shopping until the last second on Christmas Eve, because I love to shop. :)



Me too. And because I'm addicted to finding good deals, and a lot of prices drop substantially right before Christmas. And I have an Amazon Prime trial right now, so I can still get stuff fast. Oh, and my last baby is 2 and I'm a bit crazy about the fun, fun toddler toys and can't seem to keep that reasonable. It's my last time to buy baby toys, my older kids' lists are kind of boring.

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Me too. And because I'm addicted to finding good deals, and a lot of prices drop substantially right before Christmas. And I have an Amazon Prime trial right now, so I can still get stuff fast.


I pay for Amazon Prime, and let's just say I really get my money's worth. :D

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I have to admit to something scandalous though: I'm hiring a teenage girl to come to my house the week

before Christmas to wrap presents for me. <eeek!> LOL I just don't love doing it and this teenager will

be thrilled to have some extra spending money. :)


That is genius! I usually put wrapping off until the last minute, so that is one of the more exciting parts of being done.


I don't have prime, but I was shocked when the stuff I ordered Thanksgiving weekend from Amazon arrived the following Monday. I did free super saver shipping, which usually takes a week or longer! I'm just waiting on something from MakerShed to get here so I can wrap it up!

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No where near done. I am usually done by December, for the most part, with one a few odds and ends to pick up (stocking stuff). This year, I am not even close to done - having the kids around 24/7 has cramped my style! LOL I really should be on Amazon right now, instead of TWTM. Actually a friend of mine is watching the kids this Sunday afternoon so DH and I can go out and finish up our shopping.

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I'm supposedly done but I don't feel satisfied. I only got my oldest dd a few things and I got more smaller gifts for my other two. I just don't know what to buy! I took her shopping but even she couldn't find anything she would like. Last Christmas she got many bath body washes and lotions so she doesn't want anymore. That would have been a nice gift but oh well. I think I might buy her a couple of $15 gift certificates to some fast food restaurants. I'm not excited about that but at least I know she'll use them. I'm wrapping as I go along too. I've never been this far along at this date so it feels strange. My DH is worried I'll decide to shop more in mid-month. I'll have to resist the urge.

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I'm almost done and gifts are wrapped! I still need something for dh, one thing for older dd, one thing for middle dd, and stocking candy/stuffers. I had grand plans to make a whole bunch of the gifts, but with the three kiddos here all the time, a new puppy that pees everywhere, applying to be temporary foster parents, hosting *8* people for the week of thanksgiving, and attempting to school 6 days a week....there was just no way. Lol.

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Not done, but not worried. I buy for the following people:


mother, mother-in-law

father, father-in-law






8 people. That's it. And all four parents want gift cards. Nephew wants money. My boys want money and maybe a lego set to play with on Christmas morning. DH wants to order his own Doctor Who DVDs.


Easy peasy!

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