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Post Your Christmas Tree Pictures!!


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How about this? Here are the 2012 members of "The Secret Tree Society", my three kids still at home and our exchange student guests for Thanksgiving. My kids sneak the tree out of the attic and put it together after dh and I are asleep sometime before Thanksgiving every year. This is one of two trees, the other is decorated mostly with food. Last year it took me a while to notice that the dog was eating everything she could reach.



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I'll get a tree pic up....but only if you'll tell me where you got that rug! :laugh:



I got that rug when mom moved into a smaller home. She was going to let it go with her house. I said no way, I'll take it!


I love that thing. It's a real hand (whatever) Oriental rug. Might possibly be the most expensive thing in the house? The only good thing about my parent's divorce.

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Guest inoubliable


I got that rug when mom moved into a smaller home. She was going to let it go with her house. I said no way, I'll take it!


I love that thing. It's a real hand (whatever) Oriental rug. Might possibly be the most expensive thing in the house? The only good thing about my parent's divorce.




Awww. It's beautiful! Reminds me of a few, discontinued rugs that Colonial Williamsburg used to carry. Wanted to say that I love the "Secret Tree Society", too!

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How about this? Here are the 2012 members of "The Secret Tree Society", my three kids still at home and our exchange student guests for Thanksgiving. My kids sneak the tree out of the attic and put it together after dh and I are asleep sometime before Thanksgiving every year. This is one of two trees, the other is decorated mostly with food. Last year it took me a while to notice that the dog was eating everything she could reach. tree2012.jpg

What a lovely tradition!


Here's our tree YMrs.W- Love the snowflakes on yours!

I love the colors! I've seen that combination in the stores before but I've never been bold enough to use them. I do a different, single color theme each year with a different "filler" (garland one year, beads another, snowflakes this year.)


My kids have their own tree in their room. It's got all the family heirloom ornaments and handmade kid ornaments. I would take a picture, but that would require my going upstairs and I'm too lazy right now! But, it has "clumpiness" to it where they hang groups of ornaments (or as we call them, "ornabobs").


:lol: Builder Boy is calling them "orbits." :confused:

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How about this? Here are the 2012 members of "The Secret Tree Society", my three kids still at home and our exchange student guests for Thanksgiving. My kids sneak the tree out of the attic and put it together after dh and I are asleep sometime before Thanksgiving every year. This is one of two trees, the other is decorated mostly with food. Last year it took me a while to notice that the dog was eating everything she could reach.



This cracks me up. Don't you wake up as they are running around getting the tree set up and decorating...or do you just turn over in the blissful knowledge that you wake up to a beautifully decorated tree in the morning?

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Dh pokes fun at our tree. It looks a bit like the Charlie Brown Christmas tree. The boys decorated it.

Please forgive the boxes in the background. They are from gifts for our congregations Christmas charity.


Sorry. The photo won't load. I'll get it up in a min.



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Our tree last year...


This years big tree...



Holy Moley that's one big tree you have there :ohmy:


I should post my tree so everyone can have a good laugh. My kids decorated it all by themselves this year - which means there are no lights because they couldn't figure them out and only the bottom half of the tree is decorated because they couldn't reach further then that :laugh: We also have $2 GREEN star on the top because we are on a budget this year and our last one got broken. It's also very purple because it looks like bossy DD got the final say in ornament selection and colour choice :rolleyes:

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I will have to get pictures...I did a peacock-themed tree this year. I know it's trendy right now, but I didn't care--we actually have a peacock, and I had the entire train he dropped this year sitting in my kitchen collecting dust, so I figured I should, you know, actually put all those feathers to good use! Besides, I have this thing for really loud trees. For the past couple years my tree has been hot pink/lime/purple with jungle animals. A few days ago I saw a Christmas-themed fabric with pink flamingoes all over it; it's decided, next year's tree HAS to be a totally kitsch-y pink flamingo tree!

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I will have to get pictures...I did a peacock-themed tree this year. I know it's trendy right now, but I didn't care--we actually have a peacock, and I had the entire train he dropped this year sitting in my kitchen collecting dust, so I figured I should, you know, actually put all those feathers to good use! Besides, I have this thing for really loud trees. For the past couple years my tree has been hot pink/lime/purple with jungle animals. A few days ago I saw a Christmas-themed fabric with pink flamingoes all over it; it's decided, next year's tree HAS to be a totally kitsch-y pink flamingo tree!




Definitely post a picture!!

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I will have to get pictures...I did a peacock-themed tree this year. I know it's trendy right now, but I didn't care--we actually have a peacock, and I had the entire train he dropped this year sitting in my kitchen collecting dust, so I figured I should, you know, actually put all those feathers to good use! Besides, I have this thing for really loud trees. For the past couple years my tree has been hot pink/lime/purple with jungle animals. A few days ago I saw a Christmas-themed fabric with pink flamingoes all over it; it's decided, next year's tree HAS to be a totally kitsch-y pink flamingo tree!


That is so AWESOME! You HAVE to post pictures!

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Four years ago we shipped our brand new, pre-lit Christmas tree to Malaysia when we moved here.


It didn't work with the electrical system here so we had to have a a special transformer made to accommodate it.


This year we put it up and half the lights stopped working! The entire mid-section of the tree is dark. So I went to 5 different places looking for white lights to fill the mid-section and I could not find ANY. AT.ALL. I was so upset and frustrated.


But a local guy that works in our maintenance department knew of this obscure place downtown that sold them so I finally got some and finally got our tree decorated yesterday.


All that to say, this tree was hard-earned!



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Four years ago we shipped our brand new, pre-lit Christmas tree to Malaysia when we moved here.


It didn't work with the electrical system here so we had to have a a special transformer made to accommodate it.


This year we put it up and half the lights stopped working! The entire mid-section of the tree is dark. So I went to 5 different places looking for white lights to fill the mid-section and I could not find ANY. AT.ALL. I was so upset and frustrated.


But a local guy that works in our maintenance department knew of this obscure place downtown that sold them so I finally got some and finally got our tree decorated yesterday.


All that to say, this tree was hard-earned!


I love that you went to so much effort for your tree. It's beautiful!!

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I love that you went to so much effort for your tree. It's beautiful!!



Thank you! Interestingly, when we moved here just four years ago, you couldn't find a Christmas tree here to buy at all. Now just four years later there are stores that sell Christmas trees and ornaments (but no white lights... only red!). Penang is becoming quite commercialized.

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