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How can I get the willpower to stop snacking?


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I hate being home all day because I always snack way too much! When I leave and am out or at someone else's house for a day, I always feel better and sleep better that night. I honestly think it's because I'm not snacking during the day. I really want to stop because I believe that snacking may work for some people to lose weight, but for me, the more I snack, the more food I want. I really need to eat 3 meals and a day and leave it at that. I'm talking all snacking, even healthy nuts/fruits, etc.


Any advice?

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Drinking water or hot tea always helps me, but also helpful is writing it down. Get on one of those sites or get an app where you track calories. When you write down the snack with its calorie content you will be more conscience of what you are doing. You will be more likely to tell yourself not to eat it. Also, keep one snack time in the afternoon, but sit down and eat it. Make a rule (write it down and post it up!) that you may not eat unless you are sitting down for an official eating time.

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Thanks for the ideas and encouragement. The vitamin deficiency might be some of it. My blood work showed I'm on the lower end of my B12 levels and low in D. I have been off dairy for 2 years because of sinus problems. I also have sensitivity to the sun that can cause me to itch, so I wear sunscreen all the time. I'm not good at taking vitamins, but after the blood work I realize I need to, so I've just started a couple of weeks ago. I crave fatty snacks the most (nuts, peanut butter, guacamole and tortilla chips, etc.). I don't think I could have no snacks at all in the house because that wouldn't be fair to my dh and kids. Ds has a metabolism the speed of a cheetah. He disgests food so quickly and will not eat one bite past being full. He has to snack in the morning and afternoon between meals. I do believe the biggest part of it is my willpower. I like the hot tea idea!

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Are you craving fatty snacks because you are not including the fat in your meals?


I do use lean meats, but I use olive oil, canola oil, etc. I don't eat as much cheese as I used to, but I still snacked then, too. Honestly, I think I crave those things because I really, really like them. I've experimented a little bit with not eating breakfast until later, and it seems that as soon as I eat something I am hungry all day. My blood work showed good sugar level (96, and I'd actually had coffee with a little sugar in it and half a banana with PB on it), triglycerides (72), and cholesterol (146).

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Tracking the food I eat helps me the most. Make a rule that you have to write down what you eat in a notebook (I use it to tally carb counts at the end of the day). Somehow this makes me more accountable and I eat less random stuff. I can still eat if I REALLY want it but I'm less likely to just eat because it's there. (which is a big weakness for me).

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I hope I'm going to get to help my Vitamin D deficiency next week. My parents were going to the beach with my sister and special needs nephew, and due to some doctor appointments that my mom can't miss, my sister has asked me and the kids to go. A week in the sun (although not all day, every day) should help me with that. Do any of you know if living just south of Atlanta I can get Vitamin D from the sun this time of year? The beach will be further south so I think I should when I'm there.

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Brush and floss your teeth after every meal OR snack.

Don't have snackable stuff in the front of the fridge or closet.

If you head for a snack, veer off and scrub something in the bathroom.

Substitute seltzer or herbal tea.

Wean yourself on raw carrots or celery. Try chewing gum or very sour hard candies.

Keep a few days of diary to see when you are doing it. In front of computer? Ban food from that room. When you sit down to read? Ditto. Only a drive-by grab while you are walking from room to room? All snacks must happen on a plate at the dining table. Etc.

Start smoking. :laugh:

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Make mouthwash your friend. Who wants to eat something after using mouth wash!


Yes, this!


When my grandmother warned that my body would eventually quit being so compliant to my eating habits,she wasn't kidding!


I've always been a grazer, but it's only been the past 2-3 years that I've started with the mindless eating thing. I'm not sure how or why it got started, but I packed on 15 pounds (which is a lot on my petite frame). So to help determine mindless/boredom eating from true hunger, I played a game with myself. Urge strikes, I drink one glass of water then brush my teeth; if urge is still there, I indulge it. If urge passed, I plan on a fat/protein-rich snack in another hour or so (to keep me from binging on my urge, once it goes from physical to mental IYKWIM).


Those 15 pounds found their way to someone else, because nothing tastes good after a tooth brushing ... and because I'd head off them mental hold on any urges by strategically planning for a fat/protein rich snack that would hold my stomach until the next meal. Thinks like salted, warm nuts; cheese and fruit plates; berries with cream, flavored with vanilla stevia; yogurt with honey and a few granola crumbs; raw veggies with tsatsiki or homemade ranch; etc. Full fat was the key.

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I love avocado and usually end up having it with almost every meal. It is a good fat so throw it in a salad, on a turkey sandwich, with hamburger (no patty) . I've also weaned myself from eating after dinner by having a cup of tea. I think you mentioned you liked avocado's and they are a good source for vitamin D.

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I've been doing that for 25+/- years. There comes a time when you have to do something different by choice.



When you pray you have to also make some changes in your life. God will not do it all for you. That is why you ask for His help. :) It comes down to whether you just pray to pray or whether you completely and utterly believe God will help the addiction.

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When you pray you have to also make some changes in your life. God will not do it all for you. That is why you ask for His help. :) It comes down to whether you just pray to pray or whether you completely and utterly believe God will help the addiction.



I see what you're saying here. Above, when you said, "Trust that God will help take that away" it sounded (to me) like you just pray and trust and eventually God will take it away without you having to do anything. You do have to do something -- stop overeating.

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I have found that it really helps me to be clear on what I want. Do I really want that cookie more than I want health, strength, energy and a smaller body? Is a future of chronic illness and pain really worth that brownie or slice of pizza? As long as I am clear on my "why," will power comes much more easily :)

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do you get enough protein and fiber at meal times? also, how about snacking on plain popcorn you pop yourself with an air popper. it's low cal, and will fill you up.


eta: oh yeah, sometimes the "hunger to snack" is really thirst or fatigue.

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do you get enough protein and fiber at meal times? also, how about snacking on plain popcorn you pop yourself with an air popper. it's low cal, and will fill you up.


eta: oh yeah, sometimes the "hunger to snack" is really thirst or fatigue.


I don't usually eat very big meals, so it may be that I'm not getting enough at those times. My dh is a grazer/snacker, so he doesn't eat very big meals. He has the metabolism of his mother and weighs about what he did in high school.


I think some of it is habit, some is just liking food, and some may be not eating enough at meal time. I allowed myself one snack this afternoon and a fun-size candy bar after dinner, and that's all the extra I've had today. Yeah! I am thinking if I ate my 3 meals and one snack in the afternoon, I might not feel as deprived. It is longer between lunch and dinner than in the morning, too.


Thanks again for all the encouragement!

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Are you getting enough sleep? When I'm tired it is really tough to resist snacking.


I agree with making sure your meals have plenty of protein and some fat to keep you satisfied.


I started a new rule that I can only snack on veggies after dinner. That is my worst snack time. I have tomatoes with salt, pickles, celery sticks - things with very low calories.


I wouldn't be able to have candy or chips in the house without eating them. :) I try to keep them out of the house as much as possible. I buy a lot of snacks for the kids that they like, but I don't like.

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