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Crossing the Tiber - The Master Thread


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Wonderful idea about the Rosary. I had the same thought - have to do it all in one sitting. Quite freeing to think about doing it during the whole day.


My hobbit name is Tigerlily Overhill of Nobottle. Elvish name is Tamuríl Fëfalas. Both are quite beautiful I think.

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Justamouse (or anyone else), how do you get those names like 'cottonheaded ninnymuggins'? I thought they were just automatic, but I see I must be a perpetual visitor (?)




You can change your name in your ...profile? I think? There were buttons and I kept clicking and there it was. :D

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Is it okay to pray the rosary throughout the day? I can't seem to find uninterrupted (I have little ones) time to get through the whole rosary.


I spend a lot of time on my computer .. for work, not just on here! :) I think this is a simply splendid idea. Now I just need to find that online Rosary someone posted awhile ago. When I feel like a break I can do a decade. Yay! It's always one of my resolutions to pray the Rosary more.

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I spend a lot of time on my computer .. for work, not just on here! :) I think this is a simply splendid idea. Now I just need to find that online Rosary someone posted awhile ago. When I feel like a break I can do a decade. Yay! It's always one of my resolutions to pray the Rosary more.


I'm really liking praying along with the Rosary Army podcasts. I'm not sure if you can stream them on the computer, but if you have a way to stream/download podcasts, they are great.

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Old Hairy Legs will do anything to make us not do our rosaries. He knows they're one of the most powerful forms of prayer around.


I think it might be time to shave my legs because when I first read your comment I thought you were talking about me. I didn't know how you knew but it's true. I had to reread before I figured it out.


Anyone up for a little Catholic Mini-Challenge? I'm going to say the Rosary everyday until Lent starts. Starting tonight. Anyone want to join me? You don't have to stop when Lent starts I just thought that would be a good reachable goal instead of "I'm going to say the Rosary every day for the rest of my life" which seems intimidating. Can we just check in with each other here on the thread everyday?

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I think it might be time to shave my legs because when I first read your comment I thought you were talking about me. I didn't know how you knew but it's true. I had to reread before I figured it out.


Anyone up for a little Catholic Mini-Challenge? I'm going to say the Rosary everyday until Lent starts. Starting tonight. Anyone want to join me? You don't have to stop when Lent starts I just thought that would be a good reachable goal instead of "I'm going to say the Rosary every day for the rest of my life" which seems intimidating. Can we just check in with each other here on the thread everyday?


I've been trying to stick with the 54 day Rosary novena I linked up thread, though I've missed a few here and there. So I'm definitely I for everyday through the Feast of St. Joseph, though my goal is through Easter.

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I spend a lot of time on my computer .. for work, not just on here! :) I think this is a simply splendid idea. Now I just need to find that online Rosary someone posted awhile ago. When I feel like a break I can do a decade. Yay! It's always one of my resolutions to pray the Rosary more.


I have an app for my iPhone that I've been using. I don't have my phone on me right now, otherwise I'd share the name of the app.

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Is it okay to pray the rosary throughout the day? I can't seem to find uninterrupted (I have little ones) time to get through the whole rosary.



I am impressed that with little ones you even remember there's such a thing as praying the Rosary! ;)



And, your question did conjure up in my mind the concept of "The Rosary Police." You know, you've had a long day....you're trying to say your prayers now that everyone's gone to bed...you fall asleep mid-decade....only to be awakened a minute later as a swat team of IHM nuns comes crashing into your bedroom to demand you finish the entire Rosary before nodding off!


(Can we take up a collection to get me some help?? :o )

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I am impressed that with little ones you even remember there's such a thing as praying the Rosary! ;)



And, your question did conjure up in my mind the concept of "The Rosary Police." You know, you've had a long day....you're trying to say your prayers now that everyone's gone to bed...you fall asleep mid-decade....only to be awakened a minute later as a swat team of IHM nuns comes crashing into your bedroom to demand you finish the entire Rosary before nodding off!


(Can we take up a collection to get me some help?? :o )


No, because my Mommy always told me that if I fell asleep doing my rosary that the angels would finish it for me! :)

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We've been doing a family rosary since January 1st. It is going much, much better than I expected. Of course, I had pretty low expectations! Right before bed, we pray the beginning prayers and one decade with the kids. The kids take turns leading and whoever leads gets to choose an intention for the Rosary, which they love. One decade seems just right for my kids' ages. Then after putting them to bed, my husband and I pray the other four decades. We have done much better than in past attempts to pray after the kids are in bed since the rosary is already started. Sometimes, if I am really tired and haven't finished cleaning up dinner or a load of laundry and I know that if I sit down to pray I will NOT get back up, we'll pray our four decades together while doing the work.


A nice idea I saw on some blog for helping everyone focus during a family rosary is to make a photo slide show of several pictures for each decade to run on the tv/computer screen while you pray. I might do that when we up the kids from one decade at some point in the future. We have such a wealth of beautiful religious art available to us, I should probably take advantage of it more.

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I had planned to try and pray the rosary once a day during Lent anyway, so I'll join in. I'd also like to get the kids praying one decade consisitently every day.


I need to share with you all about a prayer God just answered for me. DH is not Catholic. He agreed to be married in a Catholic Church, agreed we could baptize the kids and also that they could enroll in FF. He doesn't complain about the religious imagery in our house or the use of Catholic school materials. He is not happy that we left our non-denominational protestant church. He has *0* interest in becoming Catholic and says Mass is boring and he gets nothing out of it. In fact, last Sunday, when I asked if he wanted to attend the coffee and doughnuts social hour after mass, he was fairly hostile towards doing anything more than attending Mass, which he does just for me. We had an argument, and I expressed my frustration. After that, we didn't speak of it again all week.


Today, he made an effort to get ready on time (he's the type who always waits for the last second-causes me anxiety!), made the kids breakfast, tried to participate during Mass, didn't sit during the time to kneel, and after we took the kids to class, he went with me to the Ministry Fair the parish was hosting after Mass. He even talked with some people without me saying anything! I believe he signed up for the Fitness Ministry. I am floored. I don't expect he'll be converting tomorrow, but the lack of hostility and willingness to be open minded is incredible! What a difference from last week. Oh and this after a particularly um, slower, pace during Mass (it seemed everyone was slow and monotonous today.)


Sorry for the novel. I'm just so awestruck at how God will answer your prayers at the most unexpected times. :D

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I had planned to try and pray the rosary once a day during Lent anyway, so I'll join in. I'd also like to get the kids praying one decade consisitently every day.


I need to share with you all about a prayer God just answered for me. DH is not Catholic. He agreed to be married in a Catholic Church, agreed we could baptize the kids and also that they could enroll in FF. He doesn't complain about the religious imagery in our house or the use of Catholic school materials. He is not happy that we left our non-denominational protestant church. He has *0* interest in becoming Catholic and says Mass is boring and he gets nothing out of it. In fact, last Sunday, when I asked if he wanted to attend the coffee and doughnuts social hour after mass, he was fairly hostile towards doing anything more than attending Mass, which he does just for me. We had an argument, and I expressed my frustration. After that, we didn't speak of it again all week.


Today, he made an effort to get ready on time (he's the type who always waits for the last second-causes me anxiety!), made the kids breakfast, tried to participate during Mass, didn't sit during the time to kneel, and after we took the kids to class, he went with me to the Ministry Fair the parish was hosting after Mass. He even talked with some people without me saying anything! I believe he signed up for the Fitness Ministry. I am floored. I don't expect he'll be converting tomorrow, but the lack of hostility and willingness to be open minded is incredible! What a difference from last week. Oh and this after a particularly um, slower, pace during Mass (it seemed everyone was slow and monotonous today.)


Sorry for the novel. I'm just so awestruck at how God will answer your prayers at the most unexpected times. :D



emski, you do not know how happy I am for you! I am encouraged that I will one day have a similar story to tell.

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I found the phone/iPad app I've been using for praying the rosary as well as learning new prayers. The name of the app is Laudate. It's probably already been mentioned here before, but I figure it's worth mentioning again. If anyone has any other app recommendations, please share.



I love that app!

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I had planned to try and pray the rosary once a day during Lent anyway, so I'll join in. I'd also like to get the kids praying one decade consisitently every day.


I need to share with you all about a prayer God just answered for me. DH is not Catholic. He agreed to be married in a Catholic Church, agreed we could baptize the kids and also that they could enroll in FF. He doesn't complain about the religious imagery in our house or the use of Catholic school materials. He is not happy that we left our non-denominational protestant church. He has *0* interest in becoming Catholic and says Mass is boring and he gets nothing out of it. In fact, last Sunday, when I asked if he wanted to attend the coffee and doughnuts social hour after mass, he was fairly hostile towards doing anything more than attending Mass, which he does just for me. We had an argument, and I expressed my frustration. After that, we didn't speak of it again all week.


Today, he made an effort to get ready on time (he's the type who always waits for the last second-causes me anxiety!), made the kids breakfast, tried to participate during Mass, didn't sit during the time to kneel, and after we took the kids to class, he went with me to the Ministry Fair the parish was hosting after Mass. He even talked with some people without me saying anything! I believe he signed up for the Fitness Ministry. I am floored. I don't expect he'll be converting tomorrow, but the lack of hostility and willingness to be open minded is incredible! What a difference from last week. Oh and this after a particularly um, slower, pace during Mass (it seemed everyone was slow and monotonous today.)


Sorry for the novel. I'm just so awestruck at how God will answer your prayers at the most unexpected times. :D



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I read something on these forums a day or two ago about how the EO believe that a guardian angel is assigned at baptism. Is this what the RCC teaches? I sometimes ask my children's guardian angels to look after them, though they have not been baptized yet. Am I praying in vain?



No I don't think you are praying in vain. I don't remember where I learned about my guardian angel. Don't remember ever learning about it in catechism - probably picked it up from my parents. I've always had a guardian angel who protects me always. My son isn't baptized and I believe he has a guardian angel and has had one since birth. But that's my belief. Someone who is more well versed in the RCC these days can probably give you the official line. I remember my nephew was scared about flying a few years back and I mentioned praying to guardian angels to protect the plane with angel's wings. He looked at me with such a flabbergasted look, then a smile slowly dawned on his face. It was something he had never thought about but loved the idea and I think it's stuck with him ever since.

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I just completed my first non fiction read for 52 Books inspiration challenge: Echoing Silence: Thomas Merton and the Vocation of Writing edited by Robert Inchausti. It was comprised of essays from many of his books and interesting to see his thoughts over the years about writing and all the authors he corresponded with.


Moving on to Pope Benedict's Jesus Of Nazareth: Holy Week from the Entrance into Jerusalem to the Resurrection

and Thomas Merton's New Seeds of Contemplation for lent.


I started New Seeds this morning and can see it is going to be food for my soul.


I hope you don't mind my sharing the first part.


What is contemplation? Contemplation is the highest expression of man's intellectual and spiritual life. It is that life itself, fully awake, fully active, fully aware that it is alive. It is spiritual wonder. It is spontaneous awe at the sacredness of life, of being. It is gratitude for life, for awareness and for being. It is a vivid realization of the fact that life and being in us proceed from an invisible, transcendent and infinitely abundant Source. Contemplation is, above all, awareness of the reality of that Source. It knows the Source, obscurely, inexplicably, but with a certitude that goes both beyond reason and beyond simple faith. For contemplation is a kind of spiritual vision to which both reason and faith aspire, by their very nature, because without it they must always remain incomplete. Yet contemplation is not vision because it sees 'without seeing' and knows 'without knowing.' It is a more profound depth of faith, a knowledge too deep to be grasped in images, in word or even in clear concepts. It can be suggested by words, by symbols, but in the very moment of trying to indicate what it knows, the contemplative mind takes back what it has said, and denies what it has affirmed. For in contemplation we know by 'unknowing.' Or, better, we know beyond all knowing or 'unknowing.'......
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I was looking to get some Stations of the Cross booklets for the kids (and me) and am not sure which is better: Stations of the Cross for Children or The Stations of the Cross. Or maybe there is another resource that is better. (I don't mind getting the ten-pack if that is the better choice; I'd just donate the ones we don't need to our church.) I was planning on doing the stations every Friday, either at home or at our parish.

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I just completed my first non fiction read for 52 Books inspiration challenge: Echoing Silence: Thomas Merton and the Vocation of Writing edited by Robert Inchausti. It was comprised of essays from many of his books and interesting to see his thoughts over the years about writing and all the authors he corresponded with.


Moving on to Pope Benedict's Jesus Of Nazareth: Holy Week from the Entrance into Jerusalem to the Resurrection

and Thomas Merton's New Seeds of Contemplation for lent.


I started New Seeds this morning and can see it is going to be food for my soul.


I hope you don't mind my sharing the first part.



I am almost done with Jesus of Nazareth: The Infancy Narratives and am on chapter three of My Life with the Saints by Fr. Martin. One of my goals this Lenten season is to replace on-line time with reading both from the Bible and from Catholic books.

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I'm having a difficult time in the Pope thread. I made the thread without thinking; just wanting support for myself and others who may be sad about this... I wasn't thinking clearly enough (pre coffee) to know that there would be the skeptics. I mean, I understand the skepticism, but it isn't what I wanted from the thread and now I'm just trying to bite my tongue (and watch the typing fingers).

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Me too. I'm feeling pretty angry about the insensitivity of people.


If you need a banning buddy - I'm here for you. :)


Unless I get banned first.


I'm here for you, too. But let's not get banned. Let's lean on each other.


I understand there is a spectrum of beliefs. it hurts when things can be so vicious.

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I'm having a difficult time in the Pope thread. I made the thread without thinking; just wanting support for myself and others who may be sad about this... I wasn't thinking clearly enough (pre coffee) to know that there would be the skeptics. I mean, I understand the skepticism, but it isn't what I wanted from the thread and now I'm just trying to bite my tongue (and watch the typing fingers).


it will be OK.


i know how you feel.


we can lean on each other.

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I know it is unlikely but I'd dearly love to see Cardinal Dolan of NY elected.


Is Cardinal Dolan more liberal? I have heard about him a lot in passing lately, but nothing in depth. Didn't he not hold the POTUS up to task when he had the chance? Or am I thinking of something else?

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Is Cardinal Dolan more liberal? I have heard about him a lot in passing lately, but nothing in depth. Didn't he not hold the POTUS up to task when he had the chance? Or am I thinking of something else?


That would probably be him.


I don't think he is more liberal, but he is a pretty cool guy. He does enjoy reaching a wide audience with his message so he is on radio, blogs and tweets.

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I need to stay off WTM except for here. It is the same people bashing the Church and liking posts that bash. And I have tangled with them before and almost gotten myself banned. Ever the opportunists ...


I am not worried for the Church. I do love Pope Benedict. But the Holy Spirit will not leave us orphaned. I have no clue who the conclave will choose, but we were promised that the gates of hell will not prevail. And they won't.


I bought his book Introduction to Christianity, and I will be reading that and the two Jesus of Nazareth books that I haven't finished for Lent. Seems appropriate.

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I'm sad to see Pope Benedict leave because I think he is a holy, faithful man of God. I'm sad his health is so bad. I think his stepping down is a moving example of humility, though. Comparing how he and John Paul II handled the situation differently, it is a really beautiful example of how holiness can look differently in different people.

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I wish I didn't wake up to news about the Pope resigning. I liked him and don't like change. I'm feeling a bit unsettled because of it.


Isnt it odd that he is stepping down, they usually stay pope for life? Will they be able to choose a new pope by Easter? I kind of look forward to that. Not having a pope for Easter would be unsettling.

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I found the phone/iPad app I've been using for praying the rosary as well as learning new prayers. The name of the app is Laudate. It's probably already been mentioned here before, but I figure it's worth mentioning again. If anyone has any other app recommendations, please share.


These aren't apps but I sometimes use this site by Catholic Devotions on YouTube. The speaker is Irish and the background music is the Ave Maria:




Two other sites that I like:





I say the rosary daily but I can't say it right before I go to sleep because it puts me to sleep -- especially the first link up there!

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Since I'm completely new to all of this, it's not unsettling but it is interesting. I've been doing so much reading already just trying to get a handle on the basics, and now I feel I need to add in a bit more to keep up with what's going on.


I'm also finding a need to back away from here for a while. I made the mistake of popping into one of the other social groups. I had no idea they could be used that way (in the sense of being allowed on this forum), nor that there were people here who would use them that way. I'm glad this one is different.

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Since I'm completely new to all of this, it's not unsettling but it is interesting. I've been doing so much reading already just trying to get a handle on the basics, and now I feel I need to add in a bit more to keep up with what's going on.


I'm also finding a need to back away from here for a while. I made the mistake of popping into one of the other social groups. I had no idea they could be used that way (in the sense of being allowed on this forum), nor that there were people here who would use them that way. I'm glad this one is different.


Yes, please stay away from the other social groups. Some are okay, some are supportive, but others can and have been insulting in the name of... what? Enlightenment. (That is an insult to Taoist everywhere. Sorry.)

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As a cradle Catholic (now Anglican), I lurk here a lot because you are the closest religious social group to my beliefs. I, too, was disappointed at the cynicism in the Chat thread about Pope B16, but thankfully it seemed to die down as the thread went on.


Praying for all Catholics and the CofC during this time of transition.

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Keep reading. A good bit of it is supportive.


I read the whole thing . I just have a really hard time with the go to scandal stuff and the " maybe the church will finally wake up and change to the modern thought." Um...morality does not change with democratic consensus. To think God would change to our pitiful thought of moral behavior is laughable to me.

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