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Job Search Update

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Nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch.


So far, that's the response we've gotten from all the resumes we've put out. That's the response back from his former supervisor, and the job before that.




Something HAS to shake loose soon, or we're in major trouble. The golf course job he picked up ends mid Oct. Then what?



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Imp, there's another side...that *if* there were a ton of responses and interviews which were not sincere (trust me, that's real) - that process is five zillion billion gadrillion times worse/exhausting/anxietyattack/sleeplessness - just plain difficult for everyone...


I'm in that sense, glad there is some quiet right now.


Now, having said that, have you guys thought about submitting to databases for headhunters to contact you?

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Thanks everyone.


I'm just really, REALLY frustrated and frightened right now.


and before anyone says anything, I realize that there are those that would say fear = lack of faith in God.


For me, my fear isn't that God doesn't have a plan for us. My fear is more that God has more faith and confidence in our strength to deal w/hardship than I do :lol:


I want to get on w/things...but we've no direction to go in. To move blindly, and hope to find a job after seems to be the height of foolishness...yet staying here, knowing that there are NO jobs doesn't seem smart either.

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Thanks everyone.


I'm just really, REALLY frustrated and frightened right now.


and before anyone says anything, I realize that there are those that would say fear = lack of faith in God.


For me, my fear isn't that God doesn't have a plan for us. My fear is more that God has more faith and confidence in our strength to deal w/hardship than I do :lol:


I want to get on w/things...but we've no direction to go in. To move blindly, and hope to find a job after seems to be the height of foolishness...yet staying here, knowing that there are NO jobs doesn't seem smart either.


It would be strange if you weren't scared. :grouphug: Praying for good news.

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What field is he in again? Are you willing to move?

Well, he has a diploma in Bus Admin. And loads of sales/marketing experience.


And, for the last few yrs, has been working in landscaping/maintenance, both industrial and residential.


So, we have several different areas for him to pursue when looking for work.


It's not about being *willing* to move, we know we *have* to move. The problem is, the longer it takes to get a job, the more we dip into our savings to survive, which means less ability to pay for a move.


So, if we don't find something soon, we'll deplete our savings to survive...which means we're trapped where there are no jobs. But, if we move w/out a job for him to start, we have nothing to live on.


Which is why we desperately need something to happen soon.

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For me, my fear isn't that God doesn't have a plan for us. My fear is more that God has more faith and confidence in our strength to deal w/hardship than I do :lol:



I have a friend who has a severely disabled child with lots of seizure issues/ER trips and then this friend was diagnosed with leukemia. Her quote was something like, "since God doesn't give us more than we can handle, I wish He didn't have such a high opinion of me!" (She's been in remission for a few years).


Keep your sense of humor. Hope things make a turn for the better soon.

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My DH was out of work for 4 months last year after losing a job that he had moved for and that we were planning to move to follow him. He wasn't able to get the job back that he had given up for the "better" one that turned out to be a dud. So we owned a home in a city with no job available. I understand how very stressful and frightening these times are! We feel very blessed that my husband found another job in his field and only had to take a minor paycut overall and we are much more settled this year, although we are still recovering financially and in some ways never will (blew through his retirement savings to pay bills during unemployment). :grouphug::grouphug: I will pray that whatever opportunity is out there for your DH, it will happen with certainty and soon. :grouphug::grouphug:

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My husband has had 3 lengthy periods of unemployment during our marriage. 2 different things that have helped me immensely to deal with the stress while waiting for God to work it out.



The first was a message preached when I was very new at my church. The title was "The Sun Rises in the West". I don't remember the scripture that was used by the gist of the message was that when we go through a trial, we can so busy/involved with doing the things we think we are suppose to do to get out of the situation and looking for answers where we expect to find them that we never see what God is doing in the background. We are busy looking in the East for the sun to rise because that's where it ALWAYS rises but sometimes God likes to turn things around and have the sun rise in the west. Of course we never see it coming because we are busy staring towards the East because that's where a bright new morning "should" be.


During everyone of those periods he applied, applied, applied. We both scoured job sites for any leads, networked etc. In every case on Monday things were looking discouraging as ever with no interviews in sight and by the end of the week he was already working (and his jobs are all professional with full benefits jobs requiring background checks, drug screening etc). Every single of them was a miracle and literally made my head spin how a matter of a few hours he could go from being unemployed to fully employed and working.


The second thing was something God really used to teach me to trust him last summer. I'm terrible about scripture references but I'm sure you familiar with the one that talks about God caring for the lilies of the valley and the sparrows and takes care of them and how much more important are we to Him. Every time I worried He reminded me to only think about today. Did I have enough food for TODAY? Did I have shelter TODAY? Did I have my NEEDS (not my wants) met TODAY? I could always say yes. I was not to think about tomorrow or next week or how to pay that bill in 3 days when my account was empty today but simply focus on TODAY. When I lived in the here and now, it took so much stress off me because I knew all the worrying in the world wasn't going to change tomorrow but He could change tomorrow but I just had to trust Him enough to do it.


I'm sorry that you are in such a desperate spot, it's hard but I have to say I am thankful for all the hard spots we've been through over the years because that's when my faith grows the strongest.

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