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But do we need a snack? And a bathroom break? And to change our socks? And to check the mail? And a drink? And moment to stand on our heads? And to comb our hair? And to change our shirt? And a break Mooooommmmmmmm plllllleeeeeaaaaasseeee we've been working soooo loooonggggg how about a break?



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My DD sharpens pencils as a fidget-I buy a new batch of the small pencil sharpeners that hold the shavings each year during back to school, because she wears them out in a few months. I did finally get smart and put all the lousy, break at a drop of a hat, cheap giveaway pencils in a box with a one hole pencil sharpener that doesn't fit the fat ticonderogas she loves, and put away the sharpeners for her ticonderogas, so that she does her fidget sharpening on cheap/free pencils. She's gotten quite good at picking up all the pencils that get dropped by kids walking to/from our neighborhood PS, to go in her fidget box.

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But do we need a snack? And a bathroom break? And to change our socks? And to check the mail? And a drink? And moment to stand on our heads? And to comb our hair? And to change our shirt? And a break Mooooommmmmmmm plllllleeeeeaaaaasseeee we've been working soooo loooonggggg how about a break?


Yes, absolutely! Well, except for that hair combing bit. She can do without THAT!

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But then you have pencil lead going in and out of the pencil instead.:tongue_smilie:


Um, yes. I'm slowly taking *away* all the mechanical pencils. I keep finding tiny pieces of lead around the floor. :glare:


So, we'll just keep sharpening the pencils... and getting snacks, and using the bathroom, and sometimes, just staring out the window at... nothing. :D

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I tried switching to mechanical because DS will write with basically NO lead left in the pencil. Well then I bought some fancy ones with twist up erasers and he would sit there twisting them up and down for 5 minutes between every single problem. I even caught him breaking out the lead from a pencil just to see if he could write with it alone

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This really takes me back. Actually I have not used a pencil for math in many decades, nor do any of the other adults I know. A simple bic pen still costs a dollar or two (?) for a pack of ten, writes for a long time without any intervention, and most important to the grader, is far more visible and legible on the paper. I encourage the few students I encounter who use pencils to adopt a pen.


Moreover no one can accuse you of erasing wrong answers inappropriately. the "only" downside is the ink I get on all my shirts and pants from errant swipes of the pen. And some people who shall remain nameless never put the cap back on.



Oh boy! " receive bacon"

Thats the loudest I have laughed at a hand dryer joke since the original modified instructions seen in a men's room for getting your hands dry:


1. push button

2. rub hands under nozzle


3. (hand written) wipe hands on pants.

Edited by mathwonk
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I learned really quickly NOT to let DD write in ink, because at a single mistake that she cannot change, she will tear up the page and start over. I made the mistake of giving her pencils without erasers and trying to teach her to line out mistakes instead of letting her erase, only to discover that she couldn't handle it-so for now, we'll keep up with pencil sharpening-and thank God that neatly typed copies, done on a computer, have replaced final drafts required to be done in ink, because I think DD would never have survived my 5th grade teacher!

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We use mechanical pencils here. I only put 2 pieces of lead in the pencil, and I taught him very early on to NOT play with the lead or there would be grave consequences. ;)


We also use pen for "writing" time... DS was freaked out at first, but after watching Pudewa say that he WANTS your paper to be messy, DS relaxed a bit. His papers still look pretty nice, but he's willing to cross something out now. Phew!

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Yes! I keep a basket of around 30 sharpend pencils on the table at all times - just to avoid that situation. :glare:


I've started doing this also. Unfortunately, it doesn't stop her from asking me for a snack, daydreaming or wanting to talk about Peter Pan between problems.


She told me recently that I say "focus" too much:lol:

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I'm so glad I'm not the only one who repeats that word 742 times per day!!


She has a book of easy basic algebra problems (I.e x/3=3) where you plot the answers on a graph and it makes a picture. Because there is a picture to color at the end she does this for fun and doesn't consider it schoolwork. I was watching her do a page one evening and a little tired so when she started daydreaming I told her to "focus" so she could get done faster. She gave me a very serious look and said, "Mommy, please don't say the word focus again. If you do this will seem like schoolwork and will no longer be fun"

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She told me recently that I say "focus" too much:lol:



Couple years ago we were having this problem with shower time. The undressing process was taking 20+ minutes, and it was NOT because it was a hard job. I told him to focus, and the next thing I know I hear him singing in there:


"Focus focus fo-cus. On getting naked..."


DH and I laughed until we cried. Very quietly. :lol: I still periodically laugh about that one.

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pencil? Where is my pencil? My sharpener is not sharpening! I think we need another sharpener.


This is my story every morning. :glare:

I thought i was the only one with pencil and sharpener issues.


We used to have the same problem...until I added my precious into the picture ;) That puppy gets pencils SHARP and we have far less pencil issues now.


Now if I could only get him to stop looking out the window...I spend most days channeling Jackie Chan "Your focus needs more focus"...

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Gabby, at my house your "precious" is the problem. They love using it so much that I hid it half an hour ago. I keep an entire jar of razor-sharp pencils on the table...so sharp that they aren't allowed to have pencils on the apholstered furniture. Doesn't matter. They just HAVE to use their shiny little friend.

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Couple years ago we were having this problem with shower time. The undressing process was taking 20+ minutes, and it was NOT because it was a hard job. I told him to focus, and the next thing I know I hear him singing in there:


"Focus focus fo-cus. On getting naked..."


DH and I laughed until we cried. Very quietly. :lol: I still periodically laugh about that one.



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