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Baptism without a church membership?

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Sylvia really wants to be baptized, but we (don't judge, please!) don't attend church and therefore don't have a membership anywhere. We have done many activities including VBS at one particular church in the area. Would it be way out of line to call them and ask if it could be done at some time? I hate to turn down a 7yo's request to be baptized. :)

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Any church should be happy to baptise your child. Many Pastors will ask to talk to her (with you present) and explain the how and why of baptism. If the first one turns you down...try another, until you find one you are comfortable with. its a special time for your child, good job encouraging it.

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Our old church (a Christian Church) would baptize anyone who wanted to be. Our new church (a generic nondenominational church) has specific requirements. Personally, I prefer our old church's approach. I don't think baptism should be denied to anyone who expresses a desire.


And I agree with the PP, now might be a great time to start seeking out a church home. (Not judging, I know how things happen sometimes.)

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Do you know anyone who is ordained or is simply a minister? We haven't attended a church in many years nor do we home church. My youngest did decided to become a Christian and "ask Jesus to be in his heart." :D he was 7 or 8. My dad is a minister and was thrilled to baptize in our swimming pool. We believe that baptism is a way to announce you faith and commitment. We invited some friends who were Christians and a bunch who were not. It was beautiful and we all went swimming after!

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My husband baptized Nathan, and I want the same when Ben is baptized. It was so amazing. There's a video on my blog. It was such a special moment.


We did attend house church then and several were baptized using the family's pool. We'll probably take Ben down to the beach. I was baptized in a hotel pool that was reserved for college students getting baptized in our paracurch organization.


Just to clarify, we think the priesthood of believers is qualified to baptize, and we baptize in Christ, not a specific church.

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Well, our church would ask that the parents and child come to a meeting to discuss the meaning, etc. Plus go over the ceremony itself. I think it was about 30 minutes when we did it for my daughter? But then would be happy to do it. There is ONE church in the area that requires attendance for a certain amount of time, but that is because they have a historic building and so many people wanted to have weddings/baptisms/etc there just for the look of the place that they were not able to meet the needs of the actual members. So now they limit it to members, or people that have attended for 2 months in a row or some such thing.

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