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School shooting on 1st day of school...

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in the town where I grew up and where we now attend church. :(




I grew up pretty much in this area and we now attend church literally a block away. This is a GOOD neighborhood and a GOOD school. My cousin's daughter attends the school and was in class with the shooter JUST BEFORE THIS HAPPENED! He went to lunch and she had another class. The boy's plan was apparently to have a mass shooting...kills lots of people. I'm just thanking God his plans were thwarted. Too close to home...much too close to home.

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Last year, there was a shooting in one neighboring district where multiple lives were lost, and a bomb threat in another neighboring district that resulted in the entire school system being shut down for days. The FBI investigation in that case lasted for months.


The front page of our local paper this week announced that a new subject was going to be taught in another local school: how to be prepared in the event of a school shooting.

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Every time when I see a targeted shooting. I really don't know who should I feel bad for. This kid might be bullied by this 17 yrs old and have nowhere to turn.



I would tend to agree, however it appears the victim was randomly shot. I have heard through sources outside of the news that the 17 year old was a special needs student, although I can't confirm that.

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Last year, there was a shooting in one neighboring district where multiple lives were lost, and a bomb threat in another neighboring district that resulted in the entire school system being shut down for days. The FBI investigation in that case lasted for months.


The front page of our local paper this week announced that a new subject was going to be taught in another local school: how to be prepared in the event of a school shooting.


That is so sad and sick at the same time. And people wonder why I homeschool. Geeze the big rampage here is when I start slamming cupboard doors. Horrifying.

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Very sad. Completely avoidable if guns weren't so easy to access.


Hmmm.... I totally believe that guns should be legal. BUT, if we had a gun it wouldn't be able to be accessed by our teens. Their brains just haven't reached adult hood, and I don't want them making life altering decisions. (life altering for themselves & the people these teens are shooting :()


The needed action is NOT, in my opinion, to keep legal guns from law abiding citizens. It's to keep guns out of the reach of those not old enough to own them :(

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That is so sad and sick at the same time. And people wonder why I homeschool. Geeze the big rampage here is when I start slamming cupboard doors. Horrifying.



My boys want to play for our high school tennis team. The only way that they can participate in this after school activity is by sitting at a desk at our public school for 85 minutes a day for the 2nd semester. I realize that the odds of a shooting are extremely low, but part of me still worries.


I had already told dh that the boys will not go first period because it seems like these senseless acts of violence usually occur at the beginning of the day. Then I read this posting and saw that it happened around lunch time.

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The needed action is NOT, in my opinion, to keep legal guns from law abiding citizens. It's to keep guns out of the reach of those not old enough to own them :(


I would agree with this. The problem is not the law abiding citizens who get proper permits to purchase weapons. There would, unfortunately, still be plenty of ways to get them even if it were no longer legal to buy them. Under no circumstances should one be in the hands of a child or teen.


That said... what an awful, awful thing for this school community. Those poor kids must have been terrified. I'm so glad he didn't get a chance to carry out his full plan.

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Very sad. Completely avoidable if guns weren't so easy to access.


It's already against the law for this kid to have had a gun. More/different laws aren't going to prevent this kind of thing. What is? :confused:


Anyway, good for the teachers, that they could react before this got any worse!

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I would agree with this. The problem is not the law abiding citizens who get proper permits to purchase weapons. There would, unfortunately, still be plenty of ways to get them even if it were no longer legal to buy them. Under no circumstances should one be in the hands of a child or teen.


That said... what an awful, awful thing for this school community. Those poor kids must have been terrified. I'm so glad he didn't get a chance to carry out his full plan.


The more weapons there are around (legally or not) the easier it is for a kid to get their hands on one.

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Very sad. Completely avoidable if guns weren't so easy to access.


Guns should be considered an "attractive nuisance", and whoever leaves theirs about for a child to get hold of should be charged with a crime. That would make a lot more guns secure.


We had a recent shooting by a deranged young psychotic. She got the gun at grandma's house. I do not think it unreasonable that if you have a grandchild who has been arrested numerous times, whose mother described her as smashing mirrors with bare feet, who hears voices and believes all men rape her, you would KEEP YOUR HANDGUNS locked up. But, call me a dreamer.

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So horrible. I would be beyond freaked out if I were one of the parents. I don't think I could send my kids back there.


I don't which would make me feel worse, being a parent of a student that goes there or being the parent of the shooter.


I am imagining what it would feel like if it was my son that showed up at school with a plan to kill innocent classmates. The thought makes me just as nauseous as the thought of my kid being one of those classmates.

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I would tend to agree, however it appears the victim was randomly shot. I have heard through sources outside of the news that the 17 year old was a special needs student, although I can't confirm that.


U are right. I read it wrong. It is random. It is very sad....

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Didn't they say it was a shotgun? How on earth do you sneak a shotgun into school? This is NOT a small weapon!


This is what I am wondering? My cousin said she heard that when they searched the shooter's house they found more guns/shot guns. My cousin's brother (obviously my cousin as well, but wasn't sure how to write that, lol!) was one of the officer's first on the scene. The victim was a 17yo boy with Downs Syndrome. Another friend of mine knows him as one of her foster children with special needs is good friends with the boy. His name is Daniel. Please pray for him. :(

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This is what I am wondering? My cousin said she heard that when they searched the shooter's house they found more guns/shot guns. My cousin's brother (obviously my cousin as well, but wasn't sure how to write that, lol!) was one of the officer's first on the scene. The victim was a 17yo boy with Downs Syndrome. Another friend of mine knows him as one of her foster children with special needs is good friends with the boy. His name is Daniel. Please pray for him. :(


So sad. Thank you for putting a name to him. I know why they don't release the names, but it makes it hard to connect in a way.


I don't know about the gun--a large gym bag, like those used for softball/baseball that are big enough to hold a bat?--but I saw something about how he'd posted on his FB account that this was his last day on earth or something to that effect/affect [sorry, I can NEVER get those right!]. That was in the morning before school, if I understood correctly. Shooting was after 11, right?


I just... *sigh* I'm glad the teachers were able to stop him before he got more shots off. And I'm really hoping Daniel pulls through.

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