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just how DOES a gal toss a rolling pin??

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[[update on p2]]


So after four years living here in the country, guess I'll take a shot at the women's rolling pin toss at the Fair tomorrow and seal my citizenship.


(I'm also entering my Cowboy Style deviled eggs and my French Toast cupcakes (recipe in post 42), FYI. And further FYI, there's a bit of tragic story with my cupcakes, which were awesome but DQ'd last year. Trying again this year because I need a blue ribbon or all the old ladies will keep talking about it.)


Never tried a rolling pin toss before. Never even seen one. I do have a rolling pin, somewhere in the back of the bottom cupboard by my George Foreman Grill, so at least I'll recognize it when they hand it to me. That counts for something, surely (?).


Anybody in all the great WTM world tossed one before and have prize-winning tips for me????

Edited by Classical Country Mama
To add where to find the super secret recipe
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So what happens when I show up with my iron skillet and all the other country ladies have their prim 'n' proper pins???


And more importantly, how do I eke a blue ribbon out of this?


OK, we don't want you to get disqualified, so you're going to need to get your hands on a marble rolling pin. That baby will FLY and you'll be all "BooYah! Blue Ribbon in your face! Show 'em where your mama lives!"



Yes. You MUST say exactly that during your victory dance. Yes. You have to dance.

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OK, we don't want you to get disqualified, so you're going to need to get your hands on a marble rolling pin. That baby will FLY and you'll be all "BooYah! Blue Ribbon in your face! Show 'em where your mama lives!"



Yes. You MUST say exactly that during your victory dance. Yes. You have to dance.


Forget the LIKE button - I need a LOVE button for this!

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You hold it by one handle in your dominant hand, bring it back over your shoulder bending your wrist so the rolling pin stays in the same plane as your forearm (so it's like you have an extra long arm), bring your arm quickly forward letting go as you pass by your head, giving it a flick of the wrist to start it spinning end over end.


I suggest going out in the back 40 to practice in the morning.:D

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OK, we don't want you to get disqualified, so you're going to need to get your hands on a marble rolling pin. That baby will FLY and you'll be all "BooYah! Blue Ribbon in your face! Show 'em where your mama lives!"



Yes. You MUST say exactly that during your victory dance. Yes. You have to dance.


I am practicing the BooYah yell now. Since I grew up playing Pit, I think I'll have that down pretty quick.


Little worried about the other part, though, as I have no rhythm. Does a victory dance need to have rhythm?



You hold it by one handle in your dominant hand, bring it back over your shoulder bending your wrist so the rolling pin stays in the same plane as your forearm (so it's like you have an extra long arm), bring your arm quickly forward letting go as you pass by your head, giving it a flick of the wrist to start it spinning end over end.


I suggest going out in the back 40 to practice in the morning.:D


Now HERE is very helpful advice, thank you! I don't know what a back 40 is, though. Does Walmart carry it? I'm fresh back from there where I bought posterboard to matte my daughter's fine artwork.

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Not a country girl, but I'm pretty sure a back 40 is short for the back 40 acres... Your back yard.


OK, thanks! I thought it had something to do with golf.


I could totally practice in my back yard, though. Part of me is afraid of hitting the neighbor's cows, but on the up side, I have really bad aim. Which is probably a down side for the contest itself, though. Hmmm.

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I have never witnessed a rolling pin throwing contest. However, I would think that it would require a softball pitch style of throw.


If I remember correctly, "the back 40" is the field farthest from the farmhouse; often where the escape-artist heifers would congregate and thus require herding back to their pasture by weary farmhands.

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I have never witnessed a rolling pin throwing contest. However, I would think that it would require a softball pitch style of throw.


If I remember correctly, "the back 40" is the field farthest from the farmhouse; often where the escape-artist heifers would congregate and thus require herding back to their pasture by weary farmhands.


You all are awesome. I've lived here FOUR YEARS and didn't know that. I'm going to show up at the rolling pin contest and be all, "BOOYAH, I practiced in the back 40," and they'll totally think I'm country. Unless I embarrass myself trying to throw the thing, I guess.


Off to look for how-to softball videos on YouTube.

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I have nothing useful to contribute, but I'm paying close attention to all of the details, in case I'm ever stranded out in the country and need to be able to talk a good game when I stop someplace for lunch. I had never heard of rolling pin throwing until I read this thread, but already I'm planning to pretend to be an expert at it.


Chances are pretty good I won't have a rolling pin with me when I get stranded, but I have a tool kit that's in a cute little pouch in the trunk of my car, and I'm relatively certain that there must be at least one throwable item in there, so in case no one else I meet has a rolling pin with them, either, I figure I can use the little tire iron thingie to demonstrate my throwing prowess. Well, OK, I don't actually have any throwing prowess, but I plan to work around that by dramatically injuring my shoulder as I set up for my Big Throw, after which I will get out my handy First Aid kit, which came with the car along with the tool kit in case you're interested, and make a big show of putting my arm in a sling.


So you see, I have it all planned out.


BTW, I am still curious about the Great French Toast Cupcake Disqualification.


I am also wondering exactly what constitutes a French Toast Cupcake. Does it taste like butter and maple syrup or something?


Don't worry -- I'm not asking for the Super Secret Certain-to-be-Blue-Ribbon-winning recipe; I'm just looking for a general description. :001_smile: I may need it when I'm stranded, especially if no one buys into my rolling pin throwing story. I'll have to make a quick change from pin-tosser to blue ribbon-winning baker.

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You hold it by one handle in your dominant hand, bring it back over your shoulder bending your wrist so the rolling pin stays in the same plane as your forearm (so it's like you have an extra long arm), bring your arm quickly forward letting go as you pass by your head, giving it a flick of the wrist to start it spinning end over end.


I suggest going out in the back 40 to practice in the morning.:D


:lol::lol: And, WHY do you know this???? :lol::lol:

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I'm up and picking cilantro from my garden for the Cowboy deviled eggs, FYI. Well, technically, dd(7)'s out there doing it, since she owes me because I was up til 2am matting her marvelous, last-minute crayon drawings on poster board. (It took so long because I had to watch a movie to take my mind off how much I didn't want to do that.)


I can't reveal any of my Top Secret recipes prior to the contest, and anyway if my eggs win anything the state gets to own my recipe which means, I guess, I'd be giving you one of Virginia's classified things which would probably NOT help me the next time I get pulled over.


However, I am attaching pics for you. And yes, I will tell you all about the famous, humiliating cupcake DQ of 2011 when I'm back. Rolling pin toss is at 9:30, which sadly is at the same time as the kiddie tractor race. Will dd have permanent emotional scarring if I skip watching her this year??


PS. Why didn't my pics attach??


http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/album.php?albumid=653&pictureid=2781 is one and http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/album.php?albumid=653&pictureid=2780 's the other.



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:lol::lol: And, WHY do you know this???? :lol::lol:


Interesting times with my college sorority in Texas. We did fake track & field events. Since I did real weight team events in high school, I got to do a lot of the throwing stuff. :lol:


You could also throw it like a javelin. Hold it upright against the palm of your hand with the handle going between whatever fingers are comfortable. Bring it back over your shoulder, then shoot it forward releasing at when your arm is straight forward.


A softball pitch could work too.


It's all going to depend on what muscles in your arms are used the most and are the strongest.

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"No. There is too much. Let me sum up." --Inigo



1. Deviled eggs were a disaster. I didn't have a deviled egg cup carrying case (raise your hand if you knew there was such a thing), so I lined them up in a square cake pan, where they promptly slipped and slid all over and enthusiastically knocked themselves sideways. I came in 4th out of 4 entries (which means everybody got the free tote except me). The judge gets a blue ribbon for understatement: "Improve presentation."


2. Cupcakes. Sigh. Well, I got 2nd place, but there appeared to only be two entries (most people made chocolate), so that's still last place. Snooty Miz First Place made plain white cupcakes. Plain white cupcakes beat out my French toast with its cinnamon nutmeg streusel layer and maple frosting with bacon pieces?! WHERE'S THE HUMANITY?!


And now.... drumroll please...


3. Rolling pin toss. First, they rudely took the HANDLES off, making it hard to get a grip on the very unhelpful cylinder. Some of my throws (you get three) went sideways, which I didn't realize was even possible.


Most people seemed to hit in the mid-50 foot range. I hit 61 feet. This is important because though I placed nowhere near the top, I was not last. I will still be able to sleep well tonight. (Or at least I would, if it weren't for the eggs, obviously.)


A friend of mine hit 60 feet too, but the thing kept rolling to a jaw-dropping 83 feet. She held first place for the longest time, until--


the softball coach and her prize 18-year-old pitcher showed up. :glare:


The coach hit 94 feet, and the pitcher 104.


So for next year, I'm thinking I'll throw overhand and hit 100 feet--enough for 2nd place, so people will still be able to recognize how humble I am.

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Well, I hope you at least had some fun at the fair.


I did know about deviled egg holders. My mother bought me a Rachel Ray food server thingy for Christmas that had plastic containers with inserts for deviled eggs and crudite and an insulated cover. I've seen people rig one up using aluminum foil or taped together dixie cups.


Maybe your cupcakes were too fancy for the crowd. ;)


Such a shame about the rolling pin ringer.

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So for next year, I'm thinking I'll throw overhand and hit 100 feet--enough for 2nd place, so people will still be able to recognize how humble I am.

You need to get a cheap (but not too cheap--my first rolling pin was $2 from Walmart and gave me splinters, and I wasn't even throwing it) rolling pin, romove the handles, and practice over the next year.

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:lol: The lady said the rolling pins were "sharp and heavy." I've never seen a sharp rolling pin. Is that what one uses when the kitchen knives get dull?

Have to quote myself because I had another thought...If I were hit by a thrown rolling pin, its sharpness would be the least of my concerns, if I were still capable of thought at that point.

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I should add--my favorite toss of the day was by a lady who accidentally threw hers straight up. Sent people SCREAMING in all directions. She wanted to crawl in a hole and die. It was hilarious. (I mean, since nobody was hurt, obviously.)


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I should add--my favorite toss of the day was by a lady who accidentally threw hers straight up. Sent people SCREAMING in all directions. She wanted to crawl in a hole and die. It was hilarious. (I mean, since nobody was hurt, obviously.)


:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Top-secret cupcake recipe--posted SECRETLY on this here TOP SECRET private forum.


French toast cupcakes with maple frosting & bacon



1 cup 2% milk, room temp

6 large egg whites, room temp

2 tsp clear vanilla extract

2 1/4 cups all-purpose flour

1 3/4 cups sugar

4 tsp baking powder

1 tsp salt

12 tsp softened (but not warm) butter


Whisk milk, egg whites, and vanilla together. Combine flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt in a bowl. Add butter in pieces until mixture is crumbly. Add wet mixture (half at a time) and beat on medium for 2 minutes--result should be very smooth and silky. Pour carefully into cupcake papers, filling each one 1/3 of the way up. Sprinkle streusel across.


Add more batter until it reaches 3/4 of the way up, and bake at 325 for a few minutes until heavenly gold.


Streusel layer

Combine with a fork 1/4 cup brown sugar, 1 tablespoon butter, 1 tsp cinnamon, and 1/2 tsp nutmeg. Should be crumbly. If not, add more brown sugar.


Maple Frosting

Combine 2 cups powdered sugar, 4-6 tablespoons milk (careful; milk is a sneaky rascal), 1/4 cup softened butter, and 1 tsp maple flavoring. Beat on high until light and fluffy.


**After cupcakes have cooled, swirl the maple frosting on top. Garnish generously with bacon pieces. :drool5:

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