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Do you mind writing in books?

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Dd14 was actually upset that she has to annotate Farhenheit 451 for English class (public school). I finally had to buy her two copies, one to annotate and one to keep clean. She doesn't even know if she will like the book well enough to keep it but she is so bothered by marking up the book that she needs a clean copy to feel better.

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You could get Nook or Kindle, you can annotate there. We don't like to mark up books either.... but learning annotation last year gave me several reasons why its needed. Ds (English degree) didn't mark his books in college either, but put post-it bookmarks on pages he needed for papers (and I guess remembered what he would have annotated).

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Depends on the book.


I love writing in teachers manuals, inspirational, how-to, and really difficult to understand books, because the notes help me to go back and find the information that I need.


I dislike writing in fiction or history books because it breaks the flow of thought when I re-read it.

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Depends on the book.


I love writing in teachers manuals, inspirational, how-to, and really difficult to understand books, because the notes help me to go back and find the information that I need.


I dislike writing in fiction or history books because it breaks the flow of thought when I re-read it.

:iagree:Me, too.

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I have no problem writing in books. I was raised by a mother who writes all over hers. For what it's worth, she once took her well worn, well annotated copy of a novel she uses often in her classes to a talk by its author in order to get it autographed. The author was deeply touched and wrote an inscription noting how loved the book was.

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ds had to do a lot of annotating in public high school. For novels that were issued by the school he used post it notes. For books we purchased he wrote in the book for some and used post its for others. I don't think he was bothered by writing in the books for purposes of annotation. I think he began to prefer the post it approach because that was the first thing his English teacher introduced.


He graduated this spring. Of the books that we purchased and he wrote in, he has asked for new copies of a couple of them.


In your situation, in the future, I would ask her to wait until she finishes with the book before you purchase a clean copy. She is not going to love every assigned piece of literature.

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I would have a problem with that. I actually have a problem that hundreds of book will be destroyed this year because this teacher wants them to write in the books. In a climate when many schools do not even have student copies of textbooks (just classroom copies), I find that extraordinarily frivolous.


Plus, I just can't stand defacing books.


My grandmother would take a sharpie to all the bad words in books she was reading, then return the redacted books to the library! :svengo:

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Not if it's a book that I bought specifically to be a study text. If it's a library book, whether the public library's or my own, it stays as spotless as I can keep it.


I mark up my Bible, too. :-)


My Bible is marked, highlighted and packed with Post-Its! For Scripture reading, I even have a system to my highlights, though I'm not that organized for any other book.

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Nonfiction all the time. Fiction not so much. I did take a couple literature classes and both professors encouraged writing notes in the margins, marking up the book with your thoughts. I just can't.... Rather stick a post it note on the page and go back and make notes later. I hate dissecting fiction - just ruins the read.

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I like to write in my books (drives my husband mad).


I like to re-read books I've written in. I'm often amazed by both how dumb and how smart I was the first time I read it.


I like to read books that have been written in by others (it's like a conversation).


I can't imagine assigning and grading annotated books.

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Dd14 was actually upset that she has to annotate Farhenheit 451 for English class (public school). I finally had to buy her two copies, one to annotate and one to keep clean. She doesn't even know if she will like the book well enough to keep it but she is so bothered by marking up the book that she needs a clean copy to feel better.

I am with your dd. I would not like reading in a book with markings. I could see reading the clean copy and forcing myself to mess up the other book. Maybe I am too distractible, but markings grab my attention and I have trouble concentrating properly.

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Dd14 was actually upset that she has to annotate Farhenheit 451 for English class (public school).


:lol: Our dds really need to meet. My dd had the same reaction (as this is the same assignment she has had in her high school). She kept telling me that she didn't want to write in a book. I told her that she's going to have to get used to it.


Annotating seems to be the norm for our local high school; looking at posted assignments, it looks like she'll be annotating multiple books every year. (Annotations are written in literature books that the students/parents buy, not books provided by the school or the library.)


I never did much annotating while growing up or even now, as an adult. However, last year, trying to prep dd a bit for heading out to a brick & mortar high school, we used IEW's Windows to the World & it covered annotating. It helped me (& dd) a lot to understand the benefits of annotating. Personally, I still don't really annotate (but I'm not writing lots of literary analysis just for fun either ;)), but I can understand the benefit of doing so, esp. for high school & college students.

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:lol: Our dds really need to meet. My dd had the same reaction (as this is the same assignment she has had in her high school).


Oooh.. email me and let me know how her first day went. :)


I have no idea how many books she'll be reading in English this year. They weren't mentioned on her syllabus! And the kids don't get their own textbooks, but there is a classroom set. Yesterday they read a story by taking turns reading aloud. Good grief! That means that when she's doing her homework, she can't refer back to the story unless she can find it online.


And yes, we had to buy Fahrenheit 451. The school doesn't have them for the students.

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That's what I thought. Better him/her than me! That's a lot of reading.


I have a feeling he's going to flip through them and see how much they annotated, a good amount vs. one note scattered here and there. I think I read somewhere you shouldn't have more than 5 pages between notes. Hopefully the teacher will give them clear directions.

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I would have a problem with that. I actually have a problem that hundreds of book will be destroyed this year because this teacher wants them to write in the books. In a climate when many schools do not even have student copies of textbooks (just classroom copies), I find that extraordinarily frivolous.


Plus, I just can't stand defacing books.


My grandmother would take a sharpie to all the bad words in books she was reading, then return the redacted books to the library! :svengo:



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