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I'm not sure whether I need encouragement or a firm, NO!

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I am down to the last minutes to decide whether to make a large purchase...for myself.


This purchase is something I've wanted all my life, and I'm in a situation now (geographically and financially) to take advantage of the opportunity that presented itself at just the right time. HOWEVER, it's something I'll only use 8 times a year, and while my family (one at a time) will enjoy this activity with me, it's really mine, all mine.


My hang ups: Apparently, I've lost my zeal for spending money. I can think of a LOT of school and extracurricular stuff I could do with this amount of money. It's nearly a week's take home pay for dh. How can I justify spending this much on "entertainment" for myself? It's not particularly high-brow entertainment, and while I love it, okay, I'll admit, I worry that others will think I'm part of the dumb masses. (Which I suppose I am if I'm worried about what They think, but that's another post, isn't it?) I don't spend $ on myself (books don't count?). I'd be gone most of the day for 8 days of the year. I'll have to re-purchase every year. Can't get past the mental picture of dh working for 4 days *solely* to do this, every year.


OTOH: We can afford it. The school and extracurricular stuff won't have to be shelved to do this. I DON'T spend money on me, so why not? The opportunity might never (or for a reaaaallly long time) present itself again. What do I care what people think? I truly enjoy this activity. You NEED to get out at least 8 times a year, woman, you're ALWAYS here. Dh wants me (us, but he'll get much less enjoyment) to have this.


So...am I hopelessly selfish? Crazy to be thinking twice? Just a cheapskate? Where's the thread about things that would surprise you of 20 years ago? If anyone had told me I'd think twice about this decision 20 years ago, I'd have laughed at them.

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You said you've wanted this all your life. Do you still want it as badly? Or is this something you've held onto and don't truly want as bad anymore? (bad sentence, first cup of coffee)


IMO, If you have the support of your dh and this is something you still crave, I would do it. I am the type of person who will overthink any purchase, including 10.00 at Walmart, so I understand your dilemma.


As you said, this chance may not come again, so I would jump.


(are you gonna tell us what it is? I guessing something in the creative arts category. Maybe racing tickets?) :glare:


ETA: have you read about Jennifer's halving project? One thing she mentioned was cutting back on stuff, but not on experiences. Sounds like this experience is something that will enhance your life.

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You buy those season tickets to the Redskins. And then, you can always sell one weekend or more a year if you want. My parents have friends with season tickets to the Raven, and my mom buys one game from them for my dad every year. You may even be able to sell them to me.


And if this is not what you are talking about, then I still say go for it.

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I think you are suffering from irrational guilt...I recognize it because I have the same problem! :D You want it, DH wants you to have it, you can afford it, you've taken care of your other obligations and financial responsibilities...why wouldn't you do it? Well, only if you feel you shouldn't have nice things for yourself, IMO.


I say go for it...and tell us what it is! I'm very curious! :D

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You buy those season tickets to the Redskins.




If that's it, yes, definitely go get them! You can assuage any irrational guilt by selling those tickets you don't feel like using or can't use. You might even make money!


Yes, do it!

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You said you've wanted this all your life. Do you still want it as badly? Or is this something you've held onto and don't truly want as bad anymore? (bad sentence, first cup of coffee)


IMO, If you have the support of your dh and this is something you still crave, I would do it. I am the type of person who will overthink any purchase, including 10.00 at Walmart, so I understand your dilemma.


As you said, this chance may not come again, so I would jump.


(are you gonna tell us what it is? I guessing something in the creative arts category. Maybe racing tickets?) :glare:


ETA: have you read about Jennifer's halving project? One thing she mentioned was cutting back on stuff, but not on experiences. Sounds like this experience is something that will enhance your life.



It is something I still crave. But, it's a frivolity. I keep thinking I could do a lot more Important and Meaningful things with the money. Yes, I do want this. But SHOULD I have it when it could go to "worthier" things? Dunno.


And then the cartoon Andie on the OTHER shoulder says, What's more meaningful and important than time with the kids-these are experiences that they'll remember fondly!


Thanks for letting me(and the voices) think out loud.

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You buy those season tickets to the Redskins. And then, you can always sell one weekend or more a year if you want. My parents have friends with season tickets to the Raven, and my mom buys one game from them for my dad every year. You may even be able to sell them to me.


And if this is not what you are talking about, then I still say go for it.



You, Caroline, win...um...nothing? A nice "Atta girl!?" (Sorry, fresh out of rep!)


Yes, it is ::most reverent tone:: Redskins season tickets of which I speak. I was going to try to convince y'all that it was mud wrestling or something, but now you've gone and ruined it!;)


Are you near D.C.?

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You, Caroline, win...um...nothing? A nice "Atta girl!?" (Sorry, fresh out of rep!)


Yes, it is ::most reverent tone:: Redskins season tickets of which I speak. I was going to try to convince y'all that it was mud wrestling or something, but now you've gone and ruined it!;)


Are you near D.C.?


Unfortnately, we are not near DC. My husband grew up in Woodbridge,VA and I am from Columbia, MD. But we would travel for a Redskins game. We are now in Atlanta. One of these years we will see the Skins down here. Given the opportunity, we would move back to DC in a heartbeat.

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Unfortnately, we are not near DC. My husband grew up in Woodbridge,VA and I am from Columbia, MD. But we would travel for a Redskins game. We are now in Atlanta. One of these years we will see the Skins down here. Given the opportunity, we would move back to DC in a heartbeat.



I lived in Dale City (when the mailing address was still Woodbridge because Dale City was too tiny!) till I was 12, then we moved to MD, then I moved and went to high school for two years in Atlanta (well, Roswell).

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This purchase is something I've wanted all my life, and I'm in a situation now (geographically and financially) to take advantage of the opportunity that presented itself at just the right time. HOWEVER, it's something I'll only use 8 times a year, and while my family (one at a time) will enjoy this activity with me, it's really mine, all mine.




My kids really treasure a special outing with just one parent. This isn't just for you. Your kids will always remember getting to go to a game with just mom, one-on-one. And, it is an investment in your mental health. Buy the tickets.

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Yes, it is ::most reverent tone:: Redskins season tickets of which I speak.


Oh, Andie! If this is true, go for it!


1) you could always sell them (to me!) if you find you can't use them

2) you will cherish the time with your child and build memories with them

2a) every year, a friend of ours sells us 2 tkts to one preseason game (this year: Redskins - Jaguars (Jax is my hometown, but I'm a 'skins fan ALL the way), and ds and I go. It is such a great experience for *us* even though we're together all the time with school.

2b) you know you just get to see stuff that you'd NEVER see if you weren't there! ('nuff said) - so you're broadening your view of the world

2c) hmm - 2b may include things you don't WANT your dc to see. Well, never mind.

3) add up the things that you don't do for yourself but maybe could (?manicures, pedicures, cleaning service, regular haircuts, gym membership, cable TV, movies, eating out, magazine subscriptions, new cars, etc., etc.). Multiply that by the number of years you have not done those things. Now look at that amount and compare it to what just one year of your treat would cost. No contest, right? (Alternatively, you could eliminate some other 'thing' in your life and mentally put that money in the Andie Fund.)

4) re-read #1.


HTH ;)

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As someone who is trying to get over the guilt of spending money on herself for an iphone yesterday, I say do it! I also have a hard time buying anything for myself (beyond a $4 Starbucks, that is). I don't think twice about spending money on things for the kids and my dh has no problem buying things for himself. I can't do it though. I was awake half the night stressing out over buying the phone even though dh not only kept telling me to get it, but he has really been wanting to buy it for me for a year now. It makes him happy to be able to pay for something nice for me and it sounds like your dh feels the same way about the tickets. Go do it. And then be sure to take him to the first game with you.

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Andie. Buy the tickets.

This sort of opportunity does not present itself on a regular basis, and you certainly deserve it.


Not to mention that you have an AWESOME head coach now. Your whole front office is buzzing over his awesomeness, and they are all excited about the upcoming season.

I spent some time with him and his family over the past two weeks, and I can't wait for the season to start.


But is sure is weird to see him in burgundy and gold instead of blue and green.

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Andie. Buy the tickets.

This sort of opportunity does not present itself on a regular basis, and you certainly deserve it.


Not to mention that you have an AWESOME head coach now. Your whole front office is buzzing over his awesomeness, and they are all excited about the upcoming season.

I spent some time with him and his family over the past two weeks, and I can't wait for the season to start.


But is sure is weird to see him in burgundy and gold instead of blue and green.



I'm two degrees from Coach Zorn, everybody!! See that? Me, then Crissy, then him. That's just too cool. Tell him hi from upper deck for me!;)


I love this

...it's the first thing that comes to mind whenever his name comes up. :lol:


Seriously, though, we can't wait.

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I love this
...it's the first thing that comes to mind whenever his name comes up. :lol:



That was HILARIOUS!! I've saved it to share with Corky.


How far are you from DC? We've been invited out to visit after the season, and right away I thought of seeing you while we're there.

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I'm two degrees from Coach Zorn, everybody!! See that? Me, then Crissy, then him. That's just too cool. Tell him hi from upper deck for me!;)


I love this

...it's the first thing that comes to mind whenever his name comes up. :lol:


Seriously, though, we can't wait.


I remember watching that.


By the way, my DH says you should get the tickets and then you could email me and we could live vicariously through you. (And his house was really close to Dale City. Did you attend school when you lived there?)

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I remember watching that.


By the way, my DH says you should get the tickets and then you could email me and we could live vicariously through you. (And his house was really close to Dale City. Did you attend school when you lived there?)



I did -K at Enterprise Elementary and then Our Lady of Angels Catholic, then Saunders Middle.


I'll blog LOTS of pictures of the games, I promise!

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Way to sacrifice for your kids (you know, memories and all) dance001.gif.


I heard on the news the Packers aren't going to release Favre. He can be backup or be traded (they better not trade him). Dh thinks backup would be perfect because Rogers is gonna get hurt pretty quick. All I know is if Favre plays somewhere else I'll cry.

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Crazy woman! If the man holding the wallet says yes, who are you to argue? Don't spoil it by feeling guilty, that'll lessen his enjoyment of giving you this present. That would be terribly rude of you, wouldn't it ;) Goodness. You are as entitled to enjoy life as anyone else!


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