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Diva bought herself a new alarm clock.


ok, fine.


But WHY is it that I have to go in and yell at her to turn it off after 20 flipping minutes? She sleeps like a rock. I have the urge to take a rock to the alarm clock, b/c she only hit snooze and it's going off again :glare:

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ds has an alarm clock called "sonic boom". It wakes the whole house, except him. This clock also has a vibrating attachment that makes the bed shake. dd has the same clock and only uses the vibrating attachment not the sound. I can still hear when the vibration part goes off, but it's not loud and dd gets up and turns it off.

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my husband passed on his talent of pushing snooze for 2 hours onto my oldest ds. in the morning I have 2 alarms going off over and over. at least ds pushes snooze himself. I usually have to poke my dh to get him to push snooze. I think I ask him about 10 times a morning to just turn it off since he obviously is just going to wake up whenever HE wants to.


Funny thing: my dh has an alarm clock that is motion sensitive so you dont actually have to push snooze, you just wave your arm in front of it to snooze.... Well he put in on his windowsill about 4 ft away from the bed one night when he really had to get up early so that he would have to get up and turn it off and maybe actually wake up. Anyway, I woke up to his alarm and see him in bed, waving his lamp in front of the alarm so he doesnt have to get up.

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I am still angry about dh doing this the year that ds was born. I had been up off and on all night and dh wanted the snooze to go off at least three times before waking up after a full nights sleep. Wow, I still have issues of this, lol.


I wouldn't let her use it if this continues.

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My sister liked to "wake up slowly" as a teen, so she'd set her alarm for 5:30 when she didn't intend to get up until 6:30! My room was next to hers; she'd sleep like a rock while I was wide awake at 5:30 when I didn't need to be up until 7:00! I would stand in her doorway and moan, "Turn off your alarm!" but she'd keep doing it day after day. After lots of pleading from me, she refused to change her ways. I had to threaten to turn it off completely at 5:30 and just let her sleep until whenever. :glare: She then agreed to set it for 6:30 and I promised to drag her out of bed if the alarm wasn't turned off right away.


I had a college roommate who tried the same thing. I put my foot down after weeks of waking up and having the first words out of my mouth be "C--your alarm!" I told her very firmly, "This is NOT going to work. Set your alarm for later, and get up when it goes off--that's it." She stepped and did it!:001_smile:

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We send her to bed, but can't make her sleep, kwim?


DS would stay up ALL FREAKING NIGHT! He often does:glare:


He insists on setting his alarm clock. I finally told him if I have to turn the thing off, you cannot set it. I don't threaten/punish etc, but this one done me in. And it's the kind where the sound creeps up. Like it starts very quiet, and gets louder.

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My sister liked to "wake up slowly" as a teen, so she'd set her alarm for 5:30 when she didn't intend to get up until 6:30! My room was next to hers; she'd sleep like a rock while I was wide awake at 5:30 when I didn't need to be up until 7:00! I would stand in her doorway and moan, "Turn off your alarm!" but she'd keep doing it day after day. After lots of pleading from me, she refused to change her ways. I had to threaten to turn it off completely at 5:30 and just let her sleep until whenever. :glare: She then agreed to set it for 6:30 and I promised to drag her out of bed if the alarm wasn't turned off right away.


I had a college roommate who tried the same thing. I put my foot down after weeks of waking up and having the first words out of my mouth be "C--your alarm!" I told her very firmly, "This is NOT going to work. Set your alarm for later, and get up when it goes off--that's it." She stepped and did it!:001_smile:


This cracks me up. DH said when he was a teen, he used to set his clock JUST so he could wake up, realize he doesn't have to be up for another few hours and that would make him happier than actually sleeping :lol::lol:

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My children all know that waking Mom up for any reason beyond blood and vomit results in a very cranky Mom. This also applies to my DD whose alarm clock goes off at 7:01. I better not hear it go off, so she has about 2 beeps before she risks the wrath of me. DH wakes up to very quiet music. 99% of the time he gets it shut off in time. Every once in a while he will slap the snooze button and then crawl out of bed, leaving it to go off again while he is in the shower. He is not immune to my wrath if it wakes me up at 545. My child would quickly learn that this is unacceptable.

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Well, at least you can find it to turn it off. My dd sets her alram on her cell phone and even if I can find it I don't know the password to turn it off. :glare:


This is why all passwords must be written down in a book, that is kept in a safe - only Mom and Dad have it. I will never deal with a password protected ipod ever again! I'll crush it first!

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Why wouldn't you just take it away from her? Particularly if this has happened repeatedly? :confused:

She just bought it yesterday, so it happened repeatedly THIS am, but wasn't an issue before, since she didn't have an alarm clock.


I'm gonna play whack a clock if it happens again. :glare:

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