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"Keep on Swimming"

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It's the little things that build up. I burned myself 9 days ago. I am now on antibiotics for cellulitis. This morning I noticed that I now have thrush from the antibiotics. And my burn started to bleed - not much - the bleeding area is the size of a tic-tac - but I don't see that as a sign of healing. Sigh.


I'm leaving in a few minutes to take MIL to the doctor. MIL does not want me to come and take her to the doctor. My 10 year old daughter, when she heard what we are doing today, groaned and is having a major stinky attitude about the whole thing. This is not helping.


I was going to come on here and type something positive but I just can't do it. Except for "Keep on swimming."

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Update - We were gone from 8:45 to 2:45 but we are now home. MIL has been doctored and I shouldn't be needed any more this week. I think. MIL was a bit better than usual so we're good. There was one point when she was a bit of a problem but FIL went to bat for me. (He's always been on my side.;))


Dd10 has been going in an out of stinks. The joys of being a mama to a tween-ager.:glare: I've finished 90% of clothes shopping for her though so that's good.


Our Filipino friend has called to ask for a "playdate" for her 5 year old (read "free babysitting"). I thought about saying "no" but realized that this will actually distract dd10, and will give me a break, I think.

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I wouldn't put raw honey on open cellulitus, it might be contaminated or have botulism and you are already having an immune issue. Honey works quite well on dry open wounds because the sugar pulls the moisture away, but cellulitus provides its own moisture, so it's probably not appropriate in this instance.


Call your doctor and explain the thrush and how it opened up. (S)he might want to change antibiotics or test your skin for MRSA.

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I just wanted to add, for the two that have thrush, go back to the dr and have them treat you for it. That will likely mean stopping the antibiotics and starting an antifungal. Trust me when I say you do NOT want yeast in your system.

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It's the little things that build up. I burned myself 9 days ago. I am now on antibiotics for cellulitis. This morning I noticed that I now have thrush from the antibiotics. And my burn started to bleed - not much - the bleeding area is the size of a tic-tac - but I don't see that as a sign of healing. Sigh.


I'm leaving in a few minutes to take MIL to the doctor. MIL does not want me to come and take her to the doctor. My 10 year old daughter, when she heard what we are doing today, groaned and is having a major stinky attitude about the whole thing. This is not helping.


I was going to come on here and type something positive but I just can't do it. Except for "Keep on swimming."



Yep...some days just can't end quick enough!

Sorry you are having a tough one


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