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What does your morning look like if you have a toddler around?


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We will start our second year of homeschooling the second week of August (we're just doing a bit of reading and math till then). I am trying to figure out some sort of flexible routine for our mornings. I will have a 1st grader, a 4 year old, and a 17 month old. I know I want to do some preschooly things with the 4 year old, and I would love to do some sort of morning basket, and they have chores to do....I just can't figure out how to order everything. I'd like to work 1st thing with the 4 year old, but if my 6 year old gets involved in something in the playroom, he's hard to pull away..... And then there's the toddler wild card. Hoping to be inspired......

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I would like to be inspired, too! Mine are all a year younger than yours. I can't decide if we should try for K work in the morning or just wait until evening when my husband is home and the toddler can do something else.

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2am wake up to "I want chi-chi', nurse back to sleep

3am "


5am-husbands alarm go off, he hits snooze, toddler wakes up and wants to nurse, nurse back to sleep



5:30-husband finally wakes up, toddler wakes up and wants to nurse, nurse back to sleep.

6am-husband comes back in to kiss me goodbye,toddler wakes up and wants to nurse

7am-toddler nurse

8am-I get up go potty and place toddler on potty and tell older ones to get up,toddler follows me

8:30-I get dressed and tell older ones to get up and tell toddler to go and wake olders up, he sits on their faces and makes them scream

9am-everyone relatively up and in kitchen eating breakfast,chores started

9:15am-toddler harrassing those doing chores and getting dressed

9:30-I start school haha, toddler harrassing those doing school by throwing things at them, then i assign one kid to play with him

9:45-i remind older to not get distracted by toddler and one playing with him

9:55-I am told toddler pooped, deal with that,toddler wants to nurse, i offer milk

10am-switch kids where one child is playing with toddler,toddler hungry, get toddler food, continue teaching

10:15-toddler pooped again,deal with that

10:30-switch kids, place on potty, toddler wants snack, toddler wants to write with us, we get paper and pencil, then toddler draws on older childs work, redirect him back on his paper, toddler runs off and plays with some toys

10:45-wants a working child's attention,get him to go outside with child playing with him, get working children to get back to work

11am-older kids complain about being hungry, switch kids, toddler runs through living room and steps on aas board and scatters tiles around

11;15am-older children fading,toddler whiny

11:30-start preparing lunch,

12-lunch time

more of the same continues (maybe get toddler down for nap either late morning or early afternoon) until dad gets home (sometimes around 4pm,5pm,6pm,7pm,8pm-no regular time) and most often still homeschool while dad is cooking. Somewhere in the day, I may read to him or play with him. But everything is a mad dash it feels.



I am sorry not very inspiring and not what you are looking for..... It is not a pretty scene but it is life.

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When I had only "littles" this is what we did:


Breakfast all together and clean up


Exercise (usually a walk unless weather was bad, then we would do a DVD together)


Chores all together




Anyone under age 15mo or so would nap (9:30-10 time); 2-3yo would have a movie (30 minutes); 4-6yo work at table w/me on basics (reading, math). 6yo is expected to do independent work while I focus on 4yo. 6yo also takes 15-20 minutes with 2-3yo after movie is done so I can finish with 4yo.


Free play while I make lunch


Lunch all together; clean up


Free play time (30-45 minutes)


Read w/mom


Nap for those 4yo and younger; school w/5-6yo (science, etc.)


Somehow it all fit in. There was (and still is) a todder hanging around while we do school and more often than not a baby is in someone's arms. It's just how we roll and how things go. :)

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In your situation, I would have the 6-year-old play with the toddler while you're working with the 4-year-old. It keeps the toddler entertained and keeps the 6-year-old from getting so involved in his own stuff that he's hard to pull away. I'm guessing you wouldn't spend more than 15-30 min with the 4-year-old, so when he's done you can send him off to play with the toddler while you work with the 6-year-old. The great thing about closely spaced kids is that there is always a sibling to play with. :001_smile:


I know many people like to focus on one child at a time (often starting with the littlest), but I prefer to have everyone working at once so that I have more non-homeschooling time to spend playing with my toddlers and babies. I have a lot of kids to juggle, so our own morning schedule has gotten increasingly complex. For the fall it will look like this:


7 am - Breakfast (I'm up earlier to nurse the baby and shower)

7:30 - I supervise ds7's piano practice while juggling the baby/dd8 cleans the kitchen/dd4 & ds2 play together

8:00 - dd8 practices piano independently while I read to or play with the younger kids and then nurse the baby to lay down for his nap

8:50 - I lay the baby down for his nap and get dd4 & ds2 busy with a quiet activity at the table (coloring, play-dough, pattern blocks, etc.)

9:00 - Math

9:30 - Writing/Language Arts

10:00 - French (as dd8 & ds7 are finishing up with French and putting their books away, I read a story or two to dd4 & ds2 before sending them off to play)

10:20 - Read aloud (the baby wakes up at some point in here & I nurse him while I finish reading)

10:40 - History or Science (on alternating days)

11:00 - Walk to the park to play before lunch

12:00 - Lunch

1:00 - Silent reading for dd8 & ds7, naptime for dd4, ds2, and baby

3:00 - Nurse baby & get a snack for the big kids before we start driving around to our afternoon activities


When we are homeschooling I work from oldest to youngest, so first I go over dd8's math lesson with her. Then she works independently on her math workbook while I go over ds7's math lesson with him. Then they both are working independently on their math while I pull dd4 away from her quiet activity to work one-on-one. She only takes 10 minutes and I send her back to her quiet activity to check the big kids' work. We work the same way for writing/language arts.


This all sounds very structured, but I like our day structured. It's the only way for me to juggle so many little ones and feel like I'm meeting everyone's needs.

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I am sorry not very inspiring and not what you are looking for..... It is not a pretty scene but it is life.


:lol::lol::lol: Tell it like it is! We have all been there.


I have an amazing baby who is suddenly sleeping through the night (the first one to do it so young, I can assure you). Two months ago, I was still up every hour to nurse . . . all . . . night . . . long. I remember saying to my husband at 2 am, "I don't think I've slept more than an hour or hour and a half at a stretch since he was born!" I was so worn out. But just two months later, I'm sleeping 8 hrs straight every night. Now I think I can start potty-training ds2. It's never ending with little ones.


Motherhood is like the Marines: The toughest job you'll ever love.

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Had to smile at this as a lot of this seems to happen in our house too, however I only have two children and my oldest is just starting K though has been doing K work this year.


My toddler nurses all night - 00:00, 02:00, 04:00, 06:00 and then she doesn't want to get up in the mornings - some mornings she is only out of bed by 09:00 whereas the eldest gets up usually before 07:00.


07:00 - get DH off to work

08:00 - make tea for everyone, dress both children and then shower myself, change toddlers nappy if she is up, song and exercise time

09:00 - Math with eldest - provide some crayons and paper for toddler to decrease the amount she draws in the eldests workbook.

09:30 - send everyone outside to play - I have to accompany them so if they are entertaining themselves then I take a book out to read (eldest finds it hard to entertain herself so usually I have to play with them)

10:00 do some chores - let children play in side yard where I can still see them

10:30 Reading with eldest, game with the youngest

11:00 everyone outside again, have a snack, possibly do some spelling outside with the eldest

11:30 writing with eldest, need crayons and paper or toys for toddler

12:00 make lunch

12:30 try to get toddler down for nap - if she's not asleep by 14:30 know to give up (this is a regular occurrence even though she is so young)

depending on nap: 13:00 - 15:00 quiet time, I do read alouds for oldest, may let her watch some TV if toddler is being difficult

15:00 start cleaning house, toddler clings to leg while I do this so chat to her while cleaning

16:00 still not finished but eldest wanting attention again, possibly do art project with her or just play a game

17:00 bath time

17:30 try to contact DH to know when he'll be home and start supper

18:00 supper (hopefully), family time

19:30 bed time for eldest, read alouds for both children, then time with toddler

21:30 maybe toddler falls asleep


My toddler actually does get on with her own things a great deal more than my eldest ever did at this age. I find if I give her attention when doing other things she is quite happy - so when making tea she puts the tea bags in the mugs, when I change her nappy I show her some cards or sing her nursery rhymes, she gets a story/read aloud when the eldest does though usually first so she is more likely to just play while I read to the elder, when I make supper she sits on the counter and helps too and if DD1 is doing Math I often have the toddler on my lap.


Today I had them both at the tax offices with me - we were there more than 2.5 hours basically just sitting in a queue and both girls were well behaved but I took a LOT of activities with me and plenty of snacks.

Edited by Tanikit
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I am sorry not very inspiring and not what you are looking for..... It is not a pretty scene but it is life.


I'm so glad other people have days like us. I do have to say, though, that now that my youngest is 3.5, our days are much more "normal." When all my kids were younger (6 and under), we did one "seatwork" subject in the morning and then played until nap time. Then anyone with more work would sit down with me. This allowed them to concentrate and I didn't have to occupy the little ones.

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We have breakfast together. I read the Bible while they eat. We do memory work together, reciting or singing along to the memory work CDs. My 6 and 4 yo have been enjoying short school days so the 3yo and 22mo can play in their room for the time it takes me to work with the older two (usually) without (much) drama. As my 6yos work was increasing or when I just really preferred no background noise, I was getting him up before the rest to get a couple of things out of the way before breakfast. Sometimes I employ other temporary strategies (activities at table for little ones, separating them, etc.) according to the need of the moment but that has been the general gist of things for a while.

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If you don't mind I'm going to throw a slightly different idea out there.


Something we did was start the morning outside, so 2yo and 4yo would play in the grass and burn off some energy on whatever toys were out there. That would usually last half an hour or so, during which time you could do the assisted part of reading and LA with 6yo


The the kids come in from playing, energy expelled, and sit at the table. 2yo would have an activity of some sort, whether it was a certain toy, or some crayons or blocks or something that would keep 2yo amused. 6yo would work independently on LA/reading, and 4yo can do some K work with you. 2yo would probably run off during this time after 15 minutes, but could find something to safely amuse themselves for the next 15 (I don't know about you but my 16 month old can safely play in the 'toy corner' for up to an hour, supervised. I've always encouraged independent play.


Then when finished the K bookwork with the 4yo, send 4yo to play with 2yo again, perhaps another structured activity or perhaps just playroom time, while you do math with the 6yo.


About now I'm sure kiddos are ready for a break!


After break, get all the kids together for science/history/extras. 6 and 4 yo can be involved together, 2yo can run around, maybe watch, maybe not, just try and keep 2yo quiet and amused. This might be harder if your toddler is needy and not used to self amusement, but this is probably the hardest section to juggle. You can put it during 2yo's naptime if that suits you, some people prefer all the kids to have quiet time during naptime, but if doing science and history during naptime is what you need to do it uninterupted, then so be it, there will be a nice 1 hour-ish block in the afternoon for this part :)


And finally, if there's any K activities left for 4yo, tell 6yo they're done for the day and send them to have their turn playing with 2yo while you do them


This is some idea of how I've seen it juggled. If you figure each of the 5 'sessions' above (2 6yo assisted, 1 6yo independent 4yo assisted, 1 6yo + 4yo assisted together, and possible 1 4yo assisted) to be 20 or 30 minutes long, it'll give your 6yo a 1.5-2 hour school day, your 4yo a 0.5-1hour school day, and your 2 year old has 20 minutes of table time in there as well, which in a lot of families is about the time needed. If there's more to cover perhaps waiting till dad comes home and doing some evening school is an option? Or involving all the kids in the activity, like art?


Of course, life with toddlers rarely happens to plan :)


Good luck

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Some of our days are NIGHTMARES.

Nadia is 15 months and she is house ruler. We are trying to impose a better schedule, but she is so demanding. She likes to scream when we do our read-alouds. When I stop to ask her to "shhh" she does...until I start again. I've tried ignoring and reading over and she just screams louder. Sheesh.

And then some days she's an angel, playing quietly while we do lessons. :glare:

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I have had a similar problem: Trying to get the 7 & 8 yr olds going with school so they don't get involved in legos or whatever and I feel bad tearing them away when I'm ready for school. But in the mornings there are toddlers and tidy-ups to tend to, not to mention if I want to take a shower, etc.


What I started doing that has helped me a LOT is to make my boys independent but productive in the morning. The first thing on their to-do list for school is Faith & Life Lessons together on the computer (an online Catholic religion curriculum), then one boy does Teaching Textbooks (math) on the computer, while the other one does their independent reading (their current chapter book). When the one doing math is finished, it's time to switch. The other boy does math on the computer, and the other one does their reading. This gives me JUST enough time to get awake, get the toddlers taken care of, take a shower, brush my teeth, think about what we are going to do for the day... and then they say "Moooommmmm, We're done with math & reading... Now what?" Then I can sit down with them and do spelling or whatever we are doing for our joint subjects with Mom teaching.


Of course you might not want to use the same computer-based curriculum I'm having my boys do in the morning, but maybe if you could find something for him to do for school independently and make it a routine, it could give you enough time to get the house & little ones where you need it to be, and get preschool with your 4 yr old "out of the way" without him getting all wrapped up in play-time.


I don't know of any great advice to keep the 17 month old occupied. My experience is you usually just have to take it day by day. Put on some toddler songs in the other room where he/she is gated off with toys and hope it will distract her for a bit. Put him/her in the highchair with snacks while you get through a lesson, or let them "color" (if he/she won't eat the crayons). Put on a Baby Einstein movie to keep baby occuppied (What? Don't you want your baby to be educated, too?! :lol:) If you can find a schedule that work every day for a 17 month old to stay out of your hair, you will be more talented than I!! But I do think finding something to do for "school" for your 6 yr old to do independently in the morning could help you a lot. Just make sure whatever you have your 6 yr old do independently actually will accomplish something for school, or else you're just pushing school back later (unless you don't mind that).


I would personally save kid-chores for after school or when you're getting lunch ready or something so that it doesn't hold up school getting started. If you add too many things to the morning routine with 2 toddlers in the house. The morning routine gets done at Noon, KWIM. :lol:


I'm sure you can make it work!!

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much better once we cut screen time as the olders are more willing to play with him but I often find all of them sneaking to play with him in the back bedroom to get out of school work. The only screen time they get on weekdays is Dreambox and he actually likes joining them and watching.

We've been doing sentence family as a group...first couple of days were great and he loved having his own paper and coloring stuff in front of him like the older but now it is wearing off and he is starting to cause havoc.

I dread group work now as there isn't anyone to occupy him. SIGH!



Flashback--with my older three who are now 18yr,15y,14yr....a few days we read about about Arthur's chicken pox. They(the two younger ones at the time while I was working with the older one on phonics/reading) got a hold of the red bingo dot markers and gave my kitchen chicken pox. All over cabinets to a certain height,floor,stove,refrigerator

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Thanks so much everyone! At least I know that tons of people have the same problem (and thanks for the visuals :))! You guys have inspired me (I knew you would :)) I'm thinking I'll do something like this....


up with the baby/nurse (to the other poster who co-sleeps with an all night nurser, any tips on getting any housework done/just plain old "me" time since it's impossible to wake up before the baby!)

wake other 2

bath for the girls, 6 year old sits in with us, stories

dressed and smoothies and more stories

6 yr old with toddler while I work with 4 yr old for 20 min

4 yr old with toddler, 6 year old doing ETC while I fix light bfast

6 yr old eats then reads aloud while the girls and I finish bfast



That's all I've got so far, but it's a start. Math is after DH comes home and can be with the girls, but I'd like to do some math games, FIAR or LLATL, and maybe a fun US geography study. I smiled at the poster who wisely reminded me that ds is only 6 and doesn't need that much school-time, cause let me assure you, I am in no way trying to do any in depth studies :) But I'm finding if there is not some sort of order, everyone just gets frustrated, and then no one is happy....

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Here's a weird and crazy idea - but it has worked for us. I taught my toddler to have 'blanket time' which means that I spread out a blanket or mat in the middle of the room and give her some toys and she has to stay there until I say it is time to 'hop-off'. She is now 2 and she still has blanket time in the morning while all the older kids do school work. She does puzzles, plays, reads, draws etc. It just stops her running around like a crazy thing pulling a heap of stuff out. It also gives her some individual time which is hard to get in a family of 8 kids, but which I think is still valuable. Later in the morning, different older kids take her outside or something else.


I also have a 5 month old but she's still small enough to just go with the flow. When she's mobile I'll use the playpen and eventually teach her to have blanket time too.



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LOL! Which brings me to one last idea: When all else fails to keep the 17 month old occupied during lessons, put her in the other room with a box of tissues. This might buy you 15 minutes, depending on how much shredding is involved. :lol:


I often let my daughter pull all the wipes out of the box and put them back. I get a good 20 minutes from that. She also likes to play with her velcro on her cloth diapers. I always tell the other kids, WHATEVER WORKS!

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2am wake up to "I want chi-chi', nurse back to sleep

3am "


5am-husbands alarm go off, he hits snooze, toddler wakes up and wants to nurse, nurse back to sleep



5:30-husband finally wakes up, toddler wakes up and wants to nurse, nurse back to sleep.

6am-husband comes back in to kiss me goodbye,toddler wakes up and wants to nurse

7am-toddler nurse

8am-I get up go potty and place toddler on potty and tell older ones to get up,toddler follows me

8:30-I get dressed and tell older ones to get up and tell toddler to go and wake olders up, he sits on their faces and makes them scream

9am-everyone relatively up and in kitchen eating breakfast,chores started

9:15am-toddler harrassing those doing chores and getting dressed

9:30-I start school haha, toddler harrassing those doing school by throwing things at them, then i assign one kid to play with him

9:45-i remind older to not get distracted by toddler and one playing with him

9:55-I am told toddler pooped, deal with that,toddler wants to nurse, i offer milk

10am-switch kids where one child is playing with toddler,toddler hungry, get toddler food, continue teaching

10:15-toddler pooped again,deal with that

10:30-switch kids, place on potty, toddler wants snack, toddler wants to write with us, we get paper and pencil, then toddler draws on older childs work, redirect him back on his paper, toddler runs off and plays with some toys

10:45-wants a working child's attention,get him to go outside with child playing with him, get working children to get back to work

11am-older kids complain about being hungry, switch kids, toddler runs through living room and steps on aas board and scatters tiles around

11;15am-older children fading,toddler whiny

11:30-start preparing lunch,

12-lunch time

more of the same continues (maybe get toddler down for nap either late morning or early afternoon) until dad gets home (sometimes around 4pm,5pm,6pm,7pm,8pm-no regular time) and most often still homeschool while dad is cooking. Somewhere in the day, I may read to him or play with him. But everything is a mad dash it feels.



I am sorry not very inspiring and not what you are looking for..... It is not a pretty scene but it is life.


:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: YES!!! This exactly. Except we gave up the tiles long ago in favor of a whiteboard.


We're trying workboxes next year for 2nd and K, and I have one box for the toddler with his own big colored squares to stick on his own chart to be like his sisters. I'm leaving them out during the summer so the novelty can wear off and he'll leave his sisters' alone once the school year really starts. I plan to have "do if mommy is busy with sister" activities in the K workboxes so she can have guided things to do, like pattern blocks and Legos and lacing cards. The toddler's box will be full of things like that, changed daily.

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Let me know how the workboxes work for you. We tried that last year and my olders hated it for some reason. Maybe not enough interaction? Maybe too haphazard for them? I don;t know.


I think they enjoy me interacting with them. They like the old fashion stand in front of the whiteboard and talk to them about their work and have them come up and work out problems. They love it when they get to play "teacher" and teach a concept such as multiplying fractions and I act like a stupid kid asking stupid questions. They think it is the funniest thing!


Bummer....We can;t seem to give up those AAS tiles. My kids really need the kinesthetics of actually moving those things around. One of them loves to organize them. So the toddler continues to get his joy of the day of seeing those tiles getting stepped on and splattered and shot at with his pretend gun.

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I have no tips whatsoever regarding housework but to get the kids to do them when they are awake as part of their break from schoolwork. My house is not in the best shape in general as a result especially when the kids are all really close in age and young. Perhaps beg for husband to help when he gets home or on weekends. Maybe hire a mother's helper. I would join a babysitting coop of some sort. When the kids are gone, do a mad dash clean up as your exercise of the month. One thing that works is if my kids want to go out somewhere fun, we have to all earn it by cleaning the house so that we can come home to something called a home. I;ve learned over the years that if I send the kids away and then do all the cleaning then they expect that always and don;t do anything to help around the house on a regular basis. So just include them in any of the clean up/chores/cooking however long it may take them. You are their parent not their maid.



In terms of me time...what "me" time? Maybe it is just overrated right now in our life. Sometimes if I hear the kids playing together I run to the toilet and have a moment to myself on the potty. At least that time, I won;t have a child watching or wanting me to pick him/her up. If I take a bath, the kids can join me. I enjoy a bath and at least everyone is accounted for.

When I hear husband is coming home early, I suggest he go and take them to a park to have "daddy and kids" time when I am having a rough day. I have all the kids ready and dressed when he gets home and guiltily? usher them all out of the door. Basically my me time is when the kids are all playing nicely and not getting into anything they shouldn't. Oh yeah my me time is being on this forum. I may run in my bedroom during the day to type up a response or post and that is my me time. I also talk to my friend almost daily who is also a mother of young kids. We talk and go through our chores together until one of us needs two hands. This time shall pass. I know when they are all old (even teens) and gone, I will have a lot of me time.

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Disclaimer: Both my girls are VERY good girls comparably. Dd5 is a hard and conscientious worker, and the baby is not much of a complainer. We are very lucky.

Disclaimer: Older daughter is only in K, and we are ahead of schedule, so if things don't get done some days, I try to take a deep breath and not worry about it.

Disclaimer: Loverboy is WONDERFUL about not expecting dinner on the table as he walks in the door, or an immaculate house at any time. If dd5 is close to finishing a subject, he is supportive and works with her to complete the lesson she is in the middle of.

Disclaimer: Our crazy schedule may only work for us, but it should be inspiration that you should find what works for your family. I know we will not always have this schedule.


Ages: 5.5 years and almost 20 months


Overnight: Toddler still nurses in the night, but I usually sleep through it. She may nurse early (dawn) in the a.m., but go back to sleep.


Waking up:

8am: Wake 5yo. Nurse 5yo. Morning bathroom routine. Snack offered, but usually refused. Neither girl has ever been good at "first thing in the morning eat breakfast" even when I am out of the house. Let the baby sleep as late as she can.


8:30: Piano for 5yo. Songs, theory, and usually at least one musical game. Emphasize that the best time to do schoolwork is when the baby is sleeping.


9:00am: Get as much schoolwork done before the baby wakes. Emphasize that the best time to do schoolwork is when the baby is sleeping. If we are lucky, math and phonics will be out of the way by the time she wakes. (Offer snack/toast/juice/crackers/etc again at 10am)


If the baby wakes halfway through these necessary lessons, I assign something simple like two lines of math facts in the math workbook, then tell dd she can watch ONE PBS show. We have all of her favorites TIVOed, and she is independent with the remotes if the tv and receiver are set up properly.


I nurse the baby in bed, and change her out of her wet diaper. She has started to wake dry, so by this fall, I will hopefully be putting her on the potty for the "first of the morning going potty." I'm not usually willing to do battle about getting her dressed at this point if we are not leaving the house.


By now, dd5's tv show is over, so we finish whatever lesson we were in the middle of.


We may do one more lesson, or we may start breakfast. I have had the best luck offering breakfast/brunch/lunch ~1 hour after the baby has morning breastmilk. It is not unusual for us to eat at 10:45am.


After lunch, I will round out the hour of no schoolwork by moving laundry along and washing the lunch dishes. I prep supper if I am focused enough. Dd5 may watch tv if she has earned it. She earns extra tv time (beyond 30 free minutes) throughout the day by reaching certain points in her schoolwork.


12:30 or later: More schoolwork. We work at the little table between the kitchen and living room (open floor plan). Toddler is welcome to join us, and I try to offer her something stimulating while I work with big sister. I'll read her some board books; we'll color together; I'll give her some math manipulatives to play with (bears, squares, shapes); pegboard; rainbow rice (messy, but keeps her busy!); games/activities from Slow and Steady, Get Me Ready.


1pm or 2pm or 3pm: Baby lays down for a nap. She tells me when. I go to nurse her to sleep. If dd5 has earned tv time, she can cash it in at this time. I may assign her something she can do independently before the tv time, like Explode the Code, reading to the cat, or writing a handful of letters. I encourage her to get a snack if she needs it, because now is a good time for that.


More schoolwork for dd5. Emphasize that the best time to do schoolwork is when the baby is sleeping.


When the baby awakens, I will nurse her awake and put her on the potty. Again, dd5 takes a break from schoolwork (tv, etc). I encourage her to get a snack at this time.


3 or 4pm: Snack offered to whomever is awake. Usually something hearty like a bagel and cream cheese or the last half of the sandwich from lunch. Technically, this is probably our lunch. Offer the baby a snack when she awakens, unless it is close to supper.


We do schoolwork until it is done or I need to start supper.



I don't know how this fall will be.


Some days we will be out to co-op or gymnastics class.


Our toddler will be 2 at Thanksgiving this year, and I hope to do more established "curriculum" with her at that time (Letter of the Week). Plus, with every month that passes, she is more able to do simple preschool crafts of gluing, cutting, painting, etc.


Because she will be older and able to play with more purpose at that time, I am hoping to start organizing different "busy boxes" for different days of the week to occupy her during school hours. There are other threads on these boards that list what others have put in their "busy boxes" for their toddlers.

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We will start our second year of homeschooling the second week of August (we're just doing a bit of reading and math till then). I am trying to figure out some sort of flexible routine for our mornings. I will have a 1st grader, a 4 year old, and a 17 month old. I know I want to do some preschooly things with the 4 year old, and I would love to do some sort of morning basket, and they have chores to do....I just can't figure out how to order everything. I'd like to work 1st thing with the 4 year old, but if my 6 year old gets involved in something in the playroom, he's hard to pull away..... And then there's the toddler wild card. Hoping to be inspired......


My 4 year olds joined us at the table when we did history & science. I had a stamp set and R&S preschool workbooks for them to "work" on while we were doing those subject.


My toddlers were happiest sitting in the middle of the table sharpening pencils and trying them out on paper. We knew the moment had passed when they'd start chucking them off the table. :D

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My toddler picture:





In all honesty, though, you've already got a great start going. I also rotate my children out with who plays with the 2 year old, while the other does school. They are not allowed to be in the same room with us and many times stay in the backyard playing when the weather is nice. The minute he goes down for his nap we complete any "together" subjects I have planned for the day. Even if one of my children is in the middle of another school subject. Just cram it all in where you can!


I specifically outlined how we do things in this blog post.


Good luck!

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2am wake up to "I want chi-chi', nurse back to sleep

3am "


5am-husbands alarm go off, he hits snooze, toddler wakes up and wants to nurse, nurse back to sleep



5:30-husband finally wakes up, toddler wakes up and wants to nurse, nurse back to sleep.

6am-husband comes back in to kiss me goodbye,toddler wakes up and wants to nurse

7am-toddler nurse

8am-I get up go potty and place toddler on potty and tell older ones to get up,toddler follows me

8:30-I get dressed and tell older ones to get up and tell toddler to go and wake olders up, he sits on their faces and makes them scream

9am-everyone relatively up and in kitchen eating breakfast,chores started

9:15am-toddler harrassing those doing chores and getting dressed

9:30-I start school haha, toddler harrassing those doing school by throwing things at them, then i assign one kid to play with him

9:45-i remind older to not get distracted by toddler and one playing with him

9:55-I am told toddler pooped, deal with that,toddler wants to nurse, i offer milk

10am-switch kids where one child is playing with toddler,toddler hungry, get toddler food, continue teaching

10:15-toddler pooped again,deal with that

10:30-switch kids, place on potty, toddler wants snack, toddler wants to write with us, we get paper and pencil, then toddler draws on older childs work, redirect him back on his paper, toddler runs off and plays with some toys

10:45-wants a working child's attention,get him to go outside with child playing with him, get working children to get back to work

11am-older kids complain about being hungry, switch kids, toddler runs through living room and steps on aas board and scatters tiles around

11;15am-older children fading,toddler whiny

11:30-start preparing lunch,

12-lunch time

more of the same continues (maybe get toddler down for nap either late morning or early afternoon) until dad gets home (sometimes around 4pm,5pm,6pm,7pm,8pm-no regular time) and most often still homeschool while dad is cooking. Somewhere in the day, I may read to him or play with him. But everything is a mad dash it feels.



I am sorry not very inspiring and not what you are looking for..... It is not a pretty scene but it is life.


I LOVE this reply. It's so true !


I don't nurse anymore, but the morning routine feels like my day. It's been very hard since adding more kids to the mix. Plus we moved from a house to a 2 bedroom apartment ( 3 kids)....so there is no space to get away !

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chaos. Contained, perhaps, but there's still the eternal possibility of crashing and burning at any moment.


:iagree: It gets wild around here some days. I'm looking forward to calmer days as they all get a bit older.


I need to learn to enjoy the moment. What is.

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My 4 year olds joined us at the table when we did history & science. I had a stamp set and R&S preschool workbooks for them to "work" on while we were doing those subject.


My toddlers were happiest sitting in the middle of the table sharpening pencils and trying them out on paper. We knew the moment had passed when they'd start chucking them off the table. :D


True dat.

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Like a madhouse.


There's a reason we live rurally. People are liable to think we regularly murder children in our household :lol:


My son has only just gotten over using various pitched screaming to talk (he's 4, speech delayed) and my youngest DD is showing how bad being 3 can be.


Put it this way




This also is true for doing any part of homeschool.


As soon as I even look in my weekly planner I have my 3yo climbing over everything "what can I do? *insert screaming here*"


If I sit, at any time during school, she wants juice, it doesn't matter if her juice is still half-full, she will throw the mightiest tantrum until it is full.


Should I be ready to help them with a project, she will suddenly be ravenous


Should I give her a project to keep her occupied, she will finish it in under a minute.


Basically, you lose, you lose. :tongue_smilie:


I find one must have an infinite well of patience, and a lot of activities on hand, as well as a lot of cheapie colouring and sticker books.


I try to include all the kids (whether they actually do it or not) as my basis for all the core subjects. So the younger ones do history, science, geography etc.


I also have leapfrog videos, let them play with maths manipulatives, I use activities from the letter of the week program by Confessions of a Homeschooler, and have montessori trays and sensory boxes ready for them.


Basically, overplan for billions of activities, so that there is always one on hand for them to make/destroy.


When youngest DD was about 1 1/2 -2 she was happy just being plopped on top of the table we were working on, she would crawl from one end to the other, play with sheets of paper etc.


DS is happiest with TV, when I require breaks I have two TVs that both have programs at the ready for him to work on his vocabulary (leapfrog is astounding, I am in love with Leapfrog. I tried all sorts of programs/curriculums/one-on-one enunciation, without any progress, and in the end Leapfrog was all it took for him to start working with words, and talking instead of screaming)


I find when they are younger, you have to pick your battles wisely. One can end up burnt out or frustrated beyond compare. Choose basic rules (very basic) that are non-negotiable, and the rest, its best to find a compromise, so that one does not go mad. :tongue_smilie:

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DD2 will be 1 at the beginning of our school year. I was scared about the upcoming school year now that she's on the move but after reading this thread I'm terrified!! She's very demanding and doesn't nap consistently. I think I may be in trouble! Wish me luck!

Edited by My3Munchkins
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2am wake up to "I want chi-chi', nurse back to sleep

3am "


5am-husbands alarm go off, he hits snooze, toddler wakes up and wants to nurse, nurse back to sleep



5:30-husband finally wakes up, toddler wakes up and wants to nurse, nurse back to sleep.

6am-husband comes back in to kiss me goodbye,toddler wakes up and wants to nurse

7am-toddler nurse

8am-I get up go potty and place toddler on potty and tell older ones to get up,toddler follows me

8:30-I get dressed and tell older ones to get up and tell toddler to go and wake olders up, he sits on their faces and makes them scream

9am-everyone relatively up and in kitchen eating breakfast,chores started

9:15am-toddler harrassing those doing chores and getting dressed

9:30-I start school haha, toddler harrassing those doing school by throwing things at them, then i assign one kid to play with him

9:45-i remind older to not get distracted by toddler and one playing with him

9:55-I am told toddler pooped, deal with that,toddler wants to nurse, i offer milk

10am-switch kids where one child is playing with toddler,toddler hungry, get toddler food, continue teaching

10:15-toddler pooped again,deal with that

10:30-switch kids, place on potty, toddler wants snack, toddler wants to write with us, we get paper and pencil, then toddler draws on older childs work, redirect him back on his paper, toddler runs off and plays with some toys

10:45-wants a working child's attention,get him to go outside with child playing with him, get working children to get back to work

11am-older kids complain about being hungry, switch kids, toddler runs through living room and steps on aas board and scatters tiles around

11;15am-older children fading,toddler whiny

11:30-start preparing lunch,

12-lunch time

more of the same continues (maybe get toddler down for nap either late morning or early afternoon) until dad gets home (sometimes around 4pm,5pm,6pm,7pm,8pm-no regular time) and most often still homeschool while dad is cooking. Somewhere in the day, I may read to him or play with him. But everything is a mad dash it feels.



I am sorry not very inspiring and not what you are looking for..... It is not a pretty scene but it is life.


:iagree: ARe you hiding in my closets? Because that's about our life, pretty much! DS2 is 2y4m. Constant. interruption.


I am looking forward to a time when he'll sit and do more Montessori type fine motor stuff. Right now that lasts about 3 mins. Sigh.


We also go through the multiple nursing requests, writing on siblings' papers, etc.

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Like a madhouse.


There's a reason we live rurally. People are liable to think we regularly murder children in our household :lol:


My son has only just gotten over using various pitched screaming to talk (he's 4, speech delayed) and my youngest DD is showing how bad being 3 can be.


Put it this way




This also is true for doing any part of homeschool.


As soon as I even look in my weekly planner I have my 3yo climbing over everything "what can I do? *insert screaming here*"


If I sit, at any time during school, she wants juice, it doesn't matter if her juice is still half-full, she will throw the mightiest tantrum until it is full.


Should I be ready to help them with a project, she will suddenly be ravenous


Should I give her a project to keep her occupied, she will finish it in under a minute.


Basically, you lose, you lose. :tongue_smilie:


I find one must have an infinite well of patience, and a lot of activities on hand, as well as a lot of cheapie colouring and sticker books.


I try to include all the kids (whether they actually do it or not) as my basis for all the core subjects. So the younger ones do history, science, geography etc.


I also have leapfrog videos, let them play with maths manipulatives, I use activities from the letter of the week program by Confessions of a Homeschooler, and have montessori trays and sensory boxes ready for them.


Basically, overplan for billions of activities, so that there is always one on hand for them to make/destroy.


When youngest DD was about 1 1/2 -2 she was happy just being plopped on top of the table we were working on, she would crawl from one end to the other, play with sheets of paper etc.


DS is happiest with TV, when I require breaks I have two TVs that both have programs at the ready for him to work on his vocabulary (leapfrog is astounding, I am in love with Leapfrog. I tried all sorts of programs/curriculums/one-on-one enunciation, without any progress, and in the end Leapfrog was all it took for him to start working with words, and talking instead of screaming)


I find when they are younger, you have to pick your battles wisely. One can end up burnt out or frustrated beyond compare. Choose basic rules (very basic) that are non-negotiable, and the rest, its best to find a compromise, so that one does not go mad. :tongue_smilie:


Oh my, can I relate to this too. I love the e-card. So true!!! I have an ongoing joke with DH about that. No one is hungry til they see mama get a cup of tea or a snack. I hide sometimes :001_huh: DH will say, why don't you sit down and relax! I tell him that is a cue for the 2 yo to start climbing on me or start crying about wanting to nurse. There is no. peace. at. all. right now.

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well, I have only the two, but when I need to focus with Button (there is only one subject that we really focus on at a time -- it was math, then handwriting; I let handwriting slide for math this spring and have spent the early summer making it up, which is okay by me) if Bot-bot won't let us work, I put him in his crib and dump in a bunch of toys and books from his shelf. When I first tried this I was afraid he'd scream the whole time but he doesn't, he just plays. However, he prefers to be around us so now that he knows the deal, when I tell him that we need him to do his own thing he usually toddles off for a bit and we can work through our main challenge.


He isn't stuck in there for more than 10 minutes; 15 at the very most. And he's safe. But please don't tell my neighbors ;). I suppose one could do this twice a day or so with no harm. Three times? four? all afternoon is prob. too long ...:D

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9:00am circle time. Everyone has to be still (Ha, ha, ha...) Bink takes breaks to step on/sit on/run laps around the living room when I look the other way. We sing some songs, recite scripture etc


9:20 Reading time. Babs and I get comfy. Bink steals Bean's favorite car. Fight ensues. Have Babs read alone while I break it up.


9:35 Letter time. Bean and I go over his letters. Bink wants to join in and tries to sit on the book. I put his cape on him and he runs around the living room growling. We manage to ignore him.


9:45 Math time. Babs and I learn about subtraction with the c rods, Bean builds trains with them, and Bink tries to steal handfuls and runs off with his booty. I retrieve them, and put him in his high chair with cheese crackers. Now everyone wants a snack.


9:50 Snack Break


10:15 Bean and I play a few rounds of UNO.


10:30 History. Read over history lesson while boys play and Babs draws a picture about the story


10:45 "No, we cannot paint our wampum. Yes I know we made it last week. Mommy CANNOT handle paint right now."


11:00 Nature walk. Babs and Bean fight over who say the acorn first. Bink runs off and tries to climb on neighbors porch.


11:30 Try to fit in FLL, AAS, or Handwriting, Art, or Piano. Realize I am not wonder woman, and start lunch.


12:00 Lunch Time. Kids watch and episode of Salsa Spanish or Elementary Spanish. They are quiet. Nap time is around the corner. Other than read alouds at bedtime, I am done!

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Boys get up and take a shower & brush teeth.


I roll out of bed at 8.


Boys sit at table and pour themselves drinks and start rummaging in the fridge.


I come in and make breakfast.


Boys eat while I take a shower.


As I'm getting out, they are done.


I talk out the bathroom door, trying not to wake the 3yo and 1 yr (and 5 yo if she's still sleeping): "OK, go start your Faith & Life Lessons and then do math & reading."


Boys do Faith & Life Lessons online while I get dressed, clean up in the kitchen, do some dishes, pick up the house, & grab something to eat.


Bubs starts on reading independently while Zay does Teaching Textbooks.


During this time I keep picking up and start looking at what I have planned for the rest of the day.


Zay gets done with math lesson, time to switch. Bubs does TT while Zay reads.


5 yo wakes up and 3 yo isn't far behind. They sit at the table and I give them cereal. Baby (1 yo) is still sleeping (hopefully).


5 & 3 yo eat, I check and see how Bubs did on his math lesson.


I sent 5 & 3 yo in the living room to play for a while.


I sit down in the school room and do some spelling, history, or what have you.


Baby wakes up promptly 5 minutes later. I say "hold on" or try to give them some busy work and pick her up, change her diaper, sit back down and nurse her at the table while she's still sleepy.


We continue our lesson.


She gets down, starts running around, I get up every 10 minutes during lessons to find out where she is and what she's doing, and frequently interrupt lessons by yelling things from the school room like "Did you flush?! Now close the door so the baby doesn't play in the toilet!" and "Take the baby back in the living room and close the gate!"


I occasionally assist in a bickering episode between 3 yo and 5 yo. Eventually they want to come in the school room and sit at the table and color. Things go downhill from there and we get very little done. A half hour later I tell them both to go out. (They had their chance.:lol:)


We get a little more done, but I'm getting frazzled by this point and kids are getting hungry and asking about a break.


At 11:30 I start making lunch and tell the kids to clean up the mess the 5, 3, and 1 yo made in the living room. Then they play until lunch is ready.

Eat lunch.


Nurse baby & let older kids play x box while I pass out in the chair for a while.


On a really good day we pick up where we left off after lunch, but I'm usually too worn out.


Later on in the afternoon, like while I make dinner, I try to have 5 yo do some of her workbooks at the kitchen table and I help her.


I'm hoping this year I will have more stamina, but doubtful since I am newly pregnant. I might just have to do some afternoon schooling from the recliner. :tongue_smilie:

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