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Everything posted by J9Mommy

  1. Explode the Code might be something you like, but it is not necessarily a spelling program. It's more for phonics, but it does have small reading portions that fit with the phonics skills you are learning that week, and in turn you are learning how to write certain words. I do NOT recommend the online version. I only enjoyed the workbooks. To add to the experience, I would have my kids pick 2 words each day and then write them on an index card and draw a picture that corresponds. To get even more out of it, you could make your own letter tiles or use plastic letters to spell out the words. http://eps.schoolspecialty.com/products/details.cfm?seriesonly=1460M
  2. I can't help out curriculum wise, but I just wanted to say that I am sorry about your mom's diagnosis. I hope her treatment goes as smoothly as possible.
  3. Oops, I just noticed two more replies. My notifications were off. Thank you to everyone that replied so far :)
  4. Thank you. This was very helpful :) Exactly what I needed as a starting point.
  5. Thank you so much for taking the time to reply :)
  6. No one has a secular curriculum they like for either science or history ? I know there are parents to middle school aged children on here. Just looking for ideas, for either one :)
  7. Hi. What are your top choices for middle school history and science ? I want to start preparing for the fact that high school will be here before I know it. He is my oldest and the words, '6th' grade are making me sweat. Haha. I would also prefer a secular curriculum if possible. Thank you :) P.S. We have not done any formal history and limited formal science. Just for reference. Science wise, I am not worried about him being behind at all. We do a lot of 'un-schooling' science.
  8. I am not 31, but saw the Broadway show several times as a child. I actually have never read the book, but still loved the show. I also LOVE the music. I have not allwed my kids to see the movie, but we do listen to the music. I hope you are able to find a good book version :)
  9. I have an aspie, and he would spend 24/7 on electronics if I let him. Haha. With kids like him, things need to be visual and consistent. I came up with the idea that he ( and his sister) earn tickets for each worksheet/book they do. The max is 5 tickets, which is what they usually earn. Each ticket is then worth 15 minutes. They can use the tickets up until after dinner. After dinner, I prefer no electronics unless I put on a movie for the group to watch ( I have 3 kids ). On the weekends it's free electronic time, but I have the same 'no electronics' after dinner rule. For free time the kids enjoy drawing, drawing, drawing, making movies, and building. We have a lot of tinker toys, Legos, or other open ended 'math type' items. Sorry, about the lack of paragraphs. This website won't let me for some reason...it's weird :/
  10. These are super cool. If you know the person, you should have her get someone she knows to do some cute graphics for a banner to set up possibly like an Etsy store or site on Facebook. Better pictures and website graphics will make these catch on. I think it's a really good idea !!! Maybe even find some people with educational blogs to test some out.
  11. Oops. When I first went to answer you question, it only showed the question in the heading. Now after replying, I see you wrote more in the paragraph area. I thought that was odd there was nothing there. I personally think you should also teach him manuscript. I like the versatility of knowing both and manuscript is definitely more often used now. The program I mentioned above is my favorite.
  12. I taught manuscript first and then did cursive. I waited until 5th with my oldest due to his motor skill issues. He started with the Handwriting Without Tears program and is doing phenomenal. Way better than I ever did ! Traditionally, HWWT starts cursive at 3rd grade ( I think).
  13. I like these. Definitely book marked. We were using Singapore, but I dumped the core program right now. We still use the word problems, challenge, and mental math books. The core was just not working for my oldest, so he is now using the Key to Series. Oddly enough I use to live in Japan, but I went to an American school. Thanks for sharing !
  14. Two questions. 1. How religious is R&S ? 2. Is this something the kids can almost do on their own ? Thank you :)
  15. I know what you mean !!!! I have tried everything as well. I am currently having him do the Key to fraction workbook again and I am noticing a huge difference. I feel like these books work for him. Previously,I have done the C rods, Montessori division tray, flash cards, games etc...Haha. For us, I also dumped the main Singapore curriculum and am now sticking to the Key to Series and supplemental Singapore books ( like mental math, word problems, and challenge). He is going to be 11 by the way. He also always had issues with basic math facts as well. I am always googling reasons or ideas. LOL. One thing I read was he might need to be the type to see the answer with the flash card. Not just a blank space. I started doing that. I was actually not even into flash cards, but just started those after trying all the hands on options. It's funny as he is a natural reader, but just not natural at math. My daughter is just the opposite of him though !!! Hang in there...both of you :)
  16. I'm also a whiteboard addict. LOL. I even have a black board that I use neon markers with. It makes the lessons more exciting :)
  17. All 3 kids love the ipad and computer, but my son with Aspergers is an electronic fanatic. Things were getting out of control and my solution was to start a ticket system. The kids earn 1 ticket for each book, which is worth 15 minutes each. They can only earn a max of 5-6, because I really don't want them doing more than 1 1/2 hours of screen time daily. Obviously, you can make each ticket worth less time since she is younger or have her earn less tickets. Oh, and one rule I made clear was that the work had to be done properly. Rushing or screwing around means you still do the work, but don't earn the ticket. I know people have different expectations and rules in regards to homeschooling, but I hope this idea might help. We are a bit isolated now that we moved, and this helped keep things moving along. Sometimes it's easy to fall into a rut, especially with 3 kids it can get overwhelming.
  18. I don't know if you saw my reply above, but I was actually forced to cut with my right hand as a child. Tell him it would not have worked. Even though I was forced to cut that way, you can tell it's not my dominant hand. I just can't cut a straight line to save my life ! LOL. While I use my left hand for everything else, I still cut right handed. It really messed me up !
  19. I can not seem to do make paragraphs. I am forced to write all in one line. If anyone knows a solution for this, that would be appreciated. FYI, I use the computer 99% of the time, so it's not a phone/ipad issue.
  20. I have actually encountered left handed-ism. LOL. I am only 30, but was forced to cut with my right hand in school. Let me tell you, that messed up my cutting skills for life. Later I mispronounced the word island and the substitute teacher told me it was because I was 'left handed.' My grandfather also had his left arm tied behind his back as a child. It's crazy to think people are that afraid of a person being left handed ! I think it's awesome being left handed. I like to quote that joke about left handed people being the only ones in their 'right' mind. Haha. To the OP, I would just let your daughter use the hand she wants. Why force her to be something she is not ? ! P.S. I also have a left handed twin, who is equally as awesome :D
  21. Wow. I was just going to ask a similar question. My almost 11 year old is just moving soooo slow with Singapore. We are still on level 4. I have some Key to Series books and he does so much better with them. I was just going to ask about using those as his main math curriculum. I was thinking I could use those with the Singapore math word problems, mental math, and then add in some warm ups for practicing multiplication/division. I just was not sure if I was nuts. Haha. I think this post may be the sign I needed :)
  22. This is exactly how I feel. I also do the private school affidavit. The homeschool group I have been involved with is made up of all charter school parents, so I have definitely seen/heard the stories. Many continue to use the charter, due to the monetary payment they receive.
  23. It was not this one, but I will take a peek. Thanks for the link :)
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