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Apparently, Tom and Katie Cruise are over

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:iagree: He's not kilt wearing material in my world. :ack2:
It's hard to hide the fact you're wearing lifts when you're in a kilt.
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Both Cruise and the Church of Scientology are famously controlling wrt publicity and the latter cautions against the influence of those outside the Church. Holmes' was isolated from friends and former staff and surrounded by "approved" personnel; and, for the first couple years of the marriage was rarely seen in public without a handler. Whether she converted or not would be known only to her, though she did take classes. Nicole Kidman took classes too, but didn't become a Scientologist. The child is in a Scientology-friendly school, which might be one reason why Holmes wants sole custody.


That is pretty much my understanding as well from what I've read and seen about Scientology.

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Guest submarines
Both Cruise and the Church of Scientology are famously controlling wrt publicity and the latter cautions against the influence of those outside the Church. Holmes was isolated from friends and former staff and surrounded by "approved" personnel; and, for the first couple years of the marriage was rarely seen in public without a handler. Whether she converted or not would be known only to her, though she did take classes. Nicole Kidman took classes too, but didn't become a Scientologist. The child is in a Scientology-friendly school, which might be one reason why Holmes wants sole custody.


Oh wow, I had no clue. Thanks.

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:iagree: He's not kilt wearing material in my world. :ack2:


According to WTM kilt threads he's not hot. Not like certain British actors who travel through time and space. :001_smile:


It's hard to hide the fact you're wearing lifts when you're in a kilt.



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I always thought he treated Nicole Kidman so badly, and now it appears to have happened again.


I also thought Nicole got the raw end of the deal with child custody. I just read Katie's father is a lawyer and she is asking for full custody. She needs to do that.

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Is there a good link? I googled scientology + IRS--pages and pages of stuff. Then I found out it was rulled a cult in France, and banned in Germany? How does that relate to mind control and contracts? Didn't Katie convert to scientology?


Not given charity status in UK either. Can operate but they are a business.

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I thought I read she had a childhood crush on Cruise, that must have worn off.


I find him odd. I've wondered how controlling he is. She was in Batman Begins and could have reprised the role in The Dark Knight, but opted not to. I never heard the story behind it, but figured Tommy boy was trying to control her exposure.

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I find him odd. I've wondered how controlling he is. She was in Batman Begins and could have reprised the role in The Dark Knight, but opted not to. I never heard the story behind it, but figured Tommy boy was trying to control her exposure.
She made Mad Money instead of The Dark Knight, citing "scheduling conflicts" for pulling out of the latter. :001_rolleyes:
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That is a funny episode.


Yes, I am quoting myself. :lol:


Wasn't this episode the reason why Chef (Isaac Hayes) quit the show? Because he was a Scientologist too? Yep.




Ok, it wasn't that specific episode, but a different one about Scientology in general.


I always found it ironic that he left considering that South Park makes fun of everything and anything.

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Yes, I am quoting myself. :lol:


Wasn't this episode the reason why Chef (Isaac Hayes) quit the show? Because he was a Scientologist too? Yep.




Ok, it wasn't that specific episode, but a different one about Scientology in general.


I always found it ironic that he left considering that South Park makes fun of everything and anything.


Yeah I found it fairly hypocritical that he was ok being part of a show that made fun of everyone but when they turned to his beliefs, he pitched a fit.

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Tom Cruise would be a whack a doodle regardless of what religion he followed.
Or of his his sexual orientation.
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Katie always seemed, pre-Tom, like a happy girl next door type, who was about as normal as anyone could be in that industry. Let's hope she regains some of that, for her sake and her daughter's. I wish her the best.


Both Cruise and the Church of Scientology are famously controlling wrt publicity and the latter cautions against the influence of those outside the Church. Holmes was isolated from friends and former staff and surrounded by "approved" personnel; and, for the first couple years of the marriage was rarely seen in public without a handler. Whether she converted or not would be known only to her, though she did take classes. Nicole Kidman took classes too, but didn't become a Scientologist. The child is in a Scientology-friendly school, which might be one reason why Holmes wants sole custody.


:iagree: I'm glad she's getting out & trying to get her dd out too. I think she'll have one heck of a fight, though, because of the reach & power of both TC & all his Scientology buddies/support. I think they wield a lot of influence in certain circles.


I've read a bit about Scientology (both from people who have left the 'fold', as well as some basic tenents/docs about the belief system). It has often been debated in the court of public opinion as to whether it is considered a religion or a cult.


Also, from what I'm reading (granted, it's all still gossipy speculation & reports), it sounds like she filed in NY because the state of NY is more likely to grant sole custody (vs. CA, which gives joint-custody more often). NY is also likely to make her stick to terms of her pre-nup, which may be ok because she seemingly has some amount of $$ herself. The filing in NY makes me think she really is doing this for her dd (vs. just the $$ angle).


I'm Team Katie on this one.

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