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Reducing bOOKs?

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Probably not what you are wanting to hear, but I had a dear friend that had reduction surgery and afterward they examined the tissue and discovered she had breast cancer. That was a few years ago and she survived and is cancer free. Now she jokes about how her vanity saved her life.

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I had mine done when I was 20. Best thing I ever did. Easy recovery for me, healed well but with heavy scarring. I did not care though because really, who sees them;)

I was much thinner then. Size 5 but around your size in bra size. They always check for breast cancer when doing a reduction mammoplasty.

I was taken down to a full C but after my second child and gaining weight went up to a 40D.

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I had mine done when I was 20. Best thing I ever did. Easy recovery for me, healed well but with heavy scarring. I did not care though because really, who sees them;)

I was much thinner then. Size 5 but around your size in bra size. They always check for breast cancer when doing a reduction mammoplasty.

I was taken down to a full C but after my second child and gaining weight went up to a 40D.


I really want to have a reduction, but I have always worried about the scarring. I now it's silly, but I just always have.



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I had it done 4 summers ago. Best thing I ever did for myself. I went from a "LL" down to a "C". It greatly reduced my back and neck pain, and even my migraine headaches. The recovery was pretty rough, and I do have extensive scars, but I'd do it all over again in a heartbeat.

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I really want this procedure. I have terrible back, neck, shoulder pain and headaches/migraines all the time. However, I'm terrified of the recovery!


But I know it would greatly improve my quality of life!


How did you find out insurance would cover it? Did you have to get a referral or could plastic just recommend it because of size?

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Probably not what you are wanting to hear, but I had a dear friend that had reduction surgery and afterward they examined the tissue and discovered she had breast cancer. That was a few years ago and she survived and is cancer free. Now she jokes about how her vanity saved her life.


Not really a vanity thing. In fact when I went to my appointment I had such a negative attitude toward my b00ks I told the plastic surgeon she could cut them off for all I cared.


I had chronic back pain, and at 35 I was getting the start of the hump at the base of my neck, all b00k related. I was fully covered by medical insurance as it was a medical problem, not a vanity one.


I am so glad I did it. Within 6 weeks my back pain was not as bad. Most of the hump is gone, it is now just a thicker area. My happiest moment was the first time I laid flat on my back unbound and my books did not take over my armpits, they stayed on top of my body.


I stayed overnight, and I felt pretty rough the next day. It took 2 surgeons 4 hours to do. By afternoon I was ready to go home. I found sleeping in a reclining chair was more comfortable for the first few nights. The drains are kinda gross, but I am glad I had a surgeon who kept them in. I had a friend whose surgeon didn't and she got really swollen.


It was also a blessing in disguise as they found some bad tissue in one of my books. I am at high risk for bc and now have an oncologist and am being carefully monitored. I never would have know I was high risk as I have no family history.


The surgery was not my favorite, but I would go through it again to have the end results. I don't find the scars bad, but then, I would have been happy with no b00ks.

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I really want to have a reduction, but I have always worried about the scarring. I now it's silly, but I just always have.




Again though, really who js going to see it. It is around the br#*-t with a line up to the n2-(pp*e. It has never phased me in the slightest but the comfort of after the sugery is completely worth it!

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I appreciate this thread, dd is a 34G and is considering having hers done.

She was told she has to be 19 so we have a few years but they are already causing back pain and it's been documented to insurance should pay for it.


That was very similar timing for me. It was a graduation present after college and the best one ever!

My parents insurance covered it due to many years of documented bleeding from my bras, severe pain in the neck and shoulders. I was even able to br!&*tfeed a few years later with no trouble!

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I am planning to get mine done in a few years. I want to wait till I am done nursing before doing it, but I really want to go from a G to a C, I think it would help with back pain and a few other issues I have with them. I am planning on doing it for my 15th wedding anniversary.

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I went from a 42 H to a 38 D. I was a 38 H before pregnancy and nursing!


BEST THING EVER!!!! Do it! My back and neck hurt a lot less! Much easier to find clothing that fits! Not bad recovery time at all, at least for me.


ETA: My family is prone to keloids, so I do have some funky scars, but it's still totally worth it. We call them Frankenb00bies!

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I feel your pain. I plan on one in the next couple years. Its something I've talked with my OB and primary car doc about. They are in the know about who to recommend in the area but I haven't made that appt yet. I don't care about scars but the recovery scares me.

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I did it and don't regret it. I wish my insurance had covered it though. :tongue_smilie:


I got the lollipop incision and still show scarring, but it's very faint. It really doesn't bother me. I went from an F to a D. I would have preferred to go smaller but my doctor said that was the smallest he could do without using a different incision and I didn't want that.


When I gained weight, my bOOks gained too, but not much. After WW, I'm back to a DD. That kind of bums me out. I spent all that money for a reduction and then I go and mess it up. Duh.


The only thing I will warn you about is future mammograms. They need to know you've had that procedure. I had scar tissue inside my right bOOk and they didn't know what it was and I had to have it biopsied. It was kind of scary. ETA: I did let them know about the reduction before the mammogram, but when the spot showed up on the picture, they wanted to biopsy it to make sure it was just scarring and not something else.

Edited by Night Elf
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I appreciate this thread, dd is a 34G and is considering having hers done.

She was told she has to be 19 so we have a few years but they are already causing back pain and it's been documented to insurance should pay for it.


You might want to discuss whether she wants to have children as well. I've been big since I was a teen, but wanted to breastfeed without issues. Now that all six are weaned, I am ready!


And I just had a mammogram and sonogram of the breast, so I should be okay with the cancer thing. Mom just finished chemo for it, and we have a strong family history. I got tested for the BRCA and BRAT tests - if they'd been + I would have just cut the dang things off.


I am so freaking excited. It will be my birthday present!

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I had it done in January. I was a 40 J, reduced to a C. I had had it recommended since I was about 12, but I wanted to wait until we were done having children because nursing is important to me.


We're probably done, but I had had some xrays done that showed significant back damage. Was told if I didn't have it done asap that I would need back surgery as well, so we went ahead and did it.


The recovery was a lot easier than I expected, although it really did take a 4-6 weeks to feel like myself again. I was never in a ton of pain. It really was more discomfort than pain. They had to do a free n$pple graft, which means I lost sensation in my b00ks, but that was to be expected. And I didn't have much to begin with. I do have a lot of scarring, but I think it will fade, and honestly, that wasn't a real priority.


I've had a lot of relief from my back and neck pain, and I was surprised at what a difference it has made in clothes fitting and how I look. I was surprised at how long it has taken for my body image to change.

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