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Colorado Springs is on fire.

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Still absolutely praying for you CO Springs folks...:grouphug: There are no words to express the heartache we feel as we watch....and I cannot imagine what you must be going thru in 'the waiting'. :grouphug: May God grant you grace to endure this.... I'm so thankful that it didn't continue to grow/expand like it did yesterday, but so very sad for what has already happened.


Update on the Boulder fire....The Flagstaff fire in Boulder is not as great a threat anymore... it is not contained and has spread north/south but thankfully not east over the ridge into Boulder (my in-laws are right on the other side of that ridge)

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any news on your house?





Think we're fine because we were east of Centennial. However, my relief is very small because I know that many, many homes were destroyed. "Normal" has just changed for me and I guess normal is now driving by destruction and char as I go to the grocery store, pharmacy, dance lessons, library, etc.


How long does it take for the bulldozers and big trucks to haul away the mess? When do things turn green again? Years... Decades even?

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Think we're fine because we were east of Centennial. However, my relief is very small because I know that many, many homes were destroyed. "Normal" has just changed for me and I guess normal is now driving by destruction and char as I go to the grocery store, pharmacy, dance lessons, library, etc.


How long does it take for the bulldozers and big trucks to haul away the mess? When do things turn green again? Years... Decades even?


for us after the station fire, the hauling away went fairly quickly.


some of the trees will never grow back as the climate has changed enough in the past 150 years (when they started) that they couldn't start now.


and the mudslides closed roads for two years off and on afterwards. there are flowers that grow best right after a burn, and we saw those as a sign of hope.... til they washed down the hillside taking out the road..... three times....


:grouphug: sometimes we just have to keep on keeping on....


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I just heard on the radio that they FBI was getting involved in investigating? But the radio never said WHY, or explained at all any further. They went on to talk a little about the fire itself or something, but never elaborated on the FBI's involvement. Has anyone else heard this, or know anything about it?

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We saw pictures and a video last night, on the KKTV link, the actual *start* of the fire up on Rampart Range Rd, near the reservoir. The video was taken by cyclists. On the way up, around 11:30am on Saturday, there was no fire. On the way back down, around 1:30am Saturday, there was quite a fire already underway. They quickly came down and turned the video/pictures over.

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I just heard on the radio that they FBI was getting involved in investigating? But the radio never said WHY, or explained at all any further. They went on to talk a little about the fire itself or something, but never elaborated on the FBI's involvement. Has anyone else heard this, or know anything about it?


Yesterday the radio said they were looking for an arsonist. However, they still have no idea what caused the fire, because they haven't been able to get to the area where it started.

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I just heard on the radio that they FBI was getting involved in investigating? But the radio never said WHY, or explained at all any further. They went on to talk a little about the fire itself or something, but never elaborated on the FBI's involvement. Has anyone else heard this, or know anything about it?


Does the FBI usually help?


This may be why: http://info.publicintelligence.net/DHS-TerroristFireWeapon.pdf

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I hadn't heard before ya'll mentioned it that they suspected arson [and the news blurb I heard didn't mention it, which seems weird. How hard is it to say, "The FBI is getting involved in the investigation because they suspect arson", or something]. That's just so sick. :( What kind of person does that? :'(

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I hadn't heard before ya'll mentioned it that they suspected arson [and the news blurb I heard didn't mention it, which seems weird. How hard is it to say, "The FBI is getting involved in the investigation because they suspect arson", or something]. That's just so sick. :( What kind of person does that? :'(


It could have even been something as simple as a campfire not properly extinguished. Seems like I heard that they had found a few campfires that they had to tell people to put out even in the midst of this huge fire burning.

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The FBI may be involved because there were quite a few arsonist activities around Woodland Park in the past several weeks...


Has anyone heard from JudoMom?


Last I heard is that she is safely at a friends house and they don't know about their house, but are hopeful. She asked for continued prayer for those who have lost their homes and the firefighters working so hard.

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As if the fires aren't enough:




They should get extra punishment for this!


OK, this make me sick. Sometimes this world is just depressing. It is really depressing. I don't even know what to say, I have started typing many things and it all just sounds super vindictive. I feel vindictive toward this kind of horrible injustice. GRRRR

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The news conference that is on right now said the FBI is investigating because the fire started on federal land. They are going to be telling some of the homeowners the fate of their homes this evening, I hope no one here is on any of the lists. :grouphug:

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The news conference that is on right now said the FBI is investigating because the fire started on federal land. They are going to be telling some of the homeowners the fate of their homes this evening, I hope no one here is on any of the lists. :grouphug:


:grouphug::grouphug: Ugh. Me too.

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The KKTV page on FB has a notice about a meeting tonight for residents of very specific streets in the burnt area. Trying to copy/paste here. I apologize if it ends up too big...but just in case any WTM'ers are on this list:


PLEASE SHARE FOR EVACUEES: Waldo Canyon Fire Impact meeting -- A meeting ONLY for residents of the streets below will be held tonight to inform them of the status of their homes.

Tonight, 8 p.m., Gallogly Events Center, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs


6 p.m. Busses depart shelters


6 p.m. Check-in opens


8 p.m. Residents meeting begins


9 p.m. Press conference at media staging area with residents from the meeting who will give interviews.


This meeting is for residents of the following streets only. This is NOT a public meeting. Residents should bring identification to gain meeting access. Refreshments will be provided. Counselors will be available.


Residents of these streets should attend:


§ Trevor Lane


§ Linger Way


§ Rossmere Street


§ Tallesson Court


§ Sandray Court


§ Majestic Drive


§ Ravina Court


§ Regal View Road


§ Stoneridge Drive


§ Heartstone Lane


§ Karamy Court


§ Lionsgate Lane


§ Hot Springs Court


§ Jenner Court


§ Brogans Bluff


§ Darien Way


§ Rayburn Way


§ Braeburn Way


§ Timora Way


§ Mirror Lake Court


§ Wilson Road


§ Harbor Pines Point


§ Yankton Place


§ Chambrey Court


§ Charing Court


§ Ashton Park Place


§ Courtney Drive


§ Vantage Vista Drive


§ Vantage Ridge Court


§ Huffman Court


§ Aubrey Way


§ Van Reen Drive


§ Alabaster Way


§ Lannigan Street

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The residents received word last night about their houses. 347 houses burned. There will be a posting later on identifying the houses that were lost....also, there so far is one confirmed death.


Remains were found in a burned house - and another person from that house remains unaccounted for. There are about 10 people unaccounted for.


Please pray for those who are "starting" over....the sun came up today over the mountain, the smoke is minimal, the fire is 15% contained, but for many, many people today, the outlook isn't so good. I pray JudoMom doesn't live on one of these streets.


Many other people have been able to go home from evacuated areas...


It's an emotional day - seeing the joy of some being able to go home and the devastation of some who lost everything...hard to reconcile.



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It's an emotional day - seeing the joy of some being able to go home and the devastation of some who lost everything...hard to reconcile.



:iagree: Definitely a mixed bag.


I'm listening to the latest briefing on the radio right now (AM 740 KVOR for local folks). Sounds like they're cautiously optimistic due to the weather but there's still a long road ahead.


:grouphug: and prayers for those who were evacuated and are now dealing with the aftermath.

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We were able to come back home last night. Our house is safe. My heart is so heavy. Friends have lost homes. At least one person has died, another is missing from the same home, and there are still others (less than 10) unaccounted for. Standing in our backyard and looking over at the burn area is so sad.


One picture shows the very beginning of the firestorm. The second shows just the mountain this morning. I haven't mustered up the oomph to go the 25 feet up the hill where we stood and watched homes burn and listened to the explosions of propane tanks on Tuesday.


Please pray for those who lost their homes. And please continue to pray for the firemen who are fighting this fire, and the police and soldiers who are keeping the peace and taking care of business on that front. While the weather is favorable again today, and while the fire is now 15% contained and didn't grow overnight, this is still an active fire, and as we witnessed Tuesday anything can happen. No one had ever seen a fire behave as it did that day.

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Am I the only person on the East Coast rather miffed at the cable news channels? To me this is a BIG deal .... 32K people being evacuated is HUGE. I've been trying to keep my eye on it during the day but they're barely covering it. I can't help but think if it were NYCity the cable people would be on it 24/7.


So frustrating![/quote/]


:iagree: I've been looking for news and have gone to the links the people on here have provided. I don't get, this IS news! Geez. My 20 dd will be flying into Colorado today to provide an update for TouchGlobal, the ministry she serves with in NOLA.

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We were able to come back home last night. Our house is safe. My heart is so heavy. Friends have lost homes. At least one person has died, another is missing from the same home, and there are still others (less than 10) unaccounted for. Standing in our backyard and looking over at the burn area is so sad.


One picture shows the very beginning of the firestorm. The second shows just the mountain this morning. I haven't mustered up the oomph to go the 25 feet up the hill where we stood and watched homes burn and listened to the explosions of propane tanks on Tuesday.


Please pray for those who lost their homes. And please continue to pray for the firemen who are fighting this fire, and the police and soldiers who are keeping the peace and taking care of business on that front. While the weather is favorable again today, and while the fire is now 15% contained and didn't grow overnight, this is still an active fire, and as we witnessed Tuesday anything can happen. No one had ever seen a fire behave as it did that day.



I'm happy that you and your home are OK; too close for comfort though. Praying for all those fighting and all affected.

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They confirmed that a second person was killed in the fire.


And as if people in Colorado Springs don't have enough heartache to deal with, some people use the opportunity to take advantage of the situation:


"As residents waited anxiously to see what was left of their homes, police reported several burglaries in evacuated areas, along with break-ins of cars packed with evacuees' possessions outside hotels."

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They confirmed that a second person was killed in the fire.


And as if people in Colorado Springs don't have enough heartache to deal with, some people use the opportunity to take advantage of the situation:


"As residents waited anxiously to see what was left of their homes, police reported several burglaries in evacuated areas, along with break-ins of cars packed with evacuees' possessions outside hotels."


Yes, one report I read stated that antiques were smashed, children's artwork ripped apart, and the refrigerator dumped out. If you are going to rob someone why go to such lengths to trash the house? How terrible.

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I'm so saddened by the 2 that died in their home. How horrible for them and any surviving family. :'(




And the looting and trashing TICKS me off to no end. Except I want to use a different word there, but don't want the mod to have to censor me. :(

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