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Gifted Education Week Blog-tour, 2012

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Last year SENG had a blog-tour to correspond with National Parenting Gifted Children Week. This year it appears they are not doing that. I was pretty disappointed by this because I was looking forward to reading what other people had to say, and perhaps contributing a few words of my own. But then I thought, why not organize a blog-tour myself? It doesn't have to be associated with SENG to still be meaningful and important.


There are lots of fabulous parents and bloggers on the Accelerated Learner Board. I bet I could find at least 6 other people who were interested in participating in our own blog-tour, July 15-21st. These are some of the topics that I think would be awesome to help spread the word about:




Thoughts about "pull-out" programs

Thoughts about inclusive programs



Why parenting a gifted child can be lonely/isolating

The problems that come from being in regular ed


Being a gifted adult

...anything else you might think of.


The way this would work is that from July 15-21st each blog would cross post a different piece that would link back to the author. So on Monday all participating blogs would have the piece on "Homeschooling is a viable option" linking back to blog X. On Tuesday all blogs would have the piece "What is 2E?" linking back to blog Z. Make sense? If we end up gathering more than 7 contributors then we can have more than one post each day. No biggie!


I was also thinking that each person could share all of this with the Gifted Coalition person in your state, so then all of these thoughts would get an even larger audience, and have a greater impact.


If you don't have a blog but still have something you really want to say about gifted education you could write a guest post for me! That's an open invitation, for this blog-tour and always. Also, if this idea isn’t for you but you have some good ideas for topics, please share. We need a good name for our blog-tour, for starters...


Who’s with me?

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Great! Any interest in writing something about the high (and inexplicable) rates of food allergies and gifted children? Or anything else you want!




That's a good one! I will have to do some research though, I'm not sure what the science says. (aside from the varying opinions of DS's doctors.)



I was looking at your list and I could write about over excitablilities or the being isolated topic.



Eta: my husband promised to move my blog tonight. ;)

Edited by Runningmom80
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Yes you do Mrs. Warde! Why don't you write something about how to inspire active young minds with science projects at home? Or you could write about how surprising it is when a young child picks up learning so quickly, and you as the parent think "Oh my goodness, now what?"

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Yes you do Mrs. Warde! Why don't you write something about how to inspire active young minds with science projects at home? Or you could write about how surprising it is when a young child picks up learning so quickly, and you as the parent think "Oh my goodness, now what?"


:lol: Well, I can definitely write about panicking! It would have to be a compilation of all the advice I got here. Hmm...maybe I could do that....

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Btw, I just wanted to say I think this is a great idea. I struggle a lot with how much to share about giftedness, and often hold back. It would be nice for a lot of us to come together to write about it, and hopefully take away a little of the "stigma" for lack of a better term, that is being a parent of a gifted child.

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Great! Donna! Do you think you could take this post: and spin it into something like "A Broader Definition of Success for Gifted Children". I think you make a really good point that parenting your gifted child with understanding is not about taking smart kids and turning them into prodigies; it's about helping your kids lead resilient and well-adjusted lives.


Also, I think we might have another Donna on board. Mt.Parnassuss is hopefully joining us, so that brings us up to six.

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I slept on the idea overnight, I'd like to contribute something- but that oddball card is laying on the table. I'm just going to list a few that I think I can help provide some experience on.


Would you guys mind piping up on what sounds most universal so I can focus on it?


*financial burden of g/t materials & resources - how to decide what to invest in


*uneven levels of ability - how to gauge where the child is at in varied areas


*networking in niche interests - ways to meet/discover others in particular areas


*making up/designing studies to fit learning styles/interests


*getting through difficult schedules, and writing them realistically


*going off the grid/privacy when talking with other parents, avoiding judgement




Okay, so there are some general gauzy thoughts. On a more concrete note, something I'm designing but isn't "perfect" yet is implementing a timeline based record of study. And by timeline, I mean exactly that, the 10 foot long charts by Homeschool in the Woods. Is there any interest in learning about what and how I'm implementing it?


It's not exactly a preschool deal, but something I've done that should last her a lifetime; something that serves her concretely now and far into the future.


If I can just nail one of these from interest out there, I'll dive in and write something up that hopefully is helpful from my experiences. :)



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I was looking at Bending the Twigs, but I don't think Crimson Wife has anything already written up that would work, which would mean that she'd have to add yet another item to her already full plate. Kai said she would write something about 2E, but of course the more voices the better.


One*Mom, I like all of the ideas you mentioned. My favorite would be the financial burden that gets placed on a family with a gifted child, especially if there is not a wonderful public school program available. I think there is also something there (which you might choose to explore or not) about how kids from lower socio economic families are less likely to be identified (at least that has been my experience).


I've gone out on a limb (sorry, a little "Bending the Twigs/Virgil pun there), and asked Icounou to write a guest post on my blog about grade acceleration. I think that's an important option to cover, and Icounou will be able to write a good piece.


I think we have a really collection of ideas to present. I’m going to write something about “Afterschooling and the Gifted Child” where I talk about how I use The WTM for inspiration to keep my child’s brain full. So thank you Hive moderators, for allowing us board space to organize all of this!


I’ll be off-line this weekend, but please feel free to keep the brainstorming going and hopefully pull in more participants.

Edited by jenbrdsly
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My kids are still young, but I would love to read about taking a gifted child's lessons deeper at times rather than skipping/accelerating forward. And obviously when to know the difference to accelerate vs. going deeper.

I hope that makes sense...

Great idea! You should write it! :) Maybe Blonde Violin you could pull together some of your experience with math, c-rods, and real life money activities, vs. rote memorization of math facts.


One*Mom, I'd be happy to have you guest post.


I've been thinking a lot more about logistics and it would work best if everyone only had to post two times. The first time would be "The Blog Tour Message" which you could cut and paste from below. The second post would be your actual contribution on your assigned day. This would be the draft for "the Blog Tour Message":


* * *

The Parenting Gifted Children Blog-Tour, 2012


(Name of Blog) is very excited to be participating in "The Parenting Gifted Children Blog Tour, 2012" from July 15-21st. This blog-tour is organized by parents from The Well Trained Mind Message boards who would like to help celebrate SENG's National Parenting Gifted Children Week 2012. This blog-tour is not officially associated with The Well Trained Mind or SENG, but we are a grass-roots organized group of parents with experience and insights to share.


On July 15th The Modern Home School will write about _______________.

On July 16th Sceleratus Classical Academy will post about _____________.

On July 17th Teaching My Baby to Read will share “Keeping Your Child’s Brain Full Afterschool†(that will be about Afterschooling using The WTM as your guide)

On July 18th Homeschooling: or Who’s Ever Home will write about _________________.

On July 19th A Tree House Education will feature 2E issues.

On July 20th Making Music With Kids will discuss _________________________.

On July 21sth Teaching My Baby to Read will feature two guest posts written about Grade Acceleration and ______________________


Come back to this blog on _________ for my post about _______________.


* * *

Then all the blog-tour participants would need to do was 1) post "The Blog-Tour Message" and 2) post their piece on their corresponding day, with a header encouraging readers to check out the other contributions from the tour. Do you think that would work?


P.S. We could still include more bloggers. We could have more than one contribution each day, no problem.

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Great! Donna! Do you think you could take this post: and spin it into something like "A Broader Definition of Success for Gifted Children". I think you make a really good point that parenting your gifted child with understanding is not about taking smart kids and turning them into prodigies; it's about helping your kids lead resilient and well-adjusted lives.


Yes, I can do that.


Not exactly sure how to do what you posted in the other message though. Will the link up be on your blog?

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I'm going to discuss finding a good group class fit for a gifted (or suspected gifted) preschooler and how to discuss issues (and possible solutions for some common ones) with the teacher. I've been presenting on the teacher side of this at conferences for early childhood teachers for several years (I kind of fell into it as a research topic once I was living it :). I'm guessing some of the folks on this board probably participated in my surveys about 5 years ago), so I think I can spin it on the parent side and hopefully it will help.

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What a wonderful resource being offered! I would also be interested in hearing from homeschool moms who have graduated their children. More specifically, how did these mothers follow their children's passions? What they (mothers) learned about themselves in the process? How is that knowledge utilized now that the kids are gone?

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I'm going to discuss finding a good group class fit for a gifted (or suspected gifted) preschooler and how to discuss issues (and possible solutions for some common ones) with the teacher. I've been presenting on the teacher side of this at conferences for early childhood teachers for several years (I kind of fell into it as a research topic once I was living it :). I'm guessing some of the folks on this board probably participated in my surveys about 5 years ago), so I think I can spin it on the parent side and hopefully it will help.


I would love to read this!

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I would love to read this!



Me too!

We have Aly in Virginia on board now to contribute on "Identifying Gifted Minority Students" which is a fabulous topic.

Not to totally side-track myself, but in our district they give the non-verbal section of the CogAT last. That's the section that should pick up the English language learner kids. The problem is, but the third hour of the test all of the kids are fried. I think probably a majority of the kids do poorer on that portion.

I talked to the administrator about this because I use to be an ELL teacher, and I'm always really concerned about things like that (okay maybe just nosy!), and she said that in previous years they tried giving the nonverbal section first, but that it was so hard that it just down a lot of kids right out of the starting gate. You had kids with perfectionist issues who would simply not continue taking the test because they froze up.

Donna, I’ll post a blog-tour announcement on my blog later this week, and then people can post their own announcements and link back to it. Then on their assigned day, they will post their article on their blog. I’m hoping this will make sense once I get that announcement put up.

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Why do mothers worry too much when really it's hard to make the worst decisions with the best intentions. *If you like to lose yourself 110% and research every trivial bit of every little thing that happens or you happen to think about then you'll know that there are a million wrong ways to be mother. *Whatever that's called. *I don't want to write it though. *I want answers I don't have!

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Okay Blog Tour Participants, please read this and edit. Feel free to change anything because I haven't posted yet.


If you are not a blogger on our tour, feel free to add in your two cents too! Also, it would be really cool if we had a picture or logo to accompany all of this. Any ideas?




Name of Blogis very excited to be participating in The 2012 Parenting Gifted Children Blog Tour from July 15-21st. This blog tour is organized by parents who met on The Well Trained Mind Message boards and who would like to help celebrate SENG's National Parenting Gifted Children Week 2012.



This blog tour is not officially associated with The Well Trained Mind or SENG, but we are parents with experience and insights to share. We come from different parts of the country, different school choices, and different social and economic backgrounds, but we all have one thing in common. We know that parenting a gifted child can sometimes be as challenging as it is rewarding. If you have ever woken up at 3 AM in the morning wondering "What am I going to do with this child?" then this blog tour is for you!



From July 15-21 The 2012 Parenting Gifted Children Blog Tour will discuss some of the most pertinent issues facing gifted education today:


On July 15th The Modern Home School will write about "Food Allergies and Your Gifted Child" and Our Roxaboxen Adventures will discuss "Identifying Gifted Minority Students".



On July 16th Sceleratus Classical Academy will share "Don't Panic! Musings about realizing that your child's learning pattern is unusually different."



On July 17th Teaching My Baby to Read will feature “When School Isn't Enough; Fanning the Flames of Learning Afterschoolâ€.



On July 18th Homeschooling: or Who’s Ever Home will write about "A Broader Definition of Success for Gifted Children".



On July 19th A Tree House Education will feature "2E Issues".



On July 20th Making Music With Kids will discuss "The Suspected Gifted Preschooler and How to Approach His or Her Teacher".



On July 21st Teaching My Baby to Read will feature two guest posts: "Grade Acceleration" and "The Financial Hardship that Sometimes Comes With Educating Your Gifted Child".


Come back to this blog on _________ for my post about _______________.

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I'd love to see something on raising the gifted spatial learner. Maybe this is completely obvious to everyone else, but to me it seems easier to identify the gifted verbal/sequential learner who easily handles school work and less apparent what to do with the hands-on visual/spatial builder who defies a traditional approach.

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I'd love to see something on raising the gifted spatial learner. Maybe this is completely obvious to everyone else, but to me it seems easier to identify the gifted verbal/sequential learner who easily handles school work and less apparent what to do with the hands-on visual/spatial builder who defies a traditional approach.


:iagree: I have a very hands-on Builder Boy and I'd love to hear about something like this. He handed me something with blocks today that made me think he might have good visual/spacial thinking skills.

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Okay Blog Tour Participants, please read this and edit. Feel free to change anything because I haven't posted yet.


If you are not a blogger on our tour, feel free to add in your two cents too! Also, it would be really cool if we had a picture or logo to accompany all of this. Any ideas?


I blog but I made a decision a long time ago to not discuss giftedness in my blog. I wasn't sure how else to contribute to the blog tour so I put a logo together last night. It's made up of free Microsoft Office cliparts, tweaked and re-colored for impact. Nothing super high resolution or anything like that. Any logo designed by a child or a qualified, artist here should obviously be given priority (I really am a little shy offering this since I'm not an expert designer!).


Logo explanation: The 2 people in green and yellow represent the parents. The "gifts" are pink and blue (a child of each gender). Heart in background to indicate we do this with love. You could also say the parents' hands are thrown up in frustration, not joy lol.


If you decide to use it, I can email the jpg files to the participants. I have a 350px width jpg for the blog post itself and a 200px width jpg for the blog sidebar.

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I'd love to see something on raising the gifted spatial learner. Maybe this is completely obvious to everyone else, but to me it seems easier to identify the gifted verbal/sequential learner who easily handles school work and less apparent what to do with the hands-on visual/spatial builder who defies a traditional approach.


I'd love to read that too :)

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I blog but I made a decision a long time ago to not discuss giftedness in my blog. I wasn't sure how else to contribute to the blog tour so I put a logo together last night. It's made up of free Microsoft Office cliparts, tweaked and re-colored for impact. Nothing super high resolution or anything like that. Any logo designed by a child or a qualified, artist here should obviously be given priority (I really am a little shy offering this since I'm not an expert designer!).


Logo explanation: The 2 people in green and yellow represent the parents. The "gifts" are pink and blue (a child of each gender). Heart in background to indicate we do this with love. You could also say the parents' hands are thrown up in frustration, not joy lol.


If you decide to use it, I can email the jpg files to the participants. I have a 350px width jpg for the blog post itself and a 200px width jpg for the blog sidebar.



Wow! THANK YOU! I'll pm you with my email.

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I'd love to see something on raising the gifted spatial learner. Maybe this is completely obvious to everyone else, but to me it seems easier to identify the gifted verbal/sequential learner who easily handles school work and less apparent what to do with the hands-on visual/spatial builder who defies a traditional approach.





Also, here is the link for the logo. Thank you Quark!



Edited by jenbrdsly
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Hmmm. I have a lot of experience with teaching a VSL/ADD gifted kid--but only at very young ages. Pre-K, K, 1st, 2nd. That's it.


"but only?" Add all of your kids’ ages together Little Izumi, and that's a lot of years of experience you have under your belt!

Howling Frog Books it onboard with a book review about gifted issues. La Texican is also going to contribute something about "Worrying, Over-analysis, and Parenting your Gifted Child".

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:tongue_smilie: I've only been HSing for two years. Their ages are close and they go through it quickly, is all. ;)

That's more experience than I have and I'm posting. Write about what you know. Write about people's reaction to hearing your little one wanting to do dissections ...on people.

:D I love reading your posts. You have a lot to offer, even if it's just sharing stories and how you dealt with things being so different than usual.

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That's more experience than I have and I'm posting. Write about what you know. Write about people's reaction to hearing your little one wanting to do dissections ...on people.

:D I love reading your posts. You have a lot to offer, even if it's just sharing stories and how you dealt with things being so different than usual.


:lol::lol::lol::lol: Love that kid. Keeps me on my toes.


Maybe. I'll see if I can get any coherent thoughts together tomorrow....

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Okay Blog Tour Participants, please read this and edit. Feel free to change anything because I haven't posted yet.


If you are not a blogger on our tour, feel free to add in your two cents too! Also, it would be really cool if we had a picture or logo to accompany all of this. Any ideas?




Name of Blogis very excited to be participating in The 2012 Parenting Gifted Children Blog Tour from July 15-21st. This blog tour is organized by parents who met on The Well Trained Mind Message boards and who would like to help celebrate SENG's National Parenting Gifted Children Week 2012.



This blog tour is not officially associated with The Well Trained Mind or SENG, but we are parents with experience and insights to share. We come from different parts of the country, different school choices, and different social and economic backgrounds, but we all have one thing in common. We know that parenting a gifted child can sometimes be as challenging as it is rewarding. If you have ever woken up at 3 AM in the morning wondering "What am I going to do with this child?" then this blog tour is for you!



From July 15-21 The 2012 Parenting Gifted Children Blog Tour will discuss some of the most pertinent issues facing gifted education today:


On July 15th The Modern Home School will write about "Food Allergies and Your Gifted Child" and Our Roxaboxen Adventures will discuss "Identifying Gifted Minority Students".



On July 16th Sceleratus Classical Academy will share "Don't Panic! Musings about realizing that your child's learning pattern is unusually different."



On July 17th Teaching My Baby to Read will feature “When School Isn't Enough; Fanning the Flames of Learning Afterschoolâ€.



On July 18th Homeschooling: or Who’s Ever Home will write about "A Broader Definition of Success for Gifted Children".



On July 19th A Tree House Education will feature "2E Issues".



On July 20th Making Music With Kids will discuss "The Suspected Gifted Preschooler and How to Approach His or Her Teacher".



On July 21st Teaching My Baby to Read will feature two guest posts: "Grade Acceleration" and "The Financial Hardship that Sometimes Comes With Educating Your Gifted Child".


Come back to this blog on _________ for my post about _______________.





Sorry, I'm on my phone, so I'm quoting the whole post. My blog will be at childhoodinspired.com (it will be there, promise. ;))

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How long should these be? I'm working on mine and my first draft is about 4,000 words-and that's assuming that parents don't need all the "what giftedness looks like in preschoolers" information that I give when I'm doing talks for teachers.

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I'm working on it.... Eeeep.

Yeah! Do you have a blog or would you like to guest post on one?

Sorry, I'm on my phone, so I'm quoting the whole post.

My blog will be at childhoodinspired.com (it will be there, promise. )

What's the full address of childhoodinspired.com?

La Texican's post will be on www.barelyeducational.webs.com

As for the lengths of the posts, whatever you want is fine.

I need to take off my organization hat, and put on my writing hat so I can actually find time to write my own post! So here's what I'm thinking...

On Monday, July 2nd I'll write up the final "Blog tour announcement" and post it here, and on my blog. All of the blog tour participants can repost that announcement on their blogs too, and also share with any gifted advocacy groups that they know if (if they so choose). In the meantime, please feel free to email me at teachingmybabytoread at gmail dot com so that I can send you are very cool jpeg of the logo. After that, the only thing left to do will be publish your actual post on your blog on your designated day.

I want to say thank you to everyone who is participating either as a blogger, logo designer, or reader. Sometimes it feels to me as a parent that nobody in the gifted education community cares what you have to say unless you have a doctorate in Education and decades of experience in gifted ed. It is going to be refreshing and informative to hear the thoughts of regular people like me. (Note that I didn't say "normal" :tongue_smilie:)

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My dd (8) and I had a breakthrough last night and I'd like to write about it.


My post would be about how (as a teacher and a homeschool mom) I am learning to listen to the needs of my gifted dd (which I don't always understand) and get out of my own way! Along the lines of David Albert's idea of "dismantling your inner school."


Not very succinct right now, but hopefully you get the point.


I haven't read all the responses yet, so how does this work? I'd write the post for my own blog and then link to others? :) I will read the rest of the posts later and try to figure it out but have to run now. . .


ETA: Oh, I see this might be all set. Let me know if I'm not too late. I would post on my blog to begin with. Link at bottom of page. :)

Edited by Terrilth
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My dd (8) and I had a breakthrough last night and I'd like to write about it.


My post would be about how (as a teacher and a homeschool mom) I am learning to listen to the needs of my gifted dd (which I don't always understand) and get out of my own way! Along the lines of David Albert's idea of "dismantling your inner school."


Not very succinct right now, but hopefully you get the point.


I haven't read all the responses yet, so how does this work? I'd write the post for my own blog and then link to others? :) I will read the rest of the posts later and try to figure it out but have to run now. . .


ETA: Oh, I see this might be all set. Let me know if I'm not too late. I would post on my blog to begin with. Link at bottom of page. :)



It's not too late! Welcome aboard.


I was thinking about posting the blog-tour announcement later today, but maybe I should wait until Friday the 6th to give us more time to gather more bloggers. Now that Icounou has left the boards, I'm not sure if he/she is still good for the guest post about Grade Acceleration, which is too bad.


Little Izzumi, I think posting on an older blog is fine. What is your blog address, and what would you like your title to be?

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