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Shock is wearing off, depression setting in and I haven't been able to sleep . . .

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he came home from the hospital. We did our first round of drs. appts. today and everyone said everything looks great and he should be fine but I can't sleep at all not even with my emergency meds. Obviously this is a psychological issue that I need to work through but I think I am going to try the anti-depressants again and see if that helps. About now I would pay for six months of normal.

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:grouphug: I'll be praying for you!


After my dh's colon rupture and colostomy I went through a similar thing. You don't realize how much such a close call takes out of YOU. I was able to mostly hold it together as he was healing, but after it was all over, and he was mostly healthy again, I just had a melt down. (kind of scared him actually..lol) Be prepared for that, and know it is probably normal.


Make sure to take care of yourself. It is too easy to put your own well being on the back burner!

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I think it's normal. It's a kind of post traumatic stress thing. My dh had an accident last fall and sustained several injuries. I was told *repeatedly* that "Wow! A half inch over and he'd be dead!" He spent a week in a level one trauma unit. He was out of work for months.


AFTER he started back to work and was cleared from all his doctors and was doing GREAT...*I* hit the wall. It's weird. A friend of mine told me she did the same thing...her dh had cancer and endured chemo. The year AFTER that *she* hit the wall.


I think that we just don't realize that we have been running on adrenaline, firing on all cylinders to get through everything and hold it together for everyone and do what needs to be done to *get everyone back to shore* so to speak. Then, when we see all is well...we realize we are exhausted. And for women, this kind of stress physically affects our bodies and we deal with fatigue and hormonal storms.


I encourage you to NOT write yourself off. Take care of yourself. I have said a MILLION times that I just want the world to stop and let me get off for about six months. No stress, no surprises...normal. Unfortunately, that is not going to happen. I have tried to MAKE myself go to bed at a decent time. I am upping my magnesium because I know it is depleted with stress. I bought some magnesium oil from Health and Wisdom and I've been doing some foot soaks...especially when I feel panicky. It helps! I use a homeopathic product by Hyland's called Calms Forte to help my brain *turn off* for bed. I also have upped my B vitamins...especially B-12 which is also depleted with stress. I make sure I stay hydrated and I'm VERY careful about what I'm eating. (Very little sugar, good fats, protein, veggies, making *snacks* count) I am highly aware of where my limits are and I respect them. I am better at saying *no* because right now, I HAVE to be in order to be the mom and wife I need to be until I get through this. I am doing everything *I* can do to slow things down...which is hard with five kids still at home. :lol: I have also made a point of doing something *I* enjoy that makes me feel like I'm *relaxing* each day. For me, it is reading something that has NOTHING to do with school or knitting while watching something I enjoy.


I have been reading up on adrenal fatigue and applying what I'm learning. I see very clearly how such a traumatic, shocking situation can overtax the adrenal system and I'm realizing that supporting that is going to help me get past this. (Gaia Herbs makes an adrenal support formula that is supposed to support your adrenals *normalizing*)


I hope some of this helps. I completely identify with you! It's not all in your head! Something *physical* is actually going on. :grouphug::grouphug:

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