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This is the end...

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I have finally graduated!!!! I am so excited yet it is also a bittersweet feeling at the same time. It's been a great season of my life, but like all seasons they do come to an end. I have graduated, and I am ready to begin a life for myself. There have been many laughs, a few times of tears, but I am glad the roller coaster ride of high school is through. God has placed a desire in my heart to serve Him, and I will until the day I draw my last breath. I will not be attending college, and as of right now no vocational schooling is in store for me either. And you know, I am okay with this decision, actually excited about it.


I of course will not be lazy!!!! I am heading off to Africa, Asia, and Mexico to serve and minister to the lost, and help those that just need help. I am going to begin construction on my family's new home, I am learning sign language, getting a job, starting photography, and working on building up my own buisness. So as you may see, God has definitely given me a fulfilled life, and I plan to carry out all this and so much more.


My frequent visits to the board will become fewer and fewer as things more important are placed in my life. Like I wrote above, it has been an amazing ride and I couldn't have had a better outcome. I thank you all for your support, advice, and comfort in all that has occurred in my life, and I will miss you all. But life must go on, and who knows, maybe one day I will be visiting these boards again in search of homeschool advice for my children. ;)


God is so good, and He has brought me through alot. Thank you all and God Bless!!!!



Edited by LuvingLife
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You were the PERFECT student-- I'll miss having you in class!


Perhaps I'll join you on an African mission trip one day...


Best wishes!





Thank you Jann and you were the absolute BEST teacher I ever had, you made math worthwhile and I am glad for all you have done for me. Thank you so very much!!! And let me know when you are heading to Africa!


Oh my! It's already graduation time?


:hurray::hurray:Congratulations on a job well done.


I wish you all the best with your mission work and want to thank you for gracing this board with your generous and inquisitive spirit.


I know I couldn't believe it either, but I graduated and I am so very happy. Thank you for your kind words, I am truly grateful!!


Congratulations, Cheyenne! :hurray: You are going to have a wonderful life!


Thank you so very much!!!


Congratulations!:hurray: I have been so impressed by your maturity, determination, and perseverance. May God bless you and make His face shine upon you!:grouphug:




Thank you so much for your encouraging words!!!


And to all I could not quote, I thank you for the Congragulations and well wishes! You made my high school experience wonderful!!!

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