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S/o of the tattoo threads... What piercings do you have?

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4 in one ear, 2 in the other. I'm going to be evening them up soon.

I used to have a nose ring, but let it close.

My oldest son will be getting his ears pierced soon.

My youngest will wait for awhile because he wears his hair very long and doesn't want even more confusion over his gender. :o)

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I have two holes in each ear and I've had my cartilage done a few times. It keeps closing up when I have to take it out for surgery.


My oldest has two in the bottom of each ear, her cartilage and a nose ring. She's planning to get her belly button done soon.

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Just one per ear, I only wear earrings on very special occasions. I have not worn earrings more than twice a year for at least 15 years. My holes will not close up! I actually with they would have a long time ago. An earring weighing even a tiny bot irritated my ear. They gift of they get pulled down at all.

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None. Not even ears. I would never, ever fuss with earrings though I thought about getting my ears pierced in my teens. What stopped me was the fact that mom got hers pierced and then had infected lobes ALL the time. The doc finally figured out that she's sensitive to several types of metals except GOLD. So the only earrings my mom can wear are ones that have 14K posts which means they aren't cheap. She was constantly losing them and it wasn't as though she had more than three or four pairs to begin with. To this day, she still has to dip the posts in triple antibiotic ointment before putting them in just to be sure she doesn't end up with a red, infected hole.


This did not impress me growin up and so I never had mine done.


I'm the only woman I've ever met that wasn't Amish, Mennonite, or from another very strict church background that doesn't have pierced ears. I'm quite the curiosity.


Every Christmas for the first five years of our marriage, my MIL bought a pair of earrings for me only to discover, oops Faith can't wear them. I don't know why it took her so long to remember. :lol: Dh said it was probably a not so subtle hint on her part to get them pierced and join "the civilized world."



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I have had 6 ear piercings (3 in each ear) but I've let all but 1 in each grow up. I can't even wear earrings in that hole because I've developed some sort of allergic reaction...


I've also had a belly button ring, but I removed it during my first pregnancy and let it grow up.

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I have one hole in each ear. I got my ears pierced when I was 17, after I BEGGED my parents to allow it. My dad was totally opposed to ANY and ALL piercings. Several years later, I considered a second hole in each ear, but decided against it. I would NEVER, EVER have my tongue or nose pierced. I am 51 years old, and I think wearing a single pair of simple earrings looks elegant. Two earrings per ear might be okay with the right earrings, but more than that looks cheap and tacky to me. (I'm not trying to be critical of those who have them, but you must understand that I was raised in an era when body piercings and tattoos were worn only by tramps and thugs.)

Edited by ereks mom
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I have two in each ear, but I never put anything in the tops holes anymore.


I have my nose pierced. I love it!


I got my belly button pierced when I was 19. About 3 months later, I started nursing school and had to wear these hideous elastic waist pants. The elastic band rubbed the belly button ring so much it made it sore all the time. So I let it grow up. I thought about having it done again, but then a couple of years later, I started having babies, and well...you know...my belly button ain't what it used to be. :tongue_smilie:

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Yeah, after all the issues my mother had I'm surprised I ever did mine. Hers were home done jobs (think pin and a potato...yuck).


This is how my mom and aunt had their ears done. But, their holes look just like mine. They don't look weird or anything.:confused:


I have one set of holes in my ears. I used to have three in one ear and two in the other, but the extra holes have grown together.

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I have multiple piercings in each ear. I used to have a few additional ear piercings, but let those close up due to constant infection. It's very odd that only some of the holes got infected, because I've never had problems with any of the others.

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