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What do your kiddos wear

What do your kiddos wear in school?  

  1. 1. What do your kiddos wear in school?

    • Uniforms
    • Regular Clothes
    • Pajamas

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I go to work at 3:30-4:00 on days I teach. I like to lounge in pjs or only shorts. Lilly usually puts on a dress, Aidan will wear his pjs until he wants to go outside. We have had all day pj days. When it Is time to go somewhere, they are quick to dress.


We do practice getting ready to go quickly one day a week for coop and other days we do so, just In the afternoon. We are really flexible.

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My kids had to wear uniforms at their last school and we all hated it. They have to get up and dressed for the day in case we have to go somewhere and just for the habit of it. Every once in a while we all stay in our pj's if I know for sure we will be home all day.

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I'd be REALLY scared to take a book off that shelf. YIKES!


LOL -- it was probably the then-6 year old's turn to 'declutter'. Usually, I have the other dc actually put things back properly, but it can be a challenge to get them to fit. It seems that one really can't have enough bookcases.

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I've nev had a uniform poilicy . . .or even a clothes policy. If they do their work, and get dressed before leaving the house, I'm happy. I often stay in my pjs until I've done any grungy chores on my list, THEN shower and dress. Sometimes the kids knock out a few subjects and I get dressed when they take a break. It's all very relaxed. We even tend to stay up late and sleep in a bit.


My daughter home schooled her entire life until a few months ago. She entered 9th grade after the second semester began. Not only is she academically prepared, she has NO issues with adjusting to a very early schedule, following instructions from others, or dressing appropriately for any occasion. Her high school has a dress code that is strictly enforced and she's never come close to violating it. She's a bright girl and getting dressed and arriving on time is not that hard. I'm GLAD I didn't 'teach to the test' for years and years because it would have been unnecessary to prepare THIS child for a world outside of our home.

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Please tell me I did not just hear the "real world" argument from a fellow homeschool mom. :001_huh:

I know! Like we don't hear it often enough from non-homeschoolers. :tongue_smilie:



My DH has worked in a professional field for 25 years. He had never even had a dress code until last year! He has worked for many of the big tech companies and so long as employees wore clean clothes and were fairly modest, they were fine. He started with a new company last year and now can't wear jeans or sneakers and is suppose to wear a shirt with a collar. He is almost 50, with his first ever dress code and he adjusted fairly well. I think our homeschooled son will, too.

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Regular clothes. But, since my boys pretty much wear the same thing everyday (t-shirt, jeans or shorts, maybe a hoodie,) it is like a uniform:). As much as I love uniforms for brick and mortar school, it would not have worked here with ds15. He had major sensory issues and still is very particular about clothing comfort/style. Dd would love a uniform if it was comfortable and cute. She's my style maven.

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Wow, lots of responses!


Ok, well, for us, uniforms work well. As far as laundry, I would *think* we do less laundry than those who wear regular clothes. They each have 2 shirts, and one pair of khakis. They wear that every day, then I wash on Saturday. We have church clothes, and play clothes, and their play clothes stay nice enough to wear out to b-day parties or restaurants or whatever. After school, if we are not going anywhere, or they don't want to play outside, they just put on their pajamas.


Ironically, for field trips, they wear regular clothes! I like "looking like" a homeschool family! :tongue_smilie:


Home attitude vs. school attitude ~ well, I have 3 boys whose "home" attitude is to wrestle, tease, fight, yell, and run around w/guns, light sabers, playing soldiers and whatever else. W/O uniforms, they had tendencies to be loud and have way, way too much talking and bantering going on between them. Uniforms puts them into a "school" mode where they really do seem to pay more attention, try harder, and concentrate better, and, quite honestly, learn better. The difference between last year's "wear whatever you can find" and this year is AMAZING. So much less frustrating. So it works for **us**. I grew up wearing school uniforms until high school when I went to public school. I don't think it makes much of a difference if you GO to school, but at home, I feel like they need to be accountable for their personal appearance and adherence to an educational schedule, just as if they were leaving the house to go to school.


eeeek, battery about to die, about to shut down...........gotta go for now.....


I'm :bigear: Believe it or not, my ds suggested uniforms earlier this year. We're considering it!

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LOL -- it was probably the then-6 year old's turn to 'declutter'. Usually, I have the other dc actually put things back properly, but it can be a challenge to get them to fit. It seems that one really can't have enough bookcases.


Same thing here LOL! But, every time I see a HUGE stack put away like that at least I know they were looking at all of them:D

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We're definitely a comfy clothes family. I do like them to get dressed after breakfast. Sometimes my oldest will come down early and get school work done before the rest of us get up and work in his jammies. I do like clothes because we live urban and you just never know when the doorbell will ring and we are typically out of the house in some capacity every day.

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the same clothes they wore the last 2 days :D


You can save even more time with clothes if you try to institute the my ds's favorite style. Wear the same outfit the whole week until mom catches you and makes you change.


this seems to be my children's policy

Edited by jenniferlee
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the same clothes they wore the last 2 days :D


Mine have started getting better about changing every 24 hours because if dh catches them in the same clothes they were in 24 hours ago, he makes them SHOWER and then change, and then they risk melting or something. ;)

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However, the people whose kids "must" wear only pajamas or "must" wear their jeans are going to find out that this is not the real world. Every job my daughter has had since she finished homeschooling required her to wear some kind of uniform. I did have her wear uniforms most of the time because otherwise her attention was elsewhere and wearing the uniform seemed to help her realize that she was supposed to be doing school work. I also had to make her sit at a desk most of the time as well or nothing got done. She is ADHD though.


While I agree it's a shame for a child to never outgrow the must wear only pjs stage I think most probably do by the time they graduate.


Also, the argument can be made that never learning to function without the uniform can be just as bad. Uniform dependancy... hmmm, that might explain some things.


They wear strict uniform at school - I like it because there's no carping about brand names or clothes status symbols.


When they were at home they wore what they liked: I insisted they got dressed, but it was very casual.




The one school I taught at with uniforms totally debunked that idea for me that uniforms did away with the brand names and clothes status issues. In fact it was worse there than at the no uniform schools.


Everyone knew who shopped at the uniform closet and bought used uniforms. And if anyone found out you bought so-and-sos old uniforms... the teasing could be horrible. It was easy to tell which kids only had one or two of a certain piece of clothing. And those families that had a harder time making ends meet and buying the uniforms needed stuck out like a sore thumb. Since everyone had to buy such expensive clothes it was glaringly obvious when they couldn't afford the bigger size or replace something stained or torn.


Of course that has nothing to do with uniforms in home school.


My girls would think we were rich if I bought them uniforms to wear, lol. They think they are the coolest things ever. If I ever found them at Goodwill I would buy them a set just for the fun of it. I know they'd have a grand time using them for dress up clothes.

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Yay, another homeschooler who does uniforms!


Uniforms mean that...


The kids are able to practice the art of mixing and matching while dressing themselves.


My oldest wore uniforms for a few years when she attended Catholic school. It seems like uniforms would do the opposite. Since everything is the same colors/already is coordinated, they don't have to practice mixing and matching - it's already done for them.



I voted pajamas but honestly, there isn't that much difference between their regular clothes and their pj's. Ds has sensory issues and will not wear jeans or khaki's. All his pants need to be sweats or similar soft, loose fitting styles. He is usually full dressed in a t-shirt, pants and socks. I usually have to force him to wear shorts when it's super hot outside because for some reason he doesn't like them.


DD is down to underwear most of the time. I try to get her to cover up if I think I might be taking pictures for the blog but otherwise, I just let it go. If she is wearing clothes, she's likely to change 3 or 4 times and since every change usually means totally emptying out her drawer and dropping the old outfit on the floor - I don't really like to encourage this.


We very very rarely get anyone coming to the door unexpectedly. I don't really find it that embarrassing to answer in my pj's since it's basically a t-shirt and loose pants anyway. Some of those pants may have Elmo or Pacman on them, but I'm decently covered. :D I don't worry about lack of bra but if I'm wearing a tank top or something see-through I will throw on a hoodie before opening the door.

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Ummmmm.....there isn't an option for underwear????:D DS is 9 and just learned modesty in the last year:lol:.



Most days here, it's pajamas. We dress to go run errands and change back into pjs at home. Errands clothes go back in the clean pile if they didn't get anything on them.


Cuts down on laundry. I work full time night shift & homeschool during the day on my days off. I don't need anything extra piled on my plate.

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regular clothes, a bit nicer than playwear. I do this because there were too many times I had to pile everyone in the car at a minutes notice and I had one kid in gross jeans and a PJ top, one in a Tshirt with holey armpits etc. I want them presentable but comfy. (Same for me as well.)

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I WANTED to do uniforms this year, but it was too cost prohibitive. We can still buy 14 outfits for a season (name brands like Gap, Gymboree, Janie and Jack) from Once Upon a Child or consignment sales for under $100. I priced uniforms, and they were way more expensive. I need to find out if any of our local private schools hold uniform sales.

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