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Introducing the TOG WTM yahoo group

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I had to enter in the code three times before I got it right.


Don't you HATE those things?!?! I don't know if I ever feel more unintelligent than when I am trying to figure out those darn squiggly numbers and letters! :glare:


Thanks for setting this up, Heather. Hopefully lots of knowledgeable TOGers will join!

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Thanks for doing this. I signed up, but I probably won't participate much at first. We are leaving Friday for Ethiopia for a church/medical mission trip. I've got so much to do and I wanted to start school as soon as we got back, but may need to delay a week as I don't think I will quite be ready, but we will see.



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Thanks, Heather!


I am just starting my journey with TOG this coming year!


Question...(anyonw else hear Dwight Schrute's voice when they see that word?)


Is this group going to mainly stay "on topic" or is it going to be like this general board and TOG Loose Threads (sorry...I know this is a touchy subject right now) and include everything?


I am so excited!

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Is this group going to mainly stay "on topic" or is it going to be like this general board and TOG Loose Threads (sorry...I know this is a touchy subject right now) and include everything?


I thought we were going to *try* to stay on topic, of course I don't think we need to be rigid about it.



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I thought we were going to *try* to stay on topic, of course I don't think we need to be rigid about it.




:iagree: I don't think each and every sentence has to have TOG in it, but I hope the group will at least stay on the general topic of homeschooling and not veer off into endless prayer requests or too many non group related one-on-one conversations. That gets pretty annoying after a while in a Yahoo Groups setting where you are sent each and every post. At least on the Forums you can choose what you want to read & not read. ;)

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:iagree: I don't think each and every sentence has to have TOG in it, but I hope the group will at least stay on the general topic of homeschooling and not veer off into endless prayer requests or too many non group related one-on-one conversations. That gets pretty annoying after a while in a Yahoo Groups setting where you are sent each and every post. At least on the Forums you can choose what you want to read & not read. ;)


That's exactly why I choose No Email and just read online like I do this board. My inbox gets full enough as it is! :)

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:iagree: I don't think each and every sentence has to have TOG in it, but I hope the group will at least stay on the general topic of homeschooling and not veer off into endless prayer requests or too many non group related one-on-one conversations. That gets pretty annoying after a while in a Yahoo Groups setting where you are sent each and every post. At least on the Forums you can choose what you want to read & not read. ;)




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