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Who else saw WALL*E today?

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We caught an early matinee this morning... I really enjoyed it, as did dh and both ds's. I had been afraid that the voice was going to annoy me, but it wasn't said so frequently that I found it grating.


I particularly loved the animation on the first part of the movie. Moe was my favorite character.

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My kids have been imitating it for days ever since I said it drove me crazy in the preview! But I have to say that it was much less a problem in the movie than I had imagined. My kids, on the other hand, are still driving me crazy by saying it over and over! Arrrgh!!!!!

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We did and it was awesome! We really loved it. Great story line with very little dialogue. It was really quite superior. And we also LOVED the short at the beginning of the movie!


Two thumbs up! :thumbup:



Glad it was good. Dd and her beau are going to see it tonight! I hope they like it as well as you did.

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We did and it was awesome! We really loved it. Great story line with very little dialogue. It was really quite superior. And we also LOVED the short at the beginning of the movie!


Two thumbs up! :thumbup:


We loved it except for the thuglettes sitting behind us who wouldn't quit talking,and their parents said nothing to them!:glare:

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We saw it and all loved it too.


The reviewer I heard on NPR today (during the Marketplace show I think) was waxing poetic about it. He ended his review by saying "I envy you all your first time seeing this movie" or something like that.


We'll definitely have to see it again on the big screen this summer. And that short!!! Loved that bunny!!!

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Loved the short. My DH practically rolled on the floor.


My kids and hubby loved it. I actually thought the movie was OK. Can I say that here? :001_unsure:


I guess I over analyzed the movie and didn't like the dominant theme of electronics taking over our lives and how everyone just sort of let it happen.


I did like the animation (as always with Pixar) and liked how Wall-E forced others to see beyond their dull, mundane lives and think about others.


If the fam wanted to go again, I would.

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Oh good! I told the kids I would take them sometime in the next few weeks, but I wanted to make sure it wasn't a bust. The last couple of kids movies we saw really were bad (like The Bee Movie) - and that was at home. I would hate to pay all that money at the theater for a bad one.



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We finally saw this on the 4th. Loved it too. :thumbup: As a Mac family and knowing the Pixar connection we got a kick out of Wall-e's start up sound.


Yes, lol, that had dh and I cracking up. It's a happy sound here. :D



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I'll be the voice of dissent - I went and hated it. I reviewed it on my blog - here's what I said:


"This afternoon V and I went to see Wall-E and we both really disliked it. She ranked it 3 of 10 and I'd be lucky to push a 2. VERY overtly preaching about the environment, weight, etc. Really, really ugly about it too. No great music, no great story line (all people bought too much, threw out all their trash, ruined earth, got super-duper obese and are mindless followers of all advertising and are shamelessly lazy...) It was dark, slow, dialog-less, music-less, judgmental and boring. I agree with the themes - we should be less commercially driven, buy less, use less, recycle more, eat healthy, etc. but I really resent the media preaching to kids in such a shamelessly overt manner. Yuck. J could not go due to a consequence of poor behavior and I seriously think he got a better deal than us! LOL!"


I am glad that other people enjoyed it - it's fun to read how differently we all view the same thing. I did take my DD and her friends to see Kit and it was really good. I would enthusiastically recommend that one.

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I took DS 9 to a Monday matinée. We were really excited to see it because we loved the Wall-e commercials on TV, especially the sound of his voice. (I know some of you hated the voice.)


I loved Wall-E.:001_smile:


I like upbeat movies.


The scorched earth, piles of trash, obese people living on floating lawn chairs while talking and watching TV to be offensive. Is that the picture of America? If it is, then it is time to turn off the TV and stop paying to see movies.


DH and DS said I was reading too much into it, but how can having a scorched earth and blob people be fun? :confused:


Oh well, I did love Wall-E. He was light hearted and resourceful even if his only job was to make really high piles of trash.


I do want to get rid of all our electronic mediums even more now, except the computer I use to travel :auto: the information highway. I guess somethings are necessary evils. ;)

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I'm with you. I did like the love theme of the two robots, but I'm a sucker that way! If they just would have left it as a love story that would have been so much better. Plus, I usually adore Pixar movies, but this one was just too agenda driven for me!

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Help me remember my new mantra from the movie. You know that little guy who goes around cleaning up all the dirt that Wall-e leave behind on the Axiom...the one that detects contamination...I want to use it on my kids...and as much as I repeated it to myself, my mind will not recall it.


It was cute, the kids loved it, but it was awfully gray as in not much color. I suppose there is a meaning in that.

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I'll be the voice of dissent - I went and hated it. I reviewed it on my blog - here's what I said:


"This afternoon V and I went to see Wall-E and we both really disliked it. She ranked it 3 of 10 and I'd be lucky to push a 2. VERY overtly preaching about the environment, weight, etc. Really, really ugly about it too. No great music, no great story line (all people bought too much, threw out all their trash, ruined earth, got super-duper obese and are mindless followers of all advertising and are shamelessly lazy...) It was dark, slow, dialog-less, music-less, judgmental and boring. I agree with the themes - we should be less commercially driven, buy less, use less, recycle more, eat healthy, etc. but I really resent the media preaching to kids in such a shamelessly overt manner. Yuck. J could not go due to a consequence of poor behavior and I seriously think he got a better deal than us! LOL!"


I am glad that other people enjoyed it - it's fun to read how differently we all view the same thing. I did take my DD and her friends to see Kit and it was really good. I would enthusiastically recommend that one.



On another list I am on alot of them hated this movie and said it was really big on environmentalism and humans being a parasite to Earth.


We are opting out of seeing this movie.



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I'll be the voice of dissent - I went and hated it. I reviewed it on my blog - here's what I said:


"This afternoon V and I went to see Wall-E and we both really disliked it. She ranked it 3 of 10 and I'd be lucky to push a 2. VERY overtly preaching about the environment, weight, etc. Really, really ugly about it too. No great music, no great story line (all people bought too much, threw out all their trash, ruined earth, got super-duper obese and are mindless followers of all advertising and are shamelessly lazy...) It was dark, slow, dialog-less, music-less, judgmental and boring. I agree with the themes - we should be less commercially driven, buy less, use less, recycle more, eat healthy, etc. but I really resent the media preaching to kids in such a shamelessly overt manner. Yuck. J could not go due to a consequence of poor behavior and I seriously think he got a better deal than us! LOL!"


I am glad that other people enjoyed it - it's fun to read how differently we all view the same thing. I did take my DD and her friends to see Kit and it was really good. I would enthusiastically recommend that one.


Ugh. I guess I'll wait then, and just pay a rental fee to be preached at about how worthless I am. Movies with themes like this just p!$$ me off.

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I'm the only one that cried watching that movie?


I just thought his apparent lonliness and desperate seeking of friendship was so SAD! I hated the "agenda" that was so prevalent throughout the movie.


Overall, I didn't hate the movie, I just didn't like it much.

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The thing is that I totally agree with the message(s) of this film. I do think our consumer-driven culture is a huge problem and that the way most of the population gives into it is making us fat and stupid. I do think our dependence on technology is dangerous. I'm so there.


And normally I'll go anywhere Pixar wants to take me. With the exception of Bug's Life, which I still have not been able to stay awake long enough to watch all the way through, Pixar usually has my number. Even when I think it's a silly idea and fear that they have finally blown it, I end up really liking the film.


Until this one.


I don't know. Maybe it was too much hype? But, really, I thought it was just okay. I found the opening sequence, which I believe the NPR reviewer referred to as "lyrical," kind of tedious, and the plot was all just a bit thin for me. And, even though I agree with the message, I thought there was too much message and not enough movie.


My 10-year-old enjoyed it, although not as much as some other things he's seen. My husband was in the "it's okay" camp, although he did mention that he finds it pretty ironic that they will be marketing toys ("consumer products") based on the film. Kind of a mixed message, wouldn't you say? My 13-year-old pretty much agreed with me.


I've seen much worse "family films," but I'm afraid I just don't get the hoopla about this one.

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You know that little guy who goes around cleaning up all the dirt that Wall-e leave behind on the Axiom...the one that detects contamination...I want to use it on my kids...and as much as I repeated it to myself, my mind will not recall it.


Now, I DID like this part and thought it was cute! And I SURE wish I had one of those around the house! LOL Could you see it chasing behind my cats as they track cat litter out of the box??:lol:

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Help me remember my new mantra from the movie. You know that little guy who goes around cleaning up all the dirt that Wall-e leave behind on the Axiom...the one that detects contamination...I want to use it on my kids...and as much as I repeated it to myself, my mind will not recall it.


It was cute, the kids loved it, but it was awfully gray as in not much color. I suppose there is a meaning in that.


His name is MO, and he runs around chanting: Foreign Contaminant! I love that little guy!



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My dh took ds, 8 to see it today. Ds apparently enjoyed it, but dh said he almost fell asleep during the first 45 minutes of no dialogue. I, on the other hand, saw Kit Kittredge with my dd's and we all loved it. Very cute, clean and entertaining. there wer many older adults (60+) in the audience who seemed to really enjoy it as well.

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