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Another baby name WWYD?

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We are expecting our second boy in September. Our first is named Jonathon Elijah. We have been tossing around names, and are leaning strongly toward Jacob as a first name. So far so good...but then we started discussing middle names.


DH really loves the name Erasmus. Anathem is one of his favorite books, and Erasmus is a main character's name in it. Also, he remembers it fondly from learning about some monks in the 14th and 15th century when he was a kid.


I don't love it. I don't hate it, but I definitely don't love it. On the other hand, I picked our older son's name. And with this baby being...unanticipated...I think dh is feeling a bit disconnected, and going with his name pick might help with that. And I don't have a middle name picked out that I do love.


But. Erasmus? Really?


So WWYD? :bigear:

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OK, I'll stick my nose in your business, since you asked. :D


Jonathan, Elijah, and Jacob are all nice Bible names, and I am thinking it is no mistake that they are all Bible names.


With Erasmus, I would associate it with the monk Erasmus, who prepared a Greek New Testament that was used in translating the King James Bible (among others). Since the KJV is held in such high regard, I would consider his contribution to western civilization to be substantial. So, Erasmus is indirectily a Bible name, also.


Since you don't hate the name, this might be a good opportunity to let your husband do the name choosing.


Congratulations and best wishes.

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I think it's a pretty cool name, and since you picked the names for your older son and your husband loves it, I think I would go with it!


If it were a first name my answer would probably be different because I think it's best to try to find a first name both like. But for a middle name? I think it would probably make your DH really happy. :)

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I think it's a pretty cool name, and since you picked the names for your older son and your husband loves it, I think I would go with it!


If it were a first name my answer would probably be different because I think it's best to try to find a first name both like. But for a middle name? I think it would probably make your DH really happy. :)


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I like the name Erasmus (for a middle name.) If my dh felt strongly about it I would definitely go with it. It does give both boys the same initials. Some people really like that and others don't. Personally, I wouldn't care either way whether or not the initials matched.

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I think it's a pretty cool name, and since you picked the names for your older son and your husband loves it, I think I would go with it!


If it were a first name my answer would probably be different because I think it's best to try to find a first name both like. But for a middle name? I think it would probably make your DH really happy. :)




The middle name is less important in my mind, since it's so seldom used or even mentioned once the child is no longer a newborn.

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I think it's a pretty cool name, and since you picked the names for your older son and your husband loves it, I think I would go with it!


If it were a first name my answer would probably be different because I think it's best to try to find a first name both like. But for a middle name? I think it would probably make your DH really happy. :)



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I love it!


However, since I'm putting my 2 cents in on baby name threads today..instead of what I should be doing, I'll add one more thing:


Do you really want their initials to be identical? Because I have a lot of kids I do a lot labeling by initial. We have two kids that both begin with C. One is a hard C and one is a soft C but I always have to add a 2nd letter of name or use initials. I love both their names but it would have been easier to use different letters. :)

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I loved Anathem (like, reread it 3 times in a month loved it!), so I am right there with your dh. I think Erasmus is a good strong name, too, with good associations in real history, and as pp points out, you don't actually end up saying it all that often. Plus, when you get angy with ds later, ;), "Jacob ERASmus" has a really nice fierce ring to it! :lol:

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Maybe it will grow on you. I have an ancestor named Erasmus, and I love it. I didn't love it the first time I heard it though. :)


It's also the name of Charles Darwin's grandfather. :auto:


Personally, I don't go in for naming babies after people, but if I did this would sway me more than the monk who translated the KJV. I have serious issues with the translation. :tongue_smilie:


Neither dh nor I self identify as Christian, but we both came from strongly Christian families and grew up around a lot of Biblical names. We just like them. :)


I loved Anathem (like, reread it 3 times in a month loved it!), so I am right there with your dh. I think Erasmus is a good strong name, too, with good associations in real history, and as pp points out, you don't actually end up saying it all that often. Plus, when you get angy with ds later, ;), "Jacob ERASmus" has a really nice fierce ring to it! :lol:


:lol: It does thunder nicely, doesn't it?

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I'd go for it. It has special meaning to your dh, and it's a middle name, not a first name.





I don't love my second boy's mn. But, the oldest got my Dad's mn, it made sense to give my second boy dh's Dad's mn. I rarely think about his mn.


While Erasmus is one that would never have occured to me to use, I think it's kind of a "cool/unique" name that he may love. If he doesn't, he only needs to use it for Social Security/passport purposes. I love that it has meaning for his Dad, and he probably will, too. My second loves that he shares something with the Grandpa who passed when he was a toddler.

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I like the name Erasmus (for a middle name.) If my dh felt strongly about it I would definitely go with it. It does give both boys the same initials. Some people really like that and others don't. Personally, I wouldn't care either way whether or not the initials matched.


Erasmus reminds me of the church historian. Yes.


However, do you want both boys to be JE?


ETA: Evidently the church historian was NOT Erasmus. He was associated with henry VIII.

Here's some information:


Edited by vonfirmath
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I'm okay with both boys having the same initials. They will be almost 9 years apart (with no others in between) so I doubt they will be sharing much. Actually, it might make hand-me-downs easier, since I wouldn't have to change the initials in them.

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I like it! With our fourth I used a family name my grandfather wanted. Didn't love it, didn't hate it. I went with the feeling that I'd use it unless we came up with something better. We didn't come up with anything better and he has that name as a second middle name.

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I'm okay with both boys having the same initials. They will be almost 9 years apart (with no others in between) so I doubt they will be sharing much. Actually, it might make hand-me-downs easier, since I wouldn't have to change the initials in them.


Congrats to your whole family, especially big brother! You'll have big J and little J! :)

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