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"It's just dementia"

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My MIL is in the hospital tonight. She has bleeding in her brain.


Last night we missed an urgent call from my FIL. When he couldn't get a hold of my dh (an RN), he called my SIL. She finally got a hold of me. MIL was acting strangely, she thought that another SIL who lives in Canada was there, even though she was not. And when they went out on a walk, she started to "weed" the sidewalk and wouldn't stop for a whole half an hour.


Dh went to a neurologist with her this morning. The neurologist said "It's just dementia." He did no scans but relied only on the anecdotal evidence. I'm not sure what happened today to trigger them going, but I got a call a little while ago from my FIL saying that MIL was now in the hospital and they found a bleed in her brain. Dh is at the hospital with them now.


Update: The neurologist was talked into doing a CT scan, which is what caught the bleed. He told them to go to the ER.


Another update: They think she had a stroke. She is improving in the hospital. She will have more tests tomorrow.

Edited by Jean in Newcastle
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I am so sorry, Jean! Hopefully they caught it in time to remedy it in some way...:001_huh:


My dad was "diagnosed" with Alzheimer's related symptoms, including dementia. Since my mom had no one to help at homr, he was funneled into adult day followed by assisted living. A year or so later he started having headaches so bad they had to be investigated. Turns out all along he had fluid on the brain - a condition which could have been treated much earlier with great recovery potential. By the time he had a surgical fix, he and my mother were too deep into and dependent on the system. Very sad, and very hard to experience as a thousand-miles-away adult child.


Anyway, I have an attitude about folks in old age getting the brush off just because they're...well, old. I feel a bit indignant on your behalf.


I hope your mil has a full recovery.

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I am so sorry, Jean! Hopefully they caught it in time to remedy it in some way...:001_huh:


My dad was "diagnosed" with Alzheimer's related symptoms, including dementia. Since my mom had no one to help at homr, he was funneled into adult day followed by assisted living. A year or so later he started having headaches so bad they had to be investigated. Turns out all along he had fluid on the brain - a condition which could have been treated much earlier with great recovery potential. By the time he had a surgical fix, he and my mother were too deep into and dependent on the system. Very sad, and very hard to experience as a thousand-miles-away adult child.


Anyway, I have an attitude about folks in old age getting the brush off just because they're...well, old. I feel a bit indignant on your behalf.


I hope your mil has a full recovery.


I'm sorry, Auntie. I am indignant about the same thing.

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Another update: They think she had a stroke. She is improving in the hospital. She will have more tests tomorrow.


:grouphug: Praying. And adding to the chorus about being a strong advocate. I just left the hospital after taking my husband to ER for cellulitis. His regular - soon to be ex - Doctor - saw him Monday, brushed off my call Monday night when I called to report that it had spread, brushed me off again today over the phone when I called to say it was worse. Tonight I just had a horrible feeling and talked him into going to ER. The Doctor there took one look, admitted him and gave him a bag of super antibiotic and he's already feeling a bit better. He's staying at least 24, maybe 48 hours with a complete workup. So far it has not spread to his bloodstream. Who knows what would have happened had I not been so forceful. It scares me.

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I'm so glad they did the test(s). I know your dh is an RN; make sure he follows her care very closely.


Fil had a stroke last year, they began treating it as a bad fall w/ a head injury.


Another update: They think she had a stroke. She is improving in the hospital. She will have more tests tomorrow.
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:grouphug: I'm glad she had family with her who could protect her rights.



The neurologist did not do a what was expected of him/her. :001_huh: MIL was diagnosed with dementia last year and her doctors at Mayo would not confirm the diagnosis ('it could be dementia..') without CT scans and an MRI, despite her textbook progression. There's just too much stuff going on in the brain to just guess like that.


With dementia there are usually lots of little signs, it doesn't present that drastically as the first sign.


I hope she's on the way to recovery.

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:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I hope your mil has a full recovery. I hate the way insurance and doctors treat people. Everyone is supposed to fit into a neat little box w/ symptoms and conditions laid out so they don't have to think. :glare:

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:grouphug: I'm glad she had family with her who could protect her rights.



The neurologist did not do a what was expected of him/her. :001_huh: MIL was diagnosed with dementia last year and her doctors at Mayo would not confirm the diagnosis ('it could be dementia..') without CT scans and an MRI, despite her textbook progression. There's just too much stuff going on in the brain to just guess like that.


With dementia there are usually lots of little signs, it doesn't present that drastically as the first sign.


I hope she's on the way to recovery.


:iagree:My grandmother's geriatric doctor is the same way. He also wanted to rule out other (curable) causes of dementia.

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Any updates, Jean?


Today's CT scan showed that the bleed has stopped. She's still in the hospital and probably will be for a couple more days.


Our biggest trouble right now is keeping the extended family at bay. It's wonderful that they care, but they can be overwhelming. In the past, they've all shown up from out of town, expecting to be housed and fed and crowding into the hospital room. I was woken up at 6:30 this morning by one of dh's relatives wanting an update.:glare: Dh sent out an e-mail later telling everyone that he'll contact them by e-mail with updates and that his mom needs REST!

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